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Just for the guys

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Hi guys sorry to invade your area, but I have a question. There seems to be an increased interest in Asian woman by American guys in the last ten or so years, primarily in Korean women of which I am one but when I arrived here at US there was so little interest in us and I just ask for honest answers. I realize we are different from our other Asian sisters like Chinese etc because of our physical appearance but this is just a question, please be as specific as you like. Best, JuLee
Rookie Scribe
Maybe you think that, it the population you are around who are the majority "Asian," or self-fulfilling wish. Even if a guy (or girl) is from a big city, they do not know the difference betwen Korea, Japanese, or Chinese (even,..uuh wherever). If they like "Asian" sadly, you are lumped en masse.
Active Ink Slinger
I disagree with Dem, I can easily tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese. Maybe because there has always been a big Chinese population in Liverpool.

I don't know about the US but I haven't noticed any difference in the UK.
Rookie Scribe
Asian women have always been hot to me, the skin color, black shiny hair, shape of the eyes. Differences for sure, but all hot. Exotic for a suburban white boy.
Internet Philosopher
Quote by goldun
Asian women have always been hot to me, the skin color, black shiny hair, shape of the eyes. Differences for sure, but all hot. Exotic for a suburban white boy.

This. Add Latin women to that as well.
Active Ink Slinger
My partner's father likes asian women. When I questioned why he stated the asian women are tinyer more petit than western women and as such more feminine. He also stated that because of their cultural background he found them not to agressive and more sensative to the males in their life's need. I told him was a pig but that's another story.2YP6NDj15SRV9tO4
Met a Vietnamese woman the other day at a business conference. She was gorgeous, easily as beautiful as the American women in the room. Beauty knows no cultural bounds; and yes, I can generally tell which country they are from or probably from.
Active Ink Slinger
I go to a korean massage girl & she is excellent.

Shes very small with soft skin & just the perfect good.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by dpw
I disagree with Dem, I can easily tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese. Maybe because ....

Odd, I've worked with Japanese who claimed that they could not always tell (without language and culture cues).

I doubt that most people could not consistently tell a Dutch from a German without cues.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by realz

I doubt that most people could not consistently tell a Dutch from a German without cues.

Lol, I could before they finished saying hello. I had a Dutch boyfriend for many years. Purely on looks, I would agree but they are both of Germanic descent.
As Japan is an island country their descent is more insular similar to the difference between Aborigines and Maoris.
Active Ink Slinger
Personally, I don't think I have an Asian fetish. I see some Asian women and think they're pretty or attractive. Some I see and I don't find them pretty or attractive according to what I like/dislike. But to no more or less of a degree than i find Caucasian or African American or any other women pretty or not. Honestly, it doesn't matter enough to me to even try to learn how to discern if a woman is Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, or whatever. If you lined up three women from each of those countries, all I could do is guess which is from where. I don't look at white women and think, "ooh is she Irish or English because Irish is hotter". I probably couldn't tell the difference between a Brazilian and an Argentinian either. In high school, I lost my virginity to a Vietnamese girl. The only way I knew she was Vietnamese was because I'd known her half my life and she told me/everyone whenever it happened to come up.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
The problem I see with the "Asian fetish" isn't the attraction to the Asian appearance (I suffer from that malady myself) but the attraction to sometimes questionable cultural assumptions and stereotypes. When I started dating my wife, who is Chinese, a guy that I played wargames with remarked that I was lucky because Asian women were so subservient and good at caring for their men. Which is the polar opposite of my wife. Yeah, she takes care of me but also expects me to take care of her and the household. She's a "Type A" career go-getter all the way and even she thinks she's overdone that side of her life (actually, she probably fits the stereotype of the Asian male moreso than that of the Asian woman). IOW, not a subservient, compliant wife at all. Fortunately, I wasn't looking for that in a wife.
Active Ink Slinger
I've always loved Asian women!!! How could you not? Soft smooth skin, great bodies. But then again, I love all
Your question isn't easy to answer because, among other things, it can easily generate accusations of being politically incorrect, that most serious of offenses and capital crimes. (Welcome to America). Lumping together any demographic, especially a female demographic based on what is sexually desirable, often stigmatizes the ones who voice such a preference. Which may be the reason for what you perceive to be a lack of interest. A fear of being labeled. There is a strong perception in many that non-Asian men like Asian women because those men want a passive-submissive Madame Butterfly love slave who will cater to their every whim and ask for or expect nothing for themselves. I lived in Thailand for 3 years, and more times than I can count, many women have said to me in various different ways"oh, you must have liked that. Asian women are so submissive." My response to such idiotic remarks is that they obviously never dated an Asian woman. Asian women are just like any other group in their complexity and generalizing them is idiotic. The farthest I would go in generalizing "Asian women" is that they often do come from a culture that emphasizes the welfare of a group over that of an individual, so they may perhaps be more giving than some, but even that isn't an iron-clad rule. Asian women are like anyone else. They have their own desires, needs and expectations and like anyone else, they actively pursue their own interests just as non-Asian women do. Granted, there ARE men who do think they can have something for nothing in a relationship with an Asian woman for the reasons I gave above, but I'm sure you're smart enough to avoid such Neanderthals. But there are always such people on both sides of the gender fence and in any ethnicity.

