"Slut" is a pejorative, and is used against women by men to shame them into being "good girls". That you would even ask the question speaks volumes about your attitude towards women in general.
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If I were a woman and called a slut, I would offended. It's a 'put down' word and should vanished from the dictionary. Women who called them that have low esteem and I wonder what their mother's would think. It's use in Lush to attract attention from the mongers who sit around all day and drool.
Dude. Seriously?
It's kind of a fucked up question, and I'm a guy.
A girl is a slut when, and only when, she chooses to be called that. It is HER choice, her decision, her definition of herself.
Slut is a very derogative word, although I wonder if you are referring to lifetime quantity or in one night?
Obviously a 40 year old woman has had more opportunity than a 20 year old, so there can never be a fixed number.
If you or your lover have ever wanted to sensually submit or take control, you might care to read ~ Cat's Meow I disapprove of such labels and people who like to throw them around.
Who or why count, does it really matter??
In general... if she cheats in a relationship she is a slut.. just like if a guy cheats in a relationship he is a c@$ t
To me, it's never been the amount of partners, it's her attitude.. Does she own her past with confidence? Is she straight with men she dates, or women??? Any woman or guy can be a slut in good and bad ways, just be true to yourself...
I don't think it's about the number of partners a girl has that makes them a slut (unless they self identify based on that). I think it's about presentation. How does a woman act regardless of the number of partners. I seen some pretty slutty (my label, sorry) women who have only been when a couple guys. I'm also friends with some very classy women who have had multiple partners. It's also all about self identification. Do women like the term and how it's used on them. Depending on the person the term can be very derogatory and uncalled for at one time, but at others (with the right person) it can be ok.
If you husband approves of you sleeping with other men, is he the slut?
In my opinion 'quantity' is not the defining factor of a slut.
It's her attitude towards herself and others, coupled with her behaviour, that would make me regard a woman as a slut.
To be totally honest I find that word very offensive . Why is a woman a slut for sleeping around yet a guy is considered a stud . I know many women who have had multiple blokes and their all great fun and I don't consider any of them a slut just great fun to be around . They all have great personalities are broadminded and all good friends .
Why does it matter? Women get horny the same as men. single guys go to the bar to pick up a woman for sex. She goes to the bar hoping to picked up for sex. Damn! Do you think she only does it once a year?