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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CuriousKitty
The silent treatment,,, *shivers*

Should never be used it teaches nothing
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Red_Dragon

Should never be used it teaches nothing

Does so! ha! i win! YES! *does happy little booty shaking dance* woo hoo! NEXT!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

Does so! ha! i win! YES! *does happy little booty shaking dance* woo hoo! NEXT!

When did you learn anything except hurt from it
Quote by Ravyn

I can honestly say, I am glad you are not my Master. No disrespect intended but damn......that is just messed up if I am understanding you correctly.

No sub whose been trained properly would ever be that "rough" unless he or she was asking to be punished out the of the norm.

I have to say, my sub and I tend to take things to the extreme, sometimes bordering on the sadistic and masochistic side but we always tend to regret it if we're too sadistic/masochistic with one another. However, unless I'm mistaken, Sadism and Masochism is part of BDSM play, am I right? The whole time I was punishing my slave, he had a massive smile on his face and when that punishment was given to me by my Mistress, it was the absurdity of it that made it all ok.

And on the subject of the silent treatment, I'd say that was actually pretty cruel. Yes, it works very well and allows the slave to stew in their own juices and for the master to cool off as well, but it's psychological torture, which if goes on too long can lead to some pretty messed up feelings happening. It should be used with caution and only if you know your slave really well but that's just my opinion, not that it counts for much, me being a sadistic bastard and all.

Actually, there is another punishment that I like (I promise it's not extreme at all) is when having a teacher/student fantasy, if the slave goes out of line, to give them lines, usually something like "A good slave obeys his master", or something of that ilk.
Hmm. Well that is an interesting notion. As a pup/sub my mistress and owner has used the orgasm denial on me.
Also her telling me to be silent works. The restriction of talking to friends or even posting on websites also can make me behave.
(I have a few friends online I love to chat with). My favorite punishment is a few smacks with a leash.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Red_Dragon

When did you learn anything except hurt from it

no, you don't get it - i go silent, not my Mistress. well, actually i purr a lot and don't talk, which isn't the same thing...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Empress of the Moon
The real punishment is his disappointment.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by CoopsRuthie
The real punishment is his disappointment.

amen times 100!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Rookie Scribe
WARNING: What I have wrote bellow might sound disturbing to some of you!

Me and my girl love to be very, very brutal. It's either for a punishment for doing wrong, or just for amusement.

- The disability for having an orgasm is maybe the most effective punishment to use. Being bought to the edge and then not allowed to cum is pretty painful. Either having pussy lips taped together and not given any attention to one's cunt for over a week.

- (Removed by admin for content) At first it might be pleasure for both but after the skin is sore it really hurts.

- Electric treatment is cool too.

To give your slave a nice punishment you just need a little bit wicked imagination.
Active Ink Slinger
Okay I was looking at the forums for one of the manga series I read and I was shocked to find that someone thinks that punishment is just for play and for no other reason.

B&D is Bondage and Discipline. That's the tying up stuff, the ropes, the chains, and stuff like play punishment

I'm wondering if anyone who actually has read this far thinks of that quote and thinks of punishment being used just for playing.

(But then again the same person thinks that it's rule 34 of the internet that has fetished rope work as well)
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
Active Ink Slinger
Punishment I believe is the most misunderstood part of this lifestyle and when training Masters and slaves it is the part of training that I have to concentrate on the most. The fact is that punishment serves multiple purposes.

a) There is punishment for disobedience.
b) Punishment for incorrect execution.
c) Punishment for pleasure.

The idea in all of these is that the reason for the punishment is clear to BOTH parties.

The silent treatment is one that I have used in the past with slaves as it is one that can be executed rapidly. For example they mess up and most of the time catch the screw up and immediately go to apologize or make up for it. Simply not responding to the first apology is an example of using the silent treatment in a quick and effective way.

