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Are we all Kinky

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Great posting - and lots of interesting replies. I have not done or seen scientific research on the topic but I would guess there is a % of people (maybe 20%) who are mainly through upbringing what I'll call "content vanilla" - they don't experiment or even think of doing anything other than what they've always done. Then I'd guess there is about 10% who are the "experiment almost everything" types with wide ranges of likes/dislikes and would be considered by most to be highly kinky.

The rest (70%) run the spectrum of kinky fantasies - some might be latent - some slightly active (i.e. role play, fantasy chat, etc.) - some more active (i.e. do stuff with an escort) - and some even more active but not yet taken all restrictions off. I think a site like Lush is a great outlet for all of those folks - which I think is awesome as it gives people an opportunity to test their kinkiness - try different things - some of which might just stay online in nature - but some of it might get tried in the real world.

I also think a big part of "kinky" comes down to how open minded a person is - chances are the more open minded, the more likely he or she is to try things considered kinky.

And, finally, what is kinky to one could be vanilla to another based on experience and other factors. Just like with race, religion, height, size, etc, the world is a better off with a wide variety of kink and kinky people smile
Kinky is the best way to be it makes you open and willing to try almost anything
It's awesome fun too!! Hope all my kinky friends enjoy all the kink they can !
Active Ink Slinger
I sure hope so.
I am!!
Yeah..I am...

Advanced Wordsmith
Well I know for certain that I am, nice isn't it?
Rookie Scribe
I believe we are all into something kinky regards sex, but from a young age it is frowned upon, and subsequently some have been conditioned to be less sexual/kinky. I know my gf has become more kinky the old she has got, and is more willing to try things probably because her eyes have been opened to new sexual experiences as she has got older. As have I.
Active Ink Slinger
If there is no Kinkiness in heaven........I'm not going ! ?
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
I think we're just more open about our sexual interests and preferences. I think that many years ago they were probably just not seen as acceptable the Internet has certainly opened up people's minds and reassured us that there is nothing wrong with our desires and the willingness to express them..
Not so much myself. I'm still young and have yet to find what really drives me sexually.

My boyfriend, on the other hand, is kinky as they come. I've only known him six weeks and already his kinks and fetishes are starting to worry me. But then again, he is a fair bit older than myself.
How do we define kinky? What some people consider kinky is part of mainstream sex to others, Is oral sex kinky? Is sex outside the bedroom kinky? If oral sex isn't kinky, does it become kinky when the participants are of the same gender? I suggest that kinky is in the eye of the beholder.

The other night my wife and I were having intercourse. Feeling adventurous I suggested we might try a different position. Outraged by my proposal she stopped fucking me, stood up, took off her strap on dildo and stormed out of our bedroom. Clearly my wife is not kinky.
Are there degrees of kinky? If oral sex is kinky, is face sitting kinkier than pleasuring your partner while you're lying between her legs? Does location add to the degree of kinkiness? Is a blow job kinkier in the living room than it is in the bedroom?

Are some of us just kind of kinky while others are really really kinky? Maybe the question should be, how kinky are we? Of course that immediately returns us to the previous question I posed. How do we define kinky?
Could be, I know I Have Lots of Fun Heresmile I've met Kinky Fun People on here:)
Quote by goodhusband
How do we define kinky? What some people consider kinky is part of mainstream sex to others, Is oral sex kinky? Is sex outside the bedroom kinky? If oral sex isn't kinky, does it become kinky when the participants are of the same gender? I suggest that kinky is in the eye of the beholder.

The other night my wife and I were having intercourse. Feeling adventurous I suggested we might try a different position. Outraged by my proposal she stopped fucking me, stood up, took off her strap on dildo and stormed out of our bedroom. Clearly my wife is not kinky.

Oh Wow that is Sooo Good!! LMAO
The Bee's Knees
not necessarily. there are some ppl that truly have no kinks. for the rest of us i feel it's just a scale that we fit in at some varying degree.

