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that's hot .... or is it really?

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There is a thread in the pictures section just for paris hilton. This took me by surprise that she would warrant a category all to herself. I look at her and I wonder why this is.

I would never put anyone down for their looks especially when it's something they can do nothing about short of surgery, but, I have to, for the sake of this discussion, mention them somewhat.

I see her and nothing in the way she is built, acts, or carries herself gives me the impression of hot or sexy at all.

This can be for the ladies too, of course. But, guys, put aside that when she feels she needs more publicity, she "forgets" her panties in a miniskirt/dress and decides to get out of an suv by swinging one leg out as wide as she can, and forget that she is a "celebrity".

Is paris hilton sexy? Is she hot? If you saw her with a group of women of the same age in the same mode of dress or undress (say at a beach) and without a group of photographers hovering, would paris hilton get a second look? Hell, would she even rate a first look?
She isn't ugly in my opinion. But, I agree with you here, she doesn't deserve her own thread. There are many many more hotter, sexier and women with better deportment that would deserve their own thread.
To me, its hard to actually consider her sexy. She might be somewhat mediocre, but I don't think anyone would actually have an attraction to her.
Why do people still talk about her. She isn't ugly, but she sucks and makes America look bad when we worship the ground she walks on. What has she done beside a crappy sex video...
OK... I call bullshit...

So, if Paris Hilton was named "Jenny" and had a profile on Lush with nude or scantily clad pics, none of you guys would be bothering to friend her, right?

Come on people... She's a hot girl. There's no crime in saying it. If you're comparing her to other Hollywood beauties, then fine, I concede that she's basically just average, but overall (and in the real world), I'm 100% sure she would be getting a second look from most guys (provided you are into the typical examples of sexy).

This reminds me of those lame conversations that couples have, where the wife or girlfriend looks at a girl on TV or in a magazine and asks "Do you really even think she's hot?" .... To which the guy is obliged to say "oh, she's nothing to look at sweetie, you are way hotter than her."

There's nothing wrong with acknowledging a pretty girl.

As for her 'celebrity status'... I'm not a huge fan of Paris, but I will give her credit for parlaying her "image" into a money maker. People thinks that she's living off her family wealth, but she's actually making her own fortune through her quasi-crappy line of products based on her own image (ie. reality shows, perfume, clothes, music, books, endorsements, sextapes, movies etc.). So she works the whole "dumb blonde" celebutante image. So has an endless assortment of other "celebs" in Hollywood. You may not like what they are doing, but someone out there does, because they are paying for her products and wanting to see more of her in magazines. So that makes her a success in my eyes.

But listening to people saying that you can't imagine how anyone could be attracted to her or that nobody would even notice her on the beach, makes me laugh.

I'd love to see the beaches everyone frequents if this girl wouldn't get a passing glance or a semi-boner. And again, for the record - I am not a Paris Hilton, fan... just a girl that likes to keep it real...

I couldn't agree more, DD.

It reminds me of the episode of The Office, when half of them decided that Hilary Swank was not-hot. Same concept. Get your heads off the internet pic sites and judge against reality, not Brooklyn Decker and Megan Fox.
I agree with Doll here. I think she is an attractive and sexy woman. If I were to see her on a beach and not know who she was, of course I'd give her a second glance. Hell, I may even go up and talk to her.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
If I had no clue who she was, and she was just a girl I saw walking along the sidewalk, then yes ... I would find her attractive and give her a second glance, if not more. However, knowing what I know about her, that dilutes her sex appeal in my opinion. I know this was supposed to be focused on just her looks, but I can't separate the other stuff from the equation. It's a package deal for me.

At the risk of getting political here (heavens forbid ...), I felt the same way about Sarah Palin. When I first saw her, having no real idea who she was, I thought she was rather cute, possibly even reaching MILF status. But the more I learned about her, the more I heard her speak -- then saw her quit her job and continue to do whatever it is she does now -- that cute is gone. Knowing *who* she is has adversely affected whether or not I find her attractive.
I don't know DD. I agree physically she would turn heads, but even then she's nothing special. DD is way hotter than Paris Hilton is, and what turns me off so much is her lack of a brain. She would be like fucking a blow-up toy or something (not that there is anything wrong with that). For me, intelligence and wit are a huge factor, that she doesn't have. DD should just take her place
Quote by Ursatysfaction
I don't know DD. I agree physically she would turn heads, but even then she's nothing special. DD is way hotter than Paris Hilton is, and what turns me off so much is her lack of a brain. She would be like fucking a blow-up toy or something (not that there is anything wrong with that). For me, intelligence and wit are a huge factor, that she doesn't have. DD should just take her place

Thanks Ursatysfaction!

