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Would you date a Porn star?

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Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by NiteAngel
Quote by Driver1963
Quote by NiteAngel
I'm replying to driver1963 quote "It depends on the lady. My answer could be anywhere from A to D." I don't know how to reply to posts directly sorry.

If she is a PORN STAR she is deffo NO LADY!!!

Oh well, I'm glad I don't see it that way

Exactly what way do you see it Driver??? By definition a lady is somone of UPSTANDING, (Take notice off when she enters the room), mind your manners when she talks, she has manners and integrity, she cares for others and there opinions.

She is NOT paid to have sex with women and men and god knows what.

How's it feel to be singled out?
Lighten up, will'ya?
Refer to Rocco's post right above your last one, Nite.
Not everyone thinks on the same wavelength. Thank gawd.

I don't care for spelling mistakes wmm, this is a debate I am chilled, lol, im asking for alternate as he does not see it that way??

A rose is a rose is a rose......meaning it is what it is?? Do we change the English language and definitions because someone disagrees or because you have intervened to tell me to lighten up??? No the English language is there for a reason, so are debates.
I'm not attacking im just very intrigued why the English language should be changed because someone has a difference of opinion.

This is why the English language is dead, if a rose is a rose is a rose, and someone disagrees to that, would you not be intrigued as to why they disagree??
It's not about opinion it is about FACT! hence why I am asking, I apologize if it was a bit makes no difference the amount of arguement made because if you look up the difference between porn star and lady they are set in stone as one massive difference, so we do not change what is on someones opinion or what they think?? hence why I now asking why he thinks differently from what is.
Lollipop Girl
ok how about we get back to the topic guys?
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Artistic Tart
Quote by NiteAngel
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by NiteAngel
Quote by Driver1963
Quote by NiteAngel
I'm replying to driver1963 quote "It depends on the lady. My answer could be anywhere from A to D." I don't know how to reply to posts directly sorry.

If she is a PORN STAR she is deffo NO LADY!!!

Oh well, I'm glad I don't see it that way

Exactly what way do you see it Driver??? By definition a lady is somone of UPSTANDING, (Take notice off when she enters the room), mind your manners when she talks, she has manners and integrity, she cares for others and there opinions.

She is NOT paid to have sex with women and men and god knows what.

How's it feel to be singled out?
Lighten up, will'ya?
Refer to Rocco's post right above your last one, Nite.
Not everyone thinks on the same wavelength. Thank gawd.

I don't care for spelling mistakes wmm, this is a debate I am chilled, lol, im asking for alternate as he does not see it that way??

A rose is a rose is a rose......meaning it is what it is?? Do we change the English language and definitions because someone disagrees or because you have intervened to tell me to lighten up??? No the English language is there for a reason, so are debates.
I'm not attacking im just very intrigued why the English language should be changed because someone has a difference of opinion.

hey NiteAngel, says a lady is a woman of refined and gentle manners, so how many porn stars to you know? How the f*** do you know whether they have good refined manners? Other definition it gives is just female.

Maybe you are talking about what a lady means in the UK with high society but thats just one definition so why don't you take your pride and prejudice sense of decorum back where you found it and open your mind, damn!
Quote by LadyX
Quote by NiteAngel
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by NiteAngel
Quote by Driver1963
Quote by NiteAngel
I'm replying to driver1963 quote "It depends on the lady. My answer could be anywhere from A to D." I don't know how to reply to posts directly sorry.

If she is a PORN STAR she is deffo NO LADY!!!

Oh well, I'm glad I don't see it that way

Exactly what way do you see it Driver??? By definition a lady is somone of UPSTANDING, (Take notice off when she enters the room), mind your manners when she talks, she has manners and integrity, she cares for others and there opinions.

She is NOT paid to have sex with women and men and god knows what.

How's it feel to be singled out?
Lighten up, will'ya?
Refer to Rocco's post right above your last one, Nite.
Not everyone thinks on the same wavelength. Thank gawd.

I don't care for spelling mistakes wmm, this is a debate I am chilled, lol, im asking for alternate as he does not see it that way??

A rose is a rose is a rose......meaning it is what it is?? Do we change the English language and definitions because someone disagrees or because you have intervened to tell me to lighten up??? No the English language is there for a reason, so are debates.
I'm not attacking im just very intrigued why the English language should be changed because someone has a difference of opinion.

hey NiteAngel, says a lady is a woman of refined and gentle manners, so how many porn stars to you know? How the f*** do you know whether they have good refined manners? Other definition it gives is just female.

