Edgar Allen Poe, although he wrote many stories that were not poetry per se. Tennyson's charge of the Light Brigade. Dylan Thomas's Do not go gently into the night. Just a few of my favorites.
I've started a introduction to poetry online course and one of our assignments is to read some poetry and find a poet I like...the last poetry I remember reading was in high school . I vaguely remember liking Sylvia Plath.
I do however adore modern singer/songwriters so I chose Bob Dylan,Mikel Jollet,Mike Skinner(of the streets),Don Mclean,Mason Jennings and Lou Reed
I've been rereading Frederico Garcia Lorca....... still find it captivating. He's my current fav.
I think I started joining Lush, there are many poet's on here that have become stuck in my memory becasue they leave such a good visual image.
Long live modern Lush poet's.
I can't think of any traditional poet's without looking for them and that makes think they arn't that memorable. The most I can think of without to much thought is Shakespere.
Yates.... Do I really need to expalin why?
Yates.... Do I really need to expalin why?