While browsing some of the Lush Forums I've seen a few references to "tan lines" on women being attractive to some men (and women of course). can you tell me why you think this is sexy, or your opinion on why some might consider this as sexy?
I think its more the idea than the actual tan line. For instance, if a person has a tan line, he/she is covering that part of her body while sunbathing, swimming or what ever he/she was doing to get the sun. To be able to see that tan line, gives one the idea he (or she) is seeing a personal part of the person. Just my opinion.
Good question. To be honest, in this day and age when we know how much damage even a tan can do, I can't really see tanned flesh as very sexy anymore (visions of melanomas start dancing in my head). So I don't find tanlines all that sexy, esp. when they are very, very obvious (pale flesh surrounded by a sunburn type of thing). However, it does draw attention to those body parts that are normally covered while tanning so I supposed that makes them sexy to some degree.
Tan lines, to me, are sexy because they accentuate the curves and definition of the skin they cross. It's similar to how the right tattoos can make someone look even hotter.
I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?
I personally like the contrast between the line an tan and the of wondering about what's beneath while tanning
I seem to be in the minority regarding this, but I really don't appreciate the sight of tan-lines all that much... they just look bizarre and silly to me.
I don't mind if some body-parts are paler than others (which most women will end up like, unless they tan fully naked), but I much prefer a subtle gradation to a definitive (and awkward) 'tan-line'.
I find tan lines to be very erotic. I/ we spend a lot of time in the sun, on the boat combing the beach and fishing. I think it's the contrast. Tans have always been viewed as healthy and vibrant up until the last few years. It also is a sign of summer and fun.
I am in the camp, that when you see the line, you are seeing something just for me.
Thanks for your answers guys! I thought there would be only one reason some men thought they were attractive. I'm surprised at the 'visual contrast' attraction. I thought the reason might be about seeing skin where it is usually covered in public, but hadn't thought about the attraction to the contrast.
Tan lines can be so sexy, but so can the all-over tan.
I love both. Check out my Profile for a series of tan lines!
Tan lines are fine. No tan lines are even better!
Don't know why, but tan lines have always been very sexy to me. Just like Dark haired women turn me on more than blonds; can't say why. Just a "look".
I've never found tan lines to be sexy.
I think they can go both ways. I like seeing the contrast between light and dark on a woman's curves.
However if you tan to the point of burning or damaging your skin and body that is a huge turn off.
I like tan lines... I like the contrast. I like that they also show how brave the owner is, in being revealing or not, with her bathing suit.
I think I also like tan lines because it brings all the "girls of summer" memories back.
Summers are awesome. Summers at the beach are even better.
Tan lines++
I think they can be sexy, especially a nice thong tan line can really accentuate a nice ass.
I just like the contrast and the fact it's near her sexy parts....
I've never understood the thing about tan lines, they're a bit of a turn-off for me personally. The stark contrast just looks unnatural and stands out too much, a subtle gradiation would look better. If she tans fully naked then that is pretty hot of course!
I find it sexy because it shows that the woman is not used to being naked outdoors or seen naked so if she is naked she must feel aroused by it which is really hot .