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Whats more attractive younger women or older women ?

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Advanced Wordsmith
Older women -- 30+ -- are definitely more attractive. More curves, more experienced, and more passionate.
Active Ink Slinger
It seems that the older I get the more I like older women. I think it has to do with relating better with ladies around my age than anything physical. Actually, those physical traits that used to be a turn off when I was a teen are quite appealing now. For example, the slight hang of a breast of a woman who has had a child or the laugh lines around her mouth.
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set her free." -Michelangelo

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all women are beautiful
Thee younger the better!!!!
Active Ink Slinger
Now if there was a "R"properly placed in the first word, of SEXALTERED post,& our age choices were 20 to 35yrs. vrs, 35n to 50yrs eye wood agree..However it does not.. So now it comes down to; Intellect, Personally,Humor, active, Confident, Honest, compassionate.& Healthy...Besides I would fill more at ease with someone 35 to 60. Joel
My GF is 52 and she is very sexy, but then again I'm also 52. Age doesn't matter to me. Being attractive is not an age thing. It all depends on the woman.
Evolving Writer
For me it's older women because there is less bullshit. They tend to be more confident in their own skin and know what they want in life, that is a huge turn-on for me.
There is no argument to be had here. Older women are much better. They know what they want and don't have to whine every fucking second of their lives. Older women are sexier and much more in tune with their bodies.
I love mature and young ones who know what that want that are comfortable with themselves to want to fulfil their passions and want to be part of that!!
Advanced Wordsmith
I definetly like older women. They just seem to know what they want and know how to satisfy a man!
both at different times. Sometimes I like to be a master or daddy to a baby girl, other times, I want a more mature woman who knows what she's doing and knows how to ask. Sometimes younger girls don't know what they want. just that they want sex.
Active Ink Slinger
As I age, my mindset has obviously changed, but older women today are hotter than I can ever remember. I could never guess the age of many older woman. They take such good care of themselves and are so much more experienced and without so much drama that the younger ones bring with them
Detention Seeker
I'm not ageist it's about the personality and attraction.
Active Ink Slinger
I think the younger girls have incredible bodies but I find intelligence and humor even sexier.
Active Ink Slinger
Love that so many on here love older.
I generally find myself attracted to women my own age or even just a bit older.
I am 21; I mention this because it is pertinent.
A couple months ago, I connected very well to a woman nearly twice my age. She started off looking for sex, but then we actually started talking and I found that she had a lot more to offer on an emotional and intellectual level than most anyone else I have met.
Unfortunately, she went back to looking for sex and I still can't find anyone that truly challenges me intellectually.

So, for me, if I want sex, I am looking my age or younger, maybe a year or so older than I am. These girls are getting experience at a young age, so more and more, they know what they are about.
If I want something chemical, looks like I am gonna have to start hanging out at nursing homes.
Age is just a number and by itself means nothing.

Give me a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and doesn't feel the need to impress anyone. Give me someone who enjoys life and loves to laugh, a lady who knows how to make others feel comfortable in a variety of settings. Someone I can connect with beyond sex, one I can share my passions with and who enjoys trying new things. A woman who is more concerned with others than herself... yeah, that's her. It doesn't bother me that she may have some lines worn into her face, or breasts that aren't as perky as they used to be, or that she has a few more curves than the younger gals - those are very minor issues in my eyes.

Age has absolutely nothing to do with maturity and even less to do with sensuality.
Quote by playsit
Age is just a number and by itself means nothing.

Give me a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and doesn't feel the need to impress anyone. Give me someone who enjoys life and loves to laugh, a lady who knows how to make others feel comfortable in a variety of settings. Someone I can connect with beyond sex, one I can share my passions with and who enjoys trying new things. A woman who is more concerned with others than herself... yeah, that's her. It doesn't bother me that she may have some lines worn into her face, or breasts that aren't as perky as they used to be, or that she has a few more curves than the younger gals - those a very minor issues in my eyes.

Age has absolutely nothing to do with maturity and even less to do with sensuality.

If your interested in meeting a woman like this I think I can point you in the right direction, and seeing as age doesn't matter, you won't mind that she is much younger than you!
Active Ink Slinger
"I believe that age is not really important ,its all about the connection"
Quote by JasonMarak
She started off looking for sex, but then we actually started talking and I found that she had a lot more to offer on an emotional and intellectual level than most anyone else I have met.

If I want something chemical, looks like I am gonna have to start hanging out at nursing homes.

No offence Jason, but to me it sounds like you're looking for a mother figure, not a partner.
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

totally depends on the woman - I love confidence and intellect and while not exclusive to more mature women, the percentages tend to swing toward women with a few years on them. Attraction and sexiness are extremely personal and very much a "sum of the parts" type of thing, so age is really one of the least important aspects for me - now, talk about her eyes, the curve of her neck, how she walks and the way she looks in a pair of jeans, the curve from her waist to her hips, and her smile and then we can begin to define attraction!
I suppose like many here it is the connection that is more important you make with a woman rather than her age. But saying that older women have the experience to press buttons for me that only a few younger ones do.....
Active Ink Slinger
The few women that I have dated had established a much deeper emotional connection than a two digit number. As a result, I cannot pick one among the two groups.

--- for Valentine's day ---
“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly”
Sam Keen
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Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
Wild at Heart
Quote by Dudealicious

No offence Jason, but to me it sounds like you're looking for a mother figure, not a partner.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MrSexyLaugh
damn do i love a soaked

puss ... pickle

The degree of moistness achieved depend partially by you.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
Quote by Dudealicious

No offence Jason, but to me it sounds like you're looking for a mother figure, not a partner.

No offense taken, but I would have to respectfully disagree. My own mother filled that particular role just fine.
My issue is that most women my own age have taken up with either playing the 'game' that used to be male only, or they are looking for a perfect guy.
Hell, I was rejected by one girl because I don't smoke pot, but not before she made sure we had sex first.
Quote by Magical_felix

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Don't you do it!
Active Ink Slinger
Older, younger..either, both,'s the mind and personality that makes for erotic chemistry I think
Active Ink Slinger
Well for me, the best thing about my maturity (i'm 40ish) is that I finally have the confidence to know what I want and how best to get it being nice. Not to mention, how to 'properly' enjoy it either!! Oh, also I don't care if I'm a naughty girl and post in the 'Ask the Guys' section either, there was a time I'd have never done such a thing - hehe ....
Active Ink Slinger
What does age have to do with being attractive?