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Fifty shades of Grey

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Active Ink Slinger
I am facebook friends with my nephew and his wife. The wife posts more often he. She recently posted a trailer for the movie (to be released on
Valentine's Day 2015) of the Fifty Shades of Grey. She has also "liked" the books on FB. I see her and my nephew a couple of times of year as they 200 miles away. She is pretty good looking. (Hey you can't help but notice). I just feel kinda odd knowing what my nephew's wife "likes" As best as I can tell, nephew and wife have a good marriage. Next time I see, I want to joke and ask "read any good books lately?" But will resist.
Comments please.
I've heard a lot of different things about this book, and movie, without giving a damn about either. Like that it is porn. I saw the trailer for the movie when I saw Lucy today, which I suggest you see. Anyway, I had no idea what movie it was for until the last five seconds when it showed the title. It seemed to have no real plot, all I could get was two people meeting, and eventually sleeping together. Good luck getting me to see it.
I guess with 50 Shades of Grey that I just don't like stories like that
Brown Sugar
Bored with the books; I couldn't make it through the first one without going to sleep. I don't understand what all the hoopla is all about.

Maybe I can make it through the flick...after it hits Netflix.
Quote by Hasabrain2
I am facebook friends with my nephew and his wife. The wife posts more often he. She recently posted a trailer for the movie (to be released on
Valentine's Day 2015) of the Fifty Shades of Grey. She has also "liked" the books on FB. I see her and my nephew a couple of times of year as they 200 miles away. She is pretty good looking. (Hey you can't help but notice). I just feel kinda odd knowing what my nephew's wife "likes" As best as I can tell, nephew and wife have a good marriage. Next time I see, I want to joke and ask "read any good books lately?" But will resist.
Comments please.

Who cares? Why should you feel or think anything?

There are over 300 million people living in the US.
Over 16 million copies of the book have sold in the US ALONE.
Over 3/4 of the US population are adults
That means that 1 in 15 adults have read at least the first book.
It has an average reader rating of 3.5+ on Amazon.

Meaning that a little more than half the people who read the book - like the books in some fashion, shape, or form for varying reasons. Which equates to what - 9 million people?

I hardly think that means diddly squat, really.

In truth - she's just like everyone else. A normal person who read a book - because everyone else read the book.

No matter what you do in life: don't draw brash conclusions of people based on what they read or like.

My sister did that. She and I have always had personal issues. But when I started to talk to her less because of these personal issues, she at some point during that time discovered I write erotica. She stalked me online a bit - read all my stuff - confronted me about it - told me that reading just the blog was TMI - and then concluded that I spend so much time writing/reading erotica that THAT is the reason I talk to her less. Further: she concluded I must be embarrassed about my erotica, which is another reason I talk to her less.

No - I talk to her less because she's a weirdo who does things like stalks me online and reads the erotica I write which has a lot o my real sex life in it - that's the problem. LOL!!

So - no one's allowed to be like her.
I actually have nothing negative to say about the 'Fifty Shades...' series. It's the first thing I've read from the erotica genre. Lol. It's not something I can re-read without cringing though!

I'll gladly admit that I'm intrigued by the movie; the gorgeous leads make it all the more appealing... (C'mon, we all watched The Ides of March for Clooney and Gosling!) Oh, and I really liked the revamped Beyonce number in the trailer - "Crazy in Love" sounds uber slick and sexy now.x
The trailer makes it look like a glammed-up porno.
This is one of those cases where, if the director and cast play things right, they could actually improve on the source material. Not that there's much hope of that actually happening, but it would not be the first time (e.g. Jaws). That said, I think clum nailed it.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by emilykiss
Oh, and I really liked the revamped Beyonce number in the trailer - "Crazy in Love" sounds uber slick and sexy now.x

I like the track too.

