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Temple called his body

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Active Ink Slinger
If every man is the builder of a temple called his body.
Would you fire the designer for not giving you a bigger dick?
Active Ink Slinger
LOL, a whimsical topic. No, I think there are greater dexign faults with the human body. My biggest bitch is kissing ..... or more specifically noses. Wouldn't kissing be so much easier without this akward projection getting in the way ?.
Its only kinky the first time.
The body is a temple. Respect it.
Quote by The_Driver
The body is a temple. Respect it.

Depends what you mean by "Respect".
Quote by Maximillion
Quote by The_Driver
The body is a temple. Respect it.

Depends what you mean by "Respect".

Respect it. Here is my motto: work for your body and it will work for you. Thats what I tell the models I hire to run my entertainment gigs. That means eat well, work out, and maintain the gift God gave you. If you train your body well your going to get a lot more mileage out of it. And the ride will be a hell of a lot more fun too.
Quote by The_Driver
Quote by Maximillion
Quote by The_Driver
The body is a temple. Respect it.

Depends what you mean by "Respect".

Respect it. Here is my motto: work for your body and it will work for you. Thats what I tell the models I hire to run my entertainment gigs. That means eat well, work out, and maintain the gift God gave you. If you train your body well your going to get a lot more mileage out of it. And the ride will be a hell of a lot more fun too.

Fun is relative, different for each person, what you may like to do I may not and vice versa. I prefer pizza to boneless skinless chicken breasts, turkey and fish. It is more fun to drink alcohol, its more fun sometimes to sit around and do nothing or sit and read while enjoying scotch or wine before eating a fatty ribeye steak grilled to perfection instead of eating yogurt and drinking horrid protein shakes and working out all of the time. Its also fun to sit here on my duff and read Lush Its not burning calories, but its fun.

I personally take care of myself for the most part, but its not because my body is my temple, its because I prefer to be fit for various reasons ... and fun is not one of them. Mostly for functionality. I do enjoy a hard workout though, the challenge of getting to the next level is one of my favorite aspects of being healthy. Being able to stack that extra 5 lbs on my bench press, or run a 6 min 30 second mile instead of 6:45. I'm getting older now and these things hurt my body more than they ever did ... I have bad knees due to the sheer amount of miles I've ran over the years.

But I think, IMHO, that fun is relative to the individual. If you like to workout and eat what a lot of people consider tasteless food, more power to you Some people enjoy slothful lives and die early ... but happy
I am just responding to the post above this one but I think this needed its own separate box. I have always been very fit. I do it for the health reasons and I do it because when I look good and keep this body lean and mean then I got the hotter girls and if you think that isn't some serious fun then you just haven't tried it. When I am physically in premium conditioning then I have more energy and more energy means more living that i can squeeze out of this thing we all call life.

I don't eat tasteless food. Personally I do not find that burst of grease that fills my mouth when I bite into french fries or chicken wings tasty either. Some people do and if sloth makes them happy then thats no skin off my back either. If they want to sit on the sidelines because they dont' have the willpower to stay healthy and run at the front of the pack, then that is their choice

Trust me I drink alcohol all the time. Its part of networking and being in the industry. I eat what I want and I work out harder to burn it off. Now I'm lucky anyway because my body type is naturally inclined to lean muscle. I would have to eat a lot to get fat. And there are more important things to do in my life than indulge the gluttony and feed the greed.

I don't know how much happiness that overweight guy with diabetes and cholesterol and blood pressure through the roof is having while he sits in his lazyboy chair and eats donuts and pizza all day but that if that is his idea of fun then fine. Its not like he's going to live a long life in that condition so he might as well live it up anyway right?
I personally enjoy fried foods such as french fries, wings, and greasy cheeseburgers, but that's my taste buds. I find most healthy food tasteless, but that's my taste buds.

And it may not be a willpower problem, they may just not want to live your lifestyle. What appeals to you may not appeal to everyone else. I used to like the party scene as you described it before, but I outgrew it. Other things take priority in my life now, exercise and eating healthy are routine now, but are low on my priority list. Partying is not in my lifestyle anymore either, chasing hot tail is something you tend to outgrow, especially when you find the right woman and marry her.

