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Quote by Master_Jonathan
Here is a completely safe way to start on the self-bondage trail:

Get yourself a timer and something to act as a blindfold. Set the timer for however long you want it - five minutes, 20 minutes an hour - whatever you want to start with. Put the blindfold on and then sit there until the timer goes off. You will learn three things with this simple exercise.

1. you will learn self-discipline by not removing your blindfold until you hear the timer go off.

2. you will learn patience in waiting for that timer.

3. you will learn that 5 minutes can be a VERY long time!

This is a very good exercise for the first time or very new submissives and one I have used for my own.

Thank you MJ,
this is good info for the new in the Lifestyle

Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune
I think of "Aftercare" being like a Treatment center "aftercare." It seems like a very fitting term, though for this. That is exactly what it is "care." I am fairly new and we do not get that extreme yet. For those that "care" ~ yes you have to have a downtime and a relax and a rest the heated, hot, sore and painful bum/and all other things! ^0^

Depends on the person, and depends on the relationship.
It would also depend, I think, on the standard and relative level of intimacy in each particular D/s relationship.

Some people are not cuddlers. I wasn't.
Some people 'baby' better than others....

That said, neosporin will forever be a friend, and flexible band-aids, etc. IF I ever need something from rough play. Cold packs sound like a good idea and that pampering and attentive, make dinner or order out for you, cover you, tend to, kiss your head, warm towel, place a pillow... Isn't it a lot like an injury or a person being sick? How well your Dom does, or whoever, is just what it is, but the after needs will ultimately fall to that person/me.

The after climax sex has become a very special and happy aspect of enjoying each other and the fruits of our labor. Physical needs that your body needs have to taken care of. We really enjoy what comes after too. We enjoy what we do and what we say.

I think you should treat someone the way you would want to be treated in that case, or that the partner should.

We just treat each other that way anyway, but more so whatever we need: Sleep, a stretch & cuddle on the sofa to watch a movie and all needs accessible right there... a soak in the bath... etc. My mate is right there. "What can I get you?" Can I wash your ...back?" XD Just because he is a Dom, a very natural D in his role, doesn't mean he is not sensitive to my needs or wants in a softer, affectionate way too... kissing and comforting, listening and caring. Mine is a Daddy-Dom though, it grew into that and is on a kinky end of that, so he feels a major responsibility to see to my needs and care at all times like that. It works.

Not everyone is so extreme or slaps a person then seeks to comfort or calls them something nasty then says "I love you." If they do it is consensual. I would think manipulation, even like that could be outside BDSM. I would think BDSM people are MORE aware and MORE aware of what they are doing. They are GIVING control (sub) of FREE choice on things they actually "like." Being aware of what you like and do not like allows you to explore & that is why communication is key. The roles are real and then there is "play." Just because there is kink or BD or something does not mean there is not REAL feelings and real love involved. You have to take each individual relationship by itself and get to know them before you can say things about it. In a relationship you want to please the other person. the D is actually pleasing the sub as the sub wishes. (So who is really "in control"? The answer is BOTH - it is really mutual trust, trust enough to act in those ways). The level of things varies as much as the individuals dogma and views. lol It is not about controlling people who want to mindfuck someone into their web and play at manipulating someone and emotionally hurt their partner. It is not always about negative - negative as it seems sometimes on the surface. It is understanding dynamics that widely vary and then acting those fantasies out together and living by your own standard of what is "acceptable" to YOU (BOTH).

Does that make any better sense?

Could not have said it any better


Aftercare 101

It came to my attention that quite a few fans and followers would love to know about how they could take care of their submissive, after their BDSM play. Aftercare, an extremely important part of BDSM, is sadly overlooked by most couples. Clarisse Thorn wrote: “Being together with an S&M partner during aftercare can be used to free people, to make them feel amazing and establish extraordinary intimacy.”

Why aftercare is important

BDSM activities may drain the submissive’s mental, emotional or physical energy. Because of this, the submissive may feel in need of emotional support, comfort, reassurance, and/or physical tenderness. And although many people seem to think that it’s only the submissive who needs aftercare, this is not true, the dominant may also need some degree of aftercare, depending on various factors like experience, the activities in the scene, and personal preference. In most cases the dominant is the one who tends to run the aftercare.

How to provide aftercare

Aftercare may include expression of love and gratitude towards each other in a verbal way, or in a physical way by cuddling, kissing or skin and hair stroking. You may also choose to discuss the scene, to improve your knowledge about what you both enjoyed, making it even better next time.

Nourishment and hydration is essential, keep a snack supply close by. I tend to go for a piece of chocolate, a piece of fruit, or a granola bar for example. Accompany the snack by a warming or refreshing drink. Be aware that body temperature often drops sharply after play, so provide a soft blanket or cozy bathrobe for some warmth. If you’ve tied your submissive up, a massage will provide some extra comfort.

Make sure to have a close look at any welts or marks, to see if they require any attention. This would also be the right moment to admire the marks together, if that’s your piece of cake. I recommend smoothing on a soothing lotion or gel (we prefer to use hydro-gel, which is also great for fire-hot private parts or rope burn), but there are also submissives who love the ‘after glow’: the warm, glowing feeling on the skin which can be the result of a spanking, whipping or caning.

Putting together a ‘BDSM aftercare kit’

It’s always good to be prepared, so I highly recommend either getting your ‘aftercare kit’ ready before you start the scene, or to have one ready at all times. This is not only practical, but also a wise thing to do for when the submissive might be in need of a little break during play. Here are some ideas of what you might like to include:

Small snack
Refreshing or warming drink
Soothing lotion and/or hydro-gel
Soft cotton underwear
Blanket or bathrobe
Warm socks

Of course, as with all articles I write, feel free to adjust any of the above to suit your needs better. The things I mentioned are merely suggestions, and most are my personal preferences for an aftercare routine. I’m not by any means telling you how you ‘must’ treat your submissive or dominant, since I’m aware that some kinksters prefer no aftercare at all, but I do sincerely hope that my tips will enhance your BDSM experience.

© Bedroom Bondage 2013
Aftercare for Dominants

From BrianThornBlog

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
BDSM for Beginners (part 8: aftercare for dominants)

“aftercare is so very important. People say
after care is for the sub but personally it
reassures me that Mont and I are still okay”

“for me giving her aftercare afterwards
is like giving myself aftercare,
it lets that caringness soothe me as well”

“we both needed aftercare and while I know
pet needed it, I think I benefited more so
from that aftercare session than any other”
(Sensual Sadist)

This is the second in my educational series about aftercare. The first explored aftercare and subdrop issues for submissives. The next will look at how switches deal with these issues, and the final post will provide instructions for emergency self aftercare. This post examines aftercare for dominants, and addresses the following readers’ questions :

* What is domdrop?
* What is top guilt?
* What is Mistress fatigue?
* If my Dom/me needs aftercare, what do I do?
* Advice for fledging Dom/mes on “drop”, guilt and aftercare
* Aftercare for D/s couples


“When submissive guys are forging their ideal cruel
relentless Dommes I suspect the idea that those ferocious
icons may need care after a drain session never passes
through their mind. It wasn’t part of my fantasy life”
(Richard Evans Lee)

Richard’s words are SO true, lol. The subject of aftercare for dominants is rarely discussed. Most kinksters hold a similar view to Wikipedia:

“the dominant is responsible for helping the sub through subdrop … for the dominant, the care of their submissive should be paramount, and maintaining control of oneself at all times is integral to taking that care”.

Wiki’s aftercare entry reconfirms this:

“aftercare is the process of attending to an s-type (submissive, slave, bottom, etc) after intense activities of a physical, and/or psychological nature relating to BDSM activities”.

While terms like subspace and subdrop are commonly recognized and utilized in the kinky community, “domdrop” is a much more rarely heard term. If you try and raise the subject around my friends Carrie Ann and cyndi they’ll happily hijack your thread (“the word domdrop with a small “d” just looks … like a piece of candy. Something sweet to stick in onnes mouth. Lol. It brings up visions of willy wonka and candyland *giggles and scoots off*” … ” like a yummy little piece of your Dom to keep with you in case of emergencies … mm mmm good! *giggling*”) (subs … sigh …lol). But domdrop is very real indeed.


“didn’t have the label for it, had no-one
to talk it through with, didn’t expect it
… but it hit me like a runaway bus!”

“Drop” is an extremely personal experience. We discussed subdrop in detail in my first aftercare post, including how many subs never experienced it. Domdrop is the same (Torvea writes: “as a Dom, I have not experienced any ill effects after the ride. My focus is entirely on my sub and her needs. I am tired or drained but that is it”).

The problem is that so little has been written about domdrop that kinksters don’t recognize it when it occurs (RavenMuse: “The day after [a great session] I got the Domdrop. Didn’t have the label for it, had no-one to talk it through with, didn’t expect it… but it hit me like a runaway bus!”) or realize the need for it ( Keri: “I remember bottoming to a Top and afterwards we were sitting together and I said, “I’m fine. I don’t need aftercare.” and he looked at me and said, “Yeah, but I do.” It was quite thoughtless of me to just think that because I was okay, he was to”).

Fetish Diva Midori (in her essay “Aftercare: healing better to play harder”) is one of the very few writers to discuss domdrop:

“One would think that after care is for the bottoms and submissives, but it’s also for the tops, sadists and dominants. Tops go through similarly intense changes in their body chemistry, leading to the potential shock-like emotional and physical crashes.”

cc writes in “Before care, during care and aftercare”:

“In the case of dominants and tops consider that you often have been expending a great deal of not only physical energy but mental energy as well … and keeping yourself in check with the responsibilities of your submissive’s state of mind as well as their physical condition. Do not discount the drain this can have on a person both physically and mentally.

“It is not uncommon for dominants to find themselves having “dom drop” without recognizing the symptoms for what they are. It can be manifested in an emotional drop, lethargy as well as physical exhaustion up and above what would be considered “normal” for the type of play involved. It can last a short time or days in the same way that sub-space can have lingering effects”

You can see that domdrop has similar symptoms to subdrop. asdf123 writes of “definitely encounter[ing] dom-drop: physically feeling sick and wobbly enough to have to sit down, shaky hands and a need to hold somebody”, while Aradia observes in the comments to this post:

“today I have Domdrop from My intense session last night with whore. I worked him over hard and ended up on Domspace for the rest of the night. I did get a good night’s sleep, but it just seems that it was not enough. I feel lethargic, tired and like I am suffering from the dregs of an all night drinking binge”

Now these sorts of symptoms may occur for many reasons. Your body may still be awash with what Midori calls “adrenaline, endorphins, seratonin and other yummy body chemicals”. Or awash with hormones, lol, as Collar’N'Cuffs’ Miss Bonnie experiences:

“I’ve found the week before my period I get very horny and need more play time, but on the down side I experience more ‘top drop’. I find, if even the simplest things goes wrong, I drop at rapid speed, become all emotional and I’m the one that needs support after the scene ends … the thing is I know its going to happen, but I have this hunger to play”.

Your symptoms of ‘drop’ might be caused by concentrating too hard during a scene. Or not eating beforehand. You might be suffering physical exhaustion from impact play. You might be suffering emotional overload, or be fretting that something went wrong during play, and need reassurance and validation from your play partner – as Midori points out “beyond the fundamental physiological concerns, most often the top has their sense of self-wrapped up in the scene as much as the bottom does”.

However, some people believe these types of symptoms directly relate to an energy transference that occurs during play – in fact Mistress Steel defines domdrop entirely in these terms:

“one of the least visible aspects of a Dom/sub relationship is also something widely talked about but poorly understood. Exchange. Many people equate this to an exchange of power by the enforcement of roles (especially in scene). This exchange can be better understood as not an exchange of Power but an exchange of energy.

“By creating an artificial arena or environment, the ‘forced’ introduction of requirements, rules and boundaries you are also constructing the identical requirement, rules and boundaries for yourself. You become trapped within a performance role whenever you are with your submissive…”

[BDSM resource detour:
want to read more of Mistress
Steel’s thoughts on domdrop?]

Mistress Steel makes a good case for this. Especially when you consider that this kind of energy transference fallout can occur immediately post scene, or can have far more long reaching effects, possibly impacting on another negative state of mind experienced by dominants…


“I just can’t cope. How dare he write like that,
making such demands. I just can’t cope”

“there’s no joy in domming anymore”

“please. Leave me alone”

Mistress Steel observes:

“Many submissives ‘feed’ on the energy of the Dominant. A great submissive / Dominant relationship ‘passes’ or ‘exchanges’ energy. However, especially in new Dom’s and subs there tends to be a more focused need emanating from the submissive. The submissive wants to experience everything they have imagined inside of them … to a large extent their submissive response forces or attempts to force the Dominant into Domming them”

This can result in:

“a sudden withdrawal [of the dominant] coupled to a unsubstantive reason for the detachment or withdrawal. The submissive may go into a panic or ‘frenzy’ bombarding that Dominant with gifts, cards, flowers, phone calls…etc. Each of these will compound the problem and make it worse, adding stress to the Dominant. These are demands for attention that the Dominant is simply unable to give at that time. That inability can be driven to the point of a complete severance of the relationship in order for the Dominant to ‘retain face’ or their internal image of themselves.”

Mistress Steel defines this as a component of domdrop. I call it something else: Mistress (or Dom) fatigue. It rarely occurs in the aftermath of a single scene. More likely it strikes after an escalating series of stressful events (either real life and online) and is usually also linked with an over commitment of dominant responsibilities, including a fear of letting “everyone” (subs / new subs / mentoring relationships / online communities / etc) down.

The end result is exhaustion and a feeling of complete burn out with any BDSM related activities. It’s especially common online. The only cure is often complete withdrawal. It might take days. Weeks. Or months. If a complete withdrawal is not achieved – if, for example the dominant suffers what Mistress Steel terms “frenzied bombardments” from subs or if others continue to push with demands – the dominant may disappear online or (as Mistress Steel points out) permanently severe relationships.

A little further down this post I discuss how subs can help dominants with Mistress / Dom fatigue. For now, here is a list of possible solutions to help dominants conserve energy and avoid virtual burn out:

* Delegate: have a trusted sub handle your daily mail – or even just the unsolicited mail that collects at various online kinky communities. This immediately and drastically improves personal stress levels – your mail sub will delete all the abusive / junk mail, can write back to subs making enquiries to serve to inform them whether you are taking anyone on or not, and can bring to your attention the few remaining messages from true and sincere subs. I highly recommend this for ANY Mistress who receives a lot of unsolicited mail.

* Delegate MORE: have another trusted sub take over your blog / website maintenance / handle daily junk registration and spam deletions / act as a moderator on your forums etc. Again: instant (daily commitment) stress release.

* Limit your online BDSM commitments – just a little: Be honest: you really can’t fit another sub into your online stable (start a waiting list – sincere subs will understand). Remember to enjoy those subs you currently have, both online and realtime – if your time with them feels a burden you are heading for Mistress / Dom fatigue FAST. Cut down the time you spend at online kinky communities. Limit your time in chat. Cut down your blog list and your personal blog posts. Do not waste precious online time with people who are abusing that time: if your time and involvement with a community are not appreciated, go elsewhere.

* Just ended a relationship with a sub? Whether realtime or online, whether you initiated the breakup or not, losing a sub is a time of considerable stress. Take your “aftercare” as seriously as you would the recovery process after any other relationship. Allow time to experience all the usual end of relationship emotions. Then allow time to heal.

