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Ugly girls

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Would you ever sleep with some one that you considered to be ugly, say they had a good personality or a good figure or whatever. Do looks totally influence who you sleep with?
sumtimes looks are wat makes you attracted to that person in the first place but i believe that if sum body is beautiful inside and have nice trusting eyes then they deserve to be treated like everyone else as an equal...
Love falls through the eyes first. We may kid ourselves, and guys may get spurned. But, reality does bite.
Looks are completely subjective. Sure, nice smile, physique, scent can all draw you in, initially, but that's all.
If there isn't a spark, then it goes for nothing.
It's the other things that build the physical attraction. That spark from the first touch, the unexpected comment that makes you smile, the look when you realise that the attraction may be mutual. Realising that someone is into you is a huge turn on.
The dawning of a potential connection.
At the end of the day, the looks don't actually matter all that much when all is said and done.
Sure Beauty might be in the eye of the beholder and looks fade. And the important things are the internal rather than the external as those last forever and if she has a good heart and personality and a good mind then why are looks so important. Spark or thunderbolt is what grabs and holds you there and when all is said and done looks don't matter as you might have had a glimpse of what is on the inside and that's the important stuff and matters more than the external that might have drawn you in. And great she looks like a million bucks but do you really need someone who is essentially plastic in looks and personality to be with and have to explain all or see her as a spoiled brat twisting you around her finger?
Wild at Heart
Look, I only sleep with women I find attractive because If I didn't I would be banging that ugly chick just cause I was horny and had no other option and that is a messed up thing to do to a girl because you know damn well you ain't taking her out the next day for some fucking ice cream.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix
Look, I only sleep with women I find attractive because If I didn't I would be banging that ugly chick just cause I was horny and had no other option and that is a messed up thing to do to a girl because you know damn well you ain't taking her out the next day for some fucking ice cream.

On behalf of all the fugly/ugly people on here - shame, shame, shame
mopeds and beer googles. Nough said.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Fugly
Quote by Magical_felix
Look, I only sleep with women I find attractive because If I didn't I would be banging that ugly chick just cause I was horny and had no other option and that is a messed up thing to do to a girl because you know damn well you ain't taking her out the next day for some fucking ice cream.

On behalf of all the fugly/ugly people on here - shame, shame, shame

Felix she already had her bag on and you pissed away your chance. Judging by her avatar she's too much for you!

As for the question I do believe in physical attraction because that is what brings poeple together for the initial attraction. I don't need a beauty queen nor do I want one(too high maintenance) In my opinion I will sacrifice facial features if she keeps herself in better condition. The opposite also holds true she can be a heavier girl if her face is pretier. But no matter who I am attracted to they must have a good personality for me to want to stick around.
The decisions we make dictate the life we have.
Follow your dreams, for those that do not will only try to discourage others.
Everyone will eventually sleep with someone they consider "ugly". Otherwise sex wouldn't happen in nursing homes.

Seriously, for me sexual attractiveness is about sexiness and looks and sexiness are connected but not the same. So the answer is maybe.
Advanced Wordsmith
Lol ugly is in the eye of the bag holder. Everyone is ugly to someone else, we all have our likes and dislikes. What I think is beautiful may be someone elses less than average. This way there's less fighting over mates and playmates.
spank me hard please
Wild at Heart
Quote by Kornpopper
Quote by Fugly
Quote by Magical_felix
Look, I only sleep with women I find attractive because If I didn't I would be banging that ugly chick just cause I was horny and had no other option and that is a messed up thing to do to a girl because you know damn well you ain't taking her out the next day for some fucking ice cream.

On behalf of all the fugly/ugly people on here - shame, shame, shame

Felix she already had her bag on and you pissed away your chance. Judging by her avatar she's too much for you!