The most important thing I always adhere to is the "punishment" must fit the purpose of correction. If a slave or submissive talks out of line, then I feel it drives the point home if the punishment effects the speech of the slave. If a slave has failed to finish a job, then the punishment can be an increase in the workload or a deduction of "fun time" equal to the mess up.

As for a punishment I use is "chastity". And not always with a chastity device. Many times it is just a fixed time frame that my slave with have to go without. Of course that doesn't stop me from taking her to the edge time and again in that time frame.
If you have read 50 Shades of Gray and think that you are ready to be a dom or a sub. Then you have a lot to learn.

Follow my slave's blog slave skye's real life blog if we can get 100 followers she is going to start posting pictures!!! I know there are at least 100 of you that want to see that click the link enter your email and follow. We hit 100 then she has said she will post a picture of herself.
Erm...the more I read this thread, the more I'm thinking I've got BDSM all wrong. I LIKE his punishments! We're both just roleplaying, and we're both in to everything, so it's all fun and pleasurable.... I feel really confused now!
Okay, First I want to say that I love my Master! Also His punishments really hit the home run!!

Quote by ProfessionalMaster
Punishment I believe is the most misunderstood part of this lifestyle and when training Masters and slaves it is the part of training that I have to concentrate on the most. The fact is that punishment serves multiple purposes.

a) There is punishment for disobedience.
b) Punishment for incorrect execution.
c) Punishment for pleasure.

The idea in all of these is that the reason for the punishment is clear to BOTH parties..

I completly 100% agree with my Master on this! Every time I get punished or have to endure a punishment. I ALWAYS know why I am being Punished. Its part of learning and correcting myself. When I fuck up and get punished for it and I have no clue why I am being punished. I will most likely end up fucking up in that same way again and again until my blonde brain will finally figure it out.

I also believe that it is important to understand the difference between the three types of punishments Master listed above. Because Master will punish me differently for each and everything that deserves a punishment. When I don't understand why I am being punished, it can hurt me both emotionally and psychologically . Then in turn hurt the relationship and the trust that is between Master and I. Being in this community for only a short amount of time and talking to many different people. I have come to find out that most don't understand this. It kinda makes me want to go ... will it fit in there now? lol jkjkjk. But in all seriousness more people need to figure this out.

Quote by ProfessionalMaster
The silent treatment is one that I have used in the past with slaves as it is one that can be executed rapidly. For example they mess up and most of the time catch the screw up and immediately go to apologize or make up for it. Simply not responding to the first apology is an example of using the silent treatment in a quick and effective way.

Yes!! It is very effective!! Master uses this a LOT!! Even as a slave, I love having discussions and talking about anything, everything from the blue moon and back. One way Master uses this to really catch my attention is when I say something that is out of line or just completely ridiculous and anything that could cost me a punishment is just stop responding to me for a few min. I then catch my mistake within seconds of that reaction.

I believe this is a great way to use the silent treatment because of several reasons. Since I am still new and pretty much an infant slave. (being a slave for all of 3 months... yes months... my enslavement is still measured in months not years.) This allows me to catch myself and correct myself within my own mind. So instead of Master saying "Don't say this" "Don't do that".( Which I think many people would find very annoying and end up ignoring it at some point.) I then try to not do or say the same things because I don't want to disappoint him again. Also my own brain punishes itself too. Because I go Shit Shit Shit Shit Bad Slave... YOU FUCKING IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!! Its all the motivation I need not to fuck up again.

Quote by ProfessionalMaster
The most important thing I always adhere to is the "punishment" must fit the purpose of correction. If a slave or submissive talks out of line, then I feel it drives the point home if the punishment effects the speech of the slave. If a slave has failed to finish a job, then the punishment can be an increase in the workload or a deduction of "fun time" equal to the mess up.

I honestly don't know what much else I could say to expand this point. Other than it just makes sense to create a punishment = to the crime.

