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why send a friend request if you don't know me

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It's obvious none of you ever went fishing.

They're casting bait. Put something on the hook with a weight (naked people screwing, a note, "Hey, wanna fuck?", something subtle, whatever) and throw it out to plop in the pool. Some fish are attracted and bite immediately, some run like hell. Sometimes a "Trotline" with many baited hooks and they wait for any bites and just throw back the ones they don't want to eat.

I had a friend years ago, Arlie, who'd literally just ask them if they wanted to screw. Sometimes just that crude others a little softer. He was a tall, Italian type and contended that slightly better than half said yes. I've seen him do this and believed him, but I never could.

I'm a fly fisherman. Much subtler. I cast out ideas, thoughts and compliments, and let them settle gently in the water. I NEVER expect anything but a "Thank You" and I'm never disappointed. I do this in real-life too and it gets most to talk to me. I truly have no ulterior motive and let them decide how deep it gets. I do not ask for friends here either and every one I have contacted me. I appreciate every one of them too. Most are good authors but some don't write.

I correspond with many here. We talk about sex, share ideas and discuss life. There are several that I admire because they use their minds to think with and are marvelous ladies, guys too but mostly we don't talk about sex. I a, so straight I don't bend when I sit down.

I've written stories for a couple of them, two at their request and I'm doing sequels for them too. One is guiding me gently through some of the problems I have with writing and I'd do anything she asked me to. I'll keep talking to them until I can't think any more or die. I love them because that's what true friendship is. Accept everything they say and NEVER judge.

With one it gets VERY intense. She likes me and I like her. Were both in a sexless marriage (my wife from Alzheimer's, her husbands not interested) and we comfort each other a lot. If that's wrong then we'll go live somewhere else. I'm hoping to meet this wonderful woman some day but that's her choice, never mine. I still adore my wife and she accepts this and cares for her too because that's the way she is, a lady. I do not push myself on anyone.

The types I'm attracted to prefer the gentleman. They don't like crude people but can be VERY wild when they want to be. They can be young or old, centerfold types or plain as a split-rail fence, it's what they are inside that's most important to me. I've found the adage, "Beauty starts on the inside." true. I have known many very plain people that were beautiful and several centerfold types that were ugly as a mud fence. My WIFES ONLY sister is the mud fence type. A gorgeous woman, professional model for years, but she is a consummate "UGLY BITCH!" Very sad for my wife, me too.

This is all an opinion, mine. Others have theirs and are just as valid. An opinion is one of the three things all humans have. Getting angry at an opinion is self destructive and I don't do it, but I respond very strongly to an attack.

I am always a gentleman.
Quote by kiera

I agree those people are asking for it and don't deserve to complain about the attention they get because of it. Actually I'm half tempted to change my av now its the 1st time I've ever used one like this I normally just use a facial one but a friend gave it to me so I used it, I like it a lot actually.

Everything else aside I think Ginger is referring to the vulgar ones we get, eg will u swallow my cum, I want to fuck your arse, even things about hamburgers(cause thankfully hamburgers are now fully forbidden on this site smile) That said I spoke to a new male friend of mine last night and he told me about a few rather shocking ones he had received from women so its swings and roundabouts really but none the less there are us here who simply don't like getting messages like that and say so in our bio's as someone I don't recall who said previously in this forum its even worse if you appear on featured members I bloody hate it when I do I get inundated its crazy.

Gingers av is cute yes but she isn't exhibiting anything sexual she is fully clothed sitting on grass, I could understand if she was posting pics of her anatomy and warrant the replies claiming she is attention seeking but she is not. Also I would like to add the hypocrisy of some here "just deal with it its a sex web site people don't read bio's"?? I hit u back with that for your forum ranting about friends posting what you feel are inappropriate things on your wall, apparently you state in your bio you don't like them so why do they still post them?? ...just sayin

I don't blame anyone for being sick of rude or obscene FRs. And anyone who would just send an FR asking you to swallow their cum without even knowing you is prolly too stupid to find this thread and definitely too stupid to get the hint. But the question was why send a FR to someone you don't know...not why would you be a total douche in an FR to someone you don't know? And the answer to that question is simply, because that's what a friend request is...a request from one person that doesn't know the other, but for some reason would like to, to get better aquainted.
As for Ginger's pic, I didn't say it was suggestive, just that it was attractive. If she doesn't want people sending FRs or being "attracted" to her, an attractive pic of any kind doesn't make sense. As she stated, the pic isn't her, so what is the purpose of using an attractive person in your avatar if not to attract attention?....

