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Screwing an older teacher

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i have thought about my teacher a few times. she is a beautiful woman. now that i have actually finished school do you think i should ask her out?
As a former college professor, I can say this is very, very common. Each year small and large schools have to deal with instructors in positions of power and authority who take the opportunity, or press the advantage of their position to reap the rewards of being the object of fantasy.
Active Ink Slinger
Older? I have to admit you are better looking thna any teacher I ever had, Had I day you as my teacher I would have been spending a lot of time fantasing about you:-) You are awesome. Can I be your friend? lol
Advanced Wordsmith
I always did had two very hot teachers and they both liked wearing short than recommended skirts. Dang had to go toilet regularly back then
Active Ink Slinger
I have, 1 of 3 teachers i fancied so much. She must of been in her 50's then. One day, i was the only one in her class. I was given some work to do, whilst she did some too. I was at the back of the class & for some reason decided to wank off looking at her. She always wore crochet top's, showing off her lacy bra & nice tit's & long flowing skirts & mules shoes. I didn't last long before i was spunking & as soon as i had cum she was coming up to me to see how i was getting on. She saw the spunk on the floor under my desk & i'm thinking im in BIG trouble here. I was told to go into the store cupboard, she followed & she stripped as i was told to aswell & i had the real thing. She gave me my love of ladies wearing mules, she had kept her's on. That was a start to a affair(well she was having a affair technically, as she was the married one) that lasted till i left school.
Active Ink Slinger
I had an English teacher who was in her late twenties/early thirties. She had an awesome ass. I always checked her out when she wasn't looking. One day she caught me in the act, and instead of getting angry, she just shook her head and gave me a smile. Later in the semester with the same teacher, I stayed after class to discuss some things with her regarding academics. I was ranting and unintentionally brought up the fact that she is very attractive. She took it as a compliment, and everyday for the rest of the year she would give me sexually teasing smile.
Active Ink Slinger
I had a jr high teacher who was so hot. Then about 18 years ago we became neighbors and she is still smoking hot. I fgiven the chance oh yes.
I did have a thing for a teacher in junior high/middle school.

Being a teacher myself now, I find myself fantasising, wondering.

I would welcome some interactions, some not.
Constant Gardener
All my older female teachers, professors or instructors always looked like Lily Tomlin, Betty White or Roseanne Barr.
I was born about 25 years too early for these shenanigans.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
For sure!
Active Ink Slinger
All I can say is that I did when I was at school, the fantasies I had was !!!!!
Once i graduated high school and turned 20 i went back and had a short fling with an old teacher. It was amazing, since I had fantasized about her for years and it was great. Haven't seen or heard from her in more than a year though
When I was a senior in high school I had an English teacher that was hot. She was single and I seduced her so I could pass English. I would go to her apartment on the weekends and hang out and we would fuck our brains out.
Aye on more than one occasion, women are sexy and being that seeing a good looking teacher on a daily basis i don't see how male students could fail to do so.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by Guest
Please don't mention sexual encounters or fantasies prior to the age of 16.
- Mod squad

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
Viewpoint from the other side -- i was that 37 year old (female) college teacher having an affair with my 22 year old male student until the dean found out; of course he got to graduate and his pals high fived him and I got fired even though we were both consenting adults. The evening he took me on my desk after school hours is still a cherished memory 16 years later
Yes I have thought about it.
Oddly, I don't recall any teachers or professors in my time in school that interested me sexually, though I eventually married an older woman who was a prof (but wasn't when I was getting to know her so was never my teacher).
Haha I sure have fantasized about a teacher or two in high school biggrin

I think most of the guys in my class did too, epic tits :P
Active Ink Slinger
would welcome the opportunity. Forget welcome, would relish it.
Active Ink Slinger
I am 47 so went through HS before life got too politically correct or whatever term you'd apply. Did I screw a teacher? No. Did I have a teacher who facilitated such fantasies? Oh baby, did I ever! At 5'4", 120lbs, and a smile to match her style, my grade 11 English teacher had my full and undivided attention. It was the mystery that every guy in the class wanted to solve, none more than I, Ms P_____'s Braless Friday's.

Let's skip ahead to college for a related anecdote. I was in Forestry so my classmates were all guys. During my first semester I attended, at best, 25% of my twice-weekly English classes which were taught by what we all agreed was an unattractive female. I went to the first three or four classes, submitted a few essays, then only showed up for the final session in which we wrote our heavily-scored essay test. After comparing first semester marks there was a rumour circulated that I had to have been banging the teacher as I received an A while most guys, who diligently attended, were in the C/D/F range. The rumour was strong enough that during second semester another prof, an old guy, made a few subtle comments to me fishing for clues about his peer.
Devil's Advocate
Of course guys fantasise about putting away their teachers. With the hormones raging at that age, we'll fuck a knot hole in a fence if you give us half a chance.

I went to a private boys school, and the three or four best looking female staff on the grounds were individually, and collectively, the stars of everyone's fantasies. Everyone over 16, that is.

In fact, rumour had it that one of the boarding house tutors got herself ploughed by a jackass floor senior. And another teacher ended up moving to a different city and shacking up with the student she'd been on the job with.

Alas, I was left with Mrs Palmer and her five daughters.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Hmmmm honestly, no not really
Just a few months ago I re-connected with a college professor. We went out a few times and ended up having sex. We still keep in touch and trade text messages every now and again.
I had a thing for my French 1 teacher. After she gave me a was over.
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
I had a thing for my French 1 teacher. After she gave me a was over.

c'est dommage
oh ... hell yes !!! if they are hot and sweet, they'll go for it !!!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by TonyT
I think this has been around for a long time. It's called Oedipus and Electra complex and is pretty common. I think that there are degrees to each person's own fantasies though as to how far they carry it. Afterall, the best sex starts in the minds fantasy

They are inscest based fantasies mother/son and father/daughter.
Story Verifier
I've had quite a few fantasies about teachers, but the hottest were when I was in college. I'd already been in the navy and started college just as I turned 21 in northeastern Oklahoma. I always sucked in English and this absolutely stunning creature was teaching the 2nd English class I'd taken. I just couldn't force myself to get up and just talk in front of the class.

She convinced me to help with the lights in the theater arts productionshe was helping put up because I'd been into electronics in the navy. Don't remember what it was called and I not sure I could have told you then. I just wanted to screw her. I mostly wore lose pants because I don't think I was ever around her without a staff I could have beaten the Devil to death with.

I passed her class with an "A". Never had a problem with talking to a group again. Wound up becoming an actor, doing a couple hundred stage plays, a couple movies and a TV show or 2.

Never got her into bed but I had a LOT of very fulfilling nights thinking about her. Sometimes several times in the same night because she was the sexiest woman I had ever seen to that point. Crap, I still think of her once in a while and that was 48 years ago.

Her name was (still is I hope) Elizebeth McWhorter and I've tried to find her on line, but there are several hundred of them out there and I did not recognize any of them. I think she'd be about 76 to 78 now. She was just out of college and only 5 or so years older than me.
I am always a gentleman.