And not everyone that is overweight has diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. High blood pressure and high cholesterol can be handled with pills. But like I said, he may lead a shorter life (and then again the healthy guy could die in a car wreck tomorrow and the glutton goes on enjoying his pizza), but he's happy with what he's doing. We all enjoy doing different things, no matter how you dislike unhealthy or ugly people, they are still just as happy as you doing the things they like, no matter how different they are from you
Quote by The_Driver
I am just responding to the post above this one but I think this needed its own separate box. I have always been very fit. I do it for the health reasons and I do it because when I look good and keep this body lean and mean then I got the hotter girls and if you think that isn't some serious fun then you just haven't tried it. When I am physically in premium conditioning then I have more energy and more energy means more living that i can squeeze out of this thing we all call life.

I don't eat tasteless food. Personally I do not find that burst of grease that fills my mouth when I bite into french fries or chicken wings tasty either. Some people do and if sloth makes them happy then thats no skin off my back either. If they want to sit on the sidelines because they dont' have the willpower to stay healthy and run at the front of the pack, then that is their choice

Trust me I drink alcohol all the time. Its part of networking and being in the industry. I eat what I want and I work out harder to burn it off. Now I'm lucky anyway because my body type is naturally inclined to lean muscle. I would have to eat a lot to get fat. And there are more important things to do in my life than indulge the gluttony and feed the greed.

I don't know how much happiness that overweight guy with diabetes and cholesterol and blood pressure through the roof is having while he sits in his lazyboy chair and eats donuts and pizza all day but that if that is his idea of fun then fine. Its not like he's going to live a long life in that condition so he might as well live it up anyway right?

Again dude you are just going around insulting people without knowing your facts first get things straight before you start spewing out this bullshit. Look my Dad has diabetes as a lot of people I know do they lead normal lives and are far from the way you think they are you need to learn how things are in the real world buddy and as far as eating french fries and burger yep I eat that stuff myself and I have managed to drop 80 read it 8- pounds while eating what I want not going on any weird diet either.
Driver you write whole bagfull's of crap. You obvioulsy don't know anything about nutrition, serious athelete's reck there body by what they put it through. A serious runner can die from their blood vessels constricting which leads to a stroke. You can exercise to much and your body just say's enough already.
You really do talk yourself into little rut's, on these forums you poor little man. You invite negative comments from most of the forums threads you visit. I read your comments for a laugh you know, not becasue you make much sense. It's all me me me me me and it's boring now mate!
Artistic Tart
Quote by HoneyBee000
Driver you write whole bagfull's of crap. You obvioulsy don't know anything about nutrition, serious athelete's reck there body by what they put it through. A serious runner can die from their blood vessels constricting which leads to a stroke. You can exercise to much and your body just say's enough already.
You really do talk yourself into little rut's, on these forums you poor little man. You invite negative comments from most of the forums threads you visit. I read your comments for a laugh you know, not becasue you make much sense. It's all me me me me me and it's boring now mate!

lol, wait a sec. I'm not saying the guys not full of shit, but what are you saying here? That athlete bodies aren't in good shape? How do they 'wreck' their bodies? If you say that sports puts a big burden on their bodies thats one thing, but by working out a lot and eating right? Lots of people work out every day and have amazing bodies- I think stroking out is a lot less their concern than some slob eating chili dogs and pot pies every day.

If you eat lots of fried shit and fatty foods, then try to go run 5 miles, yes you might drop dead, but its not like people discourage you from running because you might have a stroke if you become a great runner. Running and working out is not bad for you, but if you don't know what the hell you are doing, then yes anything can backfire.
Alpha Blonde
I agree with Xuani. Looking at the stats, the likelihood that you will die from being "too healthy" is basically a random shot in hell. Most of the people who die from a blood clot or even the Grinkov effect (when an Olympic skater died from a heart attack when he was 28) are rare cases because they involve the athlete having a pre-existing condition that was triggered by his physical activity.

On the other side of the coin, the likelihood that someone with Type 2 Diabetes caused by an unhealthy lifestyle will suffer a major health calamity like stroke, heart attack, blindness or amputation are probably more a matter of time, rather than a remote possibility. Sure there are drugs you can take to control your sugars, but type 2 diabetes can be reversed in the early stages by eating well, exercising and getting your health back into control so you don't even NEED to take expensive drugs and deal with the disastrous health outcomes waiting for them down the road.