* Nurture yourself: boring but true: eat healthy (include indulgences and comforts of course). Take daily exercise (I find a daily flogging works wonders). Walk. Spend time near large bodies of water (the sea preferably but a bath will do). Meditate. Breathe deeply. Ban your laptop from the bedroom: read a book. Listen to music. Go see a movie with friends.

* Nurture your significant other: treasure your relationship (how cold and lonely was life before they came?). Tell them everyday what they mean to you. Save water and shower with them. Buy the foods they love (even the ones you dislike) and share them. Indulge in the kinks they enjoy most (even the ones you dislike). Above all: never take them for granted.

* Think of other ways to change your stress levels in your realtime and virtual lives. Work on making these changes happen. Burnout / Mistress fatigue is far less likely to take hold if you are able to avoid feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities.

Mistress Steel also offers the following advice regarding conserving energy and preserving dominant integrity:

“I am a Domina all the time for it is simply an overt part of my nature but I am not dominating all the time. It is essential that all aspects and parts of my personality live. ….

“To address Dom Drop in my own life it became necessary to view my primary relationship in other terms. It is my desire to control when and where I turn on (or become 110% Domina). To accomplish this the most simply I elected to construct my relationship with an ON/OFF switch. When I am with my partner we are both in neutral space. This allows open flowing conversation, debate, humor, the sharing of ideas, doing things together etc.

“When I feel a desire to engage or take control then I do so. I may do this physically by touch or verbally by shifting from neutral language where I use his proper name to ‘scene’ language where I use my chosen ‘private’ name for him. This simple construction is quite effective. It blockades the submissives potential desire to ‘force’ me into role, it negates the building of stresses by offering open exchanges of conversation and at the same time allows me total control over when and where I exercise my nature to its fullest…”.


“Sometimes when I’m prepping for a scene, getting into
the right headspace, I have a twinge of fear that I will
not be able to get back OUT afterwards. That I will
unleash something inside myself that can’t be recaptured”

“it feel like every stroke is ripped the wrong way
though every bit of social conditioning I’ve ever had”

Midori notes a further contributing factor to domdrop:

“In the act of sadism or dominance the top has exposed their desires and hungers that aren’t necessarily socially acceptable. We’ve been taught not to hit those we love. Now we do it for fun. It can take a bit of mental contortions to reconcile the cognitive dissonance with this. Many tops want to know that they are still loved and desired after exposing their darker desires to the other’

As usual, Midori is spot on. Chris M acknowledges something similar: “sometimes, when the heat of the scene has passed, a top can find him or herself exhausted, exposed and feeling guilty about doing bad, nasty things to someone they care about” while Sensual Sadist’s Alexandra observes “sometimes, exploring the assertively dark aspect of your psyche can ironically leave you feeling lonely and vulnerable”.

Some call this domdrop, others call it “top guilt”. I call it “Letting the Monster (inside me) Out” – as in “I’m hurting the person I love and I’m enjoying it …. how can I feel this way? I’m a monster. What if I can’t get the monster back in the box at the end of the session?” I know this insidious feeling well, as does Darkly:

“Sometimes when I’m prepping for a scene, getting into the right headspace, I have a twinge of fear that I will not be able to get back OUT afterwards. That I will unleash something inside myself that can’t be recaptured”

“Play can be transformative, and has often been so for me, usually in a very positive way. I have learned a great deal about my inner self, my ability to heal old wounds, take pain, create situations, etc. At some level, I fear that one day I’ll cross a line – inside myself – that I won’t be able to recover from having crossed.”

RavenMuse writes of how he came to terms with top guilt:

“I had deliberately caused [my sub] pain, choosen to hurt her…. and enjoyed it. Not only enjoyed it but was suspecting that I in someway needed it. It had opened up a whole new visa of emotions and feelings… discovered what I have over the years come to accept about Myself. That to get Me to want to give her roses…. I need her to want and need the thorns that go with them.

“But what did that mean about who I was, what I was….The culture I grew up in, nobody batted an eye if two lads faced off and beat each other to a bloody pulp… But you so much as raised a hand to a lassie and woe betide you. You where the lowest of the low, scum, subhuman and treated as such.

“It took a long time to get over that hurdle, to adjust to the whole issue of consent and shake off the weight of that conditioning”.

Bitchy Jones has also written of this, guilt being linked to:

“the most dangerous part. The hitty-hurty part … Sometimes I fight all the way through. Sometimes, when it’s bad it feel like every stroke is ripped the wrong way though every bit of social conditioning I’ve ever had. All my life I have been taught to give, to nurture, to soothe, that I shouldn’t damn well hurt people to get myself off.

“You know that whole line about, This hurts me far more than it hurts you …. then my whole world will contract in a big rushing implosion of the fuck! and – wow – I am the tiniest loneliest person in the world. And I hate myself. And I hate what I just did. And I hate that it got me off so hard. And this happens every time. Every. Single. Time”.

Bitchy – and many other dominants – find solace in their post orgasmic emotional responses. For me, that’s about the time I begin my lion tamer’s routine to try to get the monster back into the box. Sometimes you see, the monster REALLY doesn’t want to go….

Keri suggests several ways to deal with this:

“consistently checking in with yourself is so essential. Power can corrupt. And for a Top/Dominant to remain humble, to admit his/her mistakes, and do whatever is possible to correct those mistakes is what makes a good Top/Dominant in my opinion. When a Dominant is able to say to me, “I’m sorry” he or she has so much more of my respect…”

Janet provides further reassurance:

“I’d be hesitant to play with a top who *didn’t* experience this. This sort of guilt, or aftershocks, or whatever you call it, is your internal check-in to make sure you’re basically OK with what you did, that the monster is safely back inside its box, that your scene was driven by fundamental concern for your partner’s well-being. It gets easier with practice”

You really won’t know how you will deal with top guilt until you encounter it. Even if dominants are forewarned, advises RavenMuse :

“some bits they simply won’t understand fully till they experience it, till they themself get sideswiped by that self same runaway bus.

“When that happens, remember, you are NOT the only one despite how it feels at the time. A great many [dominants] have faced that bugbear. Dealt with it, adjusted and accepted it – you will too!”

EDIT: since I published this aftercare series, MrsClaudia has published a post on Top Guilt that I highly recommend. She poses the question: how do you cope with top guilt when something unexpected goes wrong:

“I never expect something to go wrong, but I have prepared myself … I am very careful to never leave my subby alone when he is in bondage, especially if I am mixing sensory deprivation with it. I practice with any new toys I get first, to make sure I don’t misuse the device. Well, so far, so good. But what about when something happens that is completely out of your control? What do you do when a decision you have made negatively affects your submissive? While I don’t have all the answers, I do have some experience in this arena.

“It is easy to tell others what to do physically when something goes wrong. If bondage has somehow gone wrong, then use your emergency medical sheers to cut the person out. If it is serious enough, call an ambulance or get your submissive to the ER immediately. You would rather be safe than sorry. My focus with this article is how to handle the guilt when a decision YOU make as a Domme causes an injury…”

Definately worth a read.


“where do I start?
what if I get it wrong?”

OK, so let’s say you are a new dominant reading this. What are the most important points about aftercare you need to keep in mind?

Some important tips:

1. Chris M: The scene isn’t finished until aftercare is over!
2. Midori: Reassurance. Gratification. Validation!
3. Mistress 160: Don’t forget about Virtual Aftercare, or about being able to handle your own emergency self aftercare!

Keep in mind:

* there are several good articles on aftercare (especially Chris M and Midori) but as a dominant you should also take the time to read others in the Reference list at the bottom of this post

* everyone’s aftercare requirments are different: can you provide the aftercare your play partner requires? if not, who can? don’t be offended if a play partner tells you during Pre Scene Negotiations that they prefer their regular play partner or significant other to provide their aftercare (read up on Third Party Aftercare with Midori)

* you need to prepare an aftercare kit not only for yourself but for your sub’s use, “just in case” they don’t have one (for example, put two blankets in if you both get cold after play)

* remember to allow enough time after play for aftercare. Not budgeting your time and having to run off to other appointments without attending to your play partner will not win you friends (or a good reputation)

* read up on Virtual Aftercare in the first post in this aftercare series

* enjoy this special time with the sub who has given you so much! Afterwards request they write honestly about the experience. This will provide a useful learning tool.

* avoid what Chris M calls Over Friendly Aftercare: “aftercare as a non-negotiated grope session is not respectful unless its welcomed by your partner … hands-all-over gooses, gropes, and tonsil hockey seem less a conclusion … than an independent scene on its own, snuck in, un-negotiated, on the sly”.

* you’ll want to check in with your partner over the next few days to talk over the scene and check for subdrop symptoms. You can also use this time to go over the scene

* Chris M writes “some tops, even magnificent ones, don’t do aftercare”. If you feel you are going to be one of those dominants always remember “you have a responsibility to arrange aftercare for your partner if they don’t have someone to take care of them”

(don’t forget your aftercare kit!)


“I sometimes need [aftercare] when
things go wrong in a way that hurt
me, even if it’s just a minor thing”

“thank you So MUCH for covering this subject,
Ms160. It helps as a newer dominant to know I’m
not alone in my experiences and I really appreciate
the comprehensive nature of the Aftercare series”

Your own needs and aftercare requirements will become clearer once you play. If you are a switch (you enjoy playing both sub + dom roles) read my next post, which documents how switches deal with “drop”, which they experience from both sides, and aftercare.

For now:

* familiarize yourself with the other posts in this aftercare series, especially the first (which provides background and examples of aftercare and “drop”)

* familiarize yourself with the “Aftercare Practicalities” section in the first post (which covers working out your aftercare needs, ways to inform your play partner of them, and how to assemble an aftercare kit, etc)

* before play: make sure you provide your play partner with details of your aftercare requirements during Pre Scene Negotiations

* after play: watch out for: domdrop and top guilt symptoms

* Chris M : “familiarize yourself with self aftercare, just to be on the safe side. Depending on your self-image, and style, you may not want to receive aftercare from your submissive partner. Or, you may be with a bottom that does not wish to see you as needing nurturing or care”. Check out my emergency self aftercare instructions. Select a friend who can act as your Third Party Friend during aftercare / domdrop crises.

* longterm: watch out for: Mistress / Dom fatigue


“”I know what [my partner] needs … I
hadn’t thought of this as aftercare …
[it] just seems the natural thing to do”

“thankyou thankyou! [Ms160’s post] was so
helpful for me, to see what my top goes through”

“Does my top need help – can I help?” is something many subs ask me. The answer is definately: YES!!

As Midori points out:

“many tops want to know that they are still loved and desired after exposing their darker desires to the other. Their pride as a technician and lover may also be involved in this. The top wants validation that they were a “good top.” Telling a top that “Your flogging sucks” just might crush them. Even if they look pissed off, they’re actually hurt”.

So take Chris M’s advice:

“remember to express gratitude and respect to the top who has spent the last hour or so being bad to you. Flattery is good … a foot massage might be much appreciated for a Domme who has been busily abusing you while in high heels, or for anyone in hard leather boots…

“if you are a bottom ‘on loan’ from another dominant/top who plans to provide your aftercare, don’t forget to express gratitude to your partner in play. A thank you, a kiss on the cheek and a hug is almost always good form”

Some of you have written to me, confused by your Dom/me’s “fussing” over you at the end of a scene, and were surprised when I responded that it was important you allow them to do this. Midori explains why:

“here’s an interesting insight into Top psychology: there are times when the bottom needs very little aftercare, but the top insists upon it. For many tops, providing aftercare for the bottom may be exactly what they need. The act of providing help and healing allows many tops to feel whole, compassionate, kind and validated. This may be how they balance for the darker side that they expressed earlier in the scene.

“So what do you do if you’re the bottom and you feel like you’re done with your aftercare but your top is still fussing over you? If you can, let them and understand that you’re doing their aftercare in letting them provide for you”.

Do keep an eye out for this. Its extremely important to let yourself be nurtured, if you can. Also, if you think your dominant may be experiencing top guilt, make sure you reassure them – as asdf123 points out:

“hitting somebody you love is a bit of an arse-backwards sort of thing to do, and I guess wanting some reassurance that you haven’t done any permanent damage to either them or your relationship is natural”

Sometimes you will provide the reassurance they need without even knowing it. Jadetiger writes:

“aftercare for Mont is so simple. He snuggles under the covers and is fast asleep. I do enjoy watching him as he sleeps and running my fingers through his hair. The aftercare is so very important. People say after care is for the sub but personally it reassures me that Mont and I are still okay”

Providing your Dom/me with aftercare is especially important after a ‘broken” scene (for example a scene stopped due to accidental injury, use of a safe word, unexpected visitors etc).

[BDSM resource detour:
want to read more about what type of
“broken” scenes require aftercare?
Click here]

Sensual Sadist’s Alexandra noted, after a session with her partner went wrong:

“We both needed aftercare and while I know pet needed it, I think I benefited more so from that aftercare session than any other.

“When things go wrong it’s easy to let the baggage pile up. “He’s not being truly submissive”, “He doesn’t understand my needs”, “We aren’t going to be able to keep this thing going” are all natural thoughts to pass through your mind after something has gone wrong or you feel let down. It is when these thoughts become persistent that they become corrosive”.

Wise words, indeed. Make sure you talk through the scene, especially if something went wrong. If you don’t know when the best time is to raise the problem with your dominant, why not write to them about what occurred, and ask if a time can be set aside for discussion.

If your dominant doesn’t check in – especially after a broken scene – then contact them yourself. They may be experiencing domdrop or top guilt and need your support.


“hello My Lady, just wanted to write to say
hope all is well … we miss you but are doing fine,
you would be proud … the roses are blooming … “

“Help” comes down to one word: patience. Mistress / Dom fatigue may go on for some time. And controlling your own panic won’t be easy. Remember (and this is important, trust me):

1. You have NOT failed as a sub
2. You have NOT let your Dom/me down
3. Your Dom/me is NOT upset with you
5. This is your dominant’s issue, NOT yours

If you find yourself in this position, then I’m giving you a direct order as a Domme: I want you to repeat these words to yourself every morning and night. Reassuring yourself is important.

Under no circumstances flood your Dom/me with correspondence and gifts. I agree with Mistress Steel that this truly will make things worse, as will sending demanding messages or complaints. You are simply adding to the many commitments they currently can’t cope with, and making them feel even more guilty about letting everyone (including you) down. Absolutely, drop them a line now and then, but keep it brief, light (“thinking about you”) and above all, positive and reassuring (“I’m doing okay, looking forward to seeing you soon”).

Remember: patience! Give your dominant time, and you will be rewarded with the thing you most desire: their return.

The question then becomes, how can you help your Dom/me avoid something similar in the future? Keep in mind Mistress Steel’s words for new subs:

“a new submissive should consider the act of alleviating the stresses of the Dominant as a priority in their life. Learning to be patient and await the natural waves of energy that all of us produce is something that makes more experienced submissives such a joy to be around. A submissive should seek to blend seamlessly into their Dominant’s life, sharing in that ‘excess’ of Dom energy when it is available and ‘feeding’ their Dominant with ease of spirit when that Dominant is low on energy”

Think practically, in terms of how you might help alleviate stress. If you are in a real time D/s relationship there are a million daily things you can do. Virtual relationships are more difficult but not impossible. You might, for example, offer to handle their unsolicited mail (a popular Mistress can receive hundreds of unsolicited messages from subs a week).

