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Who is your missed opportunity fantasy?

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Advanced Wordsmith
Is there a girl you never slept with and don't see anymore but wished you could go back and do it one time?


There was a girl in college named Vicky and she was beautiful. She was smart and had her head screwed on straight but she also had a cheeky side to her that i felt hinted that she was fun in bed. I do think about what sex would have been like with her even now some 10 years later. I would have been respectful however (at first at least )
Active Ink Slinger
Oh my yes. On a couple of occasions years ago really really gorgeous girls wanted to hook up. I didn't because of my wife, who wound up having affairs of her own. There's a lesson in that.
Advanced Wordsmith
bout 5 or 6 years ago i really missed my chance at this girl that i really liked but i was young and a dumb ass met up with her again few years later and have had an on again off again thing and it has been great now i'm glad i didn't get her then cause wouldn't have what we do now
Active Ink Slinger
me and my ex did a threesome with one of my/her friends from high school. was never really attracted to her in high school (10 yrs ago) but after we met up years later i was. turns out she was really hot in bed and never really pursued anything do to being married at the time. would love to hook up with her with out being hindered by the ex. she was interested but didnt want to get in between me and the ex.
Advanced Wordsmith
This beautiful latina girl at a college I was visiting, she's a junior and I'm just leaving high school. If I hadn't told her my real age I'd have gotten a wild night with her
The redheaded girlfriend of my best friend in high school - we had a brief fling when I was in college but it never went anywhere.
Detention Seeker
Yes been a few if only we could go back in time
Active Ink Slinger
My first girlfriend. we were both 15 first time away from home at summer school. Lots of touching and fingering but we never did the deed. Never really got over her. Sad I know but true.
Rookie Scribe
My first gf.... hottest girl ive dated, and she was sooo horny all the time.. I was young and dumb and scared.. smh.. fml..
Active Ink Slinger
Her name was Robin, she was very special we dated after my divorce. She was still in high school about to graduate when her mom sent her to live with her dad, and called once about going to the prom so I started seeing someone new. Later when I was about to get married(the night before) she called asking what had been happening in my life since she left. Recently seen her and she looked just as fine.
I'd like to redo a lot where girls are concerned. I was a rather geeky, bullied outcast in high school so girls just weren't happening. That threw my self-esteem off enough that even in university, I never really made a lot of moves on women until grad school, when I met my wife.

There was this one girl I met in my senior year of high school who was pretty friendly and flirty and I suspect that if I'd made the effort, I could have had her. Spent a wonderful couple hours sitting talking to her one morning and never made a move. Stupid me.

There were a couple others I wish I could have had in high school as well, but they'd be even less likely. And then there were the hot English sisters I knew in university (one my age, one a bit older). Could have gladly settled for either of them.

So, not so much a specific girl I'd like to revisit (aside from one) so much as a total redo of my relationships with girls.
Active Ink Slinger
I still occasionally think about my high school sweetheart. Her name was Tove (pronounced TOE-vah). I was very clingy as a boy and if I had a time machine, among the things I'd say to my former self would be "Chill!" smile

Seriously, though, she was without question the most beautiful girl I've ever known She was slender and tall, very fair with just a few freckles, medium-long wavy, strawberry-blonde hair. We went to a school with a uniform. The girls' uniforms were every bit the stereotype of school girl uniforms - green and blue plaid pleated knee length skirts, saddle shoes, white button-down collar shirts and (weather optional) navy sweaters. Every time I get a mental picture of a "school girl in uniform...."