... another example.... I know that if I break my clothing rules, my punishment will be something related to my clothes. It makes a point more than anything. Other than dealing with the fact that ' Hey, smart one, Your Master is like super Disappointed in you... how do ya feel?' It forces me to think about what I did wrong while enduring the punishment. If I broke my clothing rules and the punishment was that I couldn't speak for a few days... that would suck to but, it wouldn't completely force my slave brain to think about what I did wrong. Instead if I said one of my banned words and then I lost my ability to speak.. I would be thinking... shit I guess if I couldn't speak correctly while I could.. It really really sucks not being able to speak at all. That makes me less likely to repeat the offence.LAH8W227cEg3cR7Q

Quote by ProfessionalMaster
As for a punishment I use is "chastity". And not always with a chastity device. Many times it is just a fixed time frame that my slave with have to go without. Of course that doesn't stop me from taking her to the edge time and again in that time frame.

Can I just say I HATE this. I'm very horny ALL the time. I also LOVE cumming like a machine and I never get enough. So getting constant stimulation and foreplay... but no release... This is my idea of Hell. But I can't deny the power and effectiveness it has as a punishment. You best believe I will 100% learn my lesson.
Cock Connoisseur
Quote by ProfessionalMaster
The silent treatment is one that I have used in the past with slaves as it is one that can be executed rapidly. For example they mess up and most of the time catch the screw up and immediately go to apologize or make up for it. Simply not responding to the first apology is an example of using the silent treatment in a quick and effective way.

I respectfully disagree. Depending on your time frame that you are talking about staying silent. If you are referring to a short pause when interacting with each other is one thing but to withhold communication for an unspecified amount of time as a punishment I feel is wrong. First of all the submissive or slave may not know that the lack of communication is a form of punishment. The left wondering is torture and cruel. If you are going to not speak to the submissive/slave then it should be make known from the beginning of the M/s relationship that this form of punishment is used. I feel there are much more affective punishments to be handed out that would prove more effective, but every M/s relationship is a unique and different one.
Active Ink Slinger
If the silent treatment were used on me, it would scare me as I need to know my Master is always there for me that is cruel...There are many ways to punish and get to the point quickly..As a Mistress, I punish quick and it is over..If my slave repeats the offense, then the punishment becomes harsher...Being a switch, I do know both sides and have been in this lifestyle now for quite a long time...I am a happy slave and I love my slave as well.
doing my best to be good..
Active Ink Slinger
The worst punishment I had was when He had me straddle a sawhorse and he tied my legs up so they were not touching the floor and all of my weight was on my pussy. I also had to hold my hands behind my neck. He had me do this for 20 min, it was suppose to be 45 but it became to much for me so he let me put my hands down for a little support to take off the pressure as he sat behind me rocking me back and forth ( it might sound like a nice thing, but remember I am straddling a sawhorse. The rocking just ground my pussy in farther ) but his touch made it all go away after a while. I know I babbled alot, but I wanted to explain it thoroughly.
Rocker of the cocker
Quote by Ravyn

I respectfully disagree. Depending on your time frame that you are talking about staying silent. If you are referring to a short pause when interacting with each other is one thing but to withhold communication for an unspecified amount of time as a punishment I feel is wrong. First of all the submissive or slave may not know that the lack of communication is a form of punishment. The left wondering is torture and cruel. If you are going to not speak to the submissive/slave then it should be make known from the beginning of the M/s relationship that this form of punishment is used. I feel there are much more affective punishments to be handed out that would prove more effective, but every M/s relationship is a unique and different one.

I agree with this, well said.
My pet and I know each other very well. As I have said in other posts, we were married for some time before we entered the D/s realm. So we know when each other is mad or upset.

The worst punishment I can dole out to pet would be to tell her I am disappointed in her for doing/saying ____. We don't use the "silent treatment" because you can't always know what exactly you did wrong. But telling them what they did displeased you makes it known that they were out of line. And My dear pet hates to displease Me. She would much rather I paddle her till she couldn't sit than to hear those words from Me.