I haven't read the books but because I know it started as Twilight fan-fic, I can't help but make the mental comparisons - especially in the opening scenes of the trailer - awkward, fidgety girl meets and becomes the obsession of brooding, power-male with perpetual slightly constipated expressions. Still, if it worked the first time, no doubt it can work again.

I would maybe watch it for free on Netflix or the movie network - but probably wouldn't go out of my way for it.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Saw the trailer. Movie looks crappy. I'm sure it'll do fine in theaters.

That slowed-down, acoustic version of Crazy in Love playing in the trailer turns me on.

That's all I got.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Cheeky Chick
I went months and months hearing about the book. I didn't understand what the big deal was. Finally, I gave in and bought it, read it and wondered what is the big deal? I also didn't like the ending, but that was simply because I didn't realise there were two more books to it. Which left a bad taste in my mouth. I wanted to see what happened, I don't like leaving things unfinished. So, I got those too and read them. It's a little unrealistic to me in how it takes place. It's all done within less than a year. And all that happens, I'm like really? I understand it is a book, but come on.

Like Emily, it was my first erotica book that I had read. I wasn't even on Lush at that point. And I was disappointed in the sex scenes and there were MANY.

I, like so many others, will not be going to the theater to see this. But, once it hits Netflix or wherever, I'm sure I'll watch it. I'm curious as to see how it is going to play out. We shall see.
I haven't read the book. I bought it for $3.00 used at the used bookstore I bought it at.

I haven't read the first page.

I'll probably see the movie in the theaters when it comes out.
Unicorn Wrangler
Being someone who had loved this genre for years thanks to Anne Rice & her Sleeping Beauty Chronicles (not for the faint of heart) I did read these as well. I liked the first book and was pissed with the ending. I knew I had to read book two which of course forces you to read book three.

My primary complaint is how shitty Christian Grey behaves. In book one it made sense but by book three he's still a petulant child for all practical purposes, and Ana is a spineless wimp.

Was the sex hot? Yes. But it was so unrealistic too.

Was the story enjoyable for me? Mostly yes. But it seemed these were two almost perfect people. Christian is smart, wealthy, and a sex fiend. Ana could cook, cut hair, and was very book smart, but had no spine to Christian. And when she did, it blows up in her face (so to speak.) And why the fuck is she still treated like a child by so many people in her life. That bugged the shit out of me as well. For those who have read it, you know what I'm talking about.

I hate reading about spineless women. I understand she was naive, but still spineless is uncalled for.

I did like the way the series ended, but I do wish it showed Ana with more spine.

As for the movie, I will not see it the theater. I might rent it, but I kinda doubt it.

And to be honest, I've read better BDSM themed stories here on Lush... but that's my opinion.
Internet Philosopher
I haven't read it and have no plans too do so.

The movie will have naked bodies and sex in it, so I'll see it at some point.

I'm really more interested in seeing her boobs than I am in the story
Active Ink Slinger
Lol that's a good take on it milk, however I've read the books and while there is no teaching in it. It shows our way of life in a possitive light. The love story is amazing and grey is a kick ass emotionally unstable dom.
Someone has to be the Villain
It's the shittiest book around. I can't be doing with heroines who don't have any common sense! The whole series is unrealistic and I absolutely hate it. I only dabble in bondage (although it can get pretty hardcore), but my partner and I have a Dom/sub relationship on occasion (ie, when we're in the mood) and if he ever "spanked" me to the point where I cried the way she does in the book, I'd leave him, because that's abuse. There's no discussion about limits, there's no fucking respect in that relationship.

It really pisses me off that women think that's a) a healthy relationship and b) a healthy D/s relationship. He's still a stroppy douchenozzle by the end, and she has no spine.
Head Nurse
Quote by SirDominic
grey is a kick ass emotionally unstable dom.