Pfffff... I could handle fugly easy... That avatar doesn't scare me. It's that grill under the bag that gives me pause!
Active Ink Slinger
I do all the time...i always sleep with myself :-)
Active Ink Slinger
Depends, are we "making love" or simply fucking. If an ugly girl is just out to get fucked then I'm on bored! I know it sounds shallow but is it any more shallow than those who only bang "hot" women?
like joe and felix it may seem shallow but i will choose a woman i deem hot over one i think is ugly. frankly it's for her sake (or at least i tell myself that because it makes me feel better about myself) because if i am not physically attracted to her i cannot preform to the best of my ability and therefore she will be disappointed and hurt. ik i sound like a shallow douche and maybe i am but that is just my philosophy.
Advanced Wordsmith
I look at the eyes. You can see the true beauty through the eyes and by conversation. What a majority of guys find unatractive, is simply the sterotype that sociaty has made attractive. If you think about it, if looks is all you judge by, then thats all you get. I been with super hot chicks who are total bitches, then I have been with girls who were avrage who was surprisingly more comfortable to be around and was greater in bed. What sociaty judges hot are the women who just lay there like a sack of potatos. Yes it was fun being seen with a hot chick but the end result sucked. I find its better to be with an average looking female. Simply because hot chicks will cheat on you in a heart beat, there very rude and bitchy. Your everyday average looking female will be comfortable with who they are with and be loyal to that person. Just because the menu looks great dont mean it will be great when you try it......
Looks are important to an extent but then if you know that person well and theres a connection that goes beyond appearance then I'm sure that would take priority in my decision
Either that or being completely
Never Judge a book by it's cover! Shame on you all!
Yes, that's why you bare the midriff and not maybe an elegant gown.
Wild at Heart
Quote by eviotis
Yes, that's why you bare the midriff and not maybe an elegant gown.

The Linebacker
I sure do see a lot of totally drop dead gorgeous babes that date guys (or marry them) that are so ugly that I know they are ugly!!!! But those guys almost always have a real fat bank account! Cha-Ching!
Quote by Buz
I sure do see a lot of totally drop dead gorgeous babes that date guys (or marry them) that are so ugly that I know they are ugly!!!! But those guys almost always have a real fat bank account! Cha-Ching!

............. or alternatively .... really big cocks!

............. or just maybe this alternative ..... they are real great men with hearts of gold

No. nothing personal, but If I'm not attracted to the girl it wouldn't be happening. The good personality, kindness, and inner beauty aspect is great and needed for a relationship and all of that. It's half the equation really, but you can't have sex if your not hard. Its just personal thing, I've never gotten excited watching a girl do charity work, or adopt homeless kittens, like ohh yeah pet that kitten.. Lol. But I'd need sone sort of physical interest at the forefront.
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't think I have ever found a woman I couldn't or didn't find in some way attractive. It has never been about looks.
I couldn't even really talk sexually to a guy I didn't like so sleeping with them would be a definate no-no. Saying that, everybody had ugly and beautiful traits.
Active Ink Slinger
If the mood is right and there is passion, looks count for nothing. But I don't believe in using the term ugly to describe any woman.
Active Ink Slinger
beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it's not just about looks... don't like the term ugly.. but a woman has to be attractive and attracted to me for me to sleep with her.
Active Ink Slinger
Personality and compatibility are more important than looks. I don't believe that a guy who is going out on the prowel to get laid will walk into a room and choose the ugliest (what really is ugly?) to get a quickie.

I've found that after spending time with "girls" in non-sexual activities (work,social do-gooding, church) who are not the prettiest, not the most voluptous, not the most sexy that I have become attracted to them. Then, intimacy is much, much more than wam-bam, thank you mam. Surprisingly good.

The quiet and always horny old guy in Sunny Florida USA
The short answer is no...... I believe there has to be an initial "Hell, Yeah!" moment when you meet someone.....

That said, frequently when you meet someone you find attractive you don't know if they're a prospective partner... And after talking, flirting, laughing you realise that you could be "on" here, as we romantically say where I live...

The way someone speaks, behaves, interacts will often change the dynamic of the connection within minutes... Somebody you weren't INITIALLY attracted too becomes strangely attractive and desirable once you get to know them...

A girlfriend once told me, "I didn't think you were cute until you talked!!!"

And I hate the idea of labelling people 'Ugly'...... (I mean I know some poor buggers are but CHRIST! Let's have some decorum!)

Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder... A past belle blew me away on first GLANCE!!! None of my friends could see what I saw..... In truth, she didn't see it herself... (I would have passed a thousand willing and wanton Paris Hiltons just to look up this girl's skirt!!!) But we dated for a few years and I helped her realise how pretty she was... Now, she's an acknowledged knockout and has a string of admirers.....

I guess my point is that if you think someone is ugly then maybe, for you, they are..... But luckily, everybody likes and sees other people differently...

Personally, on a guy scale of 1-10 if you look at me I'm a 6!!!!! (On a good day!) But if you like the talk and the attitude, (not everybody does!!!) I can add two digits to that rating!!!!! (If I'm lucky!!!)

xx SF
The Linebacker
I would have to be attracted to them.