Now one of the more entertaining things I've done to "punish" My pet was to make them write "I will not (add the offense here)" mulitiple times. Each time they write it, you bring them a little closer to orgasm until they cum. Watch as their concentration on the writng starts to fade and their handwriting becomes illegible.

After the "punishment" you can put the work of art on the fridge door sdo they will always remember their error!
Active Ink Slinger
The more I read through these blogs and comments the more comes to mind. I never thought I could have so much fun reporting on our home life. Actually punishment is part of the routine where he does good or bad I seem to find something that does not sit perfedt with me so I sit him down & explain in a stern voice and if the action or words are not corrected real quick his time is extended from 10 to 14 days to an additional week. Belive it or not after the first few times sitting before him and bring up a ordeal & suggesting punishment he did correct his ways. A few times also he didn't correct & his time was extended well into 21+days. It all started when....................................After him telling me many times he wanted to be my sex slave & spoil me beyond my imagionation my husband & I found a way. It only took us 3 years of playing & reading and hearing him tell me each time we laid in bed & he ravish me. Up to a year ago I had no idea of male chastity devices until one day my husband & I were reading blogs etc online and 2 weeks later it was delivered to our door under cover of course.
It's been just over 12 months & he wears it most everyday, not all day but I would say 85% of the time. The idea was his, not mine but I'm reaping the benefits beyond my wildest imagionation. I keep hold of both keys. One is on my office keys & one is hidden in the house. We ordered the cb6000 & it fits him well. It drives him crazy to say the least.
I learned to love the idea of havng complete control of not only his orgasm but his erections also. They are earned & does he work for them.
I have been accepted complete control of our sex play that is when, where, how, how long. In simplest terms I'm spoiled. Endless pleasure when and how I want it.
It's taken sometime to learn the up and down & ins and outs but the rewards are fantastic. I have read many blogs & comments some are extreme and some are down to earth. I don't count or keep a running tab but if I did, I have learned and now expect no less than 30 enjoyable orgasms to my husbands earned 2 maybe 4 in a good month. It works, believe me it works. Keeping him in a continous state of desire more than 10 to 14 days at a time & turning his sexual energy and thrist around into your own pleasure is not only fun, exiting but very erotic. At a certain point within those days he will do anything to earn his credit toward his release & sexual enjoyment. If only some of you women out there could find a way to introduce this concept into your relationship. I now have my very own (husband) sex slave to play with day in, day out.
When I last had a Domme, silent treatment was good punishment for me.
Extra hard spankings worked pretty well
Disappointing her was the worst
Active Ink Slinger
The worst punishment I could give My sub is to tell her I am disappointed in her. She tries so hard to please Me that if I was to tell her that I was disappointed in her, it would crush her. She would rather take a spanking or anything else before I told her that she has displeased Me.

Fortunately, I have never had to resort to such drastic measures. She is such a good girl.
Active Ink Slinger
When i disobey my Master it is usually because I am tired and cranky..I am made to go to bed..i hate being away from his side..I am not allowed to get up till he feels i have had enough rest..My Master has never been disappointed in me as i always do my best for him..I hate corner time and if he has to spank me, its usually done for my needs more so than his and i must ask for one.
doing my best to be good..
I use spankings for a couple of reasons. First, it is quick. If I am going to tan a butt, it doesn't take me days to do it. Secondly, when you are over a lap, about to have your butt blistered, you know right then what mistake you made, there is no wondering about what you have done. the severity of the spanking depends on what the issue was. For something minor, a hand spanking will do, if it is a bigger problem, the I use a belt or paddle, for very large issues, I use a cane or switch. when it is over, I rub lotion into her butt, hug her, and tell her she is forgiven.
Active Ink Slinger
silence...more rudeness for the next challenge to show my disappointment...and of course a good spanking....
Rookie Scribe
Hello all,

This is my first post on Lushstories. I have been looking around here for a long time, but just registered today. I'm not outspoken, but this one seems worth pitching my 2 cents. I'm recently widowed from the most amazing submissive to ever walk the face of this planet. She made me the Dom/Master/Whatever (We did not use those words. They're meaningless in the constructs of the relationship. She just called me "Daddy".).