Is it just me or is this an oxymoron?
I didn't waste my money on the books, so I'm not wasting my money on this movie (based on the crappy trailer above).
Active Ink Slinger
Just because the wife likes 50 Shades, don't assume she's an expert BDSMer lol, or truly into it. Many many women who have read these books didn't even know what a Dom was until said book(s) I'm sure. Reading it is a big difference than actually doing it. And some of these women/couples I predict will claim to be kinksters just cause they occasionally spank their parents ass during doggy position/have it down to them, or used handcuffs twice in their life lol.
It's like reading Harry Potter books and all of a sudden claiming to be into sorcery. It's the 'bdsm for dummies' version in my view.
Now did I read the books? Yes I did...I was mildly entertained, sure...a big part of wanting to read it was to see if the author actually knew what she was talking about. A little...but a lot was outta whack. She claims herself all her research consisted of were google searches. Will I go see the movie? Yeah probably lol, curious cat I am.
Anyways that's my view..
~*~*~* Only the one that hurts you can make you feel better ~*~*~*
~*~*~* Only the one that inflicts pain can take it away~*~*~*

Check out my latest story: Drawn to Addy - Part 2
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AriOli101
It's the shittiest book around. I can't be doing with heroines who don't have any common sense! The whole series is unrealistic and I absolutely hate it. I only dabble in bondage (although it can get pretty hardcore), but my partner and I have a Dom/sub relationship on occasion (ie, when we're in the mood) and if he ever "spanked" me to the point where I cried the way she does in the book, I'd leave him, because that's abuse. There's no discussion about limits, there's no fucking respect in that relationship.

It really pisses me off that women think that's a) a healthy relationship and b) a healthy D/s relationship. He's still a stroppy douchenozzle by the end, and she has no spine.

I wouldn't exactly call 'spanking to the point of tears' abuse...if the sub enjoys that, it's different. I've been spanked to tears before, it wasn't abuse.
However in the book's case, then yes I'm with you that it was pretty much abuse, since she was so inexperienced and he went too far too soon.
They do discuss limits in the book, but since she has zilch experience there are some things that she's open to that he should reeeeeally be careful about and not take her words at face value. That's a Dom's responsibility, the well being of his sub.
~*~*~* Only the one that hurts you can make you feel better ~*~*~*
~*~*~* Only the one that inflicts pain can take it away~*~*~*

Check out my latest story: Drawn to Addy - Part 2
Active Ink Slinger
If she didn't want people to know that she liked 50 Shades then she would not put it on Facebook.
Scarlet Seductress
1 - Both the script and novel are shockingly bad

They had to get Mark Bomback in to clean up Kelly Marcel's script for this movie, and he's got a shocking track record when it comes to character dialoguing, e.g. Total Recall, Live Free or Die Hard, ...

"Why is anyone the way they are? That's kind of hard to answer. Why do some people like cheese and other people hate it? Do you like cheese?"

"My inner goddess is doing the merengue with some salsa moves."

2 - Nobody wanted to play the male lead because he's so boring

First to turn it down was Ryan Gosling, shortly followed by Christian Cooke. Garett Hedlund said he "couldn't connect with the character," and he was the star of Tron: Legacy! That speaks volumes. Then Charlie Hunnam of 'Sons of Anarchy' dropped the role, so they finally settled for the guy who played the sheriff on one season of Once Upon a Time.

3 - It equates an abusive relationship with BDSM and Bondage

Christian Grey is a "cold-hearted predator with a dungeon filled with toys," and it's heavily implied that his predilection for bondage sex is a result of a mental disorder. The whole book/movie preserves the long-held misconception that people who enjoy BDSM are mentally unstable in some way, which is simply not true.

Most real people who enjoy that dynamic in a relationship are mentally healthy, and they tend to ease people new to the scene into things, rather than traumatize them with the more extreme practices. Grey messes up the most basic of bondage rules throughout the story. Cable ties are a bad idea! Even the most novice members of the community know not to use cables, because they can cut or bruise skin easily.

4 - Where's the fucking sex?!