I'm not sure which rant you're talking about. I don't remember ever ranting about anything on my wall. I pretty much let anyone put whatever they want on it. I think you've confused me with someone else. But I know what you're saying...It basically boils down to respect. And, Lush is just a cross section of real life where not everyone is going to show the simple, common respect for others that they should. Unfortunately, there isn't much to stop them here so those who have no respect for others can willfully, happily, and without much worry of being punished, act like the fucktards they are. It's unfortunate, but those people are best just ignored (don't accept the request, ignore their comments, etc) because as much as we would like them to, they aren't going anywhere.
Quote by TexDrifter

I don't blame anyone for being sick of rude or obscene FRs. And anyone who would just send an FR asking you to swallow their cum without even knowing you is prolly too stupid to find this thread and definitely too stupid to get the hint. But the question was why send a FR to someone you don't know...not why would you be a total douche in an FR to someone you don't know? And the answer to that question is simply, because that's what a friend request is...a request from one person that doesn't know the other, but for some reason would like to, to get better aquainted.
As for Ginger's pic, I didn't say it was suggestive, just that it was attractive. If she doesn't want people sending FRs or being "attracted" to her, an attractive pic of any kind doesn't make sense. As she stated, the pic isn't her, so what is the purpose of using an attractive person in your avatar if not to attract attention?....

I'm not sure which rant you're talking about. I don't remember ever ranting about anything on my wall. I pretty much let anyone put whatever they want on it. I think you've confused me with someone else. But I know what you're saying...It basically boils down to respect. And, Lush is just a cross section of real life where not everyone is going to show the simple, common respect for others that they should. Unfortunately, there isn't much to stop them here so those who have no respect for others can willfully, happily, and without much worry of being punished, act like the fucktards they are. It's unfortunate, but those people are best just ignored (don't accept the request, ignore their comments, etc) because as much as we would like them to, they aren't going anywhere.

I'm not sure which rant you're talking about. I don't remember ever ranting about anything on my wall. I pretty much let anyone put whatever they want on it. I think you've confused me with someone else

Isnt this just quaint?? never looked at your wall but you have answered as tho you are the person I was referring to which im certain u are not, strange yes how people can be so mean and jump to conclusions due to a mis post don't u agree??

I agree we are not going to get the answers we seek here sadly and im glad u agree they r not warranted.

Just to clarify I did not say you thought Gingers av was suggestive if I recall u said cute that is all.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
I'm here to blatantly and selfishly seek attention!

Look at my handstands and neon bulbs on my willy!!!
Quote by overmykneenow

No silly, this is about one person being lots of people - not lots of people being one person

I can be whomever you'd like me to be . Just remember that i am straight . My sexual orientaion that is . Not my cock silly

Seriously though its not that huge an offense is it? Besides, where there is one imposter? there is likely many more.

i've been hearing of possible imposters the 1st week i arrived here. PSSSSSST!!!!!! so and so is also this person etc..
Quote by TexDrifter

I don't blame anyone for being sick of rude or obscene FRs. And anyone who would just send an FR asking you to swallow their cum without even knowing you is prolly too stupid to find this thread and definitely too stupid to get the hint. But the question was why send a FR to someone you don't know...not why would you be a total douche in an FR to someone you don't know? And the answer to that question is simply, because that's what a friend request is...a request from one person that doesn't know the other, but for some reason would like to, to get better aquainted.
As for Ginger's pic, I didn't say it was suggestive, just that it was attractive. If she doesn't want people sending FRs or being "attracted" to her, an attractive pic of any kind doesn't make sense. As she stated, the pic isn't her, so what is the purpose of using an attractive person in your avatar if not to attract attention?....

I'm not sure which rant you're talking about. I don't remember ever ranting about anything on my wall. I pretty much let anyone put whatever they want on it. I think you've confused me with someone else. But I know what you're saying...It basically boils down to respect. And, Lush is just a cross section of real life where not everyone is going to show the simple, common respect for others that they should. Unfortunately, there isn't much to stop them here so those who have no respect for others can willfully, happily, and without much worry of being punished, act like the fucktards they are. It's unfortunate, but those people are best just ignored (don't accept the request, ignore their comments, etc) because as much as we would like them to, they aren't going anywhere.

First, because it's her account and she can do as she chooses as long as she abides by the site rules. Just because she has a pretty pick doesnt mean anything. She puts up a what SHE LIKES to have as an avatar. Doesnt mean she is seeking attention.

