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Would you be mad if your gf started selling nude pics/videos?

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I want to start selling nudes, but my bf doesn't seem to happy with the idea. Any ideas on how to sell nudes in a way that is respectful to your significant other?
Not selling them if he isn't happy about it seems like a good start. You need to do a bit of a sales job on him first, I would say. What benefit does he get from having his girlfriend's body plastered all over the Internet (and you know those pics won't stay with those who paid for them, right?)?
He said he would be alright with whatever I do because it's my choice and he will support me. i just know that he isn't totally comfortable with the idea since he's a lil bit more old school than me (obviously lol). However, we both just lost our jobs in restaurant industry along with our roommate, so I feel like this would be as good a time as any.
So, I don't know if I can really give advice on how to do this without pissing him off. But, I had a partner who was a nude model while we were dating. I never saw her work, but I also had a suspicion she was cheating on me with her photographer so I was never really *okay* with it. I guess my advice for you would be to have the conversation with your boyfriend that my ex never bothered to have with me. Talk about boundaries, how far you're willing to go if someone tries to commission a photo from you. If you work with a photographer, maybe how far you're willing to go with that scenario. If you're going to take your own pictures, maybe find some way to get your boyfriend involved so he's a part of this instead of it just being something you're doing without him for the benefit of other guys. I'm sorry if I'm not explaining this well. But if you're not willing to have a more serious conversation with your boyfriend about why he's uncomfortable and what it would take for him to *be* comfortable with this if it's something you really want to do, then I'd agree with Seeker and say "don't do it."
If you're questioning his ability to accept it, and you want to keep the relationship, don't do it. Really, the only way its going to end well is if he's fully on board, or even somewhat turned on by the thought of other guys getting to look, and being jealous of him because he's the one who gets to touch.

I'm assuming that you're talking about a "do it yourself" type endeavor, and not posing for established nude photo places. Just a word of advice, selling nudes, camming, or any other such work is not a "snap a pic and rake in the cash" situation. The market is too saturated, and the venues too many to concentrate the horny guys willing to open their wallets. If you're going to make anything more than pocket change, it's going to be a full-time job networking, advertising yourself, etc. You're also going to have to be at least mildly flirtatious with these guys, because it's an element of connection that they're looking for. That's a whole other discussion with the BF, as well as a whole other set of problems you'll need to solve in advance to protect your identity and safety.

Even then, earning even a bare-bones income is as much luck as anything. Just being hot isn't enough. There are a thousand hot girls doing the same thing.

Good Will ---|--- Got Me Pegged <= Both almost famous, give them a read and get them one step closer!

the reason you give for doing it?? just one step off prostitution i guess. slippery slpe from " glamor shots " to open legs and god knows what. whats more important your relasionship or a bit of mony in these unpresidented times ... good luck either way