The only thing that's going to stun people about this big screen adaptation is how little of the book's sex is actually in it. Watering it all down with naked bottoms and artistic pelvic thrusting in order to secure a commercially viable R rating, will do nothing for the success of this movie.

Despite the fact that the only reason people cared about this series in the first place was because of the Twilight element and graphic sexual content, the producers of Fifty Shades of Grey are insisting that what really got everyone's attention was the boring, yawn-inducing love story.

This is going to be the Hindenburg of date movies.
I like the books a lot more personally but I saw the trailer and it doesn't look appealing to me.
Quote by Liz
1 - Both the script and novel are shockingly bad
This is going to be the Hindenburg of date movies.

Except that people went down with the Hindenberg... ... ... *tumbleweed*... ...

xx SF
I read it. As an avid reader I have to give my personal opinion. It sucked! A poorly written piece of trash. I think Ashleigh's surfer girl story, West Coast Games, or Lexi's I Shouldn't Love This Way book beats the snot out of this over rated garbage.
Well~ I guess that is TMI regarding the nephew's wife, lol, sorry, but FB 'likes' are as common as other info and opinions shared on there that might not be what some would consider appropriate. You might not be liking what someone follows either - and it is all out there if they are open or unconcerned. There are political views and everything else when sometimes people do not care to hear that stuff either or even know - it is the person's choice how much she wants others to see and know. Think of it this way, a lot of people have read the book, it is kinda a mainstream thing that any woman may feel inclined to read just because a girlfriend said it was "HOTTTTT" or there is some buz about it, but it doesn't mean anything, or that the person is some well-versed BDSM expert doing that stuff. lol. Everyone needs spice, one way or another, and some people read it, as exhibited by this site, and some peole read and like things because everyone else does. They read it for all different reasons, just like here.

Some people do not read it and live it.

I would not be concerned about what others post on FB.

I would not be concerned at all. Many people dabble and get ideas... about a lot of things, and ultimately that is her decision anyway. Fifty Shades is just a book ~ and could mean nothing more than she thought it was a good read or hot.

Why do you think people write erotica under pen names? (or any genre)

If she ever does want to get into BDSM or experiment with your Nephew in anything sexually exploring- really that is none of your biz anymore than your bedroom biz is their business - whether you choose to talk about it or "like" things on FB or not. You can avoid reading it if they post such. I just would not put too much stock in that FB "likes." You will just have to accept to get that out of your mind or turn it over. Maybe if she does she will find out what it is REALLY about instead of just a fictional book (when BDSM is different for everyone and does not even have to include anything to do with pain or abuse or anything else like that.)

Try not to worry.

(It is the quiet ones you need to worry about, lol, not the ones that read and 'like' that book. Someone else said this, and I quite agree, that for those who read and thought the books were "good" - it really stands to make one wonder what their measure of comparison must be like. confused ) - Really, try not to read too much into that deal.
Quote by lilgirl1414

I wouldn't exactly call 'spanking to the point of tears' abuse...if the sub enjoys that, it's different. I've been spanked to tears before, it wasn't abuse.
However in the book's case, then yes I'm with you that it was pretty much abuse, since she was so inexperienced and he went too far too soon.
They do discuss limits in the book, but since she has zilch experience there are some things that she's open to that he should reeeeeally be careful about and not take her words at face value. That's a Dom's responsibility, the well being of his sub.

Exactly - it doesn't display a proper D/s relationship, neither does it exactly deal with the safety side.
Active Ink Slinger
I was a little late on the bandwagon but read the books earlier this year. I got through them fairly quickly. I was a little lost on why there was so much controversy over them. Didn't seem that risqué or or s&m. Seemed more like a romance novel. Once I finished I was looking for something a little more erotic. I saw an add on cosmopolitan magazines Facebook page about lushstories. I checked it out and now here I am. I am hooked. I suppose I have 50 shades to thank for leading me here.


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F. Scott Fitzgerald