Several themes and disagreements have arisen in this thread so far. I agree with the fact that the silent treatment is NOT a good idea. Communication is the most vitally important aspect of a healthy D/s or BDSM relationship. Second, to a true submissive or slave, disappointment is the worst punishment, or penance, imaginable. Physical punishment is marginally useful, especially if you're married to a Masochist. Punishment is also a subjective term. When mine would get bratty, it was usually just to get attention and a thorough bottom-warming. A serious transgression within the confines of our relationship would be grounds for "Punishment".

Punishment isn't always about pain. When you get to know someone, you learn what they really dislike. Nothing that is physically harmful, but that they despise. For us, it was fried chicken liver. She could not STAND the smell of them. When she crossed a line, I would make her cook it for me. Once, I made her eat a piece when she crossed a seriouis line. She never crossed that line again. A pack of frozen livers in the freezer was scarier to her than a bushel of scorpions (Which she was deathly afraid of.).

Proper punishment resides in knowing the person, not having a bag of tricks.

Thanks for listening,

Rookie Scribe
First I must say... I never punish My slave without her fully understanding why... and with the exception of 1 time (you'll see it in a minute) she has always accepted her punishment graciously and agreed it was needed. I've always explained why she would be punished... then usually waited a lil while to not only cool down Myself, but also so she would have time to think about what she had done. Personally I feel that punishment is a way to leave things behind U/us... much better than the normal vanilla way of holding onto things to bring into the next argument.

After being with My slave a year or so ... she began letting things distract her .. a bad day at work or an argument with a friend would lead to small but noticeable infractions. Time after time I would ask her what was bothering her yet she would say "nothing". I'm not a heartless bastard... she has always known that part of her duties is to inform Me of her problems so they can be dealt with. Several spankings, floggings, paddlings later ...she finally told me what had been bothering her over the last couple weeks.

First I sat her down and dealt with that problem.. then came time to punish her for keeping her problem to herself and letting it interfere in O/our lives for 2+ weeks. When I told her that she was about to be punished, she said "you're being unfair". That moment was a true test for Me to not react in anger... punishment in My opinion should never be given in anger. I left her kneeling in the dark, told her she needed to think about what she had just said and what had led up to it, and I went to another room to figure out the proper punishment. When I returned, she begged Me to punish her....she had realized that for more than 2 weeks she had allowed herself to be distracted to the point that she was unable to focus on U/us.

The nightmare begins: I had decided that I would take half the time she had been distracted.... and thus began her "Cycle", 7 days of hell. ANY lil infraction during those 7 days was an automatic 10 lashes with My heavy flogger... which accumulated til the end of the day and were all delivered together... PLUS an additional 10 swats with My paddle... after that... she was denied entry to the bed...and had to sleep on the floor. She was denied orgasm for the entire week. I think, for her, the worst part of it all was not being allowed to sleep with me at night.. she so much wanted to at least feel comfort from Me then.

when the "cycle" was over.. we had a nice long talk.. I made sure she knew she was forgiven and that it was all behind U/us. If you ask her to this day... she will shudder at the thought of another cycle... and then she will smile, knowing that what she learned from it was well worth it... nothing comes between U/us anymore.
Active Ink Slinger
For me nothing is worse then Master saying he is disappointed in me. Its hurts me deeply and makes me want to do anything to please him.
Rookie Scribe
Once I forgot to say "Sir" and my Master tied me up naked and blindfolded and just left me there for several hours. torture.
Active Ink Slinger
Placing 2 pencils on the floor and kneeling down, with one knee cap on each pencil.
Try it...This is torture.
"When its too kinky for everybody else, its just gettin' good for me."
(Kinky Freedman)
Rocker of the cocker
Quote by Guest
If a submissive can't stay focused during training, have her/him kneel on uncooked rice for a certain amount of time.

I tested this out, it's not so bad, just saying.