All that being said, I think you're wrong in feeling a lack of interest in American men. There may be any number of reasons why you personally have not been approached; possibly because gender roles in America have become so politicized in recent years to the point it feels like men and women are living in armed camps in relation to each other. A sexual Cold War. But whether Korean or some other Asian culture, I'm one of many men who think that, aesthetically, Asian women have an ethereal beauty all their own and I would suggest you reconsider your perception. I wouldn't date a woman just because she's Asian, but like many men, I do find Asian women especially attractive and your ethnicity probably is an asset for you. Beyond that, it's just a matter of placing yourself so that your interest in being approached is apparent and possible. And as for "invading your space," of us guys, I can only say you're welcome in my space anytime.
Quote by Craig1967
... gender roles in America have become so politicized in recent years to the point it feels like men and women are living in armed camps in relation to each other. A sexual Cold War.

No truer words have been said. Not just in the USA but in the UK.

The only really liberated women I've found are here on Lush - if only it was possible to live with them as well

As soon my bro is ready to leave the USA we're out here to Cyprus and the rest of the world before they too get infected.
Quote by JuLee
Hi guys sorry to invade your area, but I have a question. There seems to be an increased interest in Asian woman by American guys in the last ten or so years, primarily in Korean women of which I am one but when I arrived here at US there was so little interest in us and I just ask for honest answers. I realize we are different from our other Asian sisters like Chinese etc because of our physical appearance but this is just a question, please be as specific as you like. Best, JuLee

Asian women are great; especially if they have a cock. Variety is the spice of life.....

This is a reply to Craig 1967.

After reading your response to my question I feel a response is most warranted, so here it is:

My question was regarding the INCREASED interest in Asian women in the last 10 or so years. When I arrived here there seemed to be very little but now there is so much more which I think is great.
As to cultural differences, we Koreans (especially women) are very different from other Asians this is due primarily to the fact that we were a Matriarchal society for hundreds of years and it was the women warriors left to protect their homes and land. We Korean women do not walk behind our men with down cast eyes, we are considered by many to be very aggressive especially in business.
As to physical differences, we Koreans are taller than many other Asians, I am 5'8" with green eyes, we have other assets that sometimes cause much jealousy among non Korean Asians
I, luckily, have never suffered from a lack of male attention and quite honestly I love it.
As to subservient roles, subservience ended after the 40 year occupation of Korea by Japan and the end of the Korean war women had to take the lead and they did after finally learning that you can't rely on men for everything.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JuLee
This is a reply to Craig 1967.

After reading your response to my question I feel a response is most warranted, so here it is:

My question was regarding the INCREASED interest in Asian women in the last 10 or so years. When I arrived here there seemed to be very little but now there is so much more which I think is great.
As to cultural differences, we Koreans (especially women) are very different from other Asians this is due primarily to the fact that we were a Matriarchal society for hundreds of years and it was the women warriors left to protect their homes and land. We Korean women do not walk behind our men with down cast eyes, we are considered by many to be very aggressive especially in business.
As to physical differences, we Koreans are taller than many other Asians, I am 5'8" with green eyes, we have other assets that sometimes cause much jealousy among non Korean Asians
I, luckily, have never suffered from a lack of male attention and quite honestly I love it.
As to subservient roles, subservience ended after the 40 year occupation of Korea by Japan and the end of the Korean war women had to take the lead and they did after finally learning that you can't rely on men for everything.

I'm curious. After reading the above, it appears to me that as a Korean woman, you think and believe you are superior to other Asian women. That may not be the case at all, reading things in black and white can sometimes be misleading as the reader can't discern inflection or tone of voice and other verbal cues as to what is being said. So, do you feel Korean women are superior, because that's the way it reads?