There are also studies that show that diets where a person (or any animal) maintains a low body fat percentage and stays thin will live considerably longer than someone who is overweight and inactive.

I do think it's a matter of choice. Health is important to some people and less important to other people. But to say that runners are predisposed to strokes, nutrition is unimportant or that athletes are at high risk for health issues because of their training regimens has absolutely no grounding in facts.
Quote by bikebum1975
Quote by The_Driver
I am just responding to the post above this one but I think this needed its own separate box. I have always been very fit. I do it for the health reasons and I do it because when I look good and keep this body lean and mean then I got the hotter girls and if you think that isn't some serious fun then you just haven't tried it. When I am physically in premium conditioning then I have more energy and more energy means more living that i can squeeze out of this thing we all call life.

I don't eat tasteless food. Personally I do not find that burst of grease that fills my mouth when I bite into french fries or chicken wings tasty either. Some people do and if sloth makes them happy then thats no skin off my back either. If they want to sit on the sidelines because they dont' have the willpower to stay healthy and run at the front of the pack, then that is their choice

Trust me I drink alcohol all the time. Its part of networking and being in the industry. I eat what I want and I work out harder to burn it off. Now I'm lucky anyway because my body type is naturally inclined to lean muscle. I would have to eat a lot to get fat. And there are more important things to do in my life than indulge the gluttony and feed the greed.

I don't know how much happiness that overweight guy with diabetes and cholesterol and blood pressure through the roof is having while he sits in his lazyboy chair and eats donuts and pizza all day but that if that is his idea of fun then fine. Its not like he's going to live a long life in that condition so he might as well live it up anyway right?

Again dude you are just going around insulting people without knowing your facts first get things straight before you start spewing out this bullshit. Look my Dad has diabetes as a lot of people I know do they lead normal lives and are far from the way you think they are you need to learn how things are in the real world buddy and as far as eating french fries and burger yep I eat that stuff myself and I have managed to drop 80 read it 8- pounds while eating what I want not going on any weird diet either.

Wow, you lost 80 pounds on the burger and french fry diet? You could be like the new Jared with the Subway Sandwiches Diet. Nice going Bro! You need to market this up and make some cash. Let me know if you need any promotional help. I can put you in touch with the right guys and the commercial endorsements will be pouring in in no time at all. Could be a sweet deal. I dig it.
Just going to chime in a little on exercise harming you. I've never known about stroking out being a problem, but I do know that your feet, ankles and knees are not meant for running, the punishment of slamming down on them ever step, over long periods of time, where your joints down. I know because it happened to me. When I was in the military, we ran every day. 3 miles a day to start with, then you work your way up. When I was invited to begin Recon training (BRC for those who know), 13 miles a day is not a bad day. When I got out of the military, I was doing 13 miles 2 sometimes 3 times a week. I now see a podiatrist and masseuse on occasion due to sore joints.

Lifting heavy weights is also a problem on joints, I don't know how many people I've seen with torn rotator cuffs due to excessive weights being lifted. Torn muscles also never heal back properly and will never be as good as they once were.

So yes, exercise can hurt you. For the most part, it does not and will lead you into a healthy life, but only if you don't take it to extremes.
Active Ink Slinger
C'mon Driver.. there has to be a personality to go along with the hard body.. you're not giving yours a fair shot.. it's ok to trumpet health and 'clean living' but the truth is not everyone thinks a pair of size 28 jeans you buy off the boys rack at Sears is all that hot.. the rest of us think life is a playground and we work hard.. we play hard.. and we pay the freight for doing it.. sometimes it's best to enter a room quietly.. and let the 'wow' factor settle in before you start howling at the moon.. I'm just sayin'.......
Alpha Blonde
Quote by freefallin1309
Just going to chime in a little on exercise harming you. I've never known about stroking out being a problem, but I do know that your feet, ankles and knees are not meant for running, the punishment of slamming down on them ever step, over long periods of time, where your joints down. I know because it happened to me. When I was in the military, we ran every day. 3 miles a day to start with, then you work your way up. When I was invited to begin Recon training (BRC for those who know), 13 miles a day is not a bad day. When I got out of the military, I was doing 13 miles 2 sometimes 3 times a week. I now see a podiatrist and masseuse on occasion due to sore joints.