Maybe you are talking about what a lady means in the UK with high society but thats just one definition so why don't you take your pride and prejudice sense of decorum back where you found it and open your mind, damn! giving sensible debate.
Artistic Tart
that response is 'deffo' missing about 8 paragraphs based on the way you normally answer
Quote by LadyX
that response is 'deffo' missing about 8 paragraphs based on the way you normally answer

If it's not debate tell me why you seem so annoyed?? esp when it's not even directed to you??
Guy's I'm just winding i'm not going to rattle any further it's annoying people so sorry if this offended anyone.
Artistic Tart
peace. i just get tired of statements like a lady having anything to do with what somebody does for a living. Like dancing or having sex has a damn thing to do with who you are as a person. That's all I'm sorry too.
Quote by NiteAngel
Guy's I'm just winding i'm not going to rattle any further it's annoying people so sorry if this offended anyone.

well it was a semi-flameworthy assertion...but we've all got our opinions...I use 'lady' a lot, regardless of social circles and level of sophistication....and just to reiterate and get it back on point....yes, I'd date one (warily).
I thought the ultimate female was a lady on the street and whore in the bed. So by that definition we can say that a lady can be both a sophisticated aristocrat AND a whoresmile

Problem solved, no thanks necessary
I spent some time in Taipei, while there I made the acquaintance of a bar girl. We had a very interesting week together. She introduced me to the Chinese opera, fine cuisine, interesting walks, cultural and artistic points of interest. Her profession was tolerated by Chinese society but by virtue of her profession she was excluded from it in more ways than one. I corresponded with her for six or seven months after I left Taipei before drifting away. She was a sex worker, money was exchanged but was of no consequence. I got lucky meeting such an interesting person. I had respect for her though I don't know if people can understand that.

Let me make it clear that I am not making a value judgment just stating an observation. Many people use the services of sex workers, mostly watching porn. Some seem to hold them in contempt. I can understand not wanting to date or marry a porn star, but holding them in contempt is something I find a contradiction. Sex workers are actually people. Some are very fucked up, some are addicted to drugs, some are like the woman I spent a week with in Taipei, interesting and cultured.
Active Ink Slinger
Would it matter if it was a "retired" porn-star? Just curious.
Right there. Oh yeah baby. Right there.
Active Ink Slinger
For me, yes it would. If she's a working porn star, I'm probably not interested. If she's no longer in the business, then I'm ok with it. Everyone has a past.
I beleive that I would be able to date a porn star... I just couldn't see myself fucking a porn star. I'm an explorer. I wouldn't want to walk the path so very well travelled if you catch my meaning.

And is it really that great of a fantasy? Porn Stars are Actors. They aren't really driving themselves wild like that. They're pretending. That's the whole point of acting.

And lastly, like somebody in the "Ask the Gals" version of this thread said, somebody who works in accounting all day doesn't want to come home and account some more.

Why would a porn star want to come home and fuck some more?
Quote by Jezziebelle
Would it matter if it was a "retired" porn-star? Just curious.

I think it would matter, yes, in a positive way. I would not rule it out.
Advanced Wordsmith
Ok my opinion is if she is PORN ACTRESS "off choice and not by choice" then i will go on a date with her and depending on the person and his caliber it may proceed further.....and to think off it having sex on the first encounter i guess i haven`t met anyone that interesting yet, and of all the things guys they are also HUMANS and have a heart and soul, feelings and emotions of there own and to be honest the only difference between two of us is that we are having sex for fun and lust<not for money> and behind closed doors and they r doing it in front of camera.....thats wat i think of them but again <by choice and and without any choice does matter> fpr an ans as far as i am concerned .....

Beware DEVIL is here
Absolutely! I think it would be fun.
I doubt I would. We would have very little in common, at the risk of sounding "judging a book by its cover", on the average I would say that most would be fairly shallow and not real bright. I also wouldn't want to have sex with one, it would be like fucking a glass of water.
Quote by freefallin1309
I doubt I would. We would have very little in common, at the risk of sounding "judging a book by its cover", on the average I would say that most would be fairly shallow and not real bright. I also wouldn't want to have sex with one, it would be like fucking a glass of water.

When is the last time you fucked a glass of water.
Active Ink Slinger
nice visual right there
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Its hard to keep the water in the glass
Alpha Blonde
Being a bisexual girl, I had sex with a female porn star once (who is now quite well known as it turns out), but it was a one-time thing.

I would not have dated her...

Then again, I have never dated women... I just use them for sex...LOL
I doubt I would. We would have very little in common, at the risk of sounding "judging a book by its cover", on the average I would say that most would be fairly shallow and not real bright. I also wouldn't want to have sex with one, it would be like fucking a glass of water.

