Hi guys, thanks for your honest responses to question 1. THEY WERE ALL GREAT!
QUESTION 2- TWO PARTS. What woman are you attracted to the most and please explain why? (she doesn't have to be anyone famous). If you had a choice to be any man in the world, who would it be and why? (he also doesn't have to be anyone famous)
I await for your response. Bre.
I've thought about this for a bit now and in answer to your first question I'll have to say my wife. In most cases I'd say my wife is the woman I'm most attracted to, but in some ways that wouldn't be completely honest. I will say this much, I'm most attracted to my wife the way she was twenty six years ago or so. Her heart still beats strongly, filled with love for me, and mine for her, but I do miss the intimacy we once shared. That intimacy has gone missing for over fifteen years now, the last six have been the hardest. Still, her heart and soul attract me to her above all others.
Choice to by any man in the world? My late Grandfather would be the one man I have always strove to be like or emulate. His honesty and caring ways are legend in my family as well as his strength and knowledge. He was a mans man in all ways, even when he was showing emotion at times. Still, I remember the loving way he helped my crippled grandmother over the years, the little things he'd do for her to help comfort her.
After my grandmother passed, he was lost and alone for a long time. My mom and dad asked me to go live with him which I did, though going to school from the farm was a pain, I still learned things from him that I'd never have known about. Many things that my parents or my dad's sisters never knew about him or his history. He taught me things like blacksmithing, machine work and mechanical workings. He showed me how to act and react in certain situations, with honor and no fear, even if deep inside one is afraid.
He face his death in a fearless and good way, making sure I understood that his passing was natural, and a good thing. I was his 'little man' always. And even when I was eleven years old I longed to hear him call me that. It was a term that I never disliked or thought anything other than he was showing his love for me.
You can say I admired him and you would be right.
I know, mushy and boring probably, but the truth.
WOW! I'm touched.
You just don't see or hear about that kind of love everyday.Lxf9ekFHEGNx4gw9 "YOU'RE A GOOD MAN CHARLEY BROWN"!
And I'm glad to hear that your Grandfather shared his enrichment in your life, that also can be a very rare luxury in some people's world as well.
Thank you for your hart felt response. Bre
I agree, that's one of the most lovely posts I've ever read in a forum anywhere C2c. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Part One: Lets see i had this weird crush on any woman with red hair and green eyes if i could find one like milla jovovich or somehting like that perhaps.
Part 2: I dont really see myself as anyone else just to improve myself constantly
[vermin] Part One: Lets see i had this weird crush on any woman with red hair and green eyes if i could find one like milla jovovich or somehting like that perhaps.
:P love it! lol! that's me!
I'm a perfect date!
*~*xX/ ;) i'm not joking/Xx*~*
AWESOME you down under hourglass? :P My gf and you must meet :P hahahahaha
presuming you're asking if i'm in Aussie...
no... soz i'm a UK res
*~*xX/ ;) i'm not joking/Xx*~*
When i see a petite brunette wwith long long hair i'm hooked and i go weak at the knees and am completely in her power, Also dark skin makes me hot all over its all so mysterious!
Hi, Easy, welcome to the Forum. Yup, long hair does it for me, too.
Humph..... that is a tough one. You sure your not a reporter in disguise writing columns on the opposite sex or a counselor looking to write a book?
Ok, here goes ... from the heart - no one women but if you forced me to answer, my wife. If you asked me that 20 years ago I would have said wife without hesitation. So whats my logic? First ... put me in the presence of a women with a strong Scottish or Irish accent, one who likes verbally flirting and I might as well sign over my bank account, give you my debit card codes... empty my pockets (you get the general idea). Second, I've met a half dozen women since I've been married that if I was not married I would probably have asked them to marry me. There is no one Mr or Mrs right, everybody has a whole bunch of Mr or Mrs rights. It's all in the timing. It's also probably why affairs exist. Finally, since you asked for a specific, and since she was the first one I decided to ask, it would be my wife. She still has a great ass. She still loves me even when I'm a jerk and I still wake up next to her every morning.
What man would I be? Assuming you mean a specific person I would say............ me! Why, because I can be me, because I can change me or do some real in the real world. I don't want to say I would be Donald Trump so I have the money to affect change. I am me, I am affecting change however small it may be.