Secondly, avatars and profiles mean very little to me. It's what's behind all of that that counts .First person who sent me an f/r on here had a pretty avatar well rounded profile, seemed nice anyway. In her F/r she stated she though i was bold for posting on the forums being a new member and all. In her opinion i was calling out another member on his forum post. Her impression was that he was an idiot and his posts made her because they were so stupid. TBH i thought at the time he was kind of dorky too. So i accepted her friend request. From there i heard about how one of her former female friends stole one of her male friends . She went so far as to even start a forum post about it.

From there i heard about some woman who had won some booty shake contest held on lush . I guess she had won it 2 years in a row or something like that. Anyway my new friend said her ass is cellulite etc......... I just dismissed all that as pettiness. Then she had given me her email because she was going on a business/ vaction trip and wasnt taking her own computer and wasnt going to be around lush for a while . She had her work comp and wanted me to email her while she was away. I wasnt gonna write her but her friend she introduced me to encouraged me to do so. So we vollied emails back and forth for a couple days , just silly shit back and forth. Then one day she wrote me and closed her email with something like hey wanna cyber ? tell me something naughty.

I thought she was joking , for one i had never cybered before in my life so i made light of it and turned it into a joke. from that point on, things changed/ got weird and it was just a matter of who was gonna unfriend who 1st and at what point. needless to say she wasnt the person portrayed in her profile for sure. I mean i listened to her slam these people and they are on her friends list and is just a nasty person behind the front she puts up. If you where to hear her tell it she's one of the most popular members on lush . I don't need popular members around me cuz with friends like that who needs enemies.

But i did friend her based on her profile. which hjust goes to show you.
Quote by Jam_Wil_Mac
I'm here to blatantly and selfishly seek attention!

Look at my handstands and neon bulbs on my willy!!!

Oh me too!! Even though it's tough to be popular, one can never have too much attention!

I'll SEE your willy, and raise you a...... nevermind...
Quote by Jam_Wil_Mac
I'm here to blatantly and selfishly seek attention!

Look at my handstands and neon bulbs on my willy!!!

I love your neon bulbs but where's the willy?
Quote by dpw

I love your neon bulbs but where's the willy?

Told ya I saw it....

Mine's better. never did i think i'd get a chance to post that.
yellow jizz...someone get that man a doctor!
Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Writing desks are obviously used for writing, but in medieval Scandinavia, they used raven feathers as quills and, thus, for writing.

So there you go Lewis Carroll, a raven is like a writing desk. They've both been used for writing.

Down the rabbit hole indeed....
Quote by Ajax

Seriously though its not that huge an offense is it? Besides, where there is one imposter? there is likely many more.

To you maybe, anyone who's Lush time has been damaged by this kind of activity might say otherwise.

Anyone who's found themselves piled on in the forums, their stories serial 3-bombed, or ostracised from a group of lush friends, because of the actions of one person with many accounts might not share your opinion of it being harmless fun.

Aside from being underhand and anti-social it takes up the time of the admins here who have to cross match IP details to weed these people out. Unless of course they fuck up like Ginger did earlier in this thread. That makes the job far easier.

Yes it goes on a lot, yes there are unfounded rumours abound about those meant to be the great and good of lush having more than one account. Neither which makes it ok and attitudes like the one you've expressed really don't help matters.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
It's threads like this that make me realize that Lush is more about drama than it is about sex.
Quote by overmykneenow

To you maybe, anyone who's Lush time has been damaged by this kind of activity might say otherwise.

Anyone who's found themselves piled on in the forums, their stories serial 3-bombed, or ostracised from a group of lush friends, because of the actions of one person with many accounts might not share your opinion of it being harmless fun.

Aside from being underhand and anti-social it takes up the time of the admins here who have to cross match IP details to weed these people out. Unless of course they fuck up like Ginger did earlier in this thread. That makes the job far easier.

Yes it goes on a lot, yes there are unfounded rumours abound about those meant to be the great and good of lush having more than one account. Neither which makes it ok and attitudes like the one you've expressed really don't help matters.

Ok, very good points. . From my perspective i was just taking into account her age and i dont believe she was intentionally out to hurt anyone.

But, i guess now it's more serious than i 1st imagined. I apologize, sorry about that .
Quote by trinket

Told ya I saw it....

I like the bulb ous head.
Quote by overmykneenow

To you maybe, anyone who's Lush time has been damaged by this kind of activity might say otherwise.

Anyone who's found themselves piled on in the forums, their stories serial 3-bombed, or ostracised from a group of lush friends, because of the actions of one person with many accounts might not share your opinion of it being harmless fun.

Aside from being underhand and anti-social it takes up the time of the admins here who have to cross match IP details to weed these people out. Unless of course they fuck up like Ginger did earlier in this thread. That makes the job far easier.
Yes it goes on a lot, yes there are unfounded rumours abound about those meant to be the great and good of lush having more than one account. Neither which makes it ok and attitudes like the one you've expressed really don't help matters.

