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After Punishment Behavior

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I have realized that after a punishment or a correction I tend to wall up.5VlqJi0Tbpy47Qjx My quite talkative mouth shuts up, my eyes space out, my body tenses and gets kinda stiff and I'm just there.tpavEsletHSVeDhM As if I'm looking over the situation rather than being in the situation. My walls just go up. If that makes any sense.Jo9gwgSWWQ3Ibvy4

Then after about a few seconds of putting up those walls, I correct myself and continue doing what pleases my Master.HGV9y6AntMQVhcSB

Does anyone else do this after a punishment or a correction? If not, What is your behavior like after a punishment or correction?

To Reflect on what you have done is quite normal, Time to wipe your tears and pull yourself into line. Once that's done it is time to give thanks to the Master or Mistress!

I have the same problem, except I wall up for no reason at all sometimes, so much so that the only thing that will break it down is a direct order. Luckily He knows when to push me and order it, and when to just give me a little bit of space. I agree that a bit of reflection period could be a good thing, but if it really worries you, maybe you could ask for the same? To be ordered to be back in the present? Just my , good luck!
Well, how about a Master's perspective?

On the rare occasions I have to punish or discipline my pet, I will spank her or whatever I have to do, then I make her stand in a corner for a bit to think about what she has done. But afterwards, I make absolutely sure I spend some time holding her, cuddling with her, and making sure she understands that while I did not approve of what she did to deserve the punishment, that does not mean I don't still love her.

Now some might think that this would lead her to misbehave more just to get the cuddling, and that may be so (she does love to be spanked!) but I also cuddle and hold her when she is good as well. I would rather have her misbehave a little more than to doubt for even a second that I didn't love her with all my heart.
I agree with that. One key part of punishment is that once the guilty party has been punished, then the slate is wiped clean. Neither the disciplinarian nor the penitent can dwell further on the incident. The cuddle time afterwards is a way for both parties to reconnect and to wipe away with love any potential for any hurt feelings on either side.
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I'm the same way a bit.. I tend to go quiet and think about what I have done wrong before opening my mouth and saying anything. Just in case I say something cheeky. Which I tend to do a lot.. Master doesn't mind this, most time. But if it were after a punishment He'd not be amused. My Master always makes sure I am okay and holds me when He is done. He is loving, and caring and protects me.

Seems to me you're not doing anything out of the norm.. ^-^
After care is just as important as the punishment I needed..I love when Master tells me All is forgiven...Holds me close to tell me I am loved like no other, and applys lotion to my bottom..He does not lecture and lecture as he knows I understand what he wants, and am expected to obey his commands..I am lucky that that my Master is strict, fair and loving!!!
doing my best to be good..
I agree with nearly all that was said here, but, I need to point out that IMO the time for standing in a corner should be *before* any physical punishment. I feel that the time for thinking about the mistake made is before any actual physical punishment, just as the explanation of why punishment is deserved/needed. Afterwards I generally give my slave a minute or two to gather her composure, then aftercare and reassurance begins. To me, the thought of leaving her standing in the corner (or even alone) after punishment has been administered is bordering on mental cruelty as this is the time when she needs comfort from her Master more than ever.
Knowledge is nothing if not shared, with your slave, your community, and those wishing to enter into it. So I will continue to look for topics to give My opinion about, yes opinion.

*** Disclaimer ***
My way of thinking doesn't fit everyone, nor does anyone elses, it is not My intention to tell anyone else here how they must see or do things, as there are as many views of what "the life" means to people as there are people in it.
I generally feel just great after being spanked ...