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Brittany McHenry.....would ya?

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Active Ink Slinger
After the really shitty thing she did to that parking lot attendant, would ya still consider her cute? C' truthful.

"Being male is a matter of birth.
Being a man is a matter of age.
Being a gentleman is a matter of choice."
Yes, she is cute. She is not a beautiful person, but as far as skin deep goes, she is cute.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm not really into her beauty pageant aesthetic in the first place, but I can't look at her without thinking: ugly, cruel, bully. Not cute.
Her Royal Spriteness
totally cute. and mean. and stupid. and talentless. but yeah, cute. *shrugs* i wouldn't fuck her, tho.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

She's not my type (and I have no idea about the parking lot thing).
Brown Sugar

This ugly rant diminishes any exterior pretty. It's a matter of character - hers is not right. She needs to bring that attitude on down a thousand!
Active Ink Slinger
Look I can "change her".......really I can. Okay the sex will be incredible and hot.....but at other times I can change her, mould her into a new "good person" kinda girl.....truly.....don't judge......under my tutelage.....well it will be an amazing transformation.....she'll be giving car hop boys HUGE TIPS....and complimenting the cleaning ladies in our hotel rooms as they clean up the mess from our sexual carnage the night before.....yup she'll give those cleaning ladies beauty tips and I'll give them stock tips......we'll CHANGE THE WORLD TOGETHER.......we'll lift car hop boys from poverty so they can start their own social media company or green energy company and list it on NASDAQ........

What this isn't an application for an IVY league school? I thought everyone was supposed to change the world. Okay I'm just starting my "change journey" with this amazingly HOT chick can go to Laos and build an orphanage if you want. I need to just make her a nicer person.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Possibly

This ugly rant diminishes any exterior pretty. It's a matter of character - hers is not right. She needs to bring that attitude on down a thousand!

Maybe this was her FOX news audition tape.
Brown Sugar
Quote by jollylolly

Maybe this was her FOX news audition tape.

Actually, it might be her exit interview! How 'bout that?
Active Ink Slinger
She obviously has very bad manners and little respect for others.
Maybe weird, but makes me want to do her from behind rough and hard.
The Linebacker
She's an arrogant, rude, classless, tacky, snotty bitch! No doubt she only got that job on her looks, because she exhibited a lack of intelligence and character.

She's window dressing with no depth.
Gentleman Stranger
Quote by Buz
She's an arrogant, rude, classless, tacky, snotty bitch! No doubt she only got that job on her looks, because she exhibited a lack of intelligence and character.

She's window dressing with no depth.

Perfect! I would only add that, if you've ever seen her do interviews with coaches or athletes, Buz's opinion is confirmed. Airhead, as clueless as she is classless. Fifteen minutes of fame? Over!

Of course, now I've just engaged in trashing her, much as she did that unfortunate young woman. The difference is, she earned it!
Alpha Blonde
Superficially speaking, she's still hot. I can see guys still wanting to fuck her just based on that, but her nasty attitude and mean girl vibe will probably make her a pariah in her industry. A great many athletes come from exactly the kind of working class backgrounds that she was making fun of and her elitism may not win her over as many big interviews as she was able to land before. The stuff she said was just sooo ugly and to pro athletes, hot girls are a dime a dozen.
Active Ink Slinger
She's hot yeah but being hot doesn't excuse her from being a dick to people.
Active Ink Slinger
I would definitely let her blow me, but probably wouldn't fuck her. That being said, It sounds like the attitude and name calling was most likely provoked as the video that we've all seem was highly edited and shows very little dialogue from the attendant. And subsequent news reports are saying the attendant will not release the unedited version. And this towing company has a less than stellar reputation in the community.
"Being male is a matter of birth.
Being a man is a matter of age.
Being a gentleman is a matter of choice."
I think if u abuse other people and think u are better than other u are immediately so disgusting that what is INSIDE overshadows anything that shows on the outside

She is on the tv because she is attractive. ..that is it

Maybe if we valued the brain more than the package perhaps society would be a better

I have never considered a man's looks when I have dated

A brain lasts forever..looks do not

Sad that she thought she was so much better than all because she reads a few lines off a prompter

But I am 49 and I much rather spend a night with a man who made me laugh

Than one who abuses others because she did something wrong

All people have something beautiful about them

The ones that shine are those that are kind to others

Great question!
Rookie Scribe
She must have sucked a lot of cock to get on TV, it certainly wasn't personality that got her the job.
Una chica rubia caliente
Would I what? I don't know who this Brittany person is and I don't care to know.
I just wanted to post a picture of this nice looking girl in lovely stockings.sLYDkmB3EZJk6Grv
Active Ink Slinger
If I was to meet her and based on appearance alone I would be attracted to her. But as far as would I, it takes more than just looking good to turn me on.
Constant Gardener
She's at least as cute as Sarah Newlin...and both are equally unattainable for me.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
At this point, it doesn't really matter what the attendant said, the sports reporter formerly known as Brittany has probably seen her 30 seconds in the limelight. Her attitude is a total turn-off.

Class of 82 - The Little Sister Halloween Party ~ My newest story preparing for the annual fraternity Halloween party.
Journey With You ~ A love poem about a full life shared.
The Game's Ultimate Prize ~ The evening begins with cocktails ... a recommended read.
Too skinny, Too young, and likely too inexperienced.
Active Ink Slinger
Cute - Yes, but that personality would be a quick turn-off!
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by graham
She must have sucked a lot of cock to get on TV, it certainly wasn't personality that got her the job.

Normally people get hired for their skills/knowledge instead of their peronality. Even women.


Active Ink Slinger
I would use my ole trusty mouth gag on that one.