Think creatively, if you don’t want to be left behind again next time this happens. You might consider something seriously radical: making friends with your dominant. If you become more than a sub your relationship widens – this may result in your not being excluded if Mistress fatigue occurs again.


“we all have our times when we
need that little extra aftercare”

“returning to the romantic love we share
allows us to put things in perspective”

I find it wonderful to observe how D/s couples move within minutes from violent scenes of torment, degradation, coersion and intense pain, to the comfort and closeness of aftercare. It shows extraordinary love. Bitchy Jones writes of being:

“so fucking grateful to [her play partner]. Who came on this journey with me. Who took me to this place. *This* is why d/s is *always* better with an emotional bond.

“I don’t want to really call it love, it is though, it’s love. This is where love lives for me. Play games with pain and you’re playing games with emotions. And this is why my heart is always getting broken. It soars too high”

Aftercare becomes an extremely important component of play for many D/s couples, for whom it provides (as described by Chris M) a time:

“when the participants come together in mutual affirmation that something special was created and shared … when affection and closeness is offered and sought … it can be, and often is, the most beautiful part of a scene, and it is part of the scene”

MissBonnie’s partner oz knows (writes MsB) when she’ll turn into a “hormonal mess” that desperately desires playtime despite knowing the hormones will increase domdrop:

“he’s gotten to the point he knows in advance and buys me chocolate for after-wards, and of course he always has the hugs on standby waiting. LOL. We all have our times when we need that little extra aftercare”

Sensual Sadist’s Alexandra observes:

“Dominants rarely speak of enjoying aftercare and for me it’s usually a time of quiet motherly leadership and reassuring affection, but I’m lucky in that my pet has a nurturing, almost motherly streak of his own …letting me squeeze him possessively and having him rub my worries away has always been a blessing for all aspects of my psyche”

Parttimeswitch discovered something similar, her Dom partner desiring:

“gentle loving lovemaking followed by cuddling and small talk. The cuddling and small talk is most important. I think the confirmation that I love and want him without coersion and that I appreciated the scene is necessary … Gentle love just seems the natural thing to do”.

My own aftercare also involves “gentle love”. My needs require that solipsist and myself leave behind our D/s roles and slip back into being equal partners / lovers. This is partly because my needs are similar to Lavender Scorpion (“I want to be validated and appreciated in a sexual way, for more than just what I have to give as a Domme. And I want the expression of that to be physical, as well as verbal and emotional”) but also because this provides reassurance I have not allowed the monster too far out of the box. This time.

If we come together in love, fall asleep wrapped around each other in love, then all is right with my world. Mistress160 – the world famous Monster Tametress (photo below) – has tamed the monster; her beloved remains her beloved. Alexandra experienced something similar:

“Returning to the romantic love we share allows us to put things in perspective. So that the next day I still don’t look at him and feel that something is unfinished, still not set right…”

Sometimes love is all the aftercare a dominant needs….


(Ms160 the monster tametress + fierce pet)

As I wrote in the first post in this aftercare series, while all this may sound a bit dire – it describes situations you may never have to face – it’s important to know what to do if/when BDSM problems occur. Which is what this BDSM for Beginners series is all about.

The last few lines of this post are to remind you that aftercare is usually a wonderful experience. A time to draw close to the person who has given you such intense pleasure, to affirm together the extraordinary experience you just created together – a time (as parttimeswitch describes) of “hazy sweetness while all my nerve endings are still singing”.

To quote Chris M, “I wish for you to explore it and revel in its languid joys…”

Aftercare is extremely important after intense scenes, whether it be impact play, really rough sex, and so on. These are just a few items that can be included in an aftercare kit. Remember that different scenes require different types of items. Sub drop is different for each person too so make your kit according to you or your parter.

Make sure that your little is hydrated with either water or gatorade. It doesn’t hurt to include other drinks that are comforting or bring your little into little space such as juice, milk, chocolate milk, or tea.

If your little is shaking after a scene, calm them down with a bubble bath, wrapping them in blankets and giving them a pair of socks/slippers, or even give a massage.

Aftercare is also more than just items, it includes hugs, cuddles, kisses, and praises.

Coping with Emotional Sub Drop

Many discussions of sub drop examine the physical aspects of post-scene aftercare but often overlook the more chronic and potentially crippling emotional effects. Too often, submissives and other BDSM partners are left to suffer in silence and often alone; the worst possible outcome.

Immediately following a scene or BDSM play, a submissive may experience an emotional high, a carefree feeling, an overwhelming sense of being free of stress and worries. However, when this feeling fades it can be replaced by other less desirable emotions. This emotional or mental drop varies in intensity and duration but often takes the form of guilt, anxiety, melancholy, depression, and/or agitation. While this may happen immediately or within a few hours following a scene, it can also manifest itself for several days to even a week or more after a hard scene.

The emotional manifestations of sub drop are often a direct result of coming down or “crashing" off of the endorphin high brought about by BDSM play. But they can also be a byproduct of physical exertion and stressors encountered during the course of play as well. These physical effects only serve to compound the psychological impact.

One of the causes of mental or emotional drop can be a sense of loss brought about by a feeling of being suddenly disconnected from a BDSM partner. During the scene, a feeling of intense intimacy is created between the Dominant and submissive and if that contact is not maintained into the post-scene environment, a feeling of loss akin to the mourning of a death can set in. During a scene a submissive looks to the Dominant for a feeling of safety and security, allowing themselves to feel profoundly vulnerable and exposed. After a scene that vulnerability can lead to an overwhelming sense of having been deserted if there is no continued contact between the Dom and the submissive. The result is that a submissive can be left feeling used or abandoned.

Guilt and shame are also very common feelings experienced during emotional sub drop. These can be brought about by perceptions of social stigmas against BDSM and sexual activity. For new submissives especially, societal perceptions of sexual and/or gender roles and acceptable practices can cause confusion in the days following a scene. There can also be a sense of disbelief on the part of a submissive that they would actually allow themselves to do the things they have done or be treated in the way that they have been. Shame can play a major role in emotional drop compounded by a sense of isolation. Due to a sense of shame, a submissive can feel completely alone and unable to reach out to their customary support network of family and friends because “they simply would not understand.“ Here the Dominant or other BDSM partner needs to play a crucial supportive role.

Severe emotional sub drop can have long lasting effects. A serious occurrence with little or no care can damage or destroy a relationship between a Dom and sub, the trust bond having been severed between the two. As with all emotions, sub drop can also influence reactions to future scenes, the effects of which should be monitored closely. It is important that every effort be made to make sure that a scene ends as a positive experience.

The best way to cope with mental sub drop is relatively simple but the responsibility falls squarely on the Dominant, ACE:

A - after care directly following the scene

C - contact in the hours and days following the scene

E - expression of positive reinforcement to the submissive

Aftercare should be more than a Dom simply making sure the submissive is physically alright. It should also be a period of positive reinforcement, reassurance, and connection. The submissive is especially vulnerable in the period directly after a scene before they have regained their faculties. They need to feel safe, valued, and cared for during this period so that the whole scene experience is a positive one.

Contact in the hours and days after a scene is essential to ensuring that the experience remains positive for the submissive. This does not simply mean casual contact, but rather being genuinely available and prepared to really listen and allow the submissive to express what they are feeling. Many times deep emotions come up during this period and by providing a receptive outlet for them, the Dom can help the submissive explore all the feelings conjured up during the scene and afterward and prevent them from festering and causing real damage.

Expression of positive reinforcement is one of the most crucial aspects of aftercare. With a few kind and loving words a Dom can allow the submissive to feel pride in themselves. Express honest positive thoughts and emotions to them. Compliment them on how they did and what they did well. This single aspect of after care will have the greatest affect on avoiding severe mental sub drop and resulting after effects. Making the interaction between Dom and sub a positive experience can help minimize or prevent guilt or shame that might be felt later.

Above all, be there for each other. Drop is not limited solely to submissives, Doms can feel profound emotional drop as well and for similar reasons. It is crucial that the bond that brought you together to play in the BDSM space in the first place be maintained through the scene and well into the hours and days that follow. Be kind, loving and considerate to each other. Support one another and above all be patient. Handled properly, drop can be averted or at least managed in such a way that both partners remain committed to one another and to not only continuing the D/s relationship but plumbing its depths still further.

Treat as you would hope to be treated.

Caption © For The Love of a Submissive, 2013
Different Kinds Of Aftercare

Just holding your sub

Giving them a bath

A massage

Using soothing lotions on bruises/marks

A short nap with your sub.

Petting/soothing with words. (i.e. good girl/good boy/ you did so well)

Giving a treat (warm milk/tea/some goldfish, etc)

Brushing their hair

Watching a movie of your sub’s choice

Reading a book to them

Kissing their marks/bruises/wounds

Letting them know they’re safe

Wrapping them in their favorite blanket with their favorite stuffed animal
Dom Drop

A common conversation in BDSM circles is sub drop but rarely, if ever, is Dom dr0p discussed. It is a real thing and does happen! We focus so much on making sure the submissive is cared for that the Dominant is often left to their own devices.

First, before we talk about how to care for a Dom that is suffering from drop we should discuss what Dom drop is. Dom drop is very much the same as sub drop – but they can can have more emotional turmoil than submissives might. After all, they just spent a good afternoon beating your ass red, black and blue… and enjoyed it! Society teaches us that it is wrong to do that. We grow up being told not to hit anyone and that if you enjoy it you must be messed up! So during Dom drop, there is often a period of insecurity, fear and disgust in what they just did.

Another form of Dom drop is if play stopped suddenly or unexpectedly. If the endorphins and adrenaline are really rushing around they can have a sudden feeling of fatigue, irritability and depression because of the plummeting good mood natural drugs dissipating. Either way, the Dominant is dropping.

Along with the muscle aches and pains that are signs of a good time had by all – these moments can freeze a Dominant in their tracks and drive them to depression, reclusiveness and closed off behavior. It’s completely normal to go through this.

So how does a submissive help support a Dominant that is suffering from drop?

The best thing you can do is be there, remind them that if they want to talk you will and provide physical support. KM needs sexual release, others I know want a back rub, a nap or a sweet pastry of some kind. If you reassure them that their feelings are valid and normal it will help them recover. Ask them if they need something to drink or eat – resume your submission to them as soon as you feel able to after coming down from your high.

Talk to your Dominant before you play about what they’d like you to do if they drop. They may not even realize that they need something after play. The best thing for them is that you remember to take care of them too and ask them how you can help them relax after playing.
How To Make A Sub Drop Kit

After every scene, it is always good to have a small assortment of stuff on hand to lessen the impact of sub drop.

Good things to put into a subdrop kit:

Natural fruit juice: After a scene blood sugar may be low, causing a craving for sugars and shakiness. Simple sugars are the fastest way to restore this!

Bananas: Muscle cramps may happen after long scenes, and this replaces potassium.

Ibuprofen: Also good for muscle pain, welts, sores, stingy bums!

Gatorade: replaces lost hydration and salts.

Cheese/nuts: hunger is common after scenes, something high in protein will help the body recover faster

Neosporin: for any cuts or welts.

Bandaids: Same as above

A heating pad or ice pack: for any injuries!

A positive book, or letter from a loved one: reading happy things cam help! but no sad things!

Calming scented candles/bubble bath/ lotion: I suggest using Lavender. Its a great scent for relieving tension and headaches! (I would know, I have migraines)

A favorite movie

A blanket

A stuffed animal

Cuddles: Some submissives do not like this. I am not a fan of cuddles when recovering or depressed.

Anything else you want! It should be customized to help YOU the best!

- author unknown
Online Aftercare

submissive dreamer:

So, a lot of people seem to forget that aftercare is important in online scenes, too. It’s important to make sure that you don’t immediately log out after a session online - the emotions can be running high even after you have played together online. Here are some of the things that have worked for me in the past when I needed aftercare in an online relationship.

I’ve had Dominants talk to me in a soft, gentle voice afterwards. They gave me compliments, and they would tell me how much they enjoyed themselves.

I’ve had some Dominants sing or read to me afterwards, just because it would make me smile and lull me to sleep.

Some Dominants would tell me to take a long shower afterwards, and then to rub my whole body in lotion. Then, I’d get back to bed, and they’d talk to me until I fell asleep.

I had one Dominant who used to read me funny things he found online after we did our thing. It was a bit odd, but it definitely helped to bring me down.

Basically, my point is, there are tons of ways to give someone the care that they need after you’ve played together online. Don’t be lazy. Don’t play if you don’t have time for aftercare afterwards.

Take the time to bring your submissive down from her emotional highs. It’s part of your duty as a Dominant.
Providing aftercare to your Dominant/Top

I’m not complaining even though it might sound like I am. But I can’t go a day on tumblr without seeing at least 3-4 posts dedicated to aftercare represented solely with images and assumptions around submissives being the only ones needing aftercare.

One of the biggest problems with domdrop is that many dominants themselves go through it without recognizing the signs let alone requiring the care afterwards. Most tops are so used to being strong and in control that a drop may be brushed off as manageable. Yes, it is manageable for some, but not all.

Aftercare is a mutual act that needs to occur at the same time. Dominants need it as well as Submissives (regardless of gender).

Some of the things that can be done to ease a top into both recognizing their need for aftercare, as well as provide it to them without them seemingly needed are:

1. Reassurance - Remind them that the scene was good (if it was) and that they made you feel happy, safe and cared for throughout the scene

2. Cuddling/Hugging/Being held - Tops need this as well and it becomes a part of providing the comfort. It’s ok if you remain still during, but I would recommend wrapping your bodies around each other (both of you).

3. Gentle/Light communication
- As tiring as the scene might be, it’s still a good idea to keep a very gentle conversation going. It doesn’t have to even be intelligent. But it should contain talking about feelings. While expressing how you’re feeling, ask the top how they’re feeling as well. Not just about the scene, but physically and emotionally generally.

4. Remember till the day after -
In a lot of cases, I’ve noticed that tops tend to have belated responses to a scene. This is what happens to me personally where the adrenaline delays the drop by a few hours and then it hits me like running into a brick wall. The crash includes lithargy, low energy, fatigue, low/depressed mood. If you see any signs, they could be indicative of a domdrop. That’s when they need aftercare. A massage, backrub, showering together, or even space if they need it. But space doesn’t mean leaving them completely alone. Ask them regularly what they want, and keep doing the things that they like you to do for them normally.

5. Assist with regaining proper mindset and energy - It uses a lot of power, energy (both physical and emotional). At times dominants enter what is known as “performance mode” where they’re becoming increasingly involved in their role to the point of a temporary loss of identity. That’s part of domspace and requires a lot of energy to maintain. Find out how deep into domspace they went and that could indicate if a domdrop is coming.

6. Remember experiences and signs - This one goes without saying. If you’ve experienced a domdrop then you already know what needs to be done. If you’ve experienced one and didn’t recognize it, then honestly it’s time to really take a few steps towards learning more about it.

All the best. And be safe. All of you.

Here are some resources I collected from the internet on this subject:

Submissive Guide
The responsibility of aftercare


We always talk about how it is the responsibility of the Dom to provide to his sub, but is it just theirs?

Do we not owe it to ourselves to love ourselves enough to speak up about what aftercare we need? To be able to recognise our own signs of sub drop and care for ourselves if needed?

Sub drop may not always happen at a convenient time, it may not be straight away when you’re in each others arms, or when your Dom is around. For instance, I used to find myself regularly dropping on the Monday once I’d returned to work. It wasn’t convenient for us to be together or to have a sick day all the time. I could let him know via a quick text message during my break, but that was all - I’m not allowed to have my phone switched on when I’m in the classroom. Until we could be together it was down to me to keep myself going. I’m sure there’s many couples out there who have found themselves in a similar situation.