And let the record state that I am very willing to take Paris Hilton's place, provided that the trust fund comes with it, and the menagerie of purse-dogs does not.

... I just had to say that cause ya never know when the Hollywood types might be perusing Lush and looking for a replacement. If I can negotiate getting her wardrobe and shoe collection in the deal, then I'll even release a sex tape!
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by Ursatysfaction
I don't know DD. I agree physically she would turn heads, but even then she's nothing special. DD is way hotter than Paris Hilton is, and what turns me off so much is her lack of a brain. She would be like fucking a blow-up toy or something (not that there is anything wrong with that). For me, intelligence and wit are a huge factor, that she doesn't have. DD should just take her place

Thanks Ursatysfaction!

And let the record state that I am very willing to take Paris Hilton's place, provided that the trust fund comes with it, and the menagerie of purse-dogs does not.

... I just had to say that cause ya never know when the Hollywood types might be perusing Lush and looking for a replacement. If I can negotiate getting her wardrobe and shoe collection in the deal, then I'll even release a sex tape!

hahaha I have a feeling you might do that now, just to tease every guy out there. You are dark enough to try it lol.
Actually, the last question was if she were with a group of women of the same age and in the same mode of dress.

I also went a lot further with what I thought makes a woman hot and sexy than any internet pictures could.

There are many many petite women who are hot and sexy. The fact that paris hilton can afford the absolute best of best clothes, for instance, doesn't make her hot and sexy. It just means she can easily dress to make herself look as good as possible. But, for example, the way she acts and carries herself, takes narcisism and vacuousness to new levels. That total package just does not even come close to making me think "hot and sexy".

The last question is reasonable because with a group of women the same age and dressed the same way, and asking if she gets a second look, would at least let me know if there is something that stands out about her that guys may find sexy or hot.

There is a thread devoted to small breasts with many many contributions, guys who like short women, hairy women, large women, etc etc. I don't think anyone can argue that there will be guys that can be found to find any particular quality attractive.

But, the last question was for, since within a GROUP of women of same age and dress/undress, it was supposed to make one think... is there something about her that would make her get the second look? For instance, Remington said "If I were to see her on a beach and not know who she was, of course I'd give her a second glance. Hell, I may even go up and talk to her". That really had not answered the question. If she was with a GROUP, would SHE get the second look? Would she be the one he went up to talk to or would it be others first?

It was also asked because I find myself after being here for while, getting more and more ready to try being with another girl and trying to figure out what I would find sexy and hot. I have looked at internet pictures and posted to the picture catagory to see if there was anything in looks that I find particularly attractive. But, that in itself can be sexy or hot, but that is a picture. Not, the whole woman.

An example of the validity..jennifer anniston .If she were with a group of women the same age on the beach, I can see her getting much attention. By me, too. Yet, once I got to know her, I would not find the total woman sexy.

When I answer questions here, I do so with complete frankness and honesty. When I ask questions it is because I want to learn and see what others have learned and experience. Calling it bullshit seemed a little harsh, but if you want. it doesn't bother me. I may not have asked it the best way possible, or explained myself very well but, maybe this is an example of things I don't yet understand well enough to. I am sure I will have many more questions over the coming time. Coming to realize what seems to be an emerging bisexuality is pretty new to me.
Quote by amber
Actually, the last question was if she were with a group of women of the same age and in the same mode of dress.

I also went a lot further with what I thought makes a woman hot and sexy than any internet pictures could.

There are many many petite women who are hot and sexy. The fact that paris hilton can afford the absolute best of best clothes, for instance, doesn't make her hot and sexy. It just means she can easily dress to make herself look as good as possible. But, for example, the way she acts and carries herself, takes narcisism and vacuousness to new levels. That total package just does not even come close to making me think "hot and sexy".

The last question is reasonable because with a group of women the same age and dressed the same way, and asking if she gets a second look, would at least let me know if there is something that stands out about her that guys may find sexy or hot.

There is a thread devoted to small breasts with many many contributions, guys who like short women, hairy women, large women, etc etc. I don't think anyone can argue that there will be guys that can be found to find any particular quality attractive.

