My sort of guy friend doesn't have the word foreplay in his dictionary. He pulls down his pants and asks if I want to fuck. How do I tell him I want hours of skin, lips, tongues, fingers. . . .first?
You need to change or exchange him for a more sedate model who likes to play with you as well as fuck you . But take care some sedate models are obsessed with foreplay and never get round to fucking .
It sounds like you got the wrong guy. Some guys only care about themselves and to hell with you.mprqOOWslqcNMzHz
If you havn't set the tone, he will never know what he is missing, be bold and tell him not only what you want, but invite him on the quest to learn who you are and what makes you tick, if he reverts to the previous easy ways, then you need to revisit if you need an upgrade by making the good, bad and ugly list! Good luck and keep your dream alive here at Lush!
Thank you all. I was thinking pretty much the same thing. He's untrainable and oblivious to hints, clues. Even the donuts wouldn't help. No more sports cars for me.
RosyPink1 If you do get an answer will you please share it with me... I have the same issue. I have tried everything, and he does not get it at all - to make it worse he thinks that 'nice girls' don't really enjoy sex, they tolerate it. It is killing me!
I can resist anything but temptation - Oscar Wilde
Honey if you've been straight on with him telling him what you want and he still doesn't want to please you as well as himself then you may want to think about your life with him. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with someone like that? Are you better off with him or without him? Do you want to stay with someone that only cares about himself and not you? Tough choices for you to be making soon.
I have to agree with chefkathleen. Some men just never understand that the more excited you make the woman the more enjoyable it will be for them. Or they just don't care and those you can do without. which do you want to be with.
Thanks RandW and welcome to the games!
Tell him in haiku he he..if that doesn't work tell him exactly what you know those times that men don't understand why we are mad at them and we expect them to know...its because they don't know ...forget hints and inuendo or leaving magazines open with foreplay questionaires/articles open by the toilet ...
I tried hinting (reading aloud steamy scences, moaning every so softly at a looooong movie kiss), seducing (candlelight, music, frilly slinky stuff), offering a lengthy blowjob, and asking straight out for some foreplay. First, he looked like a puzzled first grader asked to read the Bill of Rights. Then he went all "but don't you like when I fuck you with my big cock." The light began to flicker on in my brain at that moment. Evidently, now guys please correct me if I'm wrong, he thinks that a big cock is all a woman wants. When I tried to explain that it is by no means the main character in my fantasies, he crossed his arms and refused to believe me.
Needless to say that particular cock can go impale another carcass. I'm done. This happened last night. I've spent the day trying to psychoanalyze a healthy male who just wants to fuck and go. Oh, did I mention he only likes to fuck doggy style?
So, my first question on dates now will be: What is your belief concerning foreplay? Do you have foreplay references?
Thanks for letting me vent.
You're in a tough spot, and I'm sorry you've got a non-receptive partner there. I'd say to try the ultimatum route as a last chance. When he does that no-foreplay thing again, say, "No, that's a turn off." Deny him.
Have him read Cosmo or some type of magizine like that. Unfortunately, you may have to take the lead for a while till he gets it..
Seduce him and do what you want.