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how many guys like a bigger girl

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I think you all need to look at this as a continuum:

---> anorexic... skinny... fit... curvy... thick... full-figured... fat/obese ---->

It's not just "skinny" vs "curvy".... what a guy thinks when he says "curvy" is a body type like J.Lo or Salma Hayek whereas many plus-sized women consider "curvy" as the correct descriptive for themselves. These are words - they are interpreted in a number of different ways.

As an aside - the word "skinny" is just as unattractive as the word "fat".

You also need to remember that the "butterface" syndrome can often throw these out of whack. A guy will often prefer a thick girl with a pretty face than a fit girl with a butterface.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I think you all need to look at this as a continuum:

---> anorexic... skinny... fit... curvy... thick... full-figured... fat/obese ---->

It's not just "skinny" vs "curvy".... what a guy thinks when he says "curvy" is a body type like J.Lo or Salma Hayek whereas many plus-sized women consider "curvy" as the correct descriptive for themselves. These are words - they are interpreted in a number of different ways.

As an aside - the word "skinny" is just as unattractive as the word "fat".

You also need to remember that the "butterface" syndrome can often throw these out of whack. A guy will often prefer a thick girl with a pretty face than a fit girl with a butterface.

I love your brutal honesty.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by Pixie

I did not say ALL THE FREAKIN TIME! Yeah, I am a freaking stalker and sit and watch these guys that look at me and make sure they don't look anywhere else. And if they do I hunt them down. Jesus.

Well yeah, that was my point... Your observations from when you are checked out are not accurate because there is no way for you to know that they are passing up looking at the fit girls to check you out... Yes, it may have happened once or twice, and you never know, he could have already checked out the fit girl, maybe he looked back at you cause he saw you looking at him. Men are really slick with this, we have been checking women out since we were 8, we are pros.

I know plenty of fit girls and when I have a girl she is usually of the fit variety. And yes, like DD said, the face also comes into play but for the sake of this discussion I am going to assume that we are talking about pretty girls, fit or robust. Fit girls tend to wear fitted clothes. A really pretty fit girl can look totally sexy in a pair of jeans and a tshirt, no makeup and her hair pulled back. Even dressed down they get checked out ALL THE FREAKIN TIME, trust me I notice when men are looking at the girl I'm with. Yes, I notice other men looking at the in-shape girls more. I look at them more too. Some really attractive girls cover up or "uglify" themselves when they are working or need to get shit done because they don't want to be bothered. I doubt the Rubenesque girls have this problem.

Answer honestly if you like... I'm not sure if this is accurate for you but when I was say 21 I was in better shape than I am now. I had more definition, was slimmer etc. I carried myself with the confidence of a fucking rooster (still do kinda but an older one) and I noticed many more women checking me out than do now. Don't get me wrong, I can still pull plenty of ass but not like when I was a fucking sexy stallion. So my question is, was there ever a time you would have been considered really fit? When you were at the tip top of your physical attractiveness were you checked out more? Or are you checked out more now that you are more filled out than when you were slim?
Answer honestly if you like... I'm not sure if this is accurate for you but when I was say 21 I was in better shape than I am now. I had more definition, was slimmer etc. I carried myself with the confidence of a fucking rooster (still do kinda but an older one) and I noticed many more women checking me out than do now. Don't get me wrong, I can still pull plenty of ass but not like when I was a fucking sexy stallion. So my question is, was there ever a time you would have been considered really fit? When you were at the tip top of your physical attractiveness were you checked out more? Or are you checked out more now that you are more filled out than when you were slim?

Ok my answering this is going to completely be off topic now. I have found that it has nothing to do with my body. It seems that it has to do with my age. I did not get the looks that I get now when I was younger. A friend recently pointed out that I have hit the "cougar' mark. Maybe that is it? Thanks for throwing me off topic, Felix. ;)
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Quote by mercy1369

Um I am a full figured woman and most of my friends are thin and fit and a lot of them aren't that way because they order sauce on the side I promise you some of these girls could out eat me and my two brothers without a thought. I'm a fat chick but I'm in shape and I don't eat fried food and I don't eat sushi with mayonaise.

I mentioned exercise and walks as well as getting the mayonnaise based sauce on the side... You forgot about exercise, a common mistake the bigger gals make.

Quote by mercy1369

The guy I'm dating is a skinny muscular guy and he prefers bigger girls.

Does he have a butterface? Or the personality of a jar of pickle juice? Does he lack confidence? Is he a lazy bum? All of these things come into play when guys decide what girls they can and can't get. Kinda like how people that can't afford a BMW will often say that BMWs are lame cars etc.

Quote by mercy1369

You can't say its about capabilities or media fed thoughts. People like what they like. It is about preference.

I didn't say the media is feeding anyone any thoughts. The media is a funny thing. People think its the media telling us what to think when in fact its society telling the media what we want them to show us. Every time you buy a magazine with a thin women on the cover you are telling the magazine company that you liked what was on the cover. This was figured out pretty early in the magazine business. Next time you are at the store take a look at the covers of the magazines. You will see expensive cars, ripped guys, popular movies (staring fit girls) AND thin, in-shape women. It is because they want to make money and they know that this is what people like. NOT shitty cars, flabby guys and fat chicks.

Who's your favorite actress? I bet its not Gabourey Sidibe....
Quote by Pixie

Ok my answering this is going to completely be off topic now. I have found that it has nothing to do with my body. It seems that it has to do with my age. I did not get the looks that I get now when I was younger. A friend recently pointed out that I have hit the "cougar' mark. Maybe that is it? Thanks for throwing me off topic, Felix. ;)

Hahaha we aren't off topic... This is what the thread is about. Its just more interesting now for the kids out there reading.
Quote by Magical_felix

Hahaha we aren't off topic... This is what the thread is about. Its just more interesting now for the kids out there reading.

You threw me off topic! I went from body size to cougar status. How is that not off topic? lol
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Quote by Pixie

You threw me off topic! I went from body size to cougar status. How is that not off topic? lol

Good thing the lush junior deputies are on a donut break... Derailing threads is no laughing matter!
Quote by Magical_felix

Good thing the lush junior deputies are on a donut break... Derailing threads is no laughing matter!

I shall not comment on the junior deputy remark, since I am a senior deputy.
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Quote by Magical_felix

Don't get me wrong, I can still pull plenty of ass but not like when I was a fucking sexy stallion.

Ok so this is off topic, but...that comment made me bust out laughing.
Hey guys...real women have curves and are beautiful. Models "skinny" are unhealthy and not a reality
Quote by Magical_felix
Quote by mercy1369

The guy I'm dating is a skinny muscular guy and he prefers bigger girls.

Quote by Magical_felix
Does he have a butterface? Or the personality of a jar of pickle juice? Does he lack confidence? Is he a lazy bum? All of these things come into play when guys decide what girls they can and can't get. Kinda like how people that can't afford a BMW will often say that BMWs are lame cars etc

Oh felix, please tell me you did not do that, because if so, that is probably the most bizarre superficial remark I have read on here on lush. I'm really hoping I am missing the sarcasm lol
This chart might help people understand the differences in terms.

Quote by Fugs

Oh felix, please tell me you did not do that, because if so, that is probably the most bizarre superficial remark I have read on here on lush. I'm really hoping I am missing the sarcasm lol

I did say that. What you may call acting superficial, I call