Lifting heavy weights is also a problem on joints, I don't know how many people I've seen with torn rotator cuffs due to excessive weights being lifted. Torn muscles also never heal back properly and will never be as good as they once were.

So yes, exercise can hurt you. For the most part, it does not and will lead you into a healthy life, but only if you don't take it to extremes.

I do agree with this completely. I have battled various injuries, strains, sprains, tendonitis and tears as well from my years in dance. There is definitely potential to wear certain parts of the body down when you are involved in serious training and you can suffer exercise related injuries.

But the overall internal health of a person is always maintained (provided they don't do something ridiculous like add steroids to their regimen). The likelihood that they will die or suffer from serious micro and macrovascular complication is significantly less than a person that leads an inactive lifestyle combined with poor eating habits.

I think moderation is the best route for most people to enjoy the benefits of physical activity and minimize the potential for wear and tear on joints/ligaments etc.
ok guys - that was an interesting sidebar ... I believe the question was:

Quote by oldgit
If every man is the builder of a temple called his body.
Would you fire the designer for not giving you a bigger dick?

everyone can work on their health and fitness .... no shit, eh?? but, with what you have - things you can't change (such as ... a small dick) how do you rate your temple ... and what would you change??

Quote by VanGogh

ok guys - that was an interesting sidebar ... I believe the question was:

Quote by oldgit
If every man is the builder of a temple called his body.
Would you fire the designer for not giving you a bigger dick?

everyone can work on their health and fitness .... no shit, eh?? but, with what you have - things you can't change (such as ... a small dick) how do you rate your temple ... and what would you change??


I rate my temple a perfect 10. No question about that. Trust the designer and keep the fortress in top condition. If you dont' like the blueprints, there's lots you can do to change the design. Even if you have a small dick, you think guys are screwed with this. But come to Beverly Hills just off Rodeo Drive and you can get your dick surgically redesigned. At one point I was considering having my dick surgically reduced because its just too big for most women, but after working with a few sexual gurus, I was able to find those positions to get the fit just right. But for those guys with short dicks, my advice is to book that plane ticket and check out the menu. it's all options open. Take advantage. I'll hook you up with the menu to get you started. PM me for the clinic name if you can't find it online. Rock it out! You'll have the perfect cock in no time at all.

Lengthening of the penis by releasing the suspensory ligament where it is attached to the pubic bone

Increasing penis girth through Alloderm™ Dermal Matrix Grafts.

Glans penis enlargement by using injectable hyaluronic acid gel.

Congenital or acquired penis curvature correction.
Artistic Tart
Lots of good info there guys, so go get those enhancements! LMAO!

This is some seriously funny shit.
Quote by LadyX
Lots of good info there guys, so go get those enhancements! LMAO!

This is some seriously funny shit.

I know (giggles)...

Quote by The_Driver
Quote by VanGogh

ok guys - that was an interesting sidebar ... I believe the question was:

Quote by oldgit
If every man is the builder of a temple called his body.
Would you fire the designer for not giving you a bigger dick?

everyone can work on their health and fitness .... no shit, eh?? but, with what you have - things you can't change (such as ... a small dick) how do you rate your temple ... and what would you change??


I rate my temple a perfect 10. No question about that. Trust the designer and keep the fortress in top condition. If you dont' like the blueprints, there's lots you can do to change the design. Even if you have a small dick, you think guys are screwed with this. But come to Beverly Hills just off Rodeo Drive and you can get your dick surgically redesigned. At one point I was considering having my dick surgically reduced because its just too big for most women, but after working with a few sexual gurus, I was able to find those positions to get the fit just right. But for those guys with short dicks, my advice is to book that plane ticket and check out the menu. it's all options open. Take advantage. I'll hook you up with the menu to get you started. PM me for the clinic name if you can't find it online. Rock it out! You'll have the perfect cock in no time at all.

Lengthening of the penis by releasing the suspensory ligament where it is attached to the pubic bone

Increasing penis girth through Alloderm™ Dermal Matrix Grafts.

Glans penis enlargement by using injectable hyaluronic acid gel.

Congenital or acquired penis curvature correction.

Okay. Durrasch? Kinghorn? Come on, fess up. Who are you really? This has got to be a set up. No? LMFAO!
Quote by LadyX
Lots of good info there guys, so go get those enhancements! LMAO!

