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Age Difference

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What is the biggest age difference you would consider for a serious relationship?

This is amended from my original post....

Thanks in advance, for your replies and to those that already have posted.
Four years is the largest age difference I've experienced in a serious relationship but, oddly enough, four years was the smallest age difference she had ever experienced.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Same as Kiera 10 years older then me, still together after 11 years.
2 years, I would really like to change that though....
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No Ordinary Gal

Fucked and Taken

That Special Evening
I would like to amend my original request......What is the largest age difference that you would consider for a serious relationship?

Thanks, in advance for your replies.

At this stage of my life, I would say 20 years, but they would have to be an active person and take care of themselves as much as I do...
Quote by Becky4Texas
I would like to amend my original request......What is the largest age difference that you would consider for a serious relationship?

Thanks, in advance for your replies.


You should probably add an edit to you first post xo

I'm not sure tbh. I am always hesitant to go for younger people, I would imagine the most I could stretch on that would be a couple of years younger and even then I would probably not be comfortable being the older one in the relationship. Plus I have just always preferred older men.

I think once you hit a certain age it doesn't matter so much. If say you were a 21-year-old dating and a 61-year-old then people are gonna think she's after his money and he's having a mid-life crisis. Change that to say a 31-year-old and 61-year-old and no one is going to think much of it.

I'm 39 and if I met someone who I like and who made me happy I wouldn't care much about how much older than me they were. The problem for me would be if they were younger.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
The love of my life was just a tad over 10 years older than me, although it would be wrong to say I love older women. I love a certain kind of woman, and I've tended to find those desirable traits in older women. Younger women can also have them, and so it's not as if I've shut the door on them either

In terms of age difference, I'd consider anyone that made me happy. The maximum has been those 10 years and I can't imagine being with someone at too great an age difference from that, but who knows what the future holds?
Myself I would only go + or - 10 years.
i tend to gravitate to older men. i've had relationships with younger men, but seriously hesitate to pursue them with someone more than five years my junior (i'm 38). i know that age is a factor we can't control, so i try to weigh other qualities. with older men, ten years my senior seems to be my sweet spot.

Say. Her. Name.

I often get into sexual relationships with people much younger than me, but that usually doesn't translate into companionship. For companionship, I think anywhere close to 5 years or less age difference works best due to shared life experience and knowledge.
For me it would give or take about 5 years maximum. IF I were interested. My relationships at the moment are about as serious as I would want them to be.
For a serious relationship? My spouse is 9 years older than me but I'm rather convinced that's really too big a margin for any number of reasons (e.g. she will be retired a few years before I am ready to do so). 5 years max either way as Meggsy suggests is probably about right.

Wasn't a serious relationship as she was my friend's GF. We did have sex a few times. My friend knew. It was his idea!

I don’t think there is a limit if two people love one another and get along.

For a relationship like 10 years maybe but for something casual i wouldn't care how much different

I don't believe love cares about age, but as I get older it does worry me that the impact of the difference in age (16 years between me and the lady who holds my heart) will become greater, that I'll be a burdensome old man, while she's still full of life.

A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i

My now ex-wife was nearly three years younger than me.

Well, I'm 20 years older than my wife & we've been married 16 years.

Prior to that I lived with a woman for 6 years that was 11 years older than me.

Quote by Kiera
10 years (he was older) we were together for 16 years (married for 6 of those) until he died last year.

Very sorry for your loss

Around 30 years younger to 10 years older

The older I get the wider the age range I consider lol.

Or maybe the more fun it is 😊

I've had relationships with women much younger, and they were fine. But being with someone the same-ish age as you allows a real comfort with cultural touchstones and simple shared memories. It's not a deal-beaker. But it's nice.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

My first gf was 3 years older than me, no issues there. My second one who became my wife (now ex ) was 7years younger. No issues there either. I am hoping to meet, hoping as she currently has tonsillitis, a woman who is 14 years younger than I am and fingers crossed it works out to the good. I take the view, up to a point, that age is just a couple of digits.

"For a serious relationship? My spouse is 9 years older than me but I'm rather convinced that's really too big a margin for any number of reasons (e.g. she will be retired a few years before I am ready to do so). 5 years max either way as Meggsy suggests is probably about right." - Unknown User

So that appears to be old me (it won't let me quote it). It is still largely on the money for marriage together.

However, for something like a "friend with benefits" where we have sex, hang out and go places together but maintain separate residences and lives otherwise, I would probably be okay with 10-15 years younger, maybe more if it was the right person.

And that's kind of what I would want if something happened to my present relationship.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

The rule I have used is that the you take the age if the older one, divide by 2, and add 7 to get the minimum age for the younger partner. So a 50 year-old should go no younger than 32; a 30 year-old could go as young as 22; and an 18 year-old can go to 16. At 53, I met my current wife, 36; we are 8 years happy.