But, the last question was for, since within a GROUP of women of same age and dress/undress, it was supposed to make one think... is there something about her that would make her get the second look? For instance, Remington said "If I were to see her on a beach and not know who she was, of course I'd give her a second glance. Hell, I may even go up and talk to her". That really had not answered the question. If she was with a GROUP, would SHE get the second look? Would she be the one he went up to talk to or would it be others first?

It was also asked because I find myself after being here for while, getting more and more ready to try being with another girl and trying to figure out what I would find sexy and hot. I have looked at internet pictures and posted to the picture catagory to see if there was anything in looks that I find particularly attractive. But, that in itself can be sexy or hot, but that is a picture. Not, the whole woman.

An example of the validity..jennifer anniston .If she were with a group of women the same age on the beach, I can see her getting much attention. By me, too. Yet, once I got to know her, I would not find the total woman sexy.

When I answer questions here, I do so with complete frankness and honesty. When I ask questions it is because I want to learn and see what others have learned and experience. Calling it bullshit seemed a little harsh, but if you want. it doesn't bother me. I may not have asked it the best way possible, or explained myself very well but, maybe this is an example of things I don't yet understand well enough to. I am sure I will have many more questions over the coming time. Coming to realize what seems to be an emerging bisexuality is pretty new to me.

I think women are often pickier about other women than men are (for the most part).

But it's been my experience that both sexes will "look at" a woman that approximates the standard of beauty that society qualifies as ideal. If you look at Hollywood women, they are all somewhat similar looking (in the sense that they are typically size 0-6, shiny hair, clear skin, good bone structure etc). Those are all traits that I think Paris has (as well as Jennifer Aniston), so I believe that both would warrant a second look. Of course there are men who find certain other types more attractive (ie. hairy women, plus-sized women, bodybuilder women etc.) but those are smaller groups by far than the average guy whose head will be turned by a fit, young, cute girl. Looking at the pic collections on Lush, or any magazine or movie, this is the standard that is favoured by the majority. Bonus if she is famous or rich!

In terms of bisexuality and what you find attractive... I guess it depends on what you're basing it on. Personality obviously comes into play at some point. But since you were comparing these women to the "average" non-celeb of that similar age... I still believe with great confidence that both Paris and Jenn Aniston will be seen as universally attractive at first glance... and probably second glance as well, depending on what you're interested in.

Comparing them physically to other women of their specific age, and wearing similar clothes, I think they are both head-turners.

And I didn't mean the BS comment towards you... I meant it towards the men that were starting to answer that she was unattractive. Just because I know that men will often answer in a politically correct way when asked by a woman, but they will be the same ones buying her drinks and hitting on the girl at the bar an hour later.

Having said that... ask away. We're all giving our opinions.
Paris Hilton is over rated. She is just a spoiled little rich kid.
well I am going to chime in here,

Is Paris hot - hell yeah!

once you get to know her a little deeper and how she milks the tabloids and the press snd seeing her in a different light I would say not at all. I am a man that need more than looks to turn me on - ok call me metro, call me whatever the hell you want but my mind needs to be stimulated as well. I need that emotional connection to draw me in to a woman, looks aren't enough for me. Paris Hilton could never do that for me (from what I have seen in the press) but maybe she could surprise me.

I have met more beautiful women here (inside and out) than Paris will ever be. So that being said, I think she is a marketing genius and should continue down the same path to make loads of cash, but I won't be supporting any of her brands.
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Quote by Dancing_Doll

And let the record state that I am very willing to take Paris Hilton's place, provided that the trust fund comes with it, and the menagerie of purse-dogs does not.

... I just had to say that cause ya never know when the Hollywood types might be perusing Lush and looking for a replacement. If I can negotiate getting her wardrobe and shoe collection in the deal, then I'll even release a sex tape!

Btw Doll...I'll see what I can do for you...

I'll have my people talk to her people and see what can be done...
You know I'd do that for you...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
I'm actually not big on blondes. So if Paris would be in a group of other women and there's brunettes/redheads/etc. in the group then Paris would be the one who gets glanced at after the non-blonde girls.
While I agree with Doll that men often pull that "fuck no, not attractive!" shit a lot, Paris is one of those girls that just radiate surface attractiveness. I'm rarely interested in such women, regardless of hair color.

It's a good thing that most women on my island have dark hair color. As I was walking back home after my chiropractor appointment I obviously was checking out women. When I gave one particular girl a second glance she threw a big smile at me.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by Dancing_Doll

And let the record state that I am very willing to take Paris Hilton's place, provided that the trust fund comes with it, and the menagerie of purse-dogs does not.

