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question #3 boys

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Looks absolutely lovely!
I think I'd feel right at home there. However, It's appointed with way to much furniture for my taste!
But still my first impression is that I could get allot of quality work done in my new office,
I don't see any chains, whips, leather goods, or cuffs in that room Lush. heh.

*breathes a sigh of relief.*
damn... if that were my office you wouldnt be able to see the walls... or the floor for that matter :P
*~*xX/ ;) i'm not joking/Xx*~*
Quote by Hourglass
damn... if that were my office you wouldnt be able to see the walls... or the floor for that matter :P

Due to all the toys hanging around???



Don't cha know?
Due to all the toys hanging around???

biggrin yup!
i've got too many now...
not that i don't use them all... that i don't have anywhere to keep them all anymore
*~*xX/ ;) i'm not joking/Xx*~*
Store 'em in your garage, HG. Tell people you use the devices to change your car's brakes.
I've masturbated since I was 12 years old. In general it's not changed. The stimulation source changes constantly, Playboy, stories, Internet pictures Porn movies, watching a female. The wife hates it when the source, any source, is not her but my sex drive is still way more active then hers. I still often do it several times a day when she s not in the mood.

If I masturbate myself its generally dry, at least it starts that way. If my wife masturbates me as she sometimes will do when she does not want sex she usually uses a lubricating oil or wets it with her mouth quickly. It's nice having a partner that will satisfy you even when she does not want to be satisfied.

Now if I could just get her to want me to go down on her more often.... then maybe I would not masturbate so often smile

btw.... the first way I ever masturbated was by dry humping a friends sister who knew exactly what she was getting me into.... neither of us touched my cock directly, it was a pretend wrestling match where I pinned her to the ground, me on top, but it awoke the devil in me when she kept spreading her legs while pinned to "try and get leverage to escape"
Quote by bshaddow
I think its going to be hard to follow Curious2c's response to question #2, so I will move along to #3.6SSJKXSRBPSUYwoK

QUESTION 3. two parts .Given your assumed proficiency in the art of "spanking the monkey". Throughout the years, of you changed your technique, & if so. How?
When said technique is used what lubricant is best? Or maybe is dry more preferable?

Umm...ive never heard it called that but...i masturbate all the time. Atleast once a day on weekends, and usually twice a day during the week.

back to the question...
I did change my technique when i first started as it wasnt working to my desire...but since then...when i found the one i liked...i haven't changed it. I have tried new things...but i always go back to ol' reliable.

to the second part...
I have never used lube, and really have had no need. I prefer it dry...but sometimes i like to masturbate in the shower...which ill use water, and every once in a while some conditioner...
It has changed over the years. I have a more variety now. I don't only use my hand, but also a maturbator called a cyber skin. It has a little bullet vibrator that you can put in the top and have it vibrate you head. Oh that feels sooooo good!
When I was a wee lad, I had no idea what sex was grasping, wrapping my hand and any kind of lube idea never occurred to me.

When I started out, I would lay my hand out under me, palm up, and the heel of my hand would nestle at the base of my cock...then I would rock on it and with my mind playing pictures of naked bodies in front of me, I would cum to hard spasms that felt soo good, albeit it dry. I continued in that fashion until I was an adult, though when I started ejaculating, the cum ithat spurted up along my tummy and in the hair on my arms got to be a pain to wash out.

Now I like jacking (though a nice hotel bathtub still brings me to using the old method, a bit of soap to make my hand slick, and the porcelain to rub the head against) but I usually only get a chance in the shower, or sometimes on my knees (so I don't have to worry about them giving out when I cum hard) leaning against the side of a bed or chair, perhaps with some sexy story I am writing or have found in front of me on the laptop. Oh, and several paper towels out in front of me on the floor.....

Ok, but my favorite, discovered recently when I started writing my stories? I would slip into the bathroom, and put a dab of liquid soap in my wet hand, and go to town facing the mirror and over the sink. I lifted up on my toes and leaned forward one time, and wow, found that spot in the center of my balls....leaning on it slightly, just a bit, near where it might get painful, but just on that edge, rocking on my toes slightly...oh man...that edge, bit of danger or whatever, but it makes for a rollicking hot hard orgasm while I am stroking my shaft, finishing with a flurry of tight grasp on the last couple inches, concentrating strokes just under and behind the head.....

