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i have surgical scars. is it a turn off?

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Active Ink Slinger
I understand. I have a birthmark that used to be bright red, now the colour has faded and it looks like a giant burn scar. I hide it as much as I can.
Active Ink Slinger
I've got a 8inch scar of my left flank, but women that I have gone out with or been with haven't really been bothered... they might ask about it but nothing more. Unless there the type of woman that expects perfection, which seems abit daft.
Active Ink Slinger
I understand what you're saying completely. I've got plenty of scars from my wild ride through life. Some I don't care about, but others piss me off to the point that I want to see what I can do to be rid of them. I've thought about plastic surgery for some, about getting inked over others. I realize that no matter what I do, the scars will still be there, but it makes no difference. I'm still pissed off by them. Thus far, though, they've never been a turn-off to anybody I've been with. They're a part of me, and no matter what I think about them, anybody that loves me will be stuck with them, too. Same goes for you, hon. Anybody that loves you will just have to realize that they're a part of you. If they really love you, they'll stop seeing them soon enough.
Active Ink Slinger
...not at all....they dont detract from your inner beauty,
Active Ink Slinger
Nope. Got some myself.
A scar never determines a girl's attractivness, even physically. That's my honest answer.
Although it would be hypocritical of me to say that it's a major turn off with scars, or a turn off at all.

I have scars from clumsyness, drunken wagers and surgery. For some reason I feel a bit more butch knowing that I have a few scars and an imperfect body. It's part of what makes me me. Of course I'm in a different situation since my scars don't show that well, but I still wouldn't mind the girl showing some extra attention with either kisses or fingertracing on my scars.

My advice to you would be go to the beach in a bikini and enjoy yourself. If a guy approaches you despite your scar being visible, you'll instantly know that this guy was attracted to you from your smile and that he cares fuck all about your scar
Active Ink Slinger
yeah.. but wearing just a bikini.. err.. i dun think i have that much of self-esteem.. silly
i might dare to do so if it's small, but i know i won't with mine, at least not now.. hahhaa..

i ask this Q coz all this time, well i know not all of men like that, they go after girl with white silky smooth skin etc etc etc.. :p i'm might be shallow, but hey.. i've experienced bullying, even if it's actually nothing(what they bullied about) after i grown up.. so yes, tho people always say, the good guy will not care about my physical appearance.. i'm just not that sure yet.. biggrin

just say, i'm aware but keep crossing my fingers and keep trying.. lol..
Active Ink Slinger
If having a scar is a deal breaker for someone, they're not worth your time.
I've dated a woman with scars before..bad teenage abortion...i never found it a turn off at all. It bad her different and special to me. She loved when i used to kiss the scar marks biggrin

It took a while but she didnt mind wearing revealing things if i was with her.
Active Ink Slinger
Thx for the feedbacks, guys. I do get more confidence than the 1st time i post the Q, thx 2 u all.
Lotsa kisses.. *wink*
Active Ink Slinger
A scar is part of a person, People fall in love with the person, not the scar. A scar is not a turn off for me.
I know how hard it is to show your scars to people, *hugs*
Active Ink Slinger
My wife had breast reduction surgery and has scars under her breasts. It hasn't been a turn off for me at all. It was a much needed surgery and she feels better because of it which makes me happy. She has been known to "whip them out" a couple of times, and nobody has a had a bad thing to say. Scars are a part of life!
Advanced Wordsmith
It's another part and another texture of your body to play and tease. Besides, I have too many scars myself to bitch about other people's scars.

"So how does it feel to know that someones kid in the heart of America
Has blood on their hands, fighting to defend your rights
So you can maintain the lifestyle that insults this family's existence"

Security is mere illusion; yet in that illusion lies security.
Advanced Wordsmith
If I had you undressed to the point of being able to see your scares I doubt I would be playing any attention to them. Besides that I have scares from military service that probably would make yours look like scratches. One that starts at my sternum and goes down almost to, lets just say if the doc had made a slip I'd be talking with a lot higher voice. That scare is about 2"s wide in some places.
It wouldn't bother me in the slightest, it would not detract from a person's sexiness, in my opinion.
I can understand being self-conscious about that, but hopefully your confidence will grown in time and maybe one day you'll be able to wear a bikini. If it affects one of your relationships negatively then you shouldn't be in that relationship.
Scars would never bother me....scars are usually a result from an accident of some sort. If somone cant look past that, they should not be of interest. Scars also can show endurance. When i see somone with them, I think of what they may have gone thru...
Scars give you something to alk about, before or after sex. After a few years in the military, I collected a number of "conversation pieces"
Not a bit. Sometimes makes it more sexy.
Active Ink Slinger
no one want to have the scar so i understand those who have since they doesn't want to have that in the first place
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by lafayettemister
Your scars wouldn't matter to me in any way. In fact.. show your scars to any bj/gf early on. If they are negatively affected by them, you'll know early on how shallow and superficial they are and can move on.. if you so choose.

I agree, one of my girlfriends had scars on her arms because she used to cut herself (I know, not a great start XD) but I loved her even more for it and they actually motivated me to love her even more and to make sure she never felt the need to do anything like that again. My advice is if someone doesn't accept all of you for who you are, you're probably better off without them. If they can't take the (in your opinion) bad with the good, then they shouldn't have any of you.
If it was me I wouldn't care, it's just a scar, hell show it off. I don't get why you can't wear a bikini or hot pants I think it'd be sexy. The whole proud of who you are concept. It's just a tiny little scar..
I have a lot of scars. I'm self conscious about them and have had some work done on may of them. However, it's always been my hang up. I've never once been rejected over my scars. I have been told to "shut up and stop being so insecure' on several occasions. Many men have asked what happened and it ends up being a session of telling stories. One of my most recent scars is on my face. My stomach is covered in them. And well my right leg was flayed open from hip to knee. Over the years, I've found most people don't really care about small things like that. My boyfriedn told me that if a man really loves you, it doesn't really matter what you look like. He'll find you beautiful anyway. I believe him.
Sadly, I do think, on average, men place more emphasis on physical beauty than women typically do eg Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley...but don't be concerned in the least scars, just aren't that big of a deal in the over all scheme of things
3 words: Scars are Smexy smile
Active Ink Slinger
I just had surgery three months ago and have three new scars on my tummy. Sometimes it bothers me but it sure as hell doesn't bother my husband. About ten years ago I had knee surgery and a nice long scar on the front of my leg was a lasting momento. Don't let the scars ruin your fun or dictate what you wear...showing them off, so to speak, will show everyone how confident you feel in your own skin and that is the sexiest thing of all.
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~Swami X

Active Ink Slinger
No scars have never had any effect on my attraction to a women at all
It is 100% not a turn off...Try not to let it dictate anything. After all, if a man really feels and cares for you he won't care!
No, scars are fascinating on a body. They remind us that the past is real.