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Do you match your boyfriend's (or gf's) "type"?

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Active Ink Slinger
I'm asian, and I know my boyfriend has said, "i don't normally like asian girls, theyre not my type." Do you get that kind of thing, or do you normally match what your lover tends to go for looks-wise?

I'm just asking this with "type" meaning the ideal appearance that we look for when dating, if we include personality with that I suppose it gets a little more complicated.
Active Ink Slinger
Not a single girl I've ever slept with or dated has been my "type". I was not the "type" for any of them either. It's very odd.
Active Ink Slinger
Hmm I have never had a man ever say that to me - usually it's been the opposite. For me, however, I have been known on a few occasions to fall for a guy that might not have otherwise been my "type" but then again, I'm not with any of them right now so obviously the mis-match was a miss indeed :P
Advanced Wordsmith
I'd like to think that my gf and I are each other's 'type' I mean she certainly is mine, I guess never asked her if I was hers. I've met a few of the guys she's dated before and they certainly don't seem wildley different from me.

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Constant Gardener
Quote by Phaypi
I'm asian, and I know my boyfriend has said, "i don't normally like asian girls, theyre not my type." Do you get that kind of thing, or do you normally match what your lover tends to go for looks-wise?

Sounds like a rude thing to say to anyone you might be dating...let alone your steady girlfriend or boyfriend. If such was ever said to me, I might have reservations continuing the relationship...after all I'd hate to cramp the bitch's style.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale

Sounds like a rude thing to say to anyone you might be dating...let alone your steady girlfriend or boyfriend. If such was ever said to me, I might have reservations continuing the relationship...after all I'd hate to cramp the bitch's style.

Now I'd disagree with you there. It means that they're interested or in love with you as a person, more than what you look like.
My "type" is Latin or Med looking yet the only person I was in love with was blue-eyed, blond haired and Dutch. I really think that when you only go for your "type" it's superficial to an extent, when you go against "type" it's often more meaningful.
Type? I prefer FEMALE. (Oh and Phaypi, the only two TYPES of men who WOULDN'T find a little beauty like you to be EXTREMELY attractive are those who are gays who don't like women at all and those with utter SHIT for taste in the first place!
Having said all of that, there are those who are drawn to that which is different or "exotic" as in a PREFERENCE for a race different than your own which is not at all uncommon. in some cases due to mistaken myths.
Active Ink Slinger
My boyfriend does not say he does not find ME attractive, he merely says he normally does not find many asian women attractive. My ideal "type" is a quiet intelligent blond guy with glasses, whereas my boyfriend is dark haired dark eyed, loud, jokes a lot, and I hate when he wears glasses. I was just wondering if this kind of contrast is something that happens quite often, or perhaps since I put together my ideal image of a guy when I was younger, my tastes have changed without quite consciously realizing it?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BelleduJour
Hmm I have never had a man ever say that to me - usually it's been the opposite. For me, however, I have been known on a few occasions to fall for a guy that might not have otherwise been my "type" but then again, I'm not with any of them right now so obviously the mis-match was a miss indeed :P

Thanks for being the only girl that responded :P
The Linebacker
When I think of 'type' I think of personality, interests, values. As for as ethnicity that never mattered. In my single days I've had romantic relationships with other ethnicities/races, but their attitudes, personality types were all similar.
Active Ink Slinger
Phaypi, I really find it a bit odd that you are with someone who tells you "you are not his type". I am a white guy who has always dated Asian women, and on the few occasions that i have not dated an Asian and told the woman that she is not my type, it was because although i liked the non-asian woman, i knew the relationship would only last until i found ("my type") an Asian
Active Ink Slinger
The meanings of the words at play are fairly vauge but the OP is making it clear that "type" refers to "certain physical attributes that one finds attractive". Any person is much more than just appearance. I don't find it surprising that one would find another attractive despite one's own aesthetic tendencies. I certainly have my own and few of my significant others have fit but it really doesn't matter to me as everything else trumps what a person looks like.

I can't say for certain if I match my significant other's "type". We've been together for 7 years and I've never worried about it.
"You're not my type" - what an insulting thing to say to someone you're in a relationship with. I'm married to my husband so that makes me his exact type.
Physically, I don't really seem to have a "type". I married an Asian but I've been attracted to just about every race, look, and body type on the planet at some point. I used to think I did (slim, dark, small-breasted) but I've been attracted to too many women who don't fit that "type" to still believe it.

Personality-wise, I seem to be attracted to rather strong, extroverted, assertive women. Which is weird because that ain't me at all. I'm a rather meek, socially anxious introvert in real life. Opposites attract?? Again, though, I could easily list some women that I have found attractive who don't fit the type.

In the end, I'm not (consciously) looking for a "type", I'm looking for a connection on some level that draws me to the person and that isn't always the same thing from person to person.
Active Ink Slinger
'course not. she doesnt go for dykes. well, until me. I try not to care, though
Active Ink Slinger
Not sure my bf has a 'type', I've met his ex-wife and we are complete opposites.
Active Ink Slinger
It has been my experience that having a "type" predisposes you to being a "type".. once you exclude the infinite possibilities offered by a more open-minded approach, you have eternally sentenced yourself to drive up windows instead of fine dining.. my GF isn't my type.. she is my everything..
Story Verifier
My type is women.

I'm attracted to all of them for different reasons but the only ones I've been drawn to all resembled my cousin who I fell in love with 60 years ago and it never changed. I've seen her face on all colors and sizes and that's all it ever took to attract me. I've adored my wife for 43 years, always will, and, yes, she does resemble her.

I never have and never would tell someone they weren't my type though. That is a very demeaning thing to say to someone.
I am always a gentleman.