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FWB anyone else?

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Active Ink Slinger
Just wondering if anyone else out there has or is in a FWB relationship?
I haven't. I've been in some relationships that began as friendships, but there was always a romantic element. Maybe it's me. I can't imagine having a play partner without some sort of romance element. My heart and my penis are attached somehow.

Please, don't make me turn in my man card.
I'm going out to ride my motorcycle or start the grill now.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by c50t
I haven't. I've been in some relationships that began as friendships, but there was always a romantic element. Maybe it's me. I can't imagine having a play partner without some sort of romance element. My heart and my penis are attached somehow.

Please, don't make me turn in my man card.
I'm going out to ride my motorcycle or start the grill now.

Too funny!

I'm with c50t except that it's my heart and my vagina that are attached. I'd be lying if I didn't admit to having wished that weren't the case sometimes. I think life would be more fun and certainly more carefree otherwise but c'est la vie. Thank God for alcohol! CHEERS!!!!
Active Ink Slinger
What pray tell is FWB ?
FWB=Friends with Benefits
Active Ink Slinger
Well, all my friends have benefits to me. Some sexual, some not. Is the suggestion here that the friendship is purely based on sexual benefits? Or is the intention to suggest you are "friends" only for sex? I'm old fashioned in many ways. My definition of a friend is someone I would go out of my way for, probably significantly out of my way to help in his or her time of need - and anticipate the same from him or her.
I do believe that modern usage of the term friend has been corrupted. What used to be an acquaintance is now referred to as a friend. Ever heard the term "a fair weather friend"?
Cock Connoisseur
Quote by BelleduJour

Too funny!

I'm with c50t except that it's my heart and my vagina that are attached. I'd be lying if I didn't admit to having wished that weren't the case sometimes. I think life would be more fun and certainly more carefree otherwise but c'est la vie. Thank God for alcohol! CHEERS!!!!

Couldn't have said it better.
Active Ink Slinger
yes.......takes care of what needs takin' care of and we get down the road....till next well
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Paulfromma
What pray tell is FWB ?
I'm not sure either. What is FWB?
Active Ink Slinger
Yes.. I have had a FWB and it was awesome. I have to say tho, that it wasn't purely a sexual relationship. I care for the man a great deal. He is my go to person for everything.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by c50t
I haven't. I've been in some relationships that began as friendships, but there was always a romantic element. Maybe it's me. I can't imagine having a play partner without some sort of romance element. My heart and my penis are attached somehow.

Please, don't make me turn in my man card.
I'm going out to ride my motorcycle or start the grill now.

I used to be that way but 3 really bad endings to things in the last 10 years cured me of that. Maybe some day I will be ready to take the romantic plunge again but for now FWB works for me.
In a heart beat!
Quote by Ravyn

Couldn't have said it better.
The Way I feel, Exactly, Wowsmile
Wild at Heart
you know, the kids call it friends with benefits. But there is a reason that those friends are also called "friends that never end". It is very hard to not feel something for a friend you fuck, no pun intended. like when I said hard, cause of the boner and fucking. get it? It's hard.

Just by being friends it means you for care each other. If you are fucking.. I mean give me a break, you really care for each other.

Stop the bullshit.
Wild at Heart
Quote by yourmisterdark
FWB=Friends with Benefits

OMG are you a detective or something?
Quote by Magical_felix

OMG are you a detective or something?

Actually Jack, the first poster on the thread asked what FWB meant, then changed his post. Just saying.

Oops, sorry, It was the third poster, not the first.
Wild at Heart
Quote by trinket

Actually Jack, the first poster on the thread asked what FWB meant, then changed his post. Just saying.

I think you need to shut up before I shut you up the hard way. Just sayin.
Quote by Magical_felix

I think you need to shut up before I shut you up the hard way. Just sayin.

I think you forgot to put your big boy pants on today Jack. I was explaining why yourmisterdark posted that on this thread. You seemed to be a little confused as to why he did.

I'm going to borrow the words you posted to someone else in a different thread. Take your own advice. -
Quiet down little boy.
Alpha Blonde
I prefer the 'Fuckbuddy' system to the 'Friends With Benefits' system.

The Fuckbuddy system is more based on sex and hooking up without emotional entanglements. You're generally friendly with the person but you don't know them on the same level as a real friend. You're in it for the hot sex - not the warm fuzzies.

The FWB system has the potential to cause more complications because you're already friends with the person and then you introduce sex into the midst without the 'formal relationship' or 'commitment' banner overhead. Typically if you like the person enough to spend platonic time with them and the sex comes into play and the sex ends up being good - then it's easy for one person to get emotionally attached on a deeper level or make a case for getting into a real relationship. Things could get sticky.

