Um just looking for a good lubricant for going solo! Need to get some recommendations from you guys. Any suggestions?
That seems like it would be a lot of work to do! How much does that make?
true! so I take it that is what you use as well?
it's called, PJUR, a silicon based lube good for everything, including latex clothes.
"When its too kinky for everybody else, its just gettin' good for me."
(Kinky Freedman)
I like Wet Synergy. It's a blend of traditional and silicone that can be used with any other material. It outlasted pretty much everything else out there and stays wet longer. Best place to buy in probably Amazon, where you can make big savings from time to time. Or you can check out their website for more details and other products.
I never needed any lube, a paper towel and a dirty magazine works fine for me! lol ;)
depends what you want it for, check out different brands and what that particular lube is designed for and any effects it may have e.g. warming or tingle
We use WICKED AQUA it is a long lasting, non sticky lube.