Quote by Rider47
I don't think a number defines that myself. I go more on how a girl acts and carries herself. I think a girl could act as a slut with only a few partners as easy as with several.
I'm in total agreement with this guy
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I've heard even pretty liberal and promiscuous guys use the term 'slut' when the girl has casually fucked an alarming number of his own friends and acquaintances. They tend to be less judgmental as far as relationships go if you're not getting passed around his own social group and most of your 'numbers' happened on vacation, spring break, college and/or among people he doesn't associate with. I think you're allowed 1-2 of his closer friends and up to three of his casual acquaintances/coworkers. After that, things can get a little more dicey, assuming he has a 'moderate/average' sexual outlook and cares about such things in the first place. Plenty of guys don't, and slut is just a fun 'dirty talk' word.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I've heard even pretty liberal and promiscuous guys use the term 'slut' when the girl has casually fucked an alarming number of his own friends and acquaintances. They tend to be less judgmental as far as relationships go if you're not getting passed around his own social group and most of your 'numbers' happened on vacation, spring break, college and/or among people he doesn't associate with. I think you're allowed 1-2 of his closer friends and up to three of his casual acquaintances/coworkers. After that, things can get a little more dicey, assuming he has a 'moderate/average' sexual outlook and cares about such things in the first place. Plenty of guys don't, and slut is just a fun 'dirty talk' word.
Quote by Marcus72
There's no such thing as a slut. If people like sex and want to have one night stands, be they male or female, then that's their prerogative. Name calling is just schoolyard stuff. I went through a phase of sleeping with lots of women and I know women who have slept with lots of men, without looking for love at the time. Sometimes it's just nice to get off with someone and live a little.
Quote by c50t
Well said!