Having a plan on how you can get through sub drop when you are apart is a must (in my opinion.) It can be something little and discrete - maybe some emergency chocolate to get those happy hormones going, a letter from your Dom that you can sneak off to the toilets and read, a squishy stress toy or a furry object (depending on how you swing sensory wise) to feel. What I found that worked for me is being close to nature - I once took myself outside and laid on the grass and watched the clouds and stroked the trees (you can laugh at me if you wish!)

Whatever it is you need, you owe it to yourself to make sure you get it.
Some thoughts on aftercare


I think relatively little has been written or said about aftercare in the BDSM world. You can find thousands of articles that will tell you where and how to hit someone with a cane, but many fewer that tell you what to do to her afterward. Part of this is common sense. No thoughtful lover fucks and runs in the vanilla world. Everything can be more intense in BDSM, so a little extra thought should be devoted to what happens after.

I’ll address most of these brief comments to Doms, but subs, you should remember that your Dom may need care too. While I believe it is His responsibility to take care of you, a session can be very draining and leave a Dom feeling very empty afterward too. Try to maintain the intimacy, avoid off topic conversation and critical remarks, and just be there for Him. In a BDSM experience, a Dom often feels a level of mastery and control akin to being a Greek god. Coming back to earth can be difficult and more than a little painful.

Doms, you should realize that not every experience with your sub will be mindblowing, but, when it is, her mind will really be blown. Sub drop is a topic for another day, and maybe one I’m not particularly qualified to write on, is basically a natural counterpart to the tremendous high of a BDSM experience. It can happen for many reasons, and it doesn’t always happen. Aftercare is designed to help with sub drop, but it does much more and is needed even where there is no sub drop. It is part of a relationship and part of forging that connection between you and your sub. There are many ways to do this, and, as long as you’re paying attention to her needs and her reactions, it’s hard to go wrong. A skilled Dom will be able to handle aftercare covering the full range of experiences—from a quicky in a public place to a scene that’s so intense it’s triggering. Adapt and pay attention. Though there’s nothing set in stone, here are some ideas I’ve found useful:

Make love to her. Gently, sweetly, and completely. Be fully present. Notice I didn’t say fuck her, and I don’t think it matters whether you do this with your hands, mouth or cock, but somehow create an experience where the union of your bodies brings you together. Ironically, aftercare can be as simple as this.

Think about what’s about to happen to her body in the next few minutes. If things were really intense, she’s covered in sweat, but even if not she’s going to cool down and start shivering very soon when “things” stop. Cover her with a sheet. If she’s restrained, remove them and gently rub her limbs to get the blood flowing. Tend to only the most serious physical needs (i.e. is she bleeding anywhere?) right now, and then wrap her in a warm blanket. You do not want her shivering from being cold.

She is (and maybe you are too) in an altered state of consciousness right now. Her body is flooded with hormones, her breathing and heart rate have been crazy, and she’s been out on the edge emotionally. Speak to her clearly and simply. Don’t do anything that could confuse her. Watch her carefully, at least for the first few minutes afterwards—just assume she’s intoxicated or high. Certainly don’t let her drive immediately (say, within half an hour), and, depending how intense things were, maybe don’t let her out of your sight. If she’s going to walk outside to get a smoke, probably a good idea you go too. I’d usually encourage her to just lay there, but this is also one of those times a Dom wants to exert less control. Let her find her comfort and if that’s getting up and moving, just make sure she does it safely.

Give her a drink of water. If you planned ahead, there’s a glass of water beside the bed. If not, don’t confuse her. Tell her clearly to stay where she is and that you will be right back, go get her a glass of water and tell her to drink. Remember, she’s not quite in her right mind at this point so be very clear and don’t leave any room for confusion.

There’s nothing “standard” from here. Spend time with her. Everyone is different, but most girls want to be held gently in this time. Stroke her hair, tell her she’s beautiful, tell her you’re proud of her and she pleased you. Tell her she was a good girl. If it’s appropriate, tell her you love her. Hold her while she drifts off to sleep, or maybe just drifts for a while.

If you talk, keep it simple and supportive. What went well? Ask her what she liked most. Tell her how sexy she was. Words are often not needed in this time, but it’s also possible to do a little debriefing and learn more about how her body and mind work… good to know next time.

The point of all of this is basically to return to the real world. If she goes to sleep, she will probably wake up relatively “ok”. If you are awake, maybe do something together afterward. Order pizza and watch television. Go out to eat. Play video games. Fuck again. Whatever works. ;)

Once you both come back to reality, does she have any other physical needs that require attention? Bruises? Scrapes? Usually the answer is probably no, but basic first aid is important here.

Very important and often neglected: check in with her tomorrow. Nasty sub drops can still happen a day or even longer after an intense experience. Even if this is someone you played with casually, a phone call might not be a bad idea.

One last thought, that I think is nearly completely neglected: after care is important online too. Maybe if you just play with someone for 15 minutes in chat or exchange a few text messages, not much is needed. But some online experiences can be very, very intense (after all, you’re playing with her mind, not her body) and the Dom has an obligation to care for the sub afterward. I think it can be as simple as talking “normally” afterward—tell jokes, laugh, make it clear to her that you’re interested in more than just sexy chat and seeing her on webcam. Last thought: especially online, things can go downhill rather quickly for her over the next few days, especially if you took her someplace she’s never been before. Think carefully because you’re dealing with another human being on the other end of the connection. You have a responsibility and an obligation to be the best for her you can be.

I’ll enable answers to this post so other people can comment and share ideas. Like I said, it’s not authoritative, but just some ideas drawn from my experience.
sub/Dom Space, sub/Dom Drop and Aftercare


We do things that are out of the ordinary. We experience relatively extreme pleasures and pains in the name of what we enjoy; whether it’s a simple over-the-knee spanking or an abduction scene with a sprinkling of waterboarding and play.

Just as our kinks are varied, the effects of kink come in many forms too. They’re usually physical or psychological—even spiritual for some. One common element is the release of hormones within the body.

Endorphins are hormones which are classed as opioids and fall into the same sub-category as morphine. (Half of the name is taken from morphine: ‘-orphin’, meaning ‘morphine-like’.) They can create intense highs and euphoria, produced by the brain during various experiences—not least of all through love, excitement, pain and orgasm. It’s no wonder they’re often cited when trying to understand kink physiologically.

Adrenaline (or epinephrine in the U.S.) is also common. It’s a hormone that’s released during an emotional experience, most often with fear and the fight-or-flight reaction, which itself has a long list of effects.

Emotions and mental states add to the experience as well. The session might involve something new and untested, revisiting something that was once triggering or feared. It could be with someone new, or with a long-term partner whom you deeply want to please.

Every session has an almost unique mix of physical, mental and emotional being, both individually and together, which can lead to three particular phases.

It’s important to note that while all three are heavily related to one another, they are also independent of one another. They’re collectively seen as a natural progression but one or two may be experienced without the other(s).

Space (or Subspace)

During a session, the combination of responses can create a trance-like feeling often called subspace. In such a state, the submissive becomes less and less aware of what’s going on around them, to the point where they might not feel pain.

Externally, they become still or quiet as the rush overpowers them, floating on a huge natural high. It’s rather like being drunk; the submissive isn’t wholly themselves and is unlikely to be in full control of their faculties.

The implications for a submissive’s play partner are important. If the submissive is not alert to what’s happening, or the pain they are receiving, then the partner needs to be. They are now the submissive’s eyes, ears—even skin.

It should go without saying that the partner should be aware of this regardless, but it is paramount when the submissive cannot be relied upon to say something—especially pain—is too much. Anyone who has hurt themselves while drunk could probably attest to not realising just how much they were injured until sobriety kicked in.

The effects of subspace don’t stop simultaneously with the session. Just as finishing the last beer doesn’t instantly make you sober, the body is still reacting and processing to whatever you’ve been doing (or had done to you). The dominant partner should be aware of this as well. You wouldn’t let a friend walk or drive home smashed and high as a kite; neither should anyone who is in subspace be left to themselves.

On one last note, dominant partners can experience this too. The stimulations are different but the reaction is similar; a natural high, a flight of euphoria. It is often a limited experience because, clearly, the dominant is in control and has to keep control for the session to stay within limits and maintain safety for all involved.

Drop (or Subdrop)

Unfortunately the hormonal and emotional high can’t last forever. The rush is just that—relatively fleeting. It could last for minutes or hours but once the body has flushed the hormones away, a large hole where all the lovely sensations and feelings used to be can be left.

The come-down, often called subdrop, is very similar to withdrawal. Just as subspace can be likened to being drunk, subdrop can be like a rough hangover. The body reacts to the sudden absence of physical, mental and emotional highs, sending the partner back to Earth. What the symptoms are, how deeply they are felt and how soon they appear after a session varies wildly.

Physically, they may be cold, aching, unsteady on their feet, dizzy. Mentally, they may feel guilt, doubt or shame over what they’ve done or participated in. Emotions can hit a depressing low along with sadness, anger and emptiness. Those who are going through a drop can experience irrationality—crying or lashing out for no reason, for example.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. As is always the case with kink, everyone is different. Which is why it’s important to be aware of yourself—and your partner—after any session. Your reactions, and the depth of them, might not fit with the common suspects. Being alert to yourself in the hours and days after play will help you—and your partner help you—regain normality.

You can help lessen the effects of a drop. Before a session, ensure that you are taking care of yourself; that you have eaten healthily and had plenty of water; that any health problems are taken care of and discussed; and that any negative or troubling emotions are shared and put to rest. If your body or mind begins in the wrong state for a session, then it could make a drop worse.

Again, this is often seen from the submissive’s point of view, but dominant partners also experience it (and more often than the preceding ‘space’) as their own ecstasy and elation subsides.


Aftercare should be discussed and planned for—in terms of equipment and time—before anything happens.

When a loved one is unwell, you look after them. If they are going through a tough time, you’re there for them. While a kink session should be nothing like illness or trauma, everyone concerned has been through something extraordinary and real life can be hard to adjust back to.

Just as with ‘space’ and ‘drop’, aftercare comes in every shade possible. Whether it’s your very first time and have no idea what sort of care you’ll need or your ten-thousandth time and your fairly sure you just need a hug, talking about post-session needs is as important as setting hard limits and safewords. If it is your first time, consider what kinds of comfort you usually need in other situations.

Physically, the dominant should take care of any immediate practicalities, reviving aching limbs that were restrained, attending to cuts or injuries with first aid, providing a blanket or clothes for warmth.

Replenishing the body is crucial. Orange juice is particularly good for its vitamins as they can soften the drop back to real life, soft drinks are better avoided for their high sugar content. A little food is also helpful; fruit to pick at is always excellent, a portion of chocolate might not go amiss as eating it releases a small helping of endorphins back into the body.

Aftercare is as necessary as consent for its emotional and mental support. The biggest part of this is reassuring your partner you are there for them. They may need to hear how much you adore, accept, and respect them. They may need to know they aren’t shameful or disgusting. They may need to discuss what you’ve done and how they feel about that. They might just need a hug or even be left alone.

Aftercare doesn’t stop on the day. The onus is on the dominant to check in with their play partner for at least the few following days to ensure they are fine and not suffering in any way. If you don’t live together, a voice call is better than text-based talk.

It’s down to the dominant to check, and provide, what their partner requires. Some need more attention than others; a few need no attention at all. There’s no prescription or commandments to what aftercare should be, it’s whatever will help each other back to normality with a parachute rather than a crash landing.

What’s paramount is listening to what your partner needs and giving them that. To not is shirking your responsibility and can potentially hurt those you play with.

Once again, this is usually seen as something given to the submissive by the dominant, which is natural given the imbalance of power during a session. However, it’s wise to note that dominant partners can need aftercare too.


These three elements—space, drop and aftercare—can occur together or separately.
The presence or absence of one doesn’t equate to the presence or absence of the others.
No kink or action is immune from them, they can be brought about by anything.
Anyone—submissive, dominant, or otherwise—can experience them.
Talk to each other and be open about your needs.
Be there for those you play with, physically and emotionally.
Subdrop and Aftercare


I thought I would write a little and provide some useful information about subdrop and aftercare, since I have just had to help a close friend deal with her first experience of subdrop and although she knew what it was, she did not realise that is what she was going through and did not know how to deal with it.

What Is Subdrop?

Subdrop is the emotional and physical symptoms felt by a submissive that is caused by tiring out the body and the release of adrenalin, endorphins, hormones and other chemicals that create a natural high during a scene, leading to a subsequent ‘come down’ afterwards, similar to the effects of illicit drugs. It can leave a sub feeling exhausted, depressed, sad and very emotional. This can include feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment and other negative thoughts, but you should realise that this is simply your body’s natural response to a very intense experience, it is not your fault, you have done nothing wrong and you are not to blame.

Subs will often experience subdrop in different ways, some may feel the effects of it more intensely than others and it can last for varying periods of time, anywhere from an hour up to a few weeks afterwards, but it is only temporary and will eventually pass. It is important that you learn to recognise subdrop, because once you understand that you are feeling the effects of it, you can begin to address it and simply knowing why you are feeling that way will also help, especially when it comes to your emotions and feelings. Try to communicate, interact and stay in contact with your Dom or others, who can help you cope with your emotions and how you are feeling, by offering you support and talking you through it. Following the other advice I have included below will also help you recover from the effects of subdrop.

For the all the Doms, Dommes, Masters and Mistresses out there, this is just as crucial for You, as it is for Your sub. Subdrop is very real and not some myth, so aftercare and helping Your sub deal with the effects of it should be just as important as what You might do during a scene, especially as You are essentially responsible for Your sub feeling the effects of it and caring for Your sub is part of the responsibility that comes with being a Dominant. Aftercare should not be neglected and staying in contact with Your sub, offering them reassurance, validation and support will help during this vulnerable time and they should not have to go through this alone. Although some subs do prefer time to themselves, You should at least offer and ask what You can do to help, as everyone is different and their needs will vary.

If You do neglect aftercare and ignore subdrop, then the effects can begin to outweigh the benefits and enjoyment that Your sub may feel during a scene with You, which can cause problems for Your relationship with them and even end it. It is also worth pointing out that Dominants and switches can also feel a form of ‘drop’ after a scene, which I won’t address, but You can read more about it in the links I have provided at the end of this article.

So What Is Aftercare?

Aftercare is the name given to the process of being there with a partner for a sufficient amount of time, so they can feel safe, regain their emotional equilibrium and recover from the effects of a scene. It is equally important to recognise that aftercare is for both the Top and bottom, Dominant and submissive. If either person leaves too soon, then their partner may feel abandoned or a loss far exceeding the pleasure they might have felt during the scene.

Aftercare can include practical things such as making sure a sub is physically taken care of, treating any injuries, keeping them warm, allowing them to rest and making sure they have enough to eat or drink. Aftercare should also include attending to the emotional needs of a sub by offering them support, reassurance and validation. This can include showing them affection by cuddling or holding them, even gentle and loving sex, as well as asking how they are feeling, talking through the scene with them and their experience, answering any questions they might have and giving them a lot of positive reinforcement, such as saying how proud You are of them. This can continue after you have parted ways and for several days afterwards, by staying in contact and checking on their recovery.

