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Having feelings for your exes?

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Very recently I've been very sexual deprived. And I've been thinking about my exs when I masturbate, that I'm fucking them. Has anyone else had the same feelings about there exs?

My exs are exs for a reason.

A couple are attractive, sure, but their personality pissed me off so much I can't think of them as anything else than an arsehole
Active Ink Slinger
I think you can have erotic thoughts about the times you spent with that ex without really having feelings for that person.

Maybe it is just a guy thing .... it is easier for us to have sex without feelings I think.

I have masturbated to memories of having sex with exs and in those fantasies while I am masturbating they are still sexually attractive to me and still turn me on. But in the reality there is no way I would take any of them back.

As I said they are exs for a reason. Hell I have even had sex with my ex-wife a few times in the past 2 years, but there is no way in hell I would ever get back together with her. And we both know that.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
It's definitely something I've experienced when I'm alone and single. If sex is good, it's hard to just forget about it once you start craving it. And it would piss me off when I thought about how good sex was with some past idiot. But these things tend to happen when we're alone at our weakest and most vulnerable moments, usually when we're single and crave closeness...or really good sex...or both. Especially right after a breakup, no matter of you parted amicably or with hostility. And I usually snap right back to my senses, so I never make it to the mastubatory fantasy of an ex. If my thoughts even trailed that way while masturbating, I just stopped altogether. Ugh.

But it does suck that the people we want to forget about the most are the ones we think about the most. I've been there, and thankfully I'm not there anymore. You get past it.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

The plural of "ex" is surely "exes", no?
Advanced Wordsmith
sucks and is almost impossible 2 get over 1st luv
Definitely not! I was with my ex for 6 years, we've been apart for almost 5 and a half now and I haven't had a single good thought or memory of him.
Active Ink Slinger
I am fresh from splitting from my ex who I was dating for over 8 years. Due to concerns I had to leave him for my own sanity and safety. My ex and I got on so well, my mum said we were a pigeon pair. My ex and I were each other's shadow.

However the reason I left was his mental health. I have a rebound.

My rebound and I met each other the first week I started to work in the same building. We didn't really talk to each other. Just the general hello.

Well when things came to a head with my ex and I. I needed someone to talk to and found myself chatting to my rebound. We found we had things in common and I suggested a sexual relationship I needed to get my ex out of my system sexually.

Whenever my ex would post disgusting comments to me, I called my rebound and we fucked.

After four months I find I am thinking less of my ex and more of my rebound. I don't think we are going to move on more then a rebound. He kind of encourages me to find someone else to start to date.

Yeah my love/sex life is complicated.
Active Ink Slinger
My ex wife is a great friend, and confidant, but there is nothing sexual between us. We are both remarried, and in very different lifestyles.
That would be a big negatory! We have two awesome kids as a result of having sex but that's about as much as we did in the bed.
Active Ink Slinger
My first love has just recently passed away and have been thinking a lot about her lately. There are a few ex's that do come to mind when a song or a place we have been is revisited. So yes sometimes they do return.
Active Ink Slinger
I have, yes but, for now at least, that's done. I sometimes masturbate thinking about guys I've hooked up with.
Active Ink Slinger
happy feelings for him? Hell no. But I do remember the happy times every once in a while. Then I remember why we broke up. No sexual feelings for him at all
Active Ink Slinger
My immediate ex and I had a great relationship before we married, things went bad and we divorced, but we remained friends. We may have made terrible spouses, but we are great fuck buddies and haven't given up sex together when the opportunity presents itself
Active Ink Slinger
past boyfriends I still keep in touch with. Some are great play toys...have great sex with them
Active Ink Slinger
Mixed feelings, love and hate. Love her for being the mother of two beautiful children,. Hate her for being a cheating, fucking bitch. Love her for divorcing me, which allowed me to find the true love of my life. Side note: I have never said a bad word about my ex-wife to my children, she is their mother and that would be disrespectful to them.
So much so that I didn't make them exes fast enough. Sexual chemistry is a bitch to kick.
Active Ink Slinger
Obviously I would just say a polite "Hello" but in the main they are Exces for a reason .

There is only one that I could reignite feelings for and that was for my first ever girlfriend. We never really "finished" as such but her fathers job took her to the opposite side of the country. Back then you didn't have the technology of today whereby long distance relationships can flourish. Out of around 20 previous partners she is the only exception .
Rainbow Warrior
I only have 2 exes, both women. The loss of the 2nd one nearly devastated me, but I still have fond memories of her, but I don't masturbate to either of their memories.
Active Ink Slinger
Years ago, my relationship ended with this particular girl. I was devastated and it took me months to recover but in the end, we really just weren't right for each other. In the aftermath of the breakup, I'll admit that I retained feelings for my ex, feelings strong enough to fuel fantasies during those lonely hours of the night. Even now, after so much time has passed and with the knowledge that I have moved on, there still exist small traces of those feelings. It's extremely rare that those lingering scraps collect enough to warrant another fantasy on a lonely night, but I'll admit that it does happen, albeit very infrequently. After all, not all of those memories are bad. Some of them are quite good. Damn good, really.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Active Ink Slinger
With some people you will always maintain a certain degree of affection.
Even though there's no relationship, you can still communicate and support each other.

With others you will always want to assist the grave diggers, to shovel the earth back in.
High Lord of Darkness
Quote by FirstBlush
So much so that I didn't make them exes fast enough. Sexual chemistry is a bitch to kick.

That's the trouble with good sexual chemistry. It's a hard habit to kick. I still harbor thoughts of the good sex that I and an Ex once had. They are hard memories to put out of harms way - especially when I'm on this site too.

BTW: That avatar is making me squirm here!

I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

Active Ink Slinger
I am not sure that I would be able to identify some of my Exces. I have been with my current partner now for 30 years so doing the maths ,my most recent Ex would have been of 30 plus years ago. Women often look different to how they did 30 years ago.
Active Ink Slinger
Feelings ? ? ?

It felt really great to be rid of both of them.

When you find that they had more time for the 'Sisterhood', that batted for the other team, then you start to wonder why you got involved in the first place.

Talk about 'False Pretences' or 'Fraud' ! !
I've only had one ex and it's Ex. We still love each other and fuck often but when I broke up w/ him I didn't think of him then when I masturbated as I was busy having sex w/ other men.
I've had this from time to time. Sometimes, I may have a dream and then she's on my mind a day or two. So yes, I've enjoyed a few wanks to the old memories. I actually had sex with one ex, several times. And the sex was great, but then afterwards we would end up in a fight and so she stayed me ex!
none whatsoever
Active Ink Slinger
Very seldom think about my xs sexually. Most parted amicably, even if there were problems. A few I am still friends with. We do some business together, belong to some of the same organizations, and socialize a little bit. A couple were angry & bitter.