I've always been curious. How would you describe the feeling? Does it hurt to have a hard cock or does it feel pleasurable?
Just feel pleasurable uplifting
Only hurts when restrained! I guess it would be the same feeling as a female when aroused only we've got more to play with!
When you are young its no big deal,you get them cpl times aday. When you get older and have missed a cpl it gets where it feels great and you are about to bust wanting to play with it or best have a woman make use of it.
My cock actually feels different hard than it does soft but I can't describe it better than that. I do have the odd one that is very hard (rock hard) that kind of aches. Means I need to deal with it in some suitable fashion.
When you're a teenager: embarrassing.
When you're my age: pretty much the greatest feeling in the world.
I kid.
If you really want to know, a cock becomes incredibly sensitive when fully-engorged. The slightest touch causes waves of pleasure. As for "pain", this idea that it is painful, or this notion of "blue balls" is something that guys tell girls to make them feel guilty enough to "relieve their pain."
(Sorry for ruining that secret, guys.)
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
The penis is full of pleasure-sensing nerves. During an erection, blood engorges the penis, applying pressure to and stimulating these nerves. It's not painful, but it is intense. Interestingly, the neurological sensation of orgasm activates several of the same brain regions as pain, and both produce a rush of endorphins.
Don't believe everything that you read.
A delicious feeling of tightness and tension in my penis, extremely enhanced sensitivity to touch making even a light touch feel exquisite and stroking almost unbearably pleasant, and a great feeling of manliness especially when I’m showing it to a woman.
It feels good in the right situation. Early mornings are annoying when you try to use the bathroom. Awkward moments in public unless you know how to hide it. Pleasureable at home if your partner is in the mood and sees your arousal. Always wear baggy garments to prevent discomfort. Levels of sensory range from balls to shaft to tip. Oh and watch out for that pre-cum.