This is some seriously funny shit.

What she said I about damn near spit my coffee out laughing at this shit now.
Alpha Blonde
Wow... I had no idea there was so much you could do to a penis!

Lush provides such educational opportunities for all!
Quote by bikebum1975
Quote by LadyX
Lots of good info there guys, so go get those enhancements! LMAO!

This is some seriously funny shit.

What she said I about damn near spit my coffee out laughing at this shit now.

I KNOW!! You can't pay for this kind of entertainment!!
Quote by Loislane
Quote by LadyX
Lots of good info there guys, so go get those enhancements! LMAO!

This is some seriously funny shit.

I know (giggles)...

Gotta love Aubrey Beardsley and those naughty 19th century repressed dudes.
Quote by gypsymoth
Quote by Loislane
Quote by LadyX
Lots of good info there guys, so go get those enhancements! LMAO!

This is some seriously funny shit.

I know (giggles)...

Gotta love Aubrey Beardsley and those naughty 19th century repressed dudes.

Why is the little one smelling his penis (falls off chair)???
Constant Gardener
Quote by The_Driver

Lengthening of the penis by releasing the suspensory ligament where it is attached to the pubic bone

Increasing penis girth through Alloderm™ Dermal Matrix Grafts.

Glans penis enlargement by using injectable hyaluronic acid gel.

Congenital or acquired penis curvature correction.

Slicing the suspension ligament will leave you with a slightly longer penis, it won't get any harder and it will be more difficult for it to point upwards. Plus, you get some scarring which when you wax your pubes off...looks like Frankendick. you end up with an erection which points downward. That ligament helps to combat gravity. It won't affect your performance aside from giving you an extra inch or two (at best) just look like a freak. Good luck with that, John Bobbit.

Alloderm Grafting can lead to uneven LumpyDick.

Glans reshaping can lead to permanent hard dick syndrome (on the underside of your slender pencil dick) similar to those botoxxed lips and foreheads we see on some people. Except, it's in and on your dick now.

Curvature correction. Yep...just snip and nip. Your dick. It's better advice to seek out positions which allow you to take advantage of the curve which genetics gave you. Okay, so you won't be enjoying Missionary or Reverse Cowgirl ever. But you get positions NOBODY else can ever hope to achieve. YOU FTW!

Bad career moves (above) for anyone considering penis modifications. Hell, why not go whole hog and get that metal stud ladder on your manmeat. Might as well have some fun with TSA if you're going to do anything half-baked. Or, tattoo that dangler, get on the 'net and make some coin with your art.

When in doubt...just stick it out!
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by The_Driver

Lengthening of the penis by releasing the suspensory ligament where it is attached to the pubic bone

Increasing penis girth through Alloderm™ Dermal Matrix Grafts.

Glans penis enlargement by using injectable hyaluronic acid gel.

Congenital or acquired penis curvature correction.

Slicing the suspension ligament will leave you with a slightly longer penis, it won't get any harder and it will be more difficult for it to point upwards. Plus, you get some scarring which when you wax your pubes off...looks like Frankendick. you end up with an erection which points downward. That ligament helps to combat gravity. It won't affect your performance aside from giving you an extra inch or two (at best) just look like a freak. Good luck with that, John Bobbit.

Alloderm Grafting can lead to uneven LumpyDick.

Glans reshaping can lead to permanent hard dick syndrome (on the underside of your slender pencil dick) similar to those botoxxed lips and foreheads we see on some people. Except, it's in and on your dick now.

Curvature correction. Yep...just snip and nip. Your dick. It's better advice to seek out positions which allow you to take advantage of the curve which genetics gave you. Okay, so you won't be enjoying Missionary or Reverse Cowgirl ever. But you get positions NOBODY else can ever hope to achieve. YOU FTW!

Bad career moves (above) for anyone considering penis modifications. Hell, why not go whole hog and get that metal stud ladder on your manmeat. Might as well have some fun with TSA if you're going to do anything half-baked. Or, tattoo that dangler, get on the 'net and make some coin with your art.

When in doubt...just stick it out!

Here is a bro who has obviously done his homework. You should all be listening to this WellMadeMan! He stays informed and current and then he keeps it real. If its not for him, then its for someone else. But the important lesson here is to educate and keep those thoughts fresh. Well done my man!