Catering to your every whim?
At your beck and call
To use as you wish?
I sometimes fantasize about it and in my fantasy world, it's great. If it were to happen in real life, I wouldn't last a day. I couldn't live with the idea of "owning" a human being, depriving someone of her free will, even if she did that willingly.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing
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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i Aspects of it seem enjoyable on the surface, but on closer look I believe it would make me a worse person. Also not sure I could handle THAT much responsibility. Although she may be the slave, it entails a great deal from me as well, that is alot.
So no I do not think so
It wouldn't be a life style I could enjoy for a long time ... but it would make an interesting concept for a hotel!
I don't think so..both my grandmothers had maids and I always felt strange watching them get ordered about.
However with my dishwasher broken. .I might go for a person who did the dishes!
Very interesting question my sweet friend!
Not sure I'd like that. It's fun to fantasize that in a role-play but not to exactly live like that.
Everybody is their own person and they are free to do as they wish.
I'm more a rebel, a free-spirit that beats to my own drum.
But to each is own.
My deepest apologies for not stating the bdsm kind of slave.
That's what I meant. Xoxo
Actually the idea of a maid who I can use sexually whenever I feel like it sounds pretty good.
I would love a girl to be around at all times to make mine. mmm
Simple answer, yes.
Who wouldn't to have her, whenever, where ever, and however he wants??
But as mentioned earlier, it's probably not so simple to apply the concept over a prolonged period of time.
I'm sure I would love that for a while - or on special occasions - but I think I would come to dislike it if it was permanent. Too much of a good thing, or something.
yes i would. an ex girlfriend used to be my sub till i released her. we are still friends but we no longer have a relationship.