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What is your Recovery Time?

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How long does it take before you can cum again? (or get a stiffy?)

Please be honest? Don't pretend to be Superman? How long would HE take !!

If the time to recover changes, what might impact that time?
For me it has declined as I've got older

In my twenties 15 to 20 minutes for an erection and about an hour for cum ... sex in between was fantastic because I didn't get soft smile

Now, about 45 to 60 minutes for an erection and about 3 hours for cum sad
I have always had a very short recovery time. Give me 5 minutes and I will be back up and running with another one. We still go at it multiple times in a night. I'm in my forties and thankfully haven't seen any changes. Per your point, I am not trying to brag and I do believe I am the exception and not the rule. Multiple women have been amazed at how quickly I am ready to reload.

Studies show that men that ejaculate more often have lower risks of prostate cancer. Here's to eliminating prostate cancer!
Quote by brianlarry
Studies show that men that ejaculate more often have lower risks of prostate cancer. Here's to eliminating prostate cancer!

"Oh my God, what are you doing?"

"It's not what it looks like! I'm curing cancer."

I always figured I was more or less normal in terms of recovery, but I never had a basis for comparison really. Generally, I can recover for round 2 in between 5-15 minutes.

Don't believe everything that you read.

I think I answered this recently in another thread but what the hell. I used to be able to go again after 15 minutes or half an hour, esp. masturbating. I would last longer the second time, but I could get back at it fairly quickly. That has stretched out over time, and a couple hours is probably closer to the truth now.
Kinda depends. A few days ago I was with my gf for the first time in 1,5 weeks. After cumming I got hard again in about 1-2 minutes!
Normally it takes about 15-20 minutes.... and I'm 38.
The third time can take me for over 30 minutes though.
About 5 years ago I could cum, stay inside a girl and get gradually hard again within a minute. Now it's about half an hour. Sad.
When I was 15 instantly, but now... I may know in a week. Seriously Beth, if I am with a lover, a lot quicker to rise, but to fire again, if I'm lucky, 8 hours. But we are all different, and a lot depends on age, fitness, lifestyle, health, alcohol etc. hope that helps. I know ladies who complain that their husband cant rise ever, and I was once with a guy (Purlease - in an MFFM) who could cum again in 15 minutes. And PS Kryptonite would stop Superman instantly
I like to take my time, on my end, and build up my orgasm so that it is a strong and intense. The longer I can keep going and make it all last, the more satisfied I tend to be. I'm not one to just try and get off right quick, recover, and go again (well, not usually). As such, it can easily take me an hour to be ready for more for the simple fact that my body is tired.

Although, that's not to say that recovery time and 'done' time are one in the same. Just because my situation is temporarily on the bench doesn't mean that hers has to be. In fact, spending the time to focus on her can, and often does, speed up the process on my end.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

You mean from like, ALCOHOLISM??? (I dunno, I've never tried to give it up...)

I hate the term, 'in recovery'... (You're NOT in recovery. You're trying to stop drinking.)

The only thing that's ever been in recovery is an old chair at the upholsterers.

I did AA for two years. (I really did...) It was the longest five fucking years of my life.


(You mean THAT THING!!!)

Well, it depends... If it's with a live-in girlfriend, about 20 minutes if she's still awake by then. If it's with a hooker in a motel room who's only hired for the hour, about 5 minutes. Because time is limited and hookers are cool like that. They help you with the process. Unlike girlfriends or wives who say shit like, "Seriously? Do you think you can?"

xx SF
probably a good hour or so. Keep in mind I exert a lot of energy to be the best possible fuck you've ever had. I pride myself on making sure your body is limp when I have completed my task
I'm going to regret writing this. I know it's a bit weird but...

As the girl, I feel in control of my bf capacity to recover.... the only way I can describe it (this isn't meant nastily) but it's like harvesting a crop of something !!!

If you have vegetables in the garden you can pick what is ready. I LOVE it when my man is hungry for me, I can feel the changes in his breathing, his heartbeat, and his erection. I enjoy his excitement which also fulfils me. If I become too greedy and take too much out of him, the hunger isn't the same but he can still 'perform'. Then it's not so good. This will continue but I can totally wear him out.

Our record was 8 times in one evening and night (who's counting?). But it took days (literally days) for him to get back to where he was - heavy on me.

Does that make sense? I want to harvest his ability and stamina for sex but if I take too much, the crop suffers !!!!!

The point I'm making - it's me who's in control of volume and quality of our lovemaking. I'm careful to keep him hot and keen but cautious to prevent him getting tired and bored.

For the record, I'd say his normal recovery time was around an hour. If he's hungry then 20mins but I daren't push him 'harder'. You guys who talk about getting hard during the same penetration - I could only dream.

Can anyone else relate to this - perhaps your own analogies?
If you have vegetables in the garden you can pick what is ready. I LOVE it when my man is hungry for me, I can feel the changes in his breathing, his heartbeat, and his erection. I enjoy his excitement which also fulfils me. If I become too greedy and take too much out of him, the hunger isn't the same but he can still 'perform'. Then it's not so good. This will continue but I can totally wear him out.

I think this is actually a very apt analogy. The more 'energy' taken from me, the greater degree to which I will be tired and need time to recover. However, if it is taken slower and with care, I could probably go and go and go.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

It completely depends on how aggressive the woman is. I need about 10 minutes, but after that good porn or oral will get me ready again.
It all depends but usually about 15 minutes before I'm fully ready to go again. I'm usually able to cum twice before I'm completely wiped out.
I all depends seems to be a norm for this thread. Although it has been almost 2 years since I have been faced with going for round two, even at 41 I was pretty quick. At that particular time, I really didn't go "down" until after round two. It took 15 minutes of kissing and fondling before we were "up" for round 3.
Need at least half an hour, but there are many things to do to pass that time!
After the first time, not very long at all... Mostly less than 20 minutes or just long enough to give my tongue and fingers some practice...
after my first cum if im turned on enough I can get hard within a couple minutes and cum either right away or take my time again this cam go on for awhile. liquid courage can help this process as well I am opposite from whiskey dick.
Well, I'm now 54 and she is 39. So recovery is contingent on many factors like if she wants more or if. I still have a pulse. Then there is always the tag team option.
Another erection 24 hours .. another orgasm 30.
poor boys...........
me....3 minutes im ready for round 2
At 55 I'm happy to report that it still depends upon the partner and the situation. Yes, the days of staying hard and cumming again right away are long gone, but I can still maintain a partial while my semen recharges. I can orgasm five or more times in a long play session of three hours or more, but by the third cum I've put out my last drop of ejacualte for the day.

Too much info? I'm kicking off my New Year resolution to give complete answers whenever I choose to engage on a topic a day early...

Cheers! May your New Year be healthy, happy, sex filled, and prosperous!
It used to be fairly quick but age my health and the medication I now have to take daily has made it take quite a bit longer probably about 30 minutes to an hour.
Im 27, about an hour to get hard again, 3-4 hours to cum again.
When I was younger, I could cum three times in an evening with not a whole lot of time between the first and second ejaculation; a little more recovery time between cum2 & 3, maybe 20 minutes or so. Now, it's typically one big load, wait 15 minutes or so, then bring a second decent sized load. After that, I'm spent.
if i get some help i can go again in a few mins to cum now thats up to the level of stimulation & excitement.
It varies on the level of excitement and interaction. But normally 10 minutes and I am ready
Depends on the Woman I guess.. I've need no time at all and just stayed hard and ready and other times like 10 mins