Although like subdrop, everyone has a different experience and needs when it comes to aftercare, some for instance may want to be left alone to process this on their own and there is no right or wrong way, it simply involves doing whatever is necessary to help them recover.

How To Cope With Subdrop

A few ways you can help your body recover and deal with the effects of subdrop include:

- ACE which stands for aftercare, contact with your Dominant and expression of positive reinforcement by the Dominant.
-Drink plenty of water or a sports drink like gatorade, which help replace fluids, salts and potassium in the body that you have lost during a scene.
-Eat foods to replenish the nutrients in your body, while you might crave comfort foods and sugary treats, which will not only replace the sugar and energy you have lost, but obviously give you some sense of comfort, the effects will be only temporary and will only leave you craving more, which is not ideal. Instead try to eat whole grain bread, meat, cheese and vegetables, while avoiding any foods that are white in colour, although milk is also very helpful.
-Take some vitamins, especially the B-complex group that include folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12.
-Be active and interact with others, even if you do not feel like doing so, as subdrop often leaves a sub feeling ashamed, depressed, isolated, confused and alone, so being by yourself and trying to cope on your own will only make those feelings worse. Even spending time with your pet can be helpful. Most importantly stay in contact with your Dominant and try to talk to them about how you are feeling, so They can help you cope.
-Exercise will help release more endorphins, lessening the effects of subdrop, which is partly caused by the release of endorphins during a scene and the subsequent ‘come down’ that occurs afterwards.
-Try keeping yourself occupied, with a hobby or other activity which will allow you to clear your head or express your feelings.
-Aroma therapy, warm baths, meditation and listening to soothing music is also helpful.
-Try to stay warm.
-Treat and care for any injuries you might have sustained during the scene, such as scratches, bites, welts or sore bottoms. I am not a doctor and I could not possibly hope to cover every potential scenario in this article, but generally applying basic first aid techniques and vitamin E cream will help your skin recover more quickly.
-Rest and get plenty of sleep.
-Try to get yourself ready before a scene, by getting plenty of sleep, trying to stay focused and preparing yourself for the experience.
Subspace and Aftercare

The subspace and aftercare are topics that tops playing in SL are often unaware of. To ensure everyone is safe and happy, however, Dommes need to have a working knowledge of what subspace is, what causes it, how to identify if a sub is in subspace when playing and how to spot the signs of sub-drop.

D/s is all-encompassing in the sense that it’s not just about scenes, highs, fun, pain, control, and all the exciting things we do. It’s about real people, and their needs and wants. A conscientious dominant will know that she is responsible for her submissive’s well-being and care. Part of that responsibility involves knowing what can happen to her sub when he interacts with his dominant. As a scientist who has both personal D/s experience and the benefit of research into subjects such as human physiology and biochemistry, I’ll try to share practical tips while working in the science-y stuff.

Firstly, what is subspace?

Subspace (also called headspace, flying, or floating) is the name given to the state the submissive’s mind and body is in during a deeply involved play scene. It is an elusive and sought after space that is the holy grail of many submissives. Many types of BDSM play invoke strong physical responses. The psychological aspect of BDSM also causes many submissives to mentally separate themselves from their environment as they process the experience. Deep subspace is often characterized as a state of deep recession and incoherence.

Deep subspace may also cause a danger in newer submissives who are unfamiliar with the experience. The experience requires the dominant to keep a careful watch to ensure the submissive isn’t placing him- or herself in danger.

How does this happen? Hold on to your seats, this is the science-y bit!

During the scene, the intense experiences of both pain and pleasure trigger a sympathetic nervous system response, which causes a release of adrenaline in the sub’s body. Other chemical messengers such as endorphins and enkephalins (natural pain relievers) are also released, and these natural chemicals, part of the fight or flight response (the stress response of the body), produce the same effect as a morphine-like drug.

These chemicals have the effect on the brain of increasing the sumbissive’s pain tolerance as the scene becomes more intense. A sort of trance-like state is produced in the sub due to the increase of hormones and chemicals. The submissive starts to feel out-of-body, detached from reality, like he or she is floating or flying. Many submissives, on reaching a height of subspace, will lose all sensation of pain, as any stimulus causes the period to prolong. As the high comes down, and the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in (to counteract the effects of the aforementioned chemicals), a deep exhaustion, as well as incoherence may result. This is when aftercare becomes important to the well-being of the submissive.

Ok, that’s all well and good, but what does this mean in reality?

Submissives that are deeply in subspace can often have their ability to communicate impaired. This means that they may not be able to use their safewords/safe-signals when they are heading into dangerous territory. In fact they may not even be aware they are heading into dangerous territory!

This reduced or impaired ability to communicate with the tops, combined with the fact that the subs may no longer be able to feel pain due to the high levels of endorphins rushing through their bodies, could mean that subs could be hurt or damaged during scenes. If, for example, a less experienced top is dealing with a sub who has gone deeply into subspace, and doesn’t know what signals to watch for, that top may take the physical aspect of the play too far, all the while waiting for s safeword from the sub that the sub is incapable of giving.

So, what do I look out for? What are the signs that a sub is in subspace?

Just like anything else, signs of subspace can vary from individual to individual. The length of time taken to go into subspace, and the types of activities that can take a sub into subspace are often specific to the individual sub. For some, it takes a long time and quite a deal of physical stimulation, whereas for other subs, merely hearing their tops’ voices or being touched by the tops can have them floating off.

But there are a few tell tale signs: The submissive may become less verbal in communication as he enters the more “feral” state of subspace. The top may notice that the sub’s ability to speak and to use words to communicate how he or she feels is reduced, and the sub may only communicate in grunts or moans (which, let’s face it, are difficult to interpret). There are often changes in skin tone; eyes may roll back in the head. The body may go limp and floppy (which is at odds with the muscle tensing that would generally be expected with physical punishment). After a time with a sub, the top will come to recognise the signs of that individual’s subspace.

The endorphin-mixed-with-adrenaline high that is experienced by the submissive is often compared to a drug-induced high and can be addictive for the submissive. Think of it as something akin to “runner’s high.” Indeed, a sub in subspace can often beg for more of the physical stimulation that got and keeps him there without the knowledge that this could result in harm. This is where the dominant needs to keep control of the situation, and bring the sub safely down from the high.

Now that I know what to look for, what should I do?

It can be damaging for a sub in subspace, to just be left, cold-turkey as it were, without being brought safely “back down to earth.”

A dominant that is unaware of subspace and its physical and psychological impact on her sub, may just up and leave after a scene, with the sub possibly still in subspace. It’s not good enough to just untie the binds, and leave. It is the top’s responsibility to spend time bringing the sub back down: gradually lessening the stimulation, talking the sub back to earth, giving the sub affection and reassurance, telling him that he’s done good job, and giving lots of hugs and kisses to accompany the sub’s journey back down, for example.

Exhaustion will often accompany the sub coming down from subspace. So the dominant may have to provide a safe environment for the submissive to sleep and regain strength. Leaving a sub in subspace, where the sub’s still flying and buzzing in an out-of-body experience, can be dangerous. For example, imagine a sub, still in subspace trying to drive a car. They sub doesn’t have the requisite concentration and ability to perform such a complex task, and by not grounding the sub before letting him or her leave, the top could be putting the sub in danger.

Now, you may be thinking, “Well I only interact with my submissives online, I don’t need to worry about this.”

But that’s not necessarily true. Subs in cyber-relationships enter subspace just as easily and fully as those in RL situations. And as the domme in a cyber D/s relationship cannot often see her sub, she needs to rely on other methods to determine if the sub is brought down again after a scene. In this case, the voice is the best tool available to the Domme – she needs to get to know her sub’s voice intonations and how they change while in subspace, so that she can safely determine when the sub is again grounded. Where a scene is done in text alone, the communication that occurs in-scene and following the scene, in aftercare, between sub and Domme is similarly critical to the sub’s well-being.

I got the picture — But what is subdrop?

Even after the most carefully applied aftercare, some residual effects of the subspace experience can still remain with the submissive. The phenomenon of “sub-drop” is the name given to the drop or low that a sub (or indeed a dominant, but that’s another discussion) can experience in the hours or even days after an intense BDSM scene. The term subdrop is generally applied to the ”negative” effects or depressive state that a sub can experience after a scene. The causes are manifold, it can be a physical reaction to the adrenaline and endorphins leaving the body. For those raised in a very traditional environment the resulting drop may be associated with feelings of guilt or shame.

Subdrop may manifest itself in may different ways – there could be tears, irrational fears expressed by the sub, or a sub may feel sad or lonely in the hours or days after leaving the dominant. Subdrop could be compared to shock in a way, and the treatment is much the same. The dominant should provide as environment for her submissive in which the sub can express his or her feelings and receive the domme’s attention (after all, the dominant is at least party responsible for getting the sub into this place). The Domme should watch for signs of distress, and try to understand what the sub needs from her – bearing in mind that this may be different depending on the sub.

The point of aftercare is to make the sub feel accepted, wanted, safe, secure and comfortable. With consistent application, good aftercare will help grow the trust between Domme and sub, and will help the relationship to blossom and reach new heights, as the sub will know that the Domme has his best interests in mind, has an understanding of what’s happening to him and will do her best to alleviate any negative situations that may develop.

A good and caring Domme will always have the care of her sub foremost in her mind. By all means take the pleasure, that’s what D/s is about – but don’t take and give nothing back. The D/s experience should be rewarding and pleasurable for both the dominant and submissive. Dominants and submissives equipoise each other – and this balance cannot be dismissed or forgotten. It’s about mutual trust and understanding, and while both parties are charged with trying to understand each other, in this case much of the responsibility lies with the Domme to provide the lead, and the consistency which the submissive craves so much in life. The submissive however is not without responsibility in relation to subdrop and aftercare, the sub must communicate needs and feelings to the Domme openly and honestly, so that the Domme can take the necessary actions to care for her sub.

By providing good aftercare, the sub will know that the Domme provides a safe environment in which these topics can be discussed without fear and in full honesty. A Domme who understands subspace – its thrills as well as its pitfalls – can get the very best from her submissive, and therefore the best experience for herself, from which everyone wins.

Quote by Master_Jonathan
I found this poem on tumblr awhile back. It was so profound I saved it. I want to share it with all you who are curious about what D/s (Dominance and sumbmission) really is. This poem was written by a real Master (not myself)

The Old Master

Thirty some odd years ago they took a chance.

Time has erased the irrelevant detail of who moved first.

He accepted her submission with pride and confidence
and a little hidden nervousness. She eagerly submitted
to Him with wanton expectant abandon. He was Her
Master and she was His most prized gift.

Together they tried new things, experienced new feelings,
and grew closer together. He looked deep into her soul
and she showed Him His.

The passage of time marched its inevitable march forward.
Each grew into a role now familiar; comfortable.
But as their bodies grew frail, their minds - those wonderful
minds - looked into each other to continue to grow.
To look to challenge. To look to experience. To look to grow
together ever closer. Closer. Closer. Closer to One.

One moment His physical heart failed Him, but she was by
His side. She carried Him in his weakest moments.
How could she not? His heart beat for two. Her heart beat in
rhythm with His.

That was ten years ago now. Whatever happened to that
power exchange? He was still her Master. A term now used
with such gentleness and affection off her tongue that still
threatened to burst His heart with a humble pride. She was
still his most precious gift. His reason to be the Man He was.

But the collars and cuffs and chains and whips rarely left the
drawers these days. Fine presents their ancestors would
blushing discover when they were finally resting together
in that final peace.

These instruments of youthful lust were still prized possessions.
But their lives had transcended the need for these tools. The
connection that these helped establish was now complete.
One look from old twinkling eyes was all it took to rekindle
those old desires.

The photo above? That was last year. His 80th birthday.
She had invited a few old friends over for dinner.

His gift?

The greatest gift He could ever want. For once again,
she gave herself fully and completely to Him.

* * * * *

D/s is not a game people. It is not something you do for thrills and then go back to real life. D/s - true D/s - IS real life. There is no off switch, only an occasional time out if need be to deal with Outside issues. But even still it is D/s to those who practice it. This is MY world. 24/7/365.

I do love the poem MJ,

Thank you for sharing and I hope you don't mind me adding it to the BDSM Library.
Dominants Need Training Also

A Dominant is a person with a dominant aspect in their personality who needs and chooses to expand on that dominance through a consensual power exchange. He may only require the power exchange in a limited capacity or may choose to exercise that dominance within a 24/7 relationship.

I want to talk a little about new Dominants. Yes, Dominants need training also. Contrary to popular belief by wannabe Doms, they are not born with the knowledge of a BDSM Master. Many people that just start out read a lot about different parts of the Lifestyle online and all of a sudden think they know everything. We all have met these people. And we all have laughed them right off our friends list also.

Before shouting out loud to everyone what a great Dominant you are, go find a mentor that actually has been around BDSM enough to be able to teach you. There is no shame in a submissive teaching you either. In fact, they will probably give you lots of insight into the inner psychology of the submissive. You should also try some of the things on yourself to understand what it feels like.

Be Humble. Do not strut around and shout out you are a Dominant. You have to earn respect. It is not a given. Be careful to not let your ego kill any chances you might have of building a relationship or getting a new play partner.

Be Tolerant. You will meet many people on your journey who will be completely different from yourself. Remember, no one was born with the knowledge of how to be a dominant, and only by keeping our minds open, can we expect to better ourselves.

Be Open. As you start to explore the wide and various world of BDSM, you have to remain open to learning new things and not automatically condemn something that is not to our liking.

Be Honest. Always tell the truth. Never lie to your partner or yourself. If you don’t know something (technique or knowledge wise), be honest and admit that. There is no shame in not knowing something. The shame comes in when you hurt someone by performing a scene and you hurt your partner because you didn’t have the training to do it correctly.

Study, Learn, and Study Some More
. If you have chosen D/s as your lifestyle you must also choose to forever be a student willing to learn.

. Talk about everything! It doesn’t matter if you are the type of dom who plans out every last move in a scene, one who just wings it and does what feels right at the moment, or somewhere in-between; discuss with your partner things you would like to do and scenes you would enjoy, and encourage your partner to do the same.

Learn from Your Mistakes. Dominants are only human and you will make a mistake here or there. Admit it, learn from it, and try not to make the same error again.

Remember that you are here to dominate the submissive. Be firm and self-assured. Know what you want and do not apologize for wanting it. State your wants and needs clearly and clarify it should the sub not understand. Discipline transgressions consistently and make sure that you do what you say when you said you would. Use your voice and hand gestures and make sure that rules are established and that they are followed.

You need to make sure that you are physically able to play. For this you need some strength, fitness and agility some times. Make sure that you do not use drugs or alcohol when you play, as you need to be completely aware of the environment and the submissive much more so than she or he needs to be.

Have fun though and enjoy the journey. I am sure these tips will help. These tips are generic though and you will find them all over. Remember that wisdom lies in the oft-repeated phrases.

© Michelle Fegatofi
This I have to share... it is on Tumblr, and it is not mine, it is A Dom answering a question and publishing it ... Do read and enjoy it...

Daddy Up!


The following was written by me as an answer to a question I received. Several have requested I post it as a regular post. So here it is…

What should a Daddy do to help his little girl over come her fear of vulnerability? The two most important things a Daddy can do to help his little girl get over her fear are:

1.) Trust. As a Daddy you must establish trust with your little girl. If she can’t trust you, she will always be in fear of being vulnerable and the possibility of being hurt. I wrote something very early on in my blog, and I think it is worth repeating here:

While a Daddy can encourage, strengthen and nurture every good thing a little girl is. He can also just as easily damage and injure it. The broken trust of a Daddy/little girl relationship creates a wound that is slow and painful to heal.