Exactly right. It is also 'playing' with people's emotions. I've had THREE different people (that I know of) do this to me since I've been here. One 'friend' actually had 2 accounts and BOTH accounts were my 'friends'. One of them used to ask me questions about the other. I can't even explain the horror I felt when I found out.

I found out another 'friend' had SIX accounts but at least that person had the decency to friend me with only one of them. It still hurt to find out though. A THIRD time, two different accounts, BOTH the same girl. When I say it's playing with emotions, I'm not talking about the emotion that can be involved with cyber sex. I'm talking about the feeling of being let down, feeling like a fool because you fell for it. I know now the only fools are the tards who play this game. If it's never happened to you then you can't understand just how harmful it can be. Like people keep telling me, it's the internet but I'd like to think there are at least a few people out there somewhere who are at least a little bit honest. I know, it's a silly thing to hope for, right?
Going back to the original topic of this thread. When someone says on their profile "do not send me a FR or a random chat window if we have never chatted" You are saying "don't send me a FR at all". What other way can someone else get to know you other than in a chat room and most people here don't frequent them.

I can't speak for everyone of course, but apart from the tards that send PM's to random chicks with cockshots on them or vice versa, I welcome friend requests from anyone, then I take a quick look at their profile and decide whether to accept or not. It only takes a minute.
Quote by trinket

Going back to the original topic of this thread. When someone says on their profile "do not send me a FR or a random chat window if we have never chatted" You are saying "don't send me a FR at all". What other way can someone else get to know you other than in a chat room and most people here don't frequent them.

I can't speak for everyone of course, but apart from the tards that send PM's to random chicks with cockshots on them or vice versa, I welcome friend requests from anyone, then I take a quick look at their profile and decide whether to accept or not. It only takes a minute.

So well put my friend. Let's all respect each other rather than look for the weak. Look in the mirror first.
My Stories

No Ordinary Gal

Fucked and Taken

That Special Evening
Some responses in this thread make me think that people take their online life WAY TOO SERIOUSLY.

I have hundreds of friends here and I rarely engage any of them. Any are free to chat me up, send me a PM, post to my profile wall. Sometimes I have the time to sit down and actually chat but most of the time, these days, I just don't. Sorry. It's nothing personal. But I don't need to 'know' my online friends on some personal level. I'm an author, I write sex stories. I enjoy it when people like me enough to friend me even if we might not even say hi. Yet there are some I have come to know in the last year I've been here and consider them personal friends. That's hardly the same as clicking "accept" on a friend request, however.

But it is online - it's all in the name of fun and entertainment. This is not a 'matching single' site. This is not a 'best buddies in real life, we're going to financially support each other' site, either. It's an online community built around our common interest: sex.
I myself only send a friend request to people whom say it is something they are ok with in their profile and if they say they don't chat then i don't ever ask !!! I make friends because i want to get to know them one way or the other as whom they portray or as the real person , is what it is online is online as i see it.
Quote by trinket

Exactly right. It is also 'playing' with people's emotions. I've had THREE different people (that I know of) do this to me since I've been here. One 'friend' actually had 2 accounts and BOTH accounts were my 'friends'. One of them used to ask me questions about the other. I can't even explain the horror I felt when I found out.

I found out another 'friend' had SIX accounts but at least that person had the decency to friend me with only one of them. It still hurt to find out though. A THIRD time, two different accounts, BOTH the same girl. When I say it's playing with emotions, I'm not talking about the emotion that can be involved with cyber sex. I'm talking about the feeling of being let down, feeling like a fool because you fell for it. I know now the only fools are the tards who play this game. If it's never happened to you then you can't understand just how harmful it can be. Like people keep telling me, it's the internet but I'd like to think there are at least a few people out there somewhere who are at least a little bit honest. I know, it's a silly thing to hope for, right?

Spare me your righteousness Trinket. If I had a pound for every person you slagged off on here id be rich. I'm half tempted to start a who else has Trinket blocked forum I certainly know both myself and Ginger do after your crazy arse allegations of her being multiple persons last year which proved to be nothing bar ur crazy self multi bbing and sending her the wrong message say what you like but I was sent the bb's seriously you certainly rant like a saint when u get going, ur threats to have her kicked off lush came to nothing because ......ur nuts...just saying smile
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Ok.... well, this all sounds like a huge amount of fun and as much as I love having hurtful things said about me and being a bitch to other people-

Does the phrase Live and Let Live not have any application on the internet?