Say. Her. Name.

Active Ink Slinger
No My wife's NOT
Active Ink Slinger
Being sexual doesn't always equal kinky....
Fancy Schmancy
I was surprised to learn this about myself.
Nothing I do or fantasize about is kinky. Everything everyone else does and fantasizes about is.... Fucking perverts, the whole lot of you!

Don't believe everything that you read.

I dont know about all, I know I have some..Some I never knew were there.
Click below to see

Kiss My Wiggleass Baby
I don't like labels but I would consider the things I like would be viewed as kinky by the majority of mainstream people and that's precisely why none of my friends or family or for that matter very few on here know my specific likes and needs. I'm not embarrassed about them I just choose not to say what I love because it is just too hard trying to explain to people what I get out of it and why I like it. Like others here it all depends on how kinky is defined, for some oral sex is or taking it up the ass or being covered in clingfilm with just a hole for any unmentionable things to be able to fit into.

If people were totally honest or could, for just five minutes, be able to say what they really wanted, then I think more people would join the kink brigade and then kinky would just be mainstream but hell people might be a bit happier with their sex lives if they could. I love my kinks, they make me feel whole and complete as a person if I have that 'one' to share them with and really there lies the problem, how do I find that 'one' without fessing up to my kinks and running the risk of alienating someone I may have come to care for, but could I live without them in my life - hell, hell, hell no, but after spending many years unfulfilled and feeling like I was wrong in some way I now embrace the things I need and love and I am a lot happier because of that.
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
You could say so, yes.
Site administrator
For my part .. I dont believe I am .. going with my definition of kinky.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by poppyx
I don't like labels but I would consider the things I like would be viewed as kinky by the majority of mainstream people and that's precisely why none of my friends or family or for that matter very few on here know my specific likes and needs. I'm not embarrassed about them I just choose not to say what I love because it is just too hard trying to explain to people what I get out of it and why I like it. Like others here it all depends on how kinky is defined, for some oral sex is or taking it up the ass or being covered in clingfilm with just a hole for any unmentionable things to be able to fit into.

If people were totally honest or could, for just five minutes, be able to say what they really wanted, then I think more people would join the kink brigade and then kinky would just be mainstream but hell people might be a bit happier with their sex lives if they could. I love my kinks, they make me feel whole and complete as a person if I have that 'one' to share them with and really there lies the problem, how do I find that 'one' without fessing up to my kinks and running the risk of alienating someone I may have come to care for, but could I live without them in my life - hell, hell, hell no, but after spending many years unfulfilled and feeling like I was wrong in some way I now embrace the things I need and love and I am a lot happier because of that.

Absolutely agree. I hate labels. I am your admiring deviant Poppyx!
I didn't come on this site for sexual fantasies. I came here to write some stories for you all. Maybe meet some girl I get along with. And fly over and make a day job out of her. I went into the chat rooms to meet a girl. Had some chick asking if I'm a naughty boy? I told her I wasn't and then she didn't talk to me any more. In all honesty I'm not a naughty boy but if I was given the chance I would have fuck the shit out of her. But I'm not going to just start fucking her I have to have a reason. Then I met another chick and it got weird. It went from: Me: hi you have a pretty face; to her: I want you to fuck me hard. I didn't say anything to her. All I said was hi you have a pretty face. That shit made my dick shrink up inside and I don't need that shit. As it I have to wait few days before I can get a full erection. That's not to say I don't play with it a little very day it just isn't fully hard on the off days. I understand these chicks want to get us hard and keep up hard so why pull some shit that makes me go uhg. Sure I would have fucked her hard as hard as she wanted me to. But at least give me a reason to want to go visit wherever it is that you may be. All I want is to find a strong, confident woman who wants to know me and let me know her and be a solid team. And when the time is right let me fuck the shit out of. Is that too much to ask for?! I don't think so.