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Labia Size

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I saw there was some talk about this in the "ask the gals" section, but I'm really curious to hear what the guys have to say.

I have a friend who had surgery to reduce the size of her labia minora. She felt that her lips were ugly because they were sticking out. Personally, I thought she was crazy for having the surgery. Several years ago, I had a girlfriend with huge lips and I used to love sucking on them. I also liked to put dildos in her and watch her lips swell up on each side of the toy. I thought it was very sexy.

But if girls are getting this surgery done, then someone must be telling them that big labia are not pretty. I'm wondering how the guys feel about this.
Gen'rally speakin', if they swell nicely and get wet, what more can I ask for??
absolutely no problem here, more to suck on. That's my view.
Quote by AngelicAdmirer
absolutely no problem here, more to suck on. That's my view.

absolutely agree to that
I don't think most guys would mind (or care) if they're big, small, sticking out or whatever. At least I would be happy with whatever they look like. Imagine that:"Honey, your beautiful and sweet but you know, your pussy lips are sticking out a bit too much."

It seems people think you can buy perfect and companies are more than happy to oblige to that need and feed that image that you have to be 'perfect'.
Quote by AngelicAdmirer
absolutely no problem here, more to suck on. That's my view.

Concur -- have her spend her money elsewhere. If a guy rejects her due to her pussy lips, she is better off without him.
Big, small 'em all - an ex had unusually long lips which she wanted to have surgically reduced - and although I tried to convince her that there was nothing wrong with them and that I found it attractive - she was always self conscious about them. Never did get to find out if she ever had the surgery and donated them to someone that didn't have ears
Oddly, it has been my experience that those physical flaws we think we possess, have often been those things some of my previous lovers told me - they found most endearing and 'me'.

I would agree, as I think back upon all the girls I've known and remember.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I love girls with large labia. The bigger the better.
Defintely against the surgery... more to play with! more sensations!
Love them in any size. Each one is a work of art in my opinion.
I agree with everyone else here, the world is full of wondrous variety, why mess with it? Plastic surgery though is very often not about how other people see you but how you see yourself. If your friend felt more confident or beautiful as a result of having this surgery then all power to her elbow.
If you're going through hell, keep going. - Winston Churchill
Quote by SouthernerEroticer
Love them in any size. Each one is a work of art in my opinion.

sweet sweet : )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
any aesthetic elective surgery is just plain dumb.
I was once with a woman who had large labia and I loved it. Adored the way they rested on my face during oral. Please girls, don't alter the way they look, never seen a pussy I didn't love.
i like midsize but it doestn't bother the size really
There is nothing more beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Don't Mess Up A Good Thing">>>>>>>
'O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us
It wad frae monie a blunder free us
An' foolish notion
Natural is always beauty. Big or small will have its own admirer. Whatever comment is just each individual opinion. There are a lot of people who knows how to appreciate.
Every woman is unique as when sees when perusing "open shot" girlie mags.

Under no circumstances should we approve what is suggested, and what is known in the Moslem world as "female circumcision".

Frequenting call-girls as a teenager I remember a girl who had a flabby looking mass of flesh below her pubic bush instead of a clitoral hood. This unwound into a "string" over twelve inches long. I had a hundred questions to ask about this and I thought it was fabulously exciting, but to my regret she didn't want to talk about it.
Quote by SweetPenny
I saw there was some talk about this in the "ask the gals" section, but I'm really curious to hear what the guys have to say.

I have a friend who had surgery to reduce the size of her labia minora. She felt that her lips were ugly because they were sticking out. Personally, I thought she was crazy for having the surgery. Several years ago, I had a girlfriend with huge lips and I used to love sucking on them. I also liked to put dildos in her and watch her lips swell up on each side of the toy. I thought it was very sexy.

But if girls are getting this surgery done, then someone must be telling them that big labia are not pretty. I'm wondering how the guys feel about this.

Bigger is them...all four!
I have a thing for large labia and large clits. Just one of those things that fascinates me.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
well I say it's just more for me to lick, suck, fuck, and squirt my goo onto...
I use to have a girlfriend with long pussy lips and had no problems with it, I loved the fact it was different. I use to play with them for hours with my tongue and fingers as it turned her on so much. She would cum all the time from it. Fully against surgery!
size is not important the fact they are different is, would be boring if everyone was the same
well - I think I slept with a couple of women and I have not seen one single sweet cunt that looked like another one. So why change something to be "average" if average does truely not exist? The kick for men - i would think - is to play with another pussy that looks different that anything he has played before. That will make things memorable and the discovery exiting.
So no definitley no sugery - will make things boring.
I agree with Lafayettemister.....I love large puffy lips and a large clit.....more to have fun with.....
Personally, I like the labia majorum to be puffy, swollen looking, the labia minorum should just be sparkling with dewiness and peeking out.
It is a huge turnon to see a woman with large labia, or a big clit. To me its a playground for my tongue, I love to suck on them protruding lips and swollen clits, and mmm how I love to look down at the way they wrap around my fingers, a toy, or my hard cock as it slowly slips inside and out. Ummm can you tell I'm a huge fan. Lol. I knew a girl once, she had the surgery because she was self conscious of how she looked down there, referred to it as her "beat up pussy" and she wanted a "virgin" looking pussy, what a bummer and waste of thousands of dollars, cuz her pretty pussy was perfect as it was.
I think this is one of those things can go in the "My ass is too big" category, where we're self concious about something and see a flaw that the other sex can't see. Maybe a few guys would be put off by that, but those are the kind of shallow guys you wanna stay away from in the first place.