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With or Without the lacker?

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Constant Gardener
If you spend anywhere from 5 to 10 to 30 years, plastering that powdery crap all over every pore of your face, from your collar bones up to your scalp...

You're not doing yourself any favors. Similarly, if you're a male and you are shaving your face from the age of 13 or whenever you find it appropriate (without giving yourself some 'breaks' of 20 to 30 days a year)...the skin of your face is going to show the effects of a razor against it.

I've dated many and lived with a few women, who wore the pancake makeup look. And they had more buck$ in makeup than some people have in clothing.

Sadly, they looked like hell, without their face on. But if they had never started down that path in the first place? Would they have been better off, 20 years later?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Thinkin bout two things...

1. The boys said they liked their women without when they saw them first thing in the morning. Well, as they say, love is blind, and since they were there the next day, the previous evening probably had a lot to do with their outlook.

2. As for the before after shots of the celebs, when you see them so often with the cake and all dolled up, then any picture in contrast would have a diminishing effect. Guys don't wear make up, or should I say real men, you know who we are. However, even the shots of some handsome actors also look quite "different" when they haven't been in the gym for a full month before shooting, and instead been at the tiki hut while on vaca.

All said and done, without make up, rather not get shocked in the morning and have to run out the door.
Rookie Scribe
imo without some ppl go over bored
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by cherryrebel
Recently I had a conversation with my boyfriend and his mates about girls with or without make up.

Surpisingly, all 8 of them said that they thought a girl looked at her most attractive first thing in the morning, with no or very little make up on. Afterall make up is an illusion. But seriously, when I am rocking this look, I don't get half as much attention as when I'm made up to the nines. Hence the question...

Make up? or no make up?

Looking at you original post you could be asking two different questions. Anytime a guy wakes up with a girl "first thing in the morning." She is going to be the hottest thing in the world to him. Hands down. It's either love, lust, or groggy hangover eyes depending on the relationship. Although I think you were trying to ask what gets the heads a turnin' and the pants a burnin'. That is a hard question to answer. Seeing as not every man thinks the same. My personal opinion = plain jane. The less make up you wear tells me you have confidence with you apperance. No matter how hot she is high self-esteem beats heavy war-paint everyday of the week.
I wouldn't say wear no make-up at all, but just wear a little bit. No one wants to see a girl covering her face with make-up as it takes away her natural looks.
Depends on the woman and the make-up smile

Some people look better with make-up, others look fine without it. Her style of make-up doesn't do much for me so it doesn't add anything to her natural beauty. She looks just as attractive without make-up as she does with make-up, to me.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by cherryrebel
Recently I had a conversation with my boyfriend and his mates about girls with or without make up.

Surpisingly, all 8 of them said that they thought a girl looked at her most attractive first thing in the morning, with no or very little make up on. Afterall make up is an illusion. But seriously, when I am rocking this look, I don't get half as much attention as when I'm made up to the nines. Hence the question...

Make up? or no make up?

depends on the girl
Advanced Wordsmith
Speaking for myself, I really think a woman is most beautiful first thing in the morning, or in the instance before sleep. It's not about make up, it's about... A sense of openness, I guess. The feeling I have being that if the woman I'm with is comfortable letting me see her in that kind of, moment of "vulnerability" then that confidence and trust is a thing of beauty.
I enjoy both looks. If a woman feels sexier or more beautiful ( or whatever) in makeup that's fine by me but in all honesty sans makeup is much sexier. Although lipstick is always a turn on.
Advanced Wordsmith
I love the natural look. No make up in the morning is lovely. Make up is good.
What I would say is too much make up is a turn off. When you can see a tide line, oh wow. Unfortunately I see some real beautiful young girls these days that slap too much on, I can see they are gorgeous but ruins the look when it's caked on.
Active Ink Slinger
Some women can be stunning without makeup. They are the exception. The less the better, for the most part.
My wife has always gone either without or minimal and I quite like it that way. Moderation is the key. Some women seem to go too far and look like some kind of doll.
Active Ink Slinger
Sure women with 'strong' make up will get more looks. I'll look at them first. But unless i'm looking for a fast slut, & I'm not much anymore, I'll look past the heavy make up and focus on the persona again. In that context I've found over the long haul those with little or no makeup are more likely worth a deeper look.
It would seem most people are here are trying to apply a 'one rule fits all' opinion on at least two billion women....which is clearly ridiculous!

Let me tell you that when my girlfriend wore no make up, she looked better (at least to me), than when she wore make up (which she hardly ever wore). When she did wear it, she tended to go for 'light' makeup. The few times she wore a heavier type of makeup, I...well, I wouldn't say I found her unattractive, but it would never be the look I would choose for her.

In fact, my favourite picture of her (and the one I sometimes show people, if they ask to see her) is of her wearing no make up at all. This was when she was in hospital for treatment, and was in a hospital bed wearing hospital clothes- about as unflattering as any scenario someone is likely to be in. Now I'm not going to show that publicly (although a few people here have seen it), but let me tell you that even then, in those circumstance, she looked better than many women who would spend hours on themselves would. She just had a natural beauty.

But it would be wrong of me to say that all women are like that. It would be wrong for me to suggest that I prefer all women when they don't like make up, but it is definitely true to say that I preferred her when she didn't.
Active Ink Slinger
Depends on the Girl. With those two pictures I liked no makeup better.