2.) Dedication. A Daddy must be dedicated to his little girl and dedicated to being a Daddy, particularly her Daddy. Your little girl must become the most important thing in your life. If you are not dedicated to being a Daddy, then stop the charade. You are only going to end up causing her hurt and sorrow. And that is unacceptable.

Over the years of being a Daddy, I have talked to many people about this lifestyle(both Daddies and little girls). And a serious problem I have found that many Daddy/little girl relationships seem to struggle with is the “Daddy” in the relationship doesn’t make for enough time to be a Daddy. I understand career and life(I too have a career and a life) can sometimes get in the way. But I have too many times, heard of a Daddy not only not seeing his little girl for long periods of time, but also not even communicating with her for long periods of time. I couldn’t imagine not talking to my little girl(in the past or my future little girl) for several days at a time. I understand Daddies work hard(I do as well), but time must be made. Not only to strengthen the relationship, but also to guide and protect your little girl. How could a Daddy not know what is going on in his little girls life for several days in a row? How do you know she is safe? And I’ve heard all the excuses…”my job takes up all my time”, “I am busy and occupied with other things”, “I travel a lot.”, “When I am in ‘work mode’ my mind is in a different place”, etc., etc. (fill in your own excuse here) Well my reply to these “excuses” and “reasons” are DADDY UP…MOTHER FUCKER (excuse my naughty language, little ones)

If you call yourself a Daddy and expect someone not only to call you Daddy but also give you the respect, adoration, obedience to, and love that a true Daddy not only deserves but also demands, then it’s time to act like one! With the respect, adoration, obedience to, and love that a little girl gives you, you have a responsibility and obligation to meet certain responsibilities. And if you don’t even have the time to have a 10 minute phone conversation with your little girl, then may I be so bold as to say you are not deserving of the title “Daddy” or anything else that comes with having such a title. While being a Daddy has many rewards, it’s not always easy and if you are not up to the challenge or not capable of meeting those challenges head on, then please, stop calling yourself a Daddy.

I could write more on this subject, but this is far too long already and I wish not to bore anyone with more of my thoughts. For those of you that are already bored with my answer, I apologize.


This one is from a long ago Tumblr, now Deactivated... I do hope you enjoy it as much as I did and for all you Doms, Pay close attn if you dont do this

How (and Why) To Go Down On Your Submissive


An anonymous reader recently asked me for tips on performing cunnilingus. In my eagerness to respond, my oversized thumbs fumbled across my delicate iPhone keyboard, and I deleted the message. To atone for my clumsiness, I’m writing this post.

I assume the reader was a fellow Dom, so I’m writing from that perspective. I also assume the Dom is a man, but allow me to disclaim: I love the gays, the breeders, the bisexuals, the transexuals, the transgenders, and all forms of lovers, as long as they’re consenting adults. However, for the purposes of this article, I’m going to simplify by using male Dom/female sub. If that’s not you, feel free to translate.

First of all, there is an abhorrent misconception circulating in our community that a Dom should not go down on his sub because it somehow diminishes his power. This is flat fucking ridiculous. A submissive’s pussy is a control panel hard-wired directly into her central nervous system; if you don’t use it, you’re an idiot. Then again, I’m heavily biased. girl’s pussy is like an exotic fruit, and I can’t get enough. Sometimes I forget who I am when I’m down there. It’s like the bermuda triangle – one day I may go down and never come back. But I digress.

For the sake of Doms out there that may need a little guidance in the oral sex department, and as a service to all the subs that aren’t being properly owned and controlled, I’m going to issue some general principles on cunnilingus, D/s style.

1. Don’t go stampeding toward the clitoris!

Make out with her for a while. A long while. When she starts getting all squirmy, that’s when shethinks she’s ready. She’s not. Just because she wants something doesn’t mean it’s time yet. She’s eager. She wants pleasure. You’re going to make her wait. So, when she starts to squirm, modify the make out. Alter your kissing so it’s a tease of what’s to come. One long, slow lick, and a few gentle short ones. Imagine that little apple at the point of her lips is her clitoris. When she finally gets the analogy, she’ll get REALLY squirmy.

2. Use your hands (and your words)

Start touching her. Neck, collarbone, breasts, nipples. Apply appropriate pressure. If you pinch, do so lightly. Go out of order. Keep her guessing. You’ll know you’re doing it right when she gets goosebumps. Make your way south at about a quarter the speed that feels natural; for girls, foreplay is about anticipation. Anticipation=precipitation. Start whispering. Tell her what’s about to happen. One of my favorites:

“I’m very, very thirsty. So I’m going to wait until you’re very, very wet, and then I’m going to take what’s mine.”

or, the classic:

“I’m going to lick your pussy right now.”

Now, reach down and gently stroke outside her panties. If you feel moisture, you’re doing it right. If you’re not, continue a combination of steps one and two – and take it slow.

3. Make her ask for it

Most of the time during D/s sex, you just need to take action, to use your girl the way you want. Part of the thrill of submission for some girls is that they don’t have to take responsibility for the fulfillment of their fantasies – the big mean Dom is “forcing” them into it, so how can they be ashamed? So, if your girl is shy about receiving oral sex, feel free to skip this part. But probably, she’s not.

Don’t just go down on her as a gift – she’s your property. Make her ask for it. Make her beg for it, really. Oral sex should be the ultimate pleasure for your submissive – but it’s not all about reward for her. You’re going to get something for giving her that pleasure -more control. More submission.

Oral sex is a perfect opportunity for you to powerfully reinforce your Dominance. You know the old story about Pavlov’s dogs? Each day, Pavlov would ring a bell and then feed his dogs. Eventually, all he would have to do is ring the bell, and the dogs would salivate. The point here is that the dog’s bodies betrayed them – they began to associate the bell directly with the involuntary behavior of salivating, even when no food was present.

In the case of submissives and oral sex, the desired behavior is begging, and the “bell” is you prompting her to beg. In our example, oral sex is the food she craves. So, by telling your sub to beg, and then having her beg, and then producing mind-blowing orgasms, you’re training your sub to associate begging and obeying with amazing, orgasmic pleasure – even when that pleasure isn’t present! You heard me. After a while, the act of begging itself will light her up as though she’s just had (or is about to have) an amazing orgasm. This, my fellow Doms, is the very essence of control – when you can short circuit your submissive’s conscious thought and force her body to respond to your commands. This is the loophole in the mutual consent crucial to any D/s relationship. Sure, your submissive has given her consent for you to do these things to her – but she has no defense once you’ve possessed her mind in this way. This isn’t crazy Svengali make-believe either – it’s classical conditioning, and it’s a staple of behavioral psychology.

So. Make her beg. I suggest asking questions like these, once her panties are soaking and she’s getting very squirmy.

“What do you want, girl?” Make her say it.

“You want me to lick that tight little pussy, don’t you?” Make her beg for it.

“Tell me how bad you want it. Tell me who owns that pussy. Tell me who you belong to.*”

“Tell me who owns this girl.”

Generally speaking, if your girl is capable of answering using entire words, she’s not ready yet. Wait until her responses consist mostly of little squeaks and moans.

4. Get down to it

Part of what you’re expecting from this article are tips on the actual mechanics of performing oral sex – and I’ll offer some. Please be warned, however, that there are very few “magic tips.” Every girl is different – literally. The structure of a girl’s vagina, the thickness of her clitoral hood, the exact location of her g-spot – all of these crucial elements vary from individual to individual. You’re going to have to go on an exploratory mission. So.

Explore with your tongue. Soft, slow licks. Don’t spend too much time (if any) on the outside of the labia majora. One or two strokes with the tongue are plenty. Once you’ve introduced yourself, put the tip of your tongue at the very back of her pussy, near the perineum. Now run it all the way up – applying moderate pressure – until you reach the top: this is where you’ll encounter the clitoris. Hello there. Use this first pass to evaluate how aroused she is. If she’s already very hot, her clit will be engorged and exposed. If she gives a shudder/twitch/yelp when you hit the top of her pussy – that’s a sign she’s very aroused. If not, don’t despair; repeat the introductory stroke from perineum to clit.

Use your hands. Both of them. Again – it varies girl to girl. At this point, I like to reach up and pinch a nipple or two. Maybe a little harder than before, until I get a squeal. I want to cause a little pain; I’m not a sadist, but I need girl to know that I’m in control and that she doesn’t know what I’m going to do. This needs to be a little dangerous for her.

Once her clitoris is engorged and exposed, I start working on it. Sensitivity varies WILDLY from individual to individual. Some girls can barely stand any attention on their clitoris – in which case you’re going to focus on teasing the area around with the tip of your tongue. On the other extreme, if your girl has an ex named Hitachi, you’ll need to apply a lot of pressure. I recommend two techniques at this stage:

The first one I call the circle. Form your tongue into a rigid member and circle the clitoris twice, then bisect it once. Like you’re circling the clock twice, then drawing a line from six to twelve. Vary the angle. Six to twelve, Three to nine, etc. Vary the pressure and duration based on her body’s response. If she pushes her pelvis into your face, apply more pressure. If she backs off or tries to get out of the way, ease up.

The second technique I’ll highlight here is the draw. Perform this by sticking your tongue all the way out. Make contact with the clitoris as far back as you can on your tongue, then draw it upward along the clit until you reach the tip of your tongue. End the move with a strong stroke of pressure from the tip of your tongue. Don’t use this too much – two, maybe three times a session. Leave her wanting more.

Vary these techniques according to how your girl responds. Listen to her moans. Repeat what she likes. Focus on the areas where you get the most response. Then, when she’s really, really wet, it’s time to:

5. Use your fingers

Insert one finger first – I prefer the middle because mine is longer than my other fingers. If you experience dryness or friction, one of two things is happening. Either a.) she’s not aroused enough or b.) she just runs dry – in this case you will want to use a lubricant. (NOT VASELINE EVER) Be careful and talk to your partner. Some girls are allergic to glycerin, others to water-based lubes. Talk to her.

If she is wet, your finger should go in fairly easily. Ease it in anyway. Tease. She wants your finger in her, trust me.

Did I tell you to stop with the tongue? Focus here. Multi-task. You’re still doing draw (minus the finishing move) and circle – although, I’ll be honest, at this point in the game, I’m already on autopilot, so I’m not sure what the fuck I’m doing up in clit-land. A girl once asked me later if I was tracing the alphabet. Really? The greek alphabet maybe. In cursive.

So tongue is still working and now your finger is too. Once you’ve got middle in there, start to bend your finger into the “come here” beckoning gesture. The tip of your finger is going to brush up against the spongey tissue just inside the vagina. If you drew a line from her navel to her clit, you’re now rubbing the part about an inch above her clit. YOU’RE LOOKING FOR THE G-SPOT, gentlemen. Again, there is no standard equipment here. On some girls it’s literally right inside the vagina; on others it’s farther up inside, maybe half way to her navel. You’re going to have to explore (gently) and locate by moans and squirms and grunts. Once you find it, stroke it. Put upward pressure on it. Keep circling and drawing. Insert another finger; now you’re beckoning with both.

She should be responding very actively at this point; you want to get her riding on the edge. For my girl, that means constant pressure on her g-spot with two fingers and drawing very rapidly along her clit, up and down, increasing in speed.

About this time, girl usually starts asking if she can cum, so this is when I like to:

6. Change the rules

Gentlemen, if you don’t have orgasm control over your sub, I strongly suggest you correct that situation. I won’t reiterate my views on the subject in detail here; let’s just say I’m a believer. And, if you’re interested in such control, now is the perfect opportunity to take it.

When a sub is in this state of arousal, she’s very suggestible. I don’t recommend negotiating important terms of your D/s relationship at this point (orgasm control being one exception), but I DO recommend you make little changes. For example; years ago when we first got together, I established a protocol with girl around orgasm control. When she felt herself reaching climax, she would say,

“Does Master want this girl to cum?”

Almost invariably, I would say yes (I really can’t resist girl when she asks nicely) and fireworks would ensue. This worked GREAT for about six years. Recently, I COMPLETELY STOLE the idea of an orgasm mantra from a friend of mine (there’s her anonymous shout-out). I introduced it in the heat of the moment. In other words:

“Does Master want this girl to cum?”

“Not yet.”

[moan of frustration and disappointment.]

“Does girl want to cum?”

“Yes, Master, please let this girl cum.”

“I have a new rule for you.”

“Yes, Master. Please tell this girl the rule.”

“From now on, when I give you permission to cum, you will recite a mantra until you’re finished cumming. Would you like to know what the mantra is?”

“Yes, please, Master. Please tell this girl.”

“This girl belongs to Master. She is his possession. Say it.”

MOAN of arousal.

“Please, Master, may this girl cum?”

“You may.”

At this point, my technique consists of three things: consistent, high-pressure strokes on the g-spot, high-pressure, fast-pace drawing on the clitoris with my tongue, and humming. Yes, you heard me. I’m humming nice and low, to create a low-frequency vibration. I’ll call this the “Hitachi.” So I’m stroking, drawing, and executing a low-frequency Hitachi. Meanwhile girl is desperately trying to remember, let alone articulate, her mantra. And I feel like the king of the world.

[Advanced sidebar: At this point, I like to reach up and partially restrict girl’s air flow with my free hand right as she’s cumming – but this is DANGEROUS and I do not recommend it for beginners, or even for experts if you’re a new relationship. Breath play is not casual and it is not something you “dabble” in.]

“This girl belongs to… possession… I’mnacum…. Master… this girl… possess…”

Cue the fireworks.

7. Make the ending happy.

I like to keep going until girl gives me two dramatic hip thrusts – that signals she’s had all the sensation she can take. Your girl’s cue will likely be different - you’ll just have to learn it. I like to take girl just past the edge and keep her there for a while. Then, usually, I’ll slide up until my lips are on her ear. I’ll do some basic reinforcement.

“You belong to me, girl, do you understand me?”

“Yes, Ma-” I usually interrupt her response with a slap right on her pussy to 1.) Let her know I’ll decide when she’s had enough sensation and 2.) To remind her that her responses are less important than my control. Of course, if she doesn’t finish the response, I’ll usually say,

“Did I tell you to stop speaking?”

“No Ma-” Thwap. One more slap. The idea here again is confusion and reinforcement. Keep changing the rules. She needs to obey the rules, yes, but really, the rules are whatever you say they are, and she needs to constantly be anticipating your needs.

Once she settles down and the fervor of orgasm is over, I like to do one last round of reinforcement. She’s calm now, out of the throes of ecstasy, and her rational mind is returning. It’s a good time to say things like:

“You’re a very good girl when you cum for your Master.”


“You’re hot when you do what you’re told.”


“I love owning this pussy. You are a very special girl.”

It is natural, correct, and deeply satisfying to have direct control over your submissive’s body. Gentlemen, go forth and get more control over your sub.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some work to do.

© 2012 DomWithPen. Tumblr followers have the limited right to reblog without alerting the original text. All other rights reserved.

*WHOM. I know, grammar nazis. I’ve tried using whom, but it’s like Charles Dickens bursts into the room naked, holding a quill, and then I go flaccid. So stick to who.
Princess D
spot on you nail it arlene..I LOVE IT>>>IT''S SO TRUE................ huggs
This below is a link click on the blue ant it takes you to the author of this part..

Etiquette in BDSM

So you’re a Dom?