Shallow? Like assuming that a woman is "not bright" because of what she does for a living? that seems pretty shallow to me.

Fucking a glass of water? How much do you think a penis is actually able to stretch a woman? You do realize that women push babies out of their vaginas right?

It's funny how the self righteous people on this site claim to not be superficial, but then make comments like
Artistic Tart
Quote by freefallin1309
I doubt I would. We would have very little in common, at the risk of sounding "judging a book by its cover", on the average I would say that most would be fairly shallow and not real bright. I also wouldn't want to have sex with one, it would be like fucking a glass of water.

Aww. Thats not just at the risk of judging books by the cover, thats doing it, babe.
Not to say you would have lots in common with pornstars, but not sure either of us can say whether or not they are dumbasses.

And the tightness of a vagina isnt all about how many dicks it has had in it. DamonX is right about that, as much as you probably hate to agree with him on anything lol. Babies rip it up a lot more than any penis will, and somehow women who have had kids still manage to give good sex afterward. Its all about the kegels, baby.
Constant Gardener
Just off the top of my head, I can think of about 20 female pornstars, who I'd have no issues at all, being seen escorting around any town/city in the world.

Hell, their status might even rub off on me. But that wouldn't be any reason why I'd be willing to date someone in that line of work.

For most of them in the porn industry, it is just a job to bring money into their bank accounts. No different than any other job that the rest of us perform or have performed for a wage.

I've squired around unemployed women, married women, working women, women who are merely students/home makers, Moms, Aunts, Grandmothers. Women who are trust fund babies, call-girls, debutantes, felons, millionairess lottery winners, corporate executives, and girls who work in mail rooms. Drug addicts, alcoholics, psychopaths on multiple mood meds.

It has never mattered to me, what a woman has done, did, or plans to do...with her chosen endeavors to earn money. Or if she was comfortable sitting on her ass in front of a computer screen 16 hours a day or flipping through tv channels while lounging in her recliner.

Can she and I connect in any human way?

Fuck a bunch of what anyone else thinks. Envy is no longer in my vocabulary, and I used to be a jealous young fuckstick, but tamped that useless emotion down to extinction in my behavior, long ago.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
who are merely students/home makers

I can promise you we are much more than 'merely' students...

Students are a very special breed... We can stay up all night, party, drink, fuck then cram in 2hours before a huge exam and Ace it. Then after that we can still go on a party spree to celebrate said exam. We can survive on minimal food, 2minute noodles and a coke is about enough to get us through a morning and we can do wonderful things on a bar of chocolate. We are also in that rare stage of life where we realise we don't know everything so we are pretty easy to talk to if you have proof of what you are telling us.

Yes... all in all us students are pretty bloody amazing creatures.
Constant Gardener
Quote by Necho
who are merely students/home makers

I can promise you we are much more than 'merely' students...

No foul intended...I've been a student all my life.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Internet Philosopher
I have enough freaky aspects to my own sexuality that I couldn't judge a woman for hers without being a hypocrite. Yes I would date a porn actress if she was a person I found to be engaging and intelligent. As for her work, a job is a job. As long as I felt the connection to her, I wouldn't care. I would not like being judged negatively for writing erotica, how can I judge her for being in it?
I dated a stripper a few years ago and she was very beautiful and intelligent. I didnt meet her in the club or anything so I had no clue at first. I also admired her courage for having the balls to tell me the straight up truth. I loved her dearly, but I hated her job. She loved the attention, the night life, the dancing, and the money that came with it. The men, or women, isnt why she did it. Nonetheless, I tried to change her and get her to choose another profession. Very selfish of me, I'll admit. The lesson learned was, even though I loved the girl, I wasnt able to love the job that came with the girl. We went other directions in life and I wish her all the best. Would I date a porn star? No (for the same reasons above). Would I sleep with a porn star? Yes.
Quote by DamonX
I doubt I would. We would have very little in common, at the risk of sounding "judging a book by its cover", on the average I would say that most would be fairly shallow and not real bright. I also wouldn't want to have sex with one, it would be like fucking a glass of water.

Shallow? Like assuming that a woman is "not bright" because of what she does for a living? that seems pretty shallow to me.

Fucking a glass of water? How much do you think a penis is actually able to stretch a woman? You do realize that women push babies out of their vaginas right?

It's funny how the self righteous people on this site claim to not be superficial, but then make comments like

It's funny too that you get angry at comments on another thread and chase them back here ... it seems like I've gained an internet stalker of some sorts ... something I posted on here 2 months ago has risen again as the Thread Necromancer brings it back from the dead to bash my character for all to see. If you have a problem with me, you should PM me and not run about trying to attack my very old posts, it makes you look bad.