I used to masturbate pretty frequently (2-3 times / day if I had the opportunity). Then I started taking a medication which has killed my libido (also part of the reason I haven't written so much for the site recently), so I might masturbate once every 3 or 4 days now on average, and it isn't uncommon to go as long as a week without.
Not very often these days... typically only Sunday's and when its the first of the month
Unknown User
It's been pretty variable recently. I've done a week or two without, then done it daily for several days, then a shorter break. Right now, I'm pretty much daily, or at least get the urge that often. Sometimes, I don't have the opportunity to deal with that urge and lose it. IOW, my libido is all over the map for some reason.
I hate to see men masturbating. It is so sad. I feel I must help them in some way. Any way really. Hand mouth pussy butt. Then they don't waste any of that wonderful juice.
One to four times a day. If I am at the computer, and alone, if I start to feel that sensual tingle in my groin I will either read a sensual story here or go to my fave porn site and look for something that I feel like releasing to. I love the feeling and intensity of cumming.
I like to cum 3-5 times a day, whether it's by myself or with a partner. If I don't cum at least twice, I crave it. I'm pretty active and have a high sex-drive.