Just because you call yourself a Dom, don’t expect every submissive girl/boy in BDSM to bow before you and call you Sir/Master/Daddy/Mommy or any other title you bestow on yourself. The fact is simple. Submissives are normal everyday people who happen to have one thing in common. They choose to submit to one person (after He/She earns said submission) and then it is the submissives choice to choose how to address that person. And remember this important fact: she/he maybe a submissive but they are NOT your submissive until you earn the trust, respect and consent from said submissive. Submission is never demanded, taken, asked for or assumed. If you want to call a submissive Yours then earn their submission and show him/her you are worthy of it.

Submissives must do as they are told?

Submissives are not doormats or second class citizens. They are equals in a power exchange relationship. They have rights, the same as a Dom. They have choices, the same as a Dom. They can say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ just as a Dom can. They can ask questions. Demand answers. Surprised by this? Then you need to re-evaluate your Dominant role. All D/s relationships are based on agreements, limits, understanding, choices, rules and boundaries. Every aspect of the relationship is discussed and agreed by both partners. This may come as a shock to some, but it’s the SUB who has REAL power in the relationship. A submissive will bow down to his/her Dom because he/she chooses to do so but he/she can also kick a Doms ass out the door if that trust is misplaced and the Dom abuses the authority that’s been given to Him/Her. You have been warned!

It has to be my way? Rules and punishments.

So you’ve earned his/her submission. Now you decide to throw an encyclopedia sized book of rules at him/her and demand they are followed to the letter or a punishment will be given because YOUR rules were broken. No. Just, no. Rules are to be discussed and agreed by both partners. There are a few too many Doms whose rules are non-beneficial to the submissive and are more geared towards themselves. E.G. You can only wake Me with a blow job, or do not call/text me without prior notice, etc.

Rules should be in place to help a submissive. A Dom should know everything about their sub and this takes time so rules should never be set in stone and always be open for revision. However, when rules are in place, do not let them down and shirk Your responsibilities. If a rule is in place, for the best interest of a sub, then please be consistent. Submissives need consistency.

See HERE for help with rules in BDSM

Punishments should also be agreed by both partners and should be reasonable and fit the infraction. DO NOT – EVER – punish a submissive who tries their best and gives 100% but fails a task. Encouragement is needed for them to do better. Otherwise you’ll just make them feel worthless. The same rule applies to ignoring a submissive as a punishment. By ignoring a sub, a Dom is saying “you are only good enough when you are perfect”. Each relationship is always going to be different, as each Dom/sub are, so using common sense and getting to know the submissive is the key to their discipline and punishment.

See HERE for advice with punishments in BDSM.

Hi Daddy/Mommy? Hi Baby girl/boy?

Being called Daddy/Mommy or baby girl/boy is a term of endearment in a D/s relationship. It’s special to the partners and ONLY they are truly allowed to use those terms. So addressing every Daddy/Mommy Dom or baby girl/boy with these personal terms dilutes the meaning so please do not do it.

Etiquette in BDSM seems to be largely misunderstood by those who are new to the lifestyle or who are just plain ignorant to it so I hope in some way that this will help to address the balance and make this lifestyle a little more understanding.

Again click on the blue for the original post

Etiquette in BDSM (Part 2)

Hello slut, whore, bitch, cunt!

This type of name calling is, usually, only to be used during a scene in BDSM. A lot of submissives like to be called names and/or feel degraded BUT, now here’s the one amazing fact… only by their Dominant! Randomly calling a submissive any degrading name is verbal and unwanted abuse. It’s sexual harassment. You call any girl a slut, whore, etc. and she’ll probably want to rip your balls off and feed them to you with a rusty fork. But when she hears the silky tones of his/her dominant say these words to him/her, they’ll melt. Would a person walk up to a girl in a bar or the street and call her these names to her face? No, they wouldn’t and doing the same over the internet is no different.

Send me a naked picture of yourself.

There are many submissive girls (and guys) that have a NSFW blog. Many of them post pictures (selfies) of themselves nude. It’s their blog, their body, their choice and their decision. They post them for their own reasons. They don’t post them as an advertisement like a piece of meat on offer. It’s NOT an invitation and it’s NOT consent for the douches to harass them for their personal pics or to attack them for posting whatever they want to on their own blog. If you like their pics, reblog them. Don’t get offended and name call because she refuses and wants to keep herself safe from internet predators and maybe, just maybe she doesn’t want to take the risk of having her personal pics in the hands of a complete stranger who could do goodness knows what with them? As in the previous post, a person wouldn’t ask this of a stranger IRL and hiding behind the internet does not make it acceptable or okay. Running a NSFW blog is not consent. It does not mean that the blogger is horny 24/7 and masturbates over Tumblr like it’s an occupation. Most are bored and on Tumblr to pass the time. They’re not here to get douches off. Please show some respect.

I’m going to….

This kind of message that submissives receive with a long list of what ‘anonymous’ would like to do to them is another area that needs to be addressed. Most subs do not want them. There are some that like them. Have a look through their blog and read the ‘about me’. If they’re owned/have a Dom I’d suggest moving on, or better still just don’t send them unless you are certain that is what the sub is asking of their followers. A submissive may like to talk dirty (and express this on their blog) but maybe that’s only with their dominant. If in doubt, don’t do it.

I’m Master ***** You will kneel before me and call me Sir!

This is a red flag to begin with. No ‘genuine’ dominant would say such a thing. He/She would want to get to know any potential partner before agreeing to a D/s relationship. ‘Genuine’ dominants are respectful, polite, courteous and generally do not try to impress. They certainly don’t shout their worth from a rooftop saying “look at me!” They don’t try to ‘Dom’ a submissive after the first hello (if they are lucky enough to get a hello first that is!)

Any submissive, but especially new submissives that are BDSM virgins should always be cautious when talking to a new potential dominant partner. Don’t give personal information, your address or even your home town until you feel comfortable enough and never meet anyone who you have only just recently met. This is doubly important if it’s an online meeting. I have known submissives in the past who have just started talking to ‘Doms’ online and right from the off they have wanted a meet to do a scene. It’s very real and it happens.

Think about how they first talk to you. Are they more interested in your underwear and what you’re wearing or if you swallow or are willing to do anal than they are in you? Do they ask questions about you or just your sex life? Listen to what they talk about or even if they talk about themselves at all. Constant sexual talk = red flag. Not talking about themselves = red flag.

A dominant that boasts about their previous subs and what they did together is another red flag. If you are constantly being asked, “would you be willing to try X or Y…” again, that’s a red flag. Follow your instincts. If you feel something just doesn’t add up or something doesn’t feel right, your gut instinct is trying to tell you something and chances are, it’s right. Walk away. You owe them nothing. Until you consent and agree to be their submissive you are free to do whatever you please. You are free to talk to as many potential dominants as you wish.

Let’s say you are talking to a potential dominant. He/She is really nice. But do they ask about you or how was your day? When was the last time you were asked how you were? You told him/her about what was planned for today at work, have they remembered it or asked about it? Do they even remember about the terrible day you had yesterday freaking out over it? These are the kind of questions to need to be asking yourself. After a conversation with your potential dominant, have a think back to what you spoke about and recap. It should tell you a great deal as to where his/her best interest are focused.

I know this has gone slightly off the etiquette topic but I feel it was warranted and needed to be said. Predators are real in BDSM. Please, stay safe when searching for a partner.

again on the blue ... I had to post these here as I think they are very important to the new comers to the lifestyle



I am also new to being a dom. I need help creating rules… Rules that involve being sweet, kinky, but also dominant. Much would be appreciated!

Congrats on your new and sexy Dom-ness. smile

Rules are a fun and important part of D/s (and DD/lg) relationships, but they can have a slightly different flavor depending on whether you’re in a D/s relationship or a DD/lg relationship. You didn’t say which, but you called yourself a “Dom”, so I’m going to assume you’re in a “straight” D/s relationship with your sub. I may intersperse a few DD/lg type thoughts though, because I’m a softy and I always think in terms of littles. :)

The first and most important thing about writing good Rules is to know your sub. You cannot make the assumption that you know what her Rules should be without talking to her and finding out what makes her tick, what turns her on, what her dreams and aspirations are, what she fears, what she craves, etc. For example, you might very well think that a good rule would be to tell her she can’t talk to other subs, but later you might find out that she’s really insecure about her sub-ness, and needs to talk to someone (other than you!) about her feelings. By taking that away from her, you’ll build resentment in her, and that’s never a good thing. So make sure you understand her really well before even starting to write Rules.

Really, that should be a no-brainer for ALL Dom’s and Daddy Dom’s, but I’m constantly shocked at how many simply don’t know their subs and littles very well. If she tosses something out to you someday about a dream she’s had, and you’re surprised by it, then shame on YOU for not having known that. It’s part of your job to be her Everything, and if you’re missing some parts of her, then you’re just an everything (with a small “e”). Yes, it will take time. Yes, you may need to revise the Rules, but at least start with some understanding of who this precious creature is that gave herself to you. Don’t shirk this responsibility! Spend time in her head.

Second, get her input and collaboration on the Rules. You should ask her what SHE thinks would be some good Rules for her, and then add them to your ideas. Ask her WHY she wants certain rules — don’t just take them at face value and write them down! There’s a reason why she will suggest certain rules, and you’ll want to know the “why” behind it. Again, knowing how she thinks, and what her everyday day is like, will go a long way to getting her Rules right, but you’re better off asking. It’s not taking any of your power away by asking, and chances are she will love you all the more for asking her opinion and for getting to the root of her wants and needs.

Third, make sure you ask her for those Rules that she doesn’t want to see. There may be some uncomfortable questioning about “why” again, but if she has a reason why she doesn’t want a particular Rule, you should know that reason. As her Dom, you are within your rights to choose one or more of those anyhow, but choose wisely. Don’t be mean or malicious. There’s a big difference between doing something for her own good, or to push her, and just being an asshole. Pick Rules that will challenge her and give her something to think about, but don’t be a jerk. It will be especially embarrassing when you have to explain to another Dom (someday…the day may come) why you were a jerk and put Rule #6 in there. Just don’t go there.

Fourth, push her. A Rule like “shampoo your hair three times, then rinse” will get you nothing more than the infamous icy-cold raised eyebrow sub look, along with the unspoken thought of “what, that’s all you’ve got for me, big man?!” :) You don’t want to be on that side of that table. Find rules that will help her improve herself, in whatever area is important to her and you both. She doesn’t like to clean up her room? Great, put that one down. She has a hard time giving deep head but really wants to learn? Then put down some training for that. Wants to get better at anal? You know what to do. She wants to learn Spanish? Awesome, give her a reason to practice it with you. Rules can certainly all be about sexual aspects (and I’ve seen Rule lists with nothing else), but you’re caring for this wonderful, sexy, vibrant thing who is giving herself to you, so don’t you think she deserves to be treated nicer than that? Yes, she does. Good answer. Pick Rules that will encourage her, make her feel good about herself, make her feel sexy and desired, and which push her to new heights she didn’t think she could achieve. This is not called “work” — this is called “caring”, and it’s important that you push her.

Fifth, surprise her. Pick a couple of rules that she would be surprised by. Nothing stupid, but silly is great. Maybe something that you think is important to you. Dig deep, young man. Somewhere in that Dom heart of yours, there will some Rule waiting to bust out and see the light of day, so try it out on her. Be open and vulnerable when writing Rules, because it’s an important part of the experience. For example, tell her she has to watch “Tangled” at least once a week. She will probably roll her eyes about that, but there will come a day when she’s watched it for the tenth time, she she suddenly makes a connection to you, and she bursts out crying and calls you and tells you you’re amazing. Those silly rules make that stuff happen, and you’ll thank yourself for having put some of those in there.

Sixth, ask her to write her Rules down for you. If she’s a little, she’ll do it in crayons, with glitter spray and all sorts of really adorable hearts and bears and stuff. :) Either way, it gives her a sense of ownership of the Rules. Those aren’t Rules for Jane Doe over there, or your last girlfriend — those are HER special Rules. Written for her, with love, and to let her show you another form of her submission. She will bond with those rules, and she will think about them, and she will start going through them every day. And you know what? She will think of YOU every single time she does something, or considers a Rule (or goal). And this, my friend, is a powerful thing. She will later tell you that she loves her Rules. Like they were some cute bunny she was holding. She might even cup her hands together to pretend she was holding something. Cherish that, because that’s her heart she’s sharing with you. Rules become tangible to her, and that kind of love and ownership is her gift to you. Asking her to write them out is the first step. Make sure she does this.

Seventh, be prepared for her to forget a Rule or do the opposite of a Rule. If she does, do NOT make her feel bad. You can tell her you’re disappointed (one of the worst things a sub will ever want to hear), you can tell her that you’ll punish her later, or take away a privilege, but don’t get mad and make her feed bad about it. Truth is, she probably already feels horrible. She’s going to be far harder on herself than you could ever be! You don’t want to make it worse. A good Dom will support his sub or little, while at the same time making sure they know that there are consequences. I read yesterday about a beautiful, amazing, devoted little who did something she shouldn’t have, and do you know what her punishment was? He told her he wasn’t going to be her Daddy any longer. I could not believe it. You MUST understand how devastating your response to her can be! (I won’t go into my feelings about that Daddy, but they are Bad Thoughts. The good news is that she realized she’s better without him, and she’s moved on. But it was completely inappropriate for him to do what he did). So make sure the punishment or reprimand fits the tenor of the infraction. When you do give a consequence, make sure she has Daddy time with you afterwards, and reinforce that you’re super proud of her for being strong enough to fess up to breaking a Rule. Subs and littles are amazingly strong at the same time as being fragile (weird as that may sound), and you need to know how to handle both sides of her. If you do it right, then you’ll make her want to work harder next time, and even further embrace her Rules.

You must also realize that Rules are always subject to change and negotiation. It’s not a failure — on your part or hers — if a Rule isn’t working out. Sometimes you just need to rethink a Rule. Sometimes you need to throw it away because it was offensive or it didn’t achieve your purpose. If you’ve been mean in a Rule, apologize to her. If you want to add new Rules, do so! This is an unfinished script for your interactions, so don’t feel like it’s set in stone. In fact, I’d argue that setting Rules in stone achieves the opposite purpose: it doesn’t give her any hope or excitement for the future. If you tell her that Rules will be reviewed occasionally, she’ll be super excited every time you have a “Rule Writing” session with her.

You’ll know you’ve done a good job with her Rules if she is delighted with them. If she’s really happy about them and is all excited, then you’ve done a great job. You’d be surprised at how HAPPY a sub can get when you’ve put thought into the right Rules for your girl. It can make the difference between a good relationship and an amazing relationship.

Congratulations! And now the hard part begins: enforcing them and handling infractions appropriately. :) That is for a whole other posting… :)
Southern Barefoot Angel
wow thank you for all you post Arlene ..I'm learning so much from your post and from my Dom so it is so amazing!

Collars and Collaring - A Personal Perspective

I have often been asked to write about Collars and Collaring but have been reluctant to do so because I have strong personal views about Collars and their use and am hesitant to stir up controversy. In addition, I have not felt qualified to speak with any authority on Collars because thus far I have never Collared a submissive. This may come as a surprise given my experience with D/s relationships but not having Collard a submissive stems not from inexperience but rather from my strongly held beliefs about Collars and Collaring and the importance I place on them.