... I just had to say that cause ya never know when the Hollywood types might be perusing Lush and looking for a replacement. If I can negotiate getting her wardrobe and shoe collection in the deal, then I'll even release a sex tape!

Btw Doll...I'll see what I can do for you...

I'll have my people talk to her people and see what can be done...
You know I'd do that for you...

Aww, thanks Alan! Tell them that I look really good in oversized sunglasses too.

My first project will be a reality TV show based on Lushstories... Let's get ourselves on the Hollywood map, Nicola! The Drama Llama approves.
I'll chime in.. maybe a little bit of devil's advocate.. I don't think Paris Hilton is hot. She's not ugly and yes, if she were walking down the beach in a bikini I'd take a gander. However, lets look at it another way. If she were just a "normal" girl with out the expensive makeup and hair and style. Imagine her growing up in a family like seen on "Swamp People" (by the way, I live near there and I AM related by marriage to some on that show. not a dig at them.. good people) If she had the home down haircut, no makeup, Cajun Reeboks (white rubber boots) I doubt everyone would think she's hot.

Ok.. truthfully. I don't find her to be that pretty. I just don't. Personally I think her sister Nikki is far better looking. Would I kick Paris out of bed? NO! I also think she is brilliant to parlay her looks and style and "airhead" image into loads of cash. She's crazy like a fox! And I know, as does she, that many men find her gorgeous and fantasize about her. So until she can't flaunt it anymore she should keep on doing what she's doing. She knows her nips show all the time and she doesn't care. She knows exactly what she's doing and I commend her for it.

Would I friend her on Lush, yes! Would I want to see her naked, yes! But that's just the perv in me.

Sometimes stirring the pot is sooo fun.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
I agree. Not hot. If she were in a crowd of women in bikinis, the others would need to be very unattractive for me to give her more than a passing gander. But, as you said, kick her out of bed no.
Physically, she's attractive. Emotionally and mentally, I don't know. I really don't know her - just the image of her that I see from the tabloid reports. As far as I know, all her business successes have come about because of who she is, not necessarily how business-savvy she is. Beauty is more than just skin and hair and bones and flesh. There are far more beautiful women here on Lush. Lady X, Sprite, Shi-shi, and Dancing Doll, to name just a very few. It's the whole person, not just the outer wrappings that make a woman truly attractive.
Paris is a cute lady, but she is nothing than any of the other ladiers are. Except that she is rich, famous, etc... There are lots of womwn here on Lush that beat her by a long shot. Now if you see her naked, well she's nothing special.
Well that's just my opinion, sorry if you don't like.

I'd spank the shit out of her and so would everyone else if you were alone with her. Let's get real. She's obviously not that dumb because she makes a lot of money. Yes I believe that making money makes you smart.
i payed, with my hard earned money, for her first video "a night in paris"

the only part of this dvd that was worth my money was the bonus scenes with actual pon stars. even so, would fireguy shag her brains out? without a doubt. she is not exactly built like i would rather her be, but i would still shag her rotten
"The funny thing about firemen is, night and day, they are always fireman..." Gregory Walden - Backdraft
Thanks for explaining, Doll
Quote by Dancing_Doll
OK... I call bullshit...

So, if Paris Hilton was named "Jenny" and had a profile on Lush with nude or scantily clad pics, none of you guys would be bothering to friend her, right?

Come on people... She's a hot girl. There's no crime in saying it. If you're comparing her to other Hollywood beauties, then fine, I concede that she's basically just average, but overall (and in the real world), I'm 100% sure she would be getting a second look from most guys (provided you are into the typical examples of sexy).

This reminds me of those lame conversations that couples have, where the wife or girlfriend looks at a girl on TV or in a magazine and asks "Do you really even think she's hot?" .... To which the guy is obliged to say "oh, she's nothing to look at sweetie, you are way hotter than her."

There's nothing wrong with acknowledging a pretty girl.

As for her 'celebrity status'... I'm not a huge fan of Paris, but I will give her credit for parlaying her "image" into a money maker. People thinks that she's living off her family wealth, but she's actually making her own fortune through her quasi-crappy line of products based on her own image (ie. reality shows, perfume, clothes, music, books, endorsements, sextapes, movies etc.). So she works the whole "dumb blonde" celebutante image. So has an endless assortment of other "celebs" in Hollywood. You may not like what they are doing, but someone out there does, because they are paying for her products and wanting to see more of her in magazines. So that makes her a success in my eyes.

