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Hottest Things Your Lover Has Said During Sex

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Active Ink Slinger

What are some of the hottest things someone has said to you (or simply shouted to no one in particular) during sex?

The answer could be the words themselves, the way they said something, or even the things they have talked about.

For example, I’m a big user of the foreign language app Duolingo and I’ve encouraged many others to give it a try. Once, while having sex, both of our phones chimed with lesson reminders which gave us both a laugh. However, she then started speaking simple phrases in French, sort of mocking the notion of being made to practice right then. I told her it was sexy to hear her speak like that to which she responded by doing her best to talk dirty in French with a sultry, breathy tone. To date, I can’t think of anything else I’ve had whispered in my ear that comes even close to matching how hot those words were, despite not understanding any of it.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Active Ink Slinger

Softly whispering in a breathy voice,” I love you”. It can melt you like butter in a hot pan.


My sexual partners and I are more into making each other laugh during sex than saying romantic things to each other.

Ex and a few others use lines from NACHO LIBRE to just make me lose it mid orgasm or mid thrust while being pinned under them w/ my arms behind my back, riding cowgirl or reverse cowgirl.

The line that Ex has used so many times from film and whispered in my ear is, "did you not tell them they were the lord's chips?"

As I type this, I am laughing.

Advanced Wordsmith

"Oh, God! Daddy, please!" Heard from both female and male.

Active Ink Slinger

Fuck me harder, Daddy

That Typing Nerd

"Good girl." She was real good at playing my submissive side and the way she said that almost made cum on it's own.

Always look on the bright side of life... and also my profile because I write erotica you might enjoy.