When I first discovered the leather world several decades back, the mere mention of the Collar made submissives drool and Dominants stiffen their backs. There was a strong sense of pride associated with the term and its use. A Collar was emblematic of achieving something very special in a D/s relationship, essentially the equivalent of a marriage. The act of Collaring was a sign of intense and sober commitment. It was not given to the first person that came along, but was something to be saved for that special one who earned it only after a long and challenging period of acquaintance, courtship, and training. To receive the Collar of a Dominant was something a submissive would dream about and strive to achieve.

Sadly, with the increased popularity and attention given to BDSM in the mainstream media and the prevalence of quasi D/s interaction online, much of this meaning has been lost. Today, collars literally and figuratively have Velcro enclosures, cyber glue and are often relegated to being little more than a cute or kinky fashion accessory. They have become so prevalent that decorative day collars can be seen worn in the mall by teens having no concept of their purpose or importance. In the online space, people give and receive collars with astounding frequency and with little regard to their meaning.

Collars come in many forms and while they are often talked about only a few are worn with honor anymore. They are the property of the Dominant and should only be granted and removed by the Dom. However, in extreme cases the submissive or slave may petition the Dom to have the Collar removed. This is typically a request made only for the purposes of terminating the relationship and is generally viewed as being irreversible.

Here is a brief explanation of a few of the various Collars:

Collar of Consideration or Protection

The Collar of Consideration is intended to be temporary and worn during a period when a Dominant is evaluating the suitability and compatibility of a potential submissive. While this term is often bandied about in the online world a Collar of Consideration is infrequently used in the leather community and only by those Doms with a very specific training style.

Another short-term use is a Collar of Protection worn by a submissive during a play party aligning them with the Dominant that has granted the protection. This is a very simple collar with no lock or key, and no D-ring. It is usually placed upon the neck of a submissive at the party in full view of the other attendees and taken off immediately after, making it very clear that this is only for protection purposes. During this time however, the submissive will act as if this Dominant is their rightful Master or Mistress. Under this protection a submissive may not be approached or played with unless permission is granted by the Dominant and generally only in their presence. Unlike a permanent Collar, the submissive retains the right to request playtime with a specific person or reject it respectfully. The role of the Dominant under a Collar of Protection could be compared to that of a chaperone in the vanilla world.

Training Collar

This is typically the first Collar received by a submissive in the leather community and is used for the purposes of training by a particular Dominant and for a specific period of time. During the training regimen the Collared one is considered to be the submissive of the Dominant who grants the Collar but is not yet a slave. The courtship is over, training has begun, but no contract has been established between the Dom and sub. This period can be viewed in a similar light to an engagement in the vanilla world in the sense of the seriousness of intent and commitment, but there is also an evaluation component to it as well. Actions during this period carry consequences and there is a make or break element to the training process that can lead to the termination of the relationship. The training period duration varies from couple to couple but it is not uncommon in the leather community for it to last a minimum of two years. No small commitment this. If at the conclusion of the training period the Dom and sub have both passed the test in the eyes of one another (yes it is a two-way street) then the couple would proceed to an official Collaring Ceremony.

Slave Collar

For most, this is the pinnacle achievement of a power exchange relationship. With training complete and acceptance granted by both Dominant and submissive, a contract is drawn up not unlike a marriage license outlining the rights and responsibilities of each. The Slave Collar is granted by the Dominant to their submissive in a ceremony complete with vows, often with others in attendance, though it can also be performed as a private and very personal exchange. This is one of the most wonderful and important moments in the life of a submissive and a Dominant. They have achieved something together that most only dream about. The submissive is no longer in a trial and training relationship with a Dom but is now slave to their Master or Mistress. Along with the change in the emotional nature of the relationship, the physical makeup of the Collar itself may change with the introduction of a lock and key and perhaps an ownership tag on the D-ring. There are many customs that vary widely.

Ownership Collar

Most D/s and M/s couples consider the Slave Collar and what it represents to be the goal of their relationship and are content to live out their lives in that way. However, a few desire to delve even deeper into the power exchange. For these relatively rare couples, there is a yearning to go beyond a Master/slave relationship and seek absolute ownership in a chattel property sense of the term. While the law does not permit the contractual ownership of another human being, these couples in their own way strive for just that. Their Master/slave contract is likely to be revised at this juncture and no longer is the Dominant a Master but in fact an Owner in a very real sense of the word. The Slave Collar is changed to an Ownership Collar and often is accompanied by a permanent ownership mark such as tattooing or branding. This is perhaps the ultimate commitment by a slave, and ownership is typically viewed by both Owner and slave as being irreversible, similar to a marriage without the option of divorce. It is indeed carried into death. I have heard of agreements where the ashes of the partners are mixed together in the same urn upon the death of the second partner. Even death does not part them. This is very serious stuff, absolute devotion, and very rare indeed.

Here are a couple of other collars (lower case intended) that you may encounter and this is where I begin to really get into trouble with my opinions.

Play collars

Play collars are utilitarian in nature and may or may not carry the significance of a training, slave or ownership Collar. These collars are used as bondage and play implements in the same way as cuffs, rope, ties, and other bondage accouterments. They can be used by Collared and uncollared partners and are simply a convenient place to attach a leash, affix wrist cuffs, or other clever bondage schemes.

Cyber collars

These are virtual collars worn by people who interact online but who may or may not have real world experience with a power exchange relationship. Often you see evidence of these collars in chat rooms and blogs when the submissive’s user name is enclosed in parentheses or brackets. There is no question that their relationship is very real to them, but they often only live the life of a Dominant and slave largely in their fertile imaginations. The anonymity and perceived safety of digital communication can allow people to present themselves and experiment in ways they might not in real life. But great harm can come from even virtual relationships in the form of emotional and psychological stress, torment and depression. At the other end of the digital exchange is a live person with real feelings, yet these cyber collars are often not granted the weight and importance associated with those feelings and emotions.

I have nothing against the notion of a cyber collar but find the widespread ignorance of good BDSM practices and the cavalier way with which these collars are treated to be distressing. Real people are being hurt not only emotionally but also physically when they actually come together face-to-face to play without the benefit of education or experience. A cyber collar can be a fine connection between two loving and caring people if used appropriately. Sadly it is often overused and abused in my opinion.

Velcro collars

The term “Velcro collar” is applied to people who seemingly collect and trade cyber and real collars. These Velcro collars are proverbially “easy on, easy off” and it is not uncommon, particularly online, to see submissives collared by a Dom one day another Dom the next. It is also not uncommon to see Doms with multiple subs. These collars are in no way respected by the leather community. The people who grant and receive them are often derided by those who engage in real life power exchange relationships and for whom Collaring is a symbol of the sanctity of D/s and M/s relationships.


Perhaps at this point my prejudices and opinions on the subject of Collars are beginning to shine through and it becomes clear why I have been reluctant to weigh in on the topic, particularly here online. My strongly held views on the importance and sanctity of the Collar in a BDSM or loving D/s relationship are also at the heart of why I have not to date Collared a submissive. I have no doubt that some day I will grant a collar and when I do it will be with the intent of elevating our relationship and ourselves to the highest possible levels. And it will be a bond that I will treasure my entire life and perhaps beyond.

My Muse and I are in precisely the sort of relationship that I see as the basis for such a path. You read much from me about the views we share and how we interact with one another. Yet as loving and devoted as we are, and have been for some time as Master and Muse, in the scheme of Collaring we are still in the courtship phase of our relationship and just starting out.

To me a Collar is not simply a sophomoric sign of possession intended to feed my ego or mark my territory. I do not need overt and cute icons for that. The connection and devotion I feel with my Muse reside entirely in the heart and mind and no strip of leather, satin, or steel is necessary to affirm that. It is my fondest hope that one day our relationship will grow to the point of my Muse wearing my Collar. But if and when it happens, it will have been the result of serious effort, hard work and sober intent and will be a reflection of a life decision for both of us. She is worth that and more.

Caption © For The Love of a Submissive, 2013

Unfortunately this blog which was one of my first places to read is now Deactivated but I still gave it its due credit and respect...
Quote by OldDom48
There are lots of opinions about what a D/s relationship is. I am not much interested in getting into some debate about whether my point of view is any better than someone else's point of view. If you have a different opinion, it is fine with me.

If I approach a submissive woman about considering a D/s relationship with me, she will wonder what that relationship might be like, especially if she has heard some of the myriad opinions out there. This is what I offer her as a starting point.

I am a gentleman by nature, and that is clearly reflected in my style as a Dom. I expect for a sub to want to please me, to obey me, communicate with me about her wants and needs, what is working or not working, and in due time, to trust me. In return, I will treat her with respect, help her explore her sexuality by guiding, encouraging, sometimes challenging or pressing her to try the things she is curious about. I will lead her in that exploration by incrementally adding and experimenting with her, ensuring that the things we are trying are done safely and carefully, and are meeting both of our expectations. I will guide and mentor her in other aspects of her life to the extent that she may desire to have me do so, and I will care for her in all the ways necessary to make her feel safe and happy in our relationship.

I believe in some rituals, rules, assignments, and when necessary, punishments, but I do not like giving punishments, and will probably not keep a sub who must be punished frequently. What will the rituals, rules. etc., be? That remains to be seen. They will be developed between me and that prospective sub as we discuss whether we want try a relationship or not. Even after those negotiations, they will evolve as the relationship matures. The relationship will be an exploration and we will add things we both think add to the relationship, and eliminate those things that don't.

My comments above notwithstanding, I am not looking for a relationship that rigidly adheres to some long and arbitrary set of rules, rather, I want a relationship that is meaningful and enjoyable.

I took this from your thread OldDom48, as I agree with you on this, and I always state that everyone has their view point on this.
Not all of us believe in the same ... but that is true for any sort of relationship.
to me a D/s relationship is one that for many starts in the playful area and get to know one another as in any relationship... but to me D/s can be a beautiful thing of love.
Quote by BigTitSgt

My Mistress is a good and caring one, and she was concerned about my self care. For that reason she assigned me some homework to make sure that I was taking proper care of myself. In particular I was told to investigate sub space and make sure that in the aftermath of our sessions I was in a safe place. This speaks well of her, and is part of the real love that binds us together

I am not really part of the BDSM community per se, I am living in two relationships, a vanilla one with my husband, and a deeply submissive one with my Mistress. I have a very challenging and successful career that requires a very very finely tuned expression of myself and as a result many of the stresses that I develop require release and the more extreme stresses are best released in more extreme ways. Due to my own nature, profession, and background, pain and I are on life long good terms, so it doesn't bother me the way it seems to bother those that don't live with it in their daily lives. Pain is a bit like tax, not my favorite part, but expected to be somewhere in the transaction for everything worth having.

So doing my reading on Sub Space, I read about the trance like euphoria (check), the dimming of awareness (ummmm, no, kind of really really paying attention), and the dumbing down, the loss of intellect (what the ACTUAL FUCK?).

Lets cover a couple of fundamental assumptions that are the bedrock of my Mistress and my relationship
1-We love each other
2-We respect each other as human beings
3-We are not ashamed of what we want
4-What brings joy is an act of love, however it may look to outsiders
5-We care about all of each others needs

So I am a needy, needy person with my Mistress. I know I need her in ways that make addiction look like kiddie pool with water wings next to shark week. She has a matching need to be needed. Both of us are really careful to make sure we are not intruding into other areas of each others lives or impacting other important relationships. As madly obessive as we are, we so far are colouring inside the lines and actually strengthening each others standing relationships by allowing us to love the people we are with for what they mean to us, without the resentment about the needs they cannot meet.

I am 90% submissive with my Mistress. 10% Dominant when she hungers to see my beast offleash. I am probably more brutal than she is when dominant as my beast is new to sex as an outlet, which is why outside of the deep trust between my Mistress and myself I could never, ever trust that aspect of myself in any sexual setting. Its good at violence, but the giving of pleasure rather than the shattering of bodies is very new for that aspect of myself, and one I will only explore with my Mistress.

As a submissive I am about 60% focused on service to my Mistress. I mean doing things for her in any way gives me pleasure, whether it is massaging her or doing her dishes, serving her in any capacity makes me hot.
40% of my focus as a submissive with my Mistress is pretty demanding, requiring her to show her mastery of my through "taking" me (we use safe words, but for both of us the idea I am taken without consent being asked is part of the deep sensuality of the act), by humiliating, degrading or physically abusing me.

OK, now here is the thing, physical abuse must cause pain to illicit pleasure for me. If you simulate whipping me, I will simulate giving a damn. That being said, to feel a sting when you move in your clothes the next day is to be reminded of a night of passion and wild sexual abandon, that is a positive. To be damaged, hurt, less able to function in any way the next day means you actually were abused. That is wrong.

When we play, and my Mistress is humiliating and abusing me, I do feel a euphoria, a transcendent ecstasy. I am not growing less aware of what is going on around me or with my body, I am hyperaware of what is going on. I am choosing to be helpless, choosing to be broken by my Mistress, choosing to let her tear me down and make me beg her for further degradation. I face each choice fully aware of what it means. This is the GLORY of our relationship. Once collared I am not a mindless bimbo, I am her submissive bitch, and my limits are way, way out there with her. Each new act of punishment, humiliation, and degradation is fully understood by both of us. I am not helpless and carried away by the moment. I am choosing at ever turn to put my neck beneath her foot. I look up into her eyes and swallow as she pees in my mouth because I love her; because I need to submit that deeply and abjectly as much as she needs to see me begging on my knees, drinking her piss.

Both of our needs are being met. This is what respect and love look like. Giving to the one you love what they need most to feel valued, cherished, and accepted as they are.

Submitting does not require stupidity. 90% of sex is in the mind, and with any sort of fetish play, this is perhaps even more true. If you are someone who enters bimbo head space during your submission, then you need a really good dom, or you could get badly screwed up or hurt. I don't think its required or even enhances anything to let go your mind during sex. Let go your control, let shame, fear, pain become not things to be feared, but savoured. Let each new command thrill you as you decide to obey; let each new layer of helplessness be tested and despair fill you as you let your mind grasp how physically helpless you have let yourself be made. Why would you want to miss that by tuning out? If something passes from pain to "holy shit real damage" My safe word rolls off my lips and my dearest loving Mistress makes sure I am well, safe, and cared for. If I ever dont' feel 100% safe or OK with things, my word rolls off my lips and we slam to a halt.

The freedom my awareness gives my mistress is total. For I will speak my word at the slightest danger of real physical and mental harm; if she has not heard it, reguardless of how extreme our play is, she will drive further. We both need that, and only her trust I WILL NOT EVER let her harm me lets her be free to explore the darkest areas of both our desires. If I were to tune out when we played, she would only be able to take baby steps into the shadows, and check me afterwards to make sure I was really OK.

Sub space is not mindless, not for me. Sub space is ecstatic, orgasmic, liberating slavery. Subspace is where my Mistress chains run not simply to my neck but to my soul. Our minds are both alive, entwined and on fire. We experience every moment deeply, not dreaming through and missing half of it. Maybe I am doing it wrong and everyone else is right. Cool for them. We are happy with what we have, and will continue as we have begun.

I love how Honest your writing here is... I quoted it to put on the library which I hoped others would add, but seems only I do... but I want others to see that we are all different but indeed are one and the same, we take care of one another, and should live with out shame. thank you for sharing this...
just a bump with a little bit of advice for those new subbies...
you are worth much more than what the wannabe masters make you feel.
get educated before you say yes to being used by a wanna be... or a man that is just hateful toward women and use the lifestyle to cover what they truly are , Monsters.