It's not what you wanted to do that counts, it what you did. I have no regrets.
I am certainly most attracted to my wife. And she is of certain body configuration that drives me crazy. She is somewhat petite. About 5' 2".
She had a slim figure without looking anorexic at all. She was well filled. She does have medium size breasts. Like 34 B. But what I love in
women and what my wife has is a fantastic combination of ass, hips, thighs and legs. She has a perky, round, cute ass. Her hips are full and
wide. Her thighs coming out of her hips come also full. And her legs/calfs are firm and muscled. By the way, although my wife was not a
sports oriented girl she had a very well toned body. And she did have a beautiful face. She still does. Anyone remembers Natalie Wood,
long time departed. I always said that my wife was the twin sister of Natalie. Yes, I am one of those lucky guys that get to take the beauty
queen for himself.
As far as what man I would like to be . . . . well, I like straight shooters, men with integrity and men with a message that I would follow.
John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, George Patton, to just name a few . . . . . .
A woman with a great personality. A very big turn on is when a woman can make me laugh. Also an apple bottom and breasts that accent her figure.....MMMMMM!
This is probably going to sound lame. I've had a crush on this girl for ages, and I can't seem to get over her.
Now, I'm not stalking her. I don't even know where she is nowadays. She has red hair, brown eyes, and the most amazing personality. She's funny, she's sassy, she's smart. All that, and she's hot. I can't even describe very well. Just imagine the hottest girl you've ever seen, then imagine that she doesn't even realize that she's hot. But the greatest thing about her was her openess to sexuality. She just loved being sexual. It was refreshing.
Anyway, she's three years older than me and we were good friends for a while. I lost track of her during college. I never made a move on her because I didn't really believe she would look at me as more than a younger brother. My loss.
As for who I'd want to be, Superman comes to mind. He's my rolemodel.NUp6HJ6dGG95TN3f
I could never pick one "face" or pair of eyes to say was my favorite.....too many beautiful and exotic women and combinations out there..... An rich lustrous head of auburn hair and green eyes, blonde with green or blue, raven haired and blue, they are all hot.
A rich head of hair and a wide, open fresh smile and beautiful eyes are really the most eye catching of any physical attributes. Everything else is icing on the cake, and when up close and touching, size and such make not a lot of difference.
What is most appealing though is the confidence, the sexy uninhibited though feminine and somewhat demure personality of a woman who knows what she likes, wants, and is willing, in the proper time and place, willing to say so. We men are visually oriented, but whispers and touches are no less appealing. I would flip out over a woman who was confident of her power of allure, and who loved being sexy.....dressing to seduce, encouraging touches, to her partner or herself for me to see, and who when enjoying lovemaking will speak out, initiate or be open about what she is liking, feeling, thinking or wishing.....
The old adage applies....a woman in the living room, and a bit of a whore in the bedroom. Admit it, you want it, like it, need it, just like we do, and will talk about it, and if need be, will do whatever you can to get it.....
Well said, Chase. And if I might add to that: intelligence. I've found it's a big turn on for me. I like the flirting and jockeying and finding common ground while looking into those beautiful, smiling eyes.
Sorry, I forgot, that was a given. She has to be able to converse. And hopefully have all her teeth. LOL
That IS one of the finest ends I have ever studied as well. Let's hope none of this cums to an end....er.....or her end never cums, ....no, ah, ok, where's that submit tab.....
As far as being with a woman for sex. I am happy with whom I am. I don't dream of having sex with anyone else other than my wife. I love to look at all naked women , but don't wish I was screwing them. My wife is the best piece of ass I ever had!!!! And I've had a few. I just wish she wanted it more.
is it because of age or illness, Rick? Or is she just tired of it?
She is not sexual by nature. she loves sex but has never mastrubated and does not think about sex except when she is horny, about once a week, on the same day every week. I would have to say because of age. She will do almost everything I ask het to do , but I wish she wanted it not just givein to my desires.
Angelina Julie! 'nuf said
. . . and I second the superman one . . . actually, I want to be Jesus Christ . . . No wait, Cain! (Vampire's rock!)
P.S. Funny that I'm an Atheist lol