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What accents are sexy for you

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Quote by Beck

That's a lot of different accents. You're attracted to them all?

Not all. I like the Northern English accent and as far as Irish, more the Republic accent rather than the N.I. accent
Active Ink Slinger
My favorite accents? That depends upon the woman. A light Southern accent is both alluring and seductive (I have an image of eyes to match that accent which start as flirtatious, morph to seductive, and suddenly turn fiery with lust); there is romance in a French accent, charm in an English accent, and fire, lust and strength in an Australian accent (coupled in my mind with eyes that sparkle and turn to an intense lust). So go ahead women of Lush, seduce me with your accents.
british and irish accents do it for me also i like southern drawls
Active Ink Slinger
I have just been reminded, in a most pleasing way, that Italian accents are quite arousing and seductive.
Active Ink Slinger
I am a complete jerk for British, Irish, Scottish and Russian accents. Although I love the significance of French in many classic works of lit and have had fun trying to learn it, I think it's a boorish sounding language. I hate what my jaw feels like after talking for any period while pretending I have a bunch of marbles in my mouth.

I am also from Minnesota, so any Canadian/Wisconsin/Minnesotan accent just makes me crazy, and homesick.

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

English, Irish, Scottish are my absolute faves, always have been! But I do love a Russian accent, and I used to date a Brazilian. I dropped my panties nearly every time he said my name!
Haha N.M. I just read your post, lol!
Active Ink Slinger
Yorkshire. I fancy the pants off a friend of mine who has a strong Yorkshire accent and i can't help but get wet everytime he opens his mouth!
I forgot about the Australian accent, gets me all the time.
Active Ink Slinger
Im from North England, but because i live in Australia many people i meet dont recognise my accent at all. Some people have mistaken me for Irish, which is really frustrating, because its like people dont even know the North East exsists, or that they dont know just how many different English Accents there are. Just because I dont sound like Hugh Grant, doesnt stop me being English!

Anyways my favorite accents on Girls? Dont really know...Irish both northern and republic, Scandinavian (swedish in particular), Australian, American, Scottish (i actually like girls with proper Geordie accents too, because my Geordie accent isnt that strong) New Zealand, German, Mexican.......jesus ive met so many people with nice accents...i could list more...
Jersey as in New Jersey or Jersey as in Jersey Islands?
I guess the Australian accent is okay.
Active Ink Slinger
OK... as an Englishman my favourite sexy accents have to be - Irish (I'm in Dublin right now so lots of opportuntiy to check the accent out!), Scottish (mild Scottish), Australian, New Zealand, Spanish and French! Oh and I almost forgot - the welsh accent is sexy too!!
What winks and fucks like a tiger? Winks!

Active Ink Slinger
The American south. I love a sexy man with a slow southern drawl.
From Europe I like men with Italian and Spanish accents.
I also like men with Australian accents.
Imo the Soutthern accent tops the list.
Spanish/Italian/Australian can be good too.
Active Ink Slinger
Without a shadow of a doubt has to be a strong French accent - just love asking a sexy French waiter to describe the menu to me !
Lol. I really never got into the French accent. Nothing wrong with or liking it at all.fNeQyfeO5AkeZnfE
To me it's usually not the accent that does it, it's the more her voice. You can have one girl speaking a Southern accent and I'll grow an instant hard on and then the next girl will make me lose it. But there are some accents I just can't stand, like the Geordie(Newcastle area). Ok, so you look good, but I'd like to be able to understand what the fuck you're saying!
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by elitfromnorth
But there are some accents I just can't stand, like the Geordie(Newcastle area). Ok, so you look good, but I'd like to be able to understand what the fuck you're saying!

hahaha! that is it, eh, when someone says they love British accents, it's a matter of where in Britain!

I do love the Southern England accents .... wanting to hear the sexy voice from Exeter, in particular. Though, I know of a few people from the Midlands (Birmingham and Manchester) and I don't understand them either, Elit.
Active Ink Slinger
The hottest has to be Australian. I totally wish I would have been single when I visited Perth/ Freemantle back in 03'! But on top of those, Irish, British, German, Spanish, and Russian!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Buz

Ryan has a bit more of that TV thing going on. But he can break out into some big time "y'all's" and drawls if he wants to.VMBw0Chg4BCkYwaX He should start the show off with a big ole "Howdy!"

Speaking of BAD southern accents .... True Blood (Not only the ones from LA, but from MS) HORRIBLE.

You mentioned in your other post to mine, about "hick" ---- Yeah, that is an uneducated version.

I am from the deep south, where they speak with the slow drawls. There is nothing better then sitting on the front porch (in the rocker or porch swing), drinking iced tea and telling and or listening to stories .... and as you know, there are plenty of stories. Don't forget we still wave at the people passing by

Side note: In my moves, I tend to talk on the faster side sad
Active Ink Slinger
I will admit a soft spot for a Welsh(South) accent or a mild Irish love a Celtic temptress.
This post comes to you from the original and highly disorganised mind of scared, I certainly am, lol
Active Ink Slinger
Southern, spanish, british, jamician, aussie
Active Ink Slinger
I love most European accents, especially Italian and French!
Southern USA
Australian/New Zealand
Wild at Heart
I like California accents mostly and sweet little country accents too.
Brenda Bakke's accent is great. So soft, husky, sexy and hypnotic. I loved her accent in American Gothic as Selena Coombs, she just had me hooked from her very first word.
I quite like an Indian accent, especially on a mature woman.

The odd Scandinavian accent has taken my fancy from time to time as well.
Active Ink Slinger
I prefer British accents, it's realy sexy