I think everyone needs to just go home, turn on the kettle, have a tea/coffe/hot water and lemon and just chill the fuck out.

The whole he said/she said nonsense can just stop now. It is pointless and silly. All the time that people have spent posting abuse in this thread could've been spent reading a story/masturbating furiously over a gif/flirting with a milf or whatever.

If getting in your tupence worth is so important, then I seriously suggest that you re-evaluate your priorities. That goes for every single person in this thread, no sides taken. And yes, I am aware that I have posted in this thread already, I shall go and chastise myself in front of the mirror.

I think this can all just stop here as there are far bigger issues and this has just become shit slinging for the sake of it now and is petty, juvenile and pathetic. Again, aimed at everyone.
What the hell? I never even mentioned anyone's names!

Edited to add:

My friends AND lush know who I was talking about and it wasn't anyone mentioned or posting on this thread. People shouldn't just assume.
STOP! In the name of love.

STOP! Rewind....

STOP! Hammer time.
Quote by Jam_Wil_Mac
Ok.... well, this all sounds like a huge amount of fun and as much as I love having hurtful things said about me and being a bitch to other people-

Does the phrase Live and Let Live not have any application on the internet?

I think everyone needs to just go home, turn on the kettle, have a tea/coffe/hot water and lemon and just chill the fuck out.

The whole he said/she said nonsense can just stop now. It is pointless and silly. All the time that people have spent posting abuse in this thread could've been spent reading a story/masturbating furiously over a gif/flirting with a milf or whatever.

If getting in your tupence worth is so important, then I seriously suggest that you re-evaluate your priorities. That goes for every single person in this thread, no sides taken. And yes, I am aware that I have posted in this thread already, I shall go and chastise myself in front of the mirror.

I think this can all just stop here as there are far bigger issues and this has just become shit slinging for the sake of it now and is petty, juvenile and pathetic. Again, aimed at everyone.

Just going to keep posting this until it sinks in....
An extract from the Forum Guidelines …

Please do not use these forums for personal disputes, heated debates, flame wars etc. You are expected to treat each other with respect in the forums and take any personal disputes to a private mode of discussion off the forums. If you should find that your discussion is becoming too heated or someone is becoming far too passionate about their argument, please take the discussion to private message or email.

I am hoping that any further posts are ‘on topic’ and within the aforementioned guidelines. However I also wonder if there is any further value to be gained from the thread ongoing but that’s just my personal view.
Quote by simplyjohn
An extract from the Forum Guidelines …

Please do not use these forums for personal disputes, heated debates, flame wars etc. You are expected to treat each other with respect in the forums and take any personal disputes to a private mode of discussion off the forums. If you should find that your discussion is becoming too heated or someone is becoming far too passionate about their argument, please take the discussion to private message or email.

I am hoping that any further posts are ‘on topic’ and within the aforementioned guidelines. However I also wonder if there is any further value to be gained from the thread ongoing but that’s just my personal view.

Hi John,

Can I make a motion for this thread to be deleted?

I think just its existence after what has been said could be damaging.

As you have also stated from the guidelines, there have been several instances of breaking lush rules.

Can we just delete this thread and move on, for everyone's benefit?
Quote by Jam_Wil_Mac

Hi John,

Can I make a motion for this thread to be deleted?

I think just its existence after what has been said could be damaging.

As you have also stated from the guidelines, there have been several instances of breaking lush rules.

Can we just delete this thread and move on, for everyone's benefit?

As for moving on .. perhaps not returning to this thread may work.
Quote by Jam_Wil_Mac
Ok.... well, this all sounds like a huge amount of fun and as much as I love having hurtful things said about me and being a bitch to other people-

Does the phrase Live and Let Live not have any application on the internet?

I think everyone needs to just go home, turn on the kettle, have a tea/coffe/hot water and lemon and just chill the fuck out.

The whole he said/she said nonsense can just stop now. It is pointless and silly. All the time that people have spent posting abuse in this thread could've been spent reading a story/masturbating furiously over a gif/flirting with a milf or whatever.

If getting in your tupence worth is so important, then I seriously suggest that you re-evaluate your priorities. That goes for every single person in this thread, no sides taken. And yes, I am aware that I have posted in this thread already, I shall go and chastise myself in front of the mirror.

I think this can all just stop here as there are far bigger issues and this has just become shit slinging for the sake of it now and is petty, juvenile and pathetic. Again, aimed at everyone.

Stop talking sense it's not allowed in this thread. I only joined it to see your neon lit willy!
Nice.FS6CQSKcPWHVmzIp Flashes as well, that's sexy.