Zlatan Ibrahimovic just because he'll constantly be reminding me that he's the greatest futbal player in the world.
It'll be funny.
And he's very handsome.
Alison Brie
Not so much because she is beautiful (she’s jaw-droppingly attractive) but because I like to imagine that when someone goes down on her, she gasps and moans in the sexiest and most seductive ways possible. While it’s an excellent show on its own, her sex scene in the first episode of GLOW hooked me on the series.
I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?
Ana de Armas, Laura Haddock, Daisy Ridley, Alicia Vikander...
Dr. Matt O'Dowd of PBS Spacetime. Hottest nerd ever. Love to have him between my lips.KUsAKxRnGnXQazx0
Sarah Blackwood of Walk Off the Earth (maybe a threesome with her and her partner Gianni of the same band) or Racheal Price of Lake Street Dive. Love to make these ladies sing.
I'd say that If I got nothing in return, hmmm, I'd pass