ok guys would you fuck a girl on her period?
yes i would love to fuck when a women is on! very sexy
As a principle I will generaly stay away from fucking her during her days, unless she's ok with it, since it's my understanding that each woman experiences her period differently.
Yes, most time thats when she is the horinest, in my exwife case she was,
I stay away on the heavy flow days. That's usually only a couple days so it isn't bad. It's less about seeing blood on her and more about seeing blood on my prick that I struggle with.
Yes definitely. My gf doesn't like me going down on her when she is on, though I don't mind at all. We don't let a bit of blood get in the way of sex though. I like it if anything.
It's happened but partner is rather fussy about cleanliness so isn't crazy about it. Basically, if she's into it, I'm okay with it.
In the shower only. That shit dont come out of the sheets very well. Plus we tend to get a little rough and i dont want it to look like a damn horror movie in the room after we are done.
if she's good then i'm good
I have no problem with it my first wife loved sex but just went crazy on her period couldn't get enough sex during her period she even got me to godown on her mostly licking her clit. My current wife will not let me touch her during her period.
Yes. Done it and it doesn't bother me. Does get messy though.
I can't.
It just seems to alil messy for me.
Its never stopped me, if shes down with it then so on
I actually love it. I don't know why. Or care. Usually, though, it's the female who is uncomfortable with the idea.
Possibly. It depends on whether or not she is into it I suppose.
Yes, its still the same, just comes out a little red lol
done like it. My past GF'S have been really horny while on there period. Isnt it my job to help them during this rough time? I say yes.
I have done it many times and I don't mind it at all. The sensation is different because of the lack of normal lubrication and my current partner seems to be extra horny during and just before her period. The mess is tolerable and with or without a condom it's fine.
yes, but I like to do it in the shower to keep it alittle clean
absolutely, besides that is when she is the horniest ... lotsa fun ... lol
I can take it or leave it. As long as it is not on a heavy flow time, and there is a towel handy (or under her as well), it is fine. I honestly don't like it visually as much as when NOT, but it does not stop me if she wants to have sex.
LMAO, nice post Clum..
Through out my 1st marriage . YES ! Not only was It enjoyable for the both of us,We found that making love helped re-leave her cramping.
yes i love it when she is on her period she gets very horny and i love it
Just as soon take a pause for the cause ..
I have and she loved it..... but it's not a something I truly enjoy!
Don't mind it, but not on a heavy day.