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How sexy is theplayer's chat room?

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I vote this should be a permanent feature in the chat rooms, the ability for the room creator, to choose a background of their own.

Who's in agreement?

I hope I'm not in trouble with Gav now...
Fancypants! I'd like the option of being able to customize the member created rooms. =d>

ETA: This would be a nice perk for Gold Members.
I like the idea.. The room looks great, Gav did an awesome job!
It looks great!
That is just so cool .. we must have it !!
I just saw a room like this I was like WOW! Yes, give me your sugar Gav! (He's made out of sugar, I'm sure.)
D'aaaGold members are already saying it should be for them only.... sad Why not share such a good thing?
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
If the background to every room will look like Nicola's post then I think that would add significant value to the chat room experience. Since gold members only have exclusive access to one room it doesnt make sense to waste it on just that in my view. For everyone is my vote !!
Quote by simplyjohn
If the background to every room will look like Nicola's post then I think that would add significant value to the chat room experience. Since gold members only have exclusive access to one room it doesnt make sense to waste it on just that in my view. For everyone is my vote !!

I agree, The idea is to have this option for any member created roomsmile
Quote by Callisto

I agree, The idea is to have this option for any member created roomsmile

Quote by MoonlightSerenity
D'aaaGold members are already saying it should be for them only.... sad Why not share such a good thing?

Ok I've made the theme public. If anyone else finds some high resolution images that would be suitable as a backdrop (royalty free of course ) then send me a PM.

how high res? and i think i may know some places....
Oh cool is we just need a dj playing some tunes..
All joking aside, we can only use images we've either bought (I have an account at if anyone has any recommendations from there), or that are public domain (google image search is NOT public domain!). Everyone should read this article (thanks Mr Martini:

Sites like wikimedia have an abundance of freely-licensed media content:

I was thinking a dozen loungy / nightclub / jazz / chilled backgrounds would suffice. Post away your suggestions please.

This one is from wikimedia for example:

I guess it's clear what my position would be on this topic! In my particular case, I wanted a party environment and Gav was able to put it together with little input from me except I wanted it to look like a bar. I would have been thrilled with a simple hotel bar. I was floored the first time I saw the room!

So, my opinion is that members could have the option of creating their own environment or using the standard private room background. Naturally, this creates a bit of work for my mate down under, but something tells me he digs it! ,

Everyone that visited theplayers club commented on how spectacular it was so in that regard, the party was a huge hit. Thank you Nicola for allowing me the room, and Gav for his creative genius that put it together.

The only thing missing were the drinks, ashtrays, and jukebox! Oh, and a few men. 99.9% on my friends list are of the fairer sex.

Next time though, I need a dj. My finger tips are tender from sitting at this computer from 8PM til 4AM pounding away, searching for videos, uploading them, (not always successfully) and welcoming guests, dancing with my super hot girl, bat1800, and the others that swung into the club.

Would I do it again? I plan on a freaky friday party every two weeks. My question is, do you think Fridays are better than Saturdays? I could call it a 'Slammin Saturday' party! Any thoughts would be welcome.

Here's a couple others that some might like.

This is such a Great idea.... I and I had so much fun too. Just one thing I had problems adding my own music ?? maybe it was me lol ..But theplayer did a fine job !!! Thank you so much I had a blast!!!!! can't wait till next time ;)
Infinite Love IS the Only Truth...Everything else IS Illusion!
I'm trying to find one of a BDSM Dungeon for all those who want it.....

And Gav - you're amazing!
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
If the images are quite detailed, reading any text colour could be problematic.
Nicola, what are the ideal dimensions for the background?
This is a feature? How do I do it?

(30 seconds later edit) nevermind I see the option.
Saw the image from above but i don't know i think it would drive my eyes insane after awhile. Some of the chat didn't seem very clear, but i know this is just me.

Looks GREAT Gav..awesome job!!!
No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy -unless you let him.
- Napoleon Hill
i loved was sexy & cool...yes PLEASE!!!
So I had to retire the purple club room, before we got a take down notice.

I've added a couple more themed rooms for images we do own. I've also added the option to include your playlist. Grab yourself a Barcadi breezer and come listen to some banging tunes in my new club room.

Looks great, Gav! I wonder if it would be easier to read the font if the image was flipped horizontally. With the only font color being white and those bright colors of the background on the left side, it's a little difficult to read at times.
I've done the flip, see if thats any easier to read.
Oh thank you! Yes, it is much easier to read now! Okay, one more thing: Some of the members can see the fonts in the colors that are used in the other rooms. Most of us in the room can only see white font, for what is being posted. I've tried changing my font color but it shows orange (my usual color) in the block but I'm still typing in white. Any suggestions as to how I can see the other font colors again?
How about a beach theme, or a city theme or something. that be nice
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