I lost track of her about 20 years ago, but the last I had heard she was happily (I hope) married with at least one kid. *shrug* oh well.
My novel, The Society, is available now in the Kindle Store:
My first girlfriend in high school. My dream girl and I will always regret it. She has the most amazing body and a sassy independent attitude to boot. She called me the night of her wedding apologizing for the shit she put me through. She married for money and she tells me all the time she regrets her choice. She called me on her wedding night to tell me that her husband was passed out drunk and she was laying in bed fingering herself to an old picture of us.
She was my ex-wifes best friend. She was the most beautiful captivating woman I've ever seen. Not only was she beautiful but was highly intelligent. I had a chance one night to be with her. She wanted me as much as I wanted her but that damn conscience got the best of me. I still keep in contact with her. She is now happily married but still a very good friend. I wouldn't trade her friendship for anything in this world. I'll always love you Michelle!!!!
Active Ink Slinger
A couple of times, similarly. This incredibly hot woman (who I really had the hots for) at a costume party (picture belly dance outfit without underwear) wanted me to slip off into the shadows with her for a quicky, I wanted it so bad, but I was married. A few years later a similar thing happened with a different woman. Eventually that wife dumped me anyhow ... I should have gone for it.
Active Ink Slinger
I could have lost my virginity two or three times before I actually did way back when. I should have done it! I could have used the experience and the fellows were cute. Youth is wasted on the young.
An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge
Active Ink Slinger
There was a hot girl I used to hang out with in uni before I got with my ex. Unfortunately when me and my ex got together we broke contact and we comment on things on facebook every now and then but I always feel I missed a chance as she seemed dirty as fuck. Shame.
Advanced Wordsmith
Because I can be thick as hell sometimes, I missed an opportunity with a girl I worked with a couple years ago. She was absolutely gorgeous. After I hooked up with my current girl, she told me it was too bad because she would have fucked me in a heart beat. Not that I'm mad about my current situation, but that was probably my last chance with another girl, and a real prize at that.
There were a few. One stands out. My wife was going on a weekend shopping trip with her girlfriend. It's legal in our home for me to hook up while she's with her. I worked with this gal. She was thick, not really fat, but thick and tall. She had huge tits and an awesome ass. I had worked out a date with her. On the week leading up to our weekend romp we had planned, she had a family emergency and had to go out of town, missed a work day and all. I was never able to get another arrangement with her as by my wife's next girly trip, she had moved away.
Active Ink Slinger
A girl by the name of Cindy Dawn...we met at a campgrounds the summer of '78. All she would have to do is be near me - instant erection!!!
Every guy has visions of a mistake especially in high school. You see them later in life and go “oops”
Another one for me was a girl I met in university. We took an arts-oriented computer course together and discovered we often took the same bus so hit it off. After she graduated (she was a year older, IIRC), I still met her at a local mall where she worked. I was under impression she was taken but never really confirmed it and probably should have. We probably would have been a good couple. She wasn't pretty, but had lovely black hair and a hell of a body but, more important, we seemed to be a good match.

Weird coincidence footnote: Her brother was a minister in the United Church of Canada. A year or so after I last saw her (due to moving to another city for my Master's), my grandfather died. When I went to the funeral, lo and behold, her brother was Grandad's minister.
'tis himself!
Wow. That's a long list...

One boss. Really gorgeous, smart, etc. I could feel a tension, and once when I was working on something under her desk, she put her hand on my shoulder. I put mine on hers, and we sat that way for a moment, but somehow nothing progressed, and now she's half a continent away sad

Or the time my FWB and her lesbian GF said I could be an honorary woman, and invited me over for a threesome. As I was getting ready to go, though, she called to say she'd been called in to work for an emergency. The invitation was not renewed.

The cute flight attendant who asked me what I had under my kilt. I should have asked her how badly she wanted to know...

The high school friend who I hugged instead of kissing. She's divorced now, but over a thousand miles away.

One of the most beautiful, sweetest, most spiritual women I've ever known. We flirted, and there was probably a time when something could have happened, but the moment just never seemed to arise.

The list is longer, but I don't feel like spoiling my entire evening thinking of these might-have-beens.
Active Ink Slinger
There are a few.
- A girl I made out with on a dance floor but never really saw again.
- A coworker who invited me to a boxers and lingerie party (the only clothes allowed to be worn) but the timing just made it so I couldn’t take her up on it and she never made a second offer.
- My old roommate before she went to jail although that one was definitely for the better.

I think the one that stands out the most in my mind is Emily.
For my senior Homecoming dance my buddy and I took girls he knew from the nearby college (they were freshmen) and I completely ended up crushing on his date. After the festivities they invited us to a house party but my friend didn’t want to go so I tagged along solo. It was my first ‘college’ party so everything seemed wild and exciting even though, looking back now, the party was pretty tame if not boring. I ended up talking to both girls all night and got their numbers with the promise to hang out again later (which ultimately consisted of going bowling one time). Being a dumb, clueless teenager I didn’t pursue things like I could have and by the time I finally tried to make a move (two months later) the one I liked had just started dating a guy the previous week.
Her and I stayed sorta-friends for a few months after that but life just took us in different directions. I went off to college and she, as far as I could tell, wound up with a military guy (years later and a different guy from the boyfriend) and ended up getting married and moving around a bunch with him. I’m happy with my life now but every so often I think about her and wish I had been more suave and had made a move sooner. Even now I can still recall how gorgeous she looked that first night in a borrowed-at-the-last-minute dress and how every time she bit her lip I got the urge to lean in and kiss her.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Of course. They became the inspiration for several of my stories.

Don't believe everything that you read.