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How soon a girl puts out?

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Quote by Marcus72
What bull. It's 2012. Who "puts out"?!! Makes it sound like sex is something women reluctantly allow men to do to them, rather than something they both enjoy.

Umm that is not what i said or think at all! Would i really be on this site if i did?!

If you'd read my original post it said that i have and would sleep with a guy on the first date, and dont think that it makes or breaks a relationship. I was just curious to what other people thought
why would I feel any different about her if it was the first or third date. It would also be my first or third date also.I don't think there shoul be double standards. lets be honest .
MMonroe: i have and would sleep with a guy on the first date

Well that'll save time!

MMonroe: i like to keep a bit of mystery

At least wear some nice lingerie!
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pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Quote by sessso
I don't think is about how soon you have sex...but on how you act in front of other people. If you act like a slut in front of other people, I will not take you home to my mum.

That's good because we 're not 15. And what is a slut? See if you act like a slut I might not take you home to my cat. It I might. Cats don't really give a shit and I don't know what a slut really is, so nobody would be any the wiser
Quote by MMonroe

Umm that is not what i said or think at all! Would i really be on this site if i did?!

If you'd read my original post it said that i have and would sleep with a guy on the first date, and dont think that it makes or breaks a relationship. I was just curious to what other people thought

It is how what you said came across? Put out? WTF is that?
Hmm, after high school, I guess I have only had relations with women, not girls, because if we've decided to to be together as more than friends, the first opportunity we had we fucked/made love because we mutually wanted to and could. And, yes, more often than not that's the "first date" and every single "date" afterwards. I am a firm believer in that the vast majority of women KNOW pretty much within 10 min. or less if you're a man they want to sleep with or not. If she "thinks" you're doubtful of her "virtue" (whatever that means to her) and holds out for second, third, fourth "date", most men (unless they are desperate or silly) will think she's a cock tease and pass. Either you want to tear each other's clothes off or you don't. If you do, you'll find a place a time and a situation to do so without all the game playing, the "will she or won't she". Just my two cents worth.
My husband and I had sex on the first date, he would've disappointed ME if he hadn't made an advance!
Of the three long term relationships that I have had, one started with sex on the first date and another started with sex before the first date. The only thing I discovered was that if a relationship starts fast is that it will probably end fast as well. I don't think badly of the women because we had sex so quickly. The one that waited was just as crazy as the other two. The real problem wasn't how quickly we ended up having sex, the real problem is that I have bad judgement.
Quote by MMonroe
Guys, how much truth is there to the idea that a girl thats puts out/sleeps with you on the first date is only good for a fling or fuck buddy, but a girl that holds back til say the 3rd date is a keeper and one that you'll take home to your mum??

Personally, im only asking this out of curiosity, I dont believe in 'rules' when dating, you either like someone enough to see them again or you dont. Sleeping with someone on the first date shouldnt immediately make her a slut or whore. I dont put out straight away or give it away like its going out of fashion, i like to keep a bit of mystery back but im still flirty and have had relationships with guys ive slept with straight away and it hasnt mattered at all.

So guys what do you think, do you prefer a girl to hold back til the 3rd/4th date or does it not matter at all?

Great question. I have rarely fucked a gal on the first date and it's all because of my style, which is to be relaxed and let things progress at their own pace. Many, if not most women I've met are not sexually aggressive enough to really push me and I make it point to not push them. I do remember one date in 2004 with a chick I met online. She was extremely interesting. She was overweight but atractive and really confident. She came after me hard and was suckng me off, rimming me, sitting on my face and letting me fuck her in the ass on the first night. I loved it and never thought of her as a whore or cheap or any of that shit. She ended up getting married to another guy but I sill FB with her and see her for coffee every now and then. We had sex several times after that first date but the first one was the hottest. Even though she is faithful to her hubby when we get together we talk about that night very fondly with each other.
Quote by Hayley79

It is how what you said came across? Put out? WTF is that?

For some people it is possible to go on a date and not wrap their legs around his head at the first opportunity.
For myself it would encourage me to want to keep her around. At this point in my life I don't need a sexually repressed partner and if she is comfortable enough to jump in bed right away so much the better.

I do think it's an issue with younger people, especially if they have mutual friends. Younger guys are often emotionally immature and if his friends start thinking of her as easy the group mind effect will push him into disrespecting her.

That may anger some of the younger guys here but wait till you get older. You get to a point where you don't give a shit about perception.