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
No I don't feel superior to others but in some of the replies the writers more or less said that most of us look alike which is not true as there are distinct differences. I also tried to explain that we Koreans have evolved quite a lot since occupation and the Korean war. Mostly I was interested in why American guys only recently seemed to have such an interest in we Asian women and assumed it was a result of the Korean Pop culture and the huge amount of Girl Group entertainers. Also I am not interested in political correctness but did not mean to insult anyone purposely. JuLee
Quote by JuLee
This is a reply to Craig 1967.

After reading your response to my question I feel a response is most warranted, so here it is:

My question was regarding the INCREASED interest in Asian women in the last 10 or so years. When I arrived here there seemed to be very little but now there is so much more which I think is great.
As to cultural differences, we Koreans (especially women) are very different from other Asians this is due primarily to the fact that we were a Matriarchal society for hundreds of years and it was the women warriors left to protect their homes and land. We Korean women do not walk behind our men with down cast eyes, we are considered by many to be very aggressive especially in business.
As to physical differences, we Koreans are taller than many other Asians, I am 5'8" with green eyes, we have other assets that sometimes cause much jealousy among non Korean Asians
I, luckily, have never suffered from a lack of male attention and quite honestly I love it.
As to subservient roles, subservience ended after the 40 year occupation of Korea by Japan and the end of the Korean war women had to take the lead and they did after finally learning that you can't rely on men for everything.

As for increased interest in Asian women as a whole and Korean women specifically, in whatever time frame, I doubt that's something that can be measured. Even if you tried to systematically measure the responses of men to such things, by polling or some other method, it's doubtful you'd get accurate results. The use of such statistics is famously inaccurate and often the numbers would be manipulated to create a desired result rather than an accurate response. Being that you're of Korean origin, I obviously automatically assume you have a greater knowledge of Korean culture and so I'd never consider contesting gender roles in your culture with you. I myself always thought that Korean women were under the dictates of the men in their family, but I'm not an expert on the subject. I've known a few Korean women, mostly on an intimate level, and they always seemed independent in their thinking and desires, but at the same time, arguing with their parents, especially their father, seemed unthinkable to them. The father very much seemed to rule their families. But again, I'm no expert on the subject.

As long as I can remember though, there have always been men, myself included. who thought that Asian women were especially attractive. That while gentlemen may prefer blondes, speaking on a purely aesthetic level, Asian women were often more desirable. But that is not an absolute measure of all things. I've met some who felt the same way about Latinas or women of African origin/descent. Of course for some, ethnicity is irrelevant; it's shape or feet or some other thing that activates a man's (or woman's) interest.

I am completely unaware though of any jealously non-Korean Asian women feel towards Korean women. I'm hearing that for the first time from you. I have many friends and acquaintances in the large, local Thai community where I live and, in all honesty, I never heard them talk about Koreans at all. I lived in Thailand for three years and there was a large Korean ex. pat community, but there never seemed to be any rivalry there either. I know a little of Korean history and your comment about Korean women warriors has piqued my curiosity; blame it on too many kung fu movies when I was young, but I do love a woman warrior image. I know Korean pop music is very popular in Asia and being so prolific that may be the origin of the jealousy of which you spoke. But I would only say again, I doubt that's something that could be accurately measured. It's too much of a loaded question and responses to such a subject would not necessarily be honest or accurately/fairly studied.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JuLee
No I don't feel superior to others but in some of the replies the writers more or less said that most of us look alike which is not true as there are distinct differences. I also tried to explain that we Koreans have evolved quite a lot since occupation and the Korean war. Mostly I was interested in why American guys only recently seemed to have such an interest in we Asian women and assumed it was a result of the Korean Pop culture and the huge amount of Girl Group entertainers. Also I am not interested in political correctness but did not mean to insult anyone purposely. JuLee

I'm glad to hear that you don't feel superior. Personally, I think most peoples in the world have evolved quite a lot in the same time frame. I doubt that Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, German, Welsh, etc women are the same now that the were 50 years ago. We've all evolved. With the exception of some tribal cultures and North Korea. I don't know that the govenment there allows anyone there to evolve, at least not openly evolve. Whether or not Koreans have evolved at a higher rate over that time is debatable.

I don't really believe there is a real increase in Asian women in the last decade. I'm over 40 and I don't really see any difference. Maybe today Asian women has been fetishized to a degree that may make it look that way. After the Korean war, there was an increase in desire for Asian women. Soldiers went over there and were exposed to something different. Human nature is to desire something different than what is readily "available". With today's instant gratification and instant new/media/reporting of things we just may be seeing more than we once did.

If you live in the states, you may be getting a lot of interest from American men. But that's predominantly who lives here. No way to calculate if you're getting more attention strictly because you're an attractive and desirable Asian woman or just an attractive and desirable woman.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates