In theory... there can be no such thing as too much masturbation. I'm not sure how practical that theory is though, even if there was enough lube available.
That's the thing: having enough lube.
I'd say, as long as it doesn't interfere with the rest of your life, it's ok.
Rocco's right. If you are in a relationship, and masturbating by yourself, because of need, there's something the matter with your sex life. Nothing replaces the real thing. Nothing. And too much masturbation, in my expert opinion, impedes stamina (unless you train really, really, UNreally well).
Now I'm depressed. Thanks, Ling-Li.
I agree with Bat. Yes there is. Ling-Li keep asking questions.
Z, my fav postion.
OK, Ling-Li. Now, next question.
Oh, you let it out a bit...being unreasonable?
If this is about him doing it all the time, then it is a big deal. I don't know all the particulars, a relationship, unless you both like mutual masturbation sessions, it can affect your sex life. Okay, enough from me.
God i hope not, i get plenty and can find time for a wank or two as well, like while reading these stories, half the reason were on here is it not ? to fuel the imagination. my other half though is not a big user of her own body , she prefers to wait for me, or so she tells me.uVRRe5neRJ0o54c9
Why not tell him that you think watching your partner jack off is a big turn on to you and you would like to participate next time he gets the urge. You may want to endulge yourself while he is wacking. Try to bring it to the bedroom so he feels that he can share this pleasure with you anytime he wants to blow a load.
Several times a day? no wonder he's not in the mood as much as you are. He doesn't have the "need". What a pity.
I had a friend in that same spot many years ago. It baffles me as to why a guy would want to do that so much when he has a willing woman waiting for him in the bed.
If I don't have a regular partner I'm usually rubbing one out at least once a day, and I don't think I'm much different than most men. If I'm in a relationship, if we miss a day (and we usually don't!), I have to come, one way or the other. The tough part about is that masturbating, for the most part, is much more boring than having a partner. It takes on a chore-like quality, like vacuuming the living room. Get it done and move on.
Other than the rduction in the amount of cum produced I'd say no-not for me anyway
if you are masturbating without lube... definitely...
If you do it too much in one day your penis would get too sore and swell up, not to imagine peeing would become a little uncomfortable as well, so yes there is such a thing as too much masturbation.
"Put a glide in your stride, a dip in your hip, and come up to the Lush Mothership."
Light year groovy.
It's so nice to know I was missed... Thanks guys (and gals).
Actually my computer (amongst other expensive things) was stolen recently and I just replaced it (temporarily). I'm waiting on the insurance check atm.