But listening to people saying that you can't imagine how anyone could be attracted to her or that nobody would even notice her on the beach, makes me laugh.

I'd love to see the beaches everyone frequents if this girl wouldn't get a passing glance or a semi-boner. And again, for the record - I am not a Paris Hilton, fan... just a girl that likes to keep it real...

I don't think I, or any other posters up to this point said she wasn't 'good looking' or was 'unsexy'.

I think what I, and a few others were saying, was, as a celebrity, she is way below a lot of much better looking celebrities looks wise and even further lower when it comes to personality.

To say looks wise alone we wouldn't add as a friend is missing the point somewhat.
Quote by SouthernerEroticer
Quote by Dancing_Doll
OK... I call bullshit...

So, if Paris Hilton was named "Jenny" and had a profile on Lush with nude or scantily clad pics, none of you guys would be bothering to friend her, right?

Come on people... She's a hot girl. There's no crime in saying it. If you're comparing her to other Hollywood beauties, then fine, I concede that she's basically just average, but overall (and in the real world), I'm 100% sure she would be getting a second look from most guys (provided you are into the typical examples of sexy).

This reminds me of those lame conversations that couples have, where the wife or girlfriend looks at a girl on TV or in a magazine and asks "Do you really even think she's hot?" .... To which the guy is obliged to say "oh, she's nothing to look at sweetie, you are way hotter than her."

There's nothing wrong with acknowledging a pretty girl.

As for her 'celebrity status'... I'm not a huge fan of Paris, but I will give her credit for parlaying her "image" into a money maker. People thinks that she's living off her family wealth, but she's actually making her own fortune through her quasi-crappy line of products based on her own image (ie. reality shows, perfume, clothes, music, books, endorsements, sextapes, movies etc.). So she works the whole "dumb blonde" celebutante image. So has an endless assortment of other "celebs" in Hollywood. You may not like what they are doing, but someone out there does, because they are paying for her products and wanting to see more of her in magazines. So that makes her a success in my eyes.

But listening to people saying that you can't imagine how anyone could be attracted to her or that nobody would even notice her on the beach, makes me laugh.

I'd love to see the beaches everyone frequents if this girl wouldn't get a passing glance or a semi-boner. And again, for the record - I am not a Paris Hilton, fan... just a girl that likes to keep it real...

I don't think I, or any other posters up to this point said she wasn't 'good looking' or was 'unsexy'.

I think what I, and a few others were saying, was, as a celebrity, she is way below a lot of much better looking celebrities looks wise and even further lower when it comes to personality.

To say looks wise alone we wouldn't add as a friend is missing the point somewhat.

Actually, the original question was not about comparing her to other celebrities... but was comparing her to other average non-celeb women of her age range... And it was a question posted about looks alone, not personality.

Quote by amber

If you saw her with a group of women of the same age in the same mode of dress or undress (say at a beach) and without a group of photographers hovering, would paris hilton get a second look? Hell, would she even rate a first look?

As I said earlier in the same post (agreeing with your statement), compared to other celebs she doesn't stand out, but compared to the average woman of her age, she is hot.

Re adding her based on looks alone... Many people here add friends based largely on looks. And if it was Paris Hilton herself with her own Lush profile, I'm sure people would be willing to overlook her 'personality flaws' in order to have her on their friends list. Just my opinion though. Perhaps you hold yourself to higher standards than that.
'but compared to the average woman of her age, she is hot'

....well, that all depends on opinion doesn't it? Although I do appreciate you said 'just my opinion though' further along your post.

As someone said above, some people aren't into blondes...some people aren't into the 'look' that Paris has...I personally am not in to blondes male or female, it's not a rule as such but they rarely get a first look from me, let alone a second look. Not saying the rugged, blonde guy that gets on my bus every morning isn't hot though. silly But either way, I'm not into her 'look' at all....barbie fakeness? Not for me... give me a naturally gorgeous girl any day. Give her some decent curves too!

There's nothing wrong with being into the barbie kind of's just personal to call 'bullshit' on it seems a bit odd to me, perhaps the people above were actually just speaking their personal opinions and preferences as opposed to simply saying it because, perhaps, it makes them feel better or some other reason. But, only the posters will know that.

At the end of the's down to one's own opinion and personal tastes.