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Would you let your GF/Wife/Current partner bite u during intercourse?

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For me, personally, yes. Especially if that is what she wants. I don't mean harder enough to do any real damage but a trickle of blood drawn is okay. It feels erotic to me to have my sex partner bite my neckor shoulder during sex play. I honestly think the sensation turns me on more and I get harder and can have a really intense orgasm that way. Anyways thanks for checking out the post. Let me know what y'all think.
Yes, and she does frequently bite during sex. I enjoy it very much.
Thats cool. Does she draw blood or just leave welts?
No blood, just light bruises, welts, that sort of thing.
I C. Well thats cool u two can enjoy that.
Lol. Well to each their own I guess.
Lol. I know. The penis is too sensitive for that.
Love it when it's gentle nibbling. One woman developed piranha-like tendencies and the only way to get her to desist was a bit of a cuff on the ear. The rest of her
actions during sex were sublime.
draw blood - no way!, just for fun - hel yes,very sexy
yess would lovee ittt
lol. well like i said my girl is a bit of a biter. i'm a bit of a sucker for rough sex.
yeah i suppose drawning blood is a bit of a fetish.
Hell yeah! But she could only bite my shoulder. Being the control freak I am, I'd be afraid she'd bite my jugular, but biting is a huge turn on for me, ad long as I get to bite her back. Only thing I won't tolerate is my slave biting me. That deserves punishment.
Well. I don't believe in slave/master mentality mate. But I've never had to worry about that with my girl tho. She has chomped on my ear before and ofcourse my shoulder, thigh, etc.
I don't fully get it either, but I love it nevertheless. Nothing better than a bit of friendly biteage :-)
Bunker Love
My Dream my latest stopry
Yeah. Well the thing is my girl and I are big Twilight/True Blood fans so a lot of our play involves nipping and biting and the occasional blood letting.
Yes I love it, especially when I'm fucking her. That kind of reaction tells me she is really excited.
As others have said though no blood though. That's way to much
Yeah, we like biting. Never drawn blood before, but people do get carried away sometimes.
It was known to happen at times with one special woman. Have to admit, I miss it.
I like biting... some scratching with nails is erotic too
Yeah I like to bite my gf especially her ass...
She bites me, but not that hard, not enough to draw blood or leave mush of a bruise.
Lite biting absolutely! Nothing like Cape Fear, that still haunts me!
I love biting, especially on the tendon on the inside of my thigh or on my shoulder as he cums. It's a total turn on!! A bit of a mark/bruise is fabulous, but definitely not hard enough to draw blood!
I like to bite and be bitten, don't know about the drawing blood but it might be fun to try once.
Veni, vidi, vici" Julius Caesar 47 BC
well....I've had blood drawn once. Friggin' lil vampire. Lol. Make sure that the both of u are into it and keep some bandaids handy.