As someone who often hosts Gallery rooms, I would like to see an option on the room creation menu to limit the ability to post pictures to room moderators only. Just an idea.
I quite like the idea.
It would limit the amount of image spam some rooms get flooded with.
A room creator could put up images for discussion, and control the environment a lot better.
I moved the thread to the right area, that might be why you had no responses!
I think it's a good idea!
It'd be good to have a general set up form and one with advanced settings, so that people don't have to scroll through 100's of options before being able to make their chat room.
This would be gold on the advanced setting.
Disallowing pictures and videos completely would be another option I'm sure many phone users would like.
I think that the moderator should be able to decide who posts or not, make it a permission. I've noticed that some just pop in and post rapid fire, this would put the control in the moderators control without them having to make others co-moderators.
Something about wandering into a pic posting room and not being allowed to post pics is annoying to me. While I understand that it is a good idea to allow private room moderators to control what is posted in their room, it should be clearly posted that this option is active in said room. So that many, like myself, would pass it up and not enter. Hope that makes sense...
Surely does make sense cocokisses.
I'm all for many opportunities.
I like the idea of the moderators being able to stop spamming of pictures.
Give them the option of stopping the picture posting from certain members, either for a set amount of time or permanent picture posting ban in that room.
A fun, but bad, idea would be to let the moderators verify all pictures before they're posted in the room.
For the most part, people show common sense when it comes to image rooms. At the end of the day, if you are hosting your own public room and have assigned room mods to help you out, I think all you need to do is ask people who are overzealous with the frequency or the image content to stop posting and if they dont, you can gag them as a warning or boot them if they object. I really dont see the need for there to be a whole range of additional room settings because someone wants to be complete control freak..If you want that kind of control, open a private room, lock the door and give the password out to those who you would like to invite..