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Chat room abuse / underage members etc - we need a screenshot as proof.

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When reporting someone who's trolling or underage etc, we need proof otherwise it's your word against theirs, and there's nothing we can do.

The best thing is to take a screenshot of what has been said. Here's how if you don't know how to do it on your computer / surfing device:


I haven't used that method, Nicola, but this works and doesn't require going offsite:

In a private chat, click the bottom line and hold the left mouse button. Scroll up to the top of the chat. You can get it all.
When it's selected, press Control + C (Mac, Command + C) to put the chat on your clipboard.

You can open Lush's message client and press Control + V (Mac, Command + V) to paste the text to send to the administrators to report some suspect chat.

I used this method recently to report a very edgy session that gave me the creeps.

Alternatively, you can open any text editor or word processor and paste the text there.

You can use this method to save a particularly memorable cyber session that doesn't need reporting but which merits re-reading.

Paddling works three ways:

* Me on top
* You on top
* On the water
The problem with that way of doing it though, Paddler, is that you can manipulate the text and it could be used to frame a person you just do not like.
A screenshot minimize that risk.
Widows Vista Home Premium and upwards have a snip-it tool feature that will take a jpeg of your screen.
Quote by Catnip
The problem with that way of doing it though, Paddler, is that you can manipulate the text and it could be used to frame a person you just do not like.
A screenshot minimize that risk.

A screenshot might not copy an entire conversation though. And with the new forum, the problem with doing it as paddler suggests is that the room now only saves a very short amount of chat. So it is constantly erasing the top lines in the room. so it would take multiple screen shots or constantly copying the newest part of the convo and adding it to what you copy and paste.
Quote by adele
Quote by Catnip
The problem with that way of doing it though, Paddler, is that you can manipulate the text and it could be used to frame a person you just do not like.
A screenshot minimize that risk.

A screenshot might not copy an entire conversation though. And with the new forum, the problem with doing it as paddler suggests is that the room now only saves a very short amount of chat. So it is constantly erasing the top lines in the room. so it would take multiple screen shots or constantly copying the newest part of the convo and adding it to what you copy and paste.

This is why we ask you for as much information as possible, including the approximate time the post was made and the time zone you are in as well.  



Quote by adele

A screenshot might not copy an entire conversation though. And with the new forum, the problem with doing it as paddler suggests is that the room now only saves a very short amount of chat. So it is constantly erasing the top lines in the room. so it would take multiple screen shots or constantly copying the newest part of the convo and adding it to what you copy and paste.

That is true

And then there are bullies who form gangs here . You block them all then they go and make snide rude comments to your friends but it seems like lush allows this behavior

Taking Screenshot on a Mac: Select Command-Shift-4, then drag the cursor between diagonal corners of the rectangle to be captured. As soon as you let go, the captured rectangle will automatically appear as a new image in Preview. Use "Save" to save the screenshot wherever you want.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)