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Can you be in love with two people at the same time?

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Having a split personality would help...I guess

Life is not a rehearsal!!
Yes (but only when it comes to me )
Most definitly, it's called a three way !
Yes, and I currently live with both of them.
Quote by Beffer
"Yes, and I currently live with both of them."

Me too!

It is definitely possible to be in love with more than one person, and the number of persons another person can be in love with is not limited to two. For many, polyamory is the most rewarding and least restrictive way to live. For a lot of people not being poly can actually be a lot like trying not to be homosexual. You can't just change yourself because society thinks you should. All you can do is act like it, and the only reason to do that is because you feel unsafe (emotionally, mentally, or physically), which is unacceptable to me.
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I have three guys and two women I love in a way without a commitment to one or another.
They are all FWB, and we cohabit together with any one or all of us. We each have our favourite but we share and share alike.
The relationship is one that has existed for over two years without any complications.
you bet your ass! I've been married 35 yrs, and no sex. Started dating another 20yrs ago , fell in love and stayed in love with both women. Unfair I know, but only way I can function.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

If you can keep the drama out of it and just love, yes. I was close to a triangle of women that ended badly with a seriously hurt victim.
Yes I can and have twice been in love with two (completely different) women at the same time. Accepting it is a big help: the first time was distressing and uncomfortable; the second time was fine when I accepted I loved both.
Love comes in many different forms. I have found that yes you can love more then one person at a time but for me it is more then love. It is who I want to be with at the end of the day. Who inspires me, stimulates me, mind, body and soul. That is very special and hard to find. I have loved in different levels many, but finding even one person who 'gets' you is a gift.
Yes, hardest part is having to choose.

I don't see why not.


There's sexual love then there's platonic love.

Sexual Love is for Mik only.

I don't know. I think there's different kinds of love. I've never been in the kind of intimate love that leads to a relationship with more than one person before. But that doesn't mean it's not possible. Nor does it mean I don't have friends who I love dearly.

Yes. I loved them both for different reasons, which made sense, because they are two different women. It’s not smart to fall in love with two women at once, but realizing it’s possible changed me. I will always love you, Lisa, wherever you are now.

As others suggest, depends on the love. For purely sexual love, aka lust, I can definitely have multiple at the same time. It is mostly about enjoying them physically. But when you add in romantic love, then I am less sure. I really find a romantic relationship, esp. a long-lasting one, takes a lot of work and energy so probably one at a time. Serial monogamy would be possible, but not sure I could do a poly relationship involving more than one actual romance (vs. one focused mainly on sexual interaction).

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.