Explicit enough?
Quote by Chase
When I was a wee lad, I had no idea what sex was grasping, wrapping my hand and any kind of lube idea never occurred to me.

When I started out, I would lay my hand out under me, palm up, and the heel of my hand would nestle at the base of my cock...then I would rock on it and with my mind playing pictures of naked bodies in front of me, I would cum to hard spasms that felt soo good, albeit it dry. I continued in that fashion until I was an adult, though when I started ejaculating, the cum ithat spurted up along my tummy and in the hair on my arms got to be a pain to wash out.

Now I like jacking (though a nice hotel bathtub still brings me to using the old method, a bit of soap to make my hand slick, and the porcelain to rub the head against) but I usually only get a chance in the shower, or sometimes on my knees (so I don't have to worry about them giving out when I cum hard) leaning against the side of a bed or chair, perhaps with some sexy story I am writing or have found in front of me on the laptop. Oh, and several paper towels out in front of me on the floor.....

Ok, but my favorite, discovered recently when I started writing my stories? I would slip into the bathroom, and put a dab of liquid soap in my wet hand, and go to town facing the mirror and over the sink. I lifted up on my toes and leaned forward one time, and wow, found that spot in the center of my balls....leaning on it slightly, just a bit, near where it might get painful, but just on that edge, rocking on my toes slightly...oh man...that edge, bit of danger or whatever, but it makes for a rollicking hot hard orgasm while I am stroking my shaft, finishing with a flurry of tight grasp on the last couple inches, concentrating strokes just under and behind the head.....

Explicit enough?

Holy cow chase! I think your response was in technocolor! The devils in the details I guess!
When I was about 8. My cousin and I were in the bathroom. He was sitting on the can and I was changing out of wet swim trunks. We had been playing in he yard with the hose. He was naked as well. I was still small...both in stature and my penis. His was very large. He asked me to come over by him. I noticed that his penis was very large and hard. He was playing with it, moving his hand up and down on it.

My small little penis got very hard and it felt good. He reached over and took it in his hand, thumb on one side and one finger on the other. Then he ran those fingers up and down. It felt so good. Soon, I had an orgasm. Being so young, I didn't shoot, but I never felt anything like that was so wonderful.

I was soon doing it to myself, holding it the same way, and sometimes standing by the toilet pretending that he was jacking me off. I did it many times a day.

In later years, my penis grew up and I began to shoot. I really liked the smell and feel of it, but was always disappointed that after I shot, my prick would hurt and I couldn't jack on it any more. I would have to wait for some time before I could get it hard again and do it all over. I really liked jacking with cum on my cock...after the first shoot, I would capture the jizz and then use it as lube to finish off my jack off session.

I used a lot of different lube, but dry is still the very best. Holding my cock with two fingers on the side and sliding the skin way down to stretch it as far as it will go makes the head stand out. I like to look at it. Then I slide it up until the skin and fingers touch the rim of my glans, with a terrific feeling. Over the years, I have discovered that a slow steady stroke is best. Not fast, but slow and steady. If I grab it hard or go too fast, I lose the built up and I have to tease it back again. It is like climbing a slippery slope, slow and steady, too fast a movement and too hard a grip and I slip back.

I have found that the slow, steady stroking all the way through to the end of the orgasm brings on the deepest and hardest climax.

I have practiced the stop and start, jacking off until I am about to cum, and then stopping and letting it go back a bit and then bringing it back up again. I have done this maybe 15 or 20 cycles before I just let it shoot.

Lubrication is best with the precum. It is very good and I have a LOT of it. It literally runs out of my cock when I am jacking off.

You may want to ask about jackof aids. I always need them. The internet has been a boon to jackoffs. I vary between pictures that I download and then play on a slidshow with blues music. That really turns me on.

