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what would turn you off??

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like literally, when you see a naked woman, what would make you not have sex with her?? because many guys I've asked admitted to me that attractiveness is not an issue, they would bang any woman who they think are interested.. unlike on women, we have to be coaxed out and wooed into it.. any thoughts??
Most of the things that would put me off would have come to the fore long before nakedness happened. Bad body odours, unsightly body modifications (I am not a big fan of overdone tattoos and piercings), abrasive personality, that sort of thing. If we got to the point of getting naked, I'd say sex would happen.
I'm with Seeker4. The attraction needs to be there before sex, but poor personal hygiene will stop any idea of sex
how about body hairs?? like noticeable light dusting of hair in the nipples?? arm pit hair?? anal hair?? or even god forbid a lady-stache (mustache)??
Quote by meteorite1520
how about body hairs?? like noticeable light dusting of hair in the nipples?? arm pit hair?? anal hair?? or even god forbid a lady-stache (mustache)??

I'm not picky on that front. My partner is (naturally) hairless save pubic hair but I've known and been attracted to women with some hair elsewhere (fine hairs on the arms, unshaven legs, that sort of thing). It can even be attractive in some cases. I like armpit hair for sure and the light dusting of hair around the nipples you mention, while I've never seen it, sounds intriguing.
unshaven legs?? interesting.. why would you be interested in arm pit hair, though??
what about dark marks?? like a slightly darkened armpit or pubic area??
Quote by meteorite1520
unshaven legs?? interesting.. why would you be interested in arm pit hair, though??

Not sure it would be a big turn-on but it certainly would not be a turn-off. In general, I like women who look more natural and a bit of body hair is certainly a natural thing.

Quote by meteorite1520
what about dark marks?? like a slightly darkened armpit or pubic area??

Not sure. Never seen it that I can think of. Basically, it would take a lot to turn me off of a woman that I otherwise was interested in.

As I said, bad BO or other cleanliness issues or a personality that rubbed me the wrong way.
good for you, then!! ^^b
The biggest turn off for me is body hair of any sort . She has to be smooth .
I dated a woman who had a course trail of hair starting at her navel about 1" wide down to a full bush as well as stray hairs on her breasts. It wasn't a pleasurable experience. I talked her into taking care of it.
Bad personality, body ordor, manners
Very simple, a person with very bad B O, or smelly private parts. Instant turn off for me
a person with poor hygiene
Poor hygiene is a showstopper. No need to ever get naked. It is not going to happen between us.