So my method is:
Fuckbuddy = Yes!
FWB = avoid or proceed with caution.
I guess I don't quite comprehend the subtle differences some place between fuckbuddies and FWBs. Buddy=someone you pal around with, hang out, etc. because you like their company FWBs=someone whose company you enjoy and share interests, spend time with, etc. So, you like them both, you have sex with both, but it's not a 24/7 commitment with either. I guess if you're going on vacation, you might ask an FWB to feed your fish while you're away, but wouldn't trust them to a fuckbuddy? smile
Alpha Blonde
Quote by yourmisterdark
I guess I don't quite comprehend the subtle differences some place between fuckbuddies and FWBs. Buddy=someone you pal around with, hang out, etc. because you like their company FWBs=someone whose company you enjoy and share interests, spend time with, etc. So, you like them both, you have sex with both, but it's not a 24/7 commitment with either. I guess if you're going on vacation, you might ask an FWB to feed your fish while you're away, but wouldn't trust them to a fuckbuddy? smile

It's a subtle but important difference because most of the time you aren't hanging out with a fuckbuddy on a regular basis. You have them on speed-dial and start texting them as you're leaving the bar to see where they are and what they're up to. Basically like a booty call. With a FWB - you might have actually gone together to the bar with a group of mutual friends and then ended up having sex at the end of the night. There is an existing and established friendship already there that you also enjoy for non-sexual reasons. Like getting together with a FWB doesn't *always* have to involve sex - sometimes it's a platonic thing. With a true fuckbuddy, you know the connection is mainly sexual and you don't deal with the pretences - you can go straight into the sexting and hooking things up.

This article maybe explains it better.

Quote by [url=

The Fuck Buddy

First of all, let me simply say that in my humble and skewed opinion, fuck buddies are magical.

A fuck buddy can be a casual acquaintance through a friend, family member, work, school, etc. It’s someone who you know well enough that you can trust they wont’ be riddled in STDs but aren’t particularly close to. They usually have some flaw which prevents further developing a relationship, such as being ugly with the lights on, socially retarded, weird and foreign instead of exotic, or is just an asshole. Or you both simply aren’t looking for anything special.

Sex is usually mutually understood to mean nothing beyond that. Any interactions are almost guaranteed to end with bumping uglies. A fuck buddy is a good person to experiment with, as their opinion doesn’t really matter.

The Friend With Benefits

This is altogether a much more stickier situation and way less simple than the fuck buddy. A friend with benefits is usually someone, obviously, who you have an established friendship with. There’s a previous history of caring and concern, but there’s something preventing a full blown relationship between the two of you. It’s a lot more difficult to keep sex simple and emotion-free and it requires a lot more self awareness and control to maintain successfully.

A friend with benefits is a risky endeavor as it has the potential to end friendships altogether and sets the foundation for heartbreak if things start to get out of hand. Undertake with caution.

Quote by Dancing_Doll

Thanks for the clarification somewhat. As I'm not a sexting-hookup person that might explain my confusion. ;)
Active Ink Slinger
yes ....if you want to know just ask him ....!
Advanced Wordsmith
No. But I have thought about it before....
Active Ink Slinger
A wonderful bunch of responses. Yeah I should have said Friends with benefits or Fuck buddies.

I lost my virginity in a fuck buddy relationship but by the end of that relationship the guy obviously had feelings for me and it was hard when I was in the midist of a full time relationship with my ex. My former fuck buddy dropped me and as far as I know he is alive...I think.

Currently in a FWB relationship with a guy I met at work. He was great for me when I wanted to let out my sexual fraustrations and anger over my ex. I left my ex of 8 years and within two weeks later ended up fucking my pal from work.

We both established that we were friends and sex is included but he was happy either way with or without the sex. He enjoys my company and I enjoy his. Amongst this he has kids so that is his priority in his life. Full custody and all.

He is a sweetie though and a great listener as I talk about events that I have been through with my ex.

It is great to be hanging out with a guy from my generation smile
Active Ink Slinger
I feel each relationship has its own uniqueness and that searching for categories especially using acronyms and abbreviations to describe such in my opinion cheapens or reduces them to the mundane. I think this is supported by quite a few people not understanding the applied acronyms. It's bad enough when people use such things as jargon at work (the implication that they are in some exclusive club - is somewhat pretentious) without resorting to them regarding our most, in my opinion, important social aspect.
Active Ink Slinger
Can't say I've had FWB or fuck buddies, but I'm open to the concept.

@Dancing_Doll: Thanks for the clarification. I didn't know there was a difference between FWB and a fuck buddy.