Videos are very very good, especially if the model is talking to me about jacking off and displaying what I like to see. I have a number of favs saved on youtube that I use all the time. All the time. I use stilettogirl and also archenemys....excellent for me.

I love to masturbate.
Freak, this thread is for gals to ask guys questions. Please don't post about masturbation, especially underage, gay stuff.
Sorry, sorry. Just delete it. Got carried away.
Yes I have changed my technic. I concentrate more on the head now. I also have to use a cock ring to keep it hard. ED is a bitch. I use baby powder as a lube now, and usually read stories on the internet while doing it.
I posted this answer on another forum yesterday, but I see that it's "topical" for your question here as well. So at the risk of repearing myself......

Once I discovered I could masturbate with my hands, there was no need for anything else. But that was not always the case - when I was younger, I masturbated by undulating (face down) on a bed or other soft surface. Thsi was not a problem until I began to actually ejaculate - I did not realize that I was leaving tell-tale stains until my mother "called" me on it. Even wiping afterward with a tissue was not enough to eliminate the subsequent stain. So I had to develop other "techniques", which led to using my hands while sitting up or lying on my back.
Weee! detailed! *reads the chase input again and takes notes*
*jumps around in circles*
My hand is all I use. I do alternate between dry hand masturbation and using a lubricant. The orgasm from the dry hand is sharp and very intense but it doesn't feel too much (to me) like a vaginal orgasm. Don't get me wrong it is highly pleasurable. Girls should note that getting this sharp intense orgasm is one reason for continued masturbation even when a guy gets a lot of intercourse with you. Don't worry about it.

Lubricant starts to capture the feeling of a vaginal orgasm but not exactly. Ejaculating in a vagina has a fluid churning fluid feel that ejaculating into air--even with lubricant--lacks. For me any lubricant needs to be thick, I like KY Warming Jelly as the warming actually numbs my penis a bit so I can sustain a longer "session."
i can often produce enough of my own. or when needed, theres some lube in the toy drawer.

I tend to right hand, but i can switch hands without missing a stroke.
I can use my right hand without any lub, and as often as I can!!!!!!
We have all changed our methods, you don't drive same car or wear same type clothes do you? As for lube, anything slippery, shampoo, conditioner, soap, oliveoil, KY, jerkins- I mean jergins, basically whatever
Ive changed from being right hand exclusive to using both. The amazing thing is I am VERY right hand dominant...I have trouble doing most things with my left hand. I very rarely use lube...prefer dry.

When I was starting out, I would take my foam rubber pillow out of the case and double it, then slide into the channle. Which worked great, ubtil my mother started asking why there were lumps of foam in my bed
Dry or with lubricant, The lubricant has to be gel, my current is KY Warming nice and warm. Actually the warming stuff makes me last a bit longer which is nice.
Nowadays I use a condom instead of just blowing in my boxers and I use my hands instead of rubbing my penis against my bed. Why again do you ask all of these questions, just curious lol
Because, if you don't ask you'll never know or have to wait a long while to find out.
As I got older, I ended up being more proficient with my left hand rather than my right. Silicone lube is the best. Feels silky never sticky for longer periods.
Still go to town like the first day, but now I like to edge and get a large load, where as a kid it was all about cumming
As a kid, I didn't really use lube--only my own saliva. I have a 'go to' method, but when the mood strikes, I like to get creative with toys or take it slow with extended dry frenulum massage. I never did anal stuff until college. What has changed a lot is what turns me on.
The first time I masturbated was one evening after a girl had pressed her breasts into my elbow in the lunchline at school. As I was taking a bath, I kept thinking about that, and I was fully hard by the time it came time to wash my crotch. So I soaped up, and just kept on soaping up. Thumb and index finger of my right hand back and forth and suddenly came. What fun! So I used that technique, soap and fingers, for about two weeks. Then one night I suddenly had a sort of allergic reaction to the soap and couldn't bear touching myself! I was heartbroken, and really horny, so when I went to bed and reached down to check the skin to see if it was all right, I ended up using my whole fist. That's been my technique ever since. Don't use lube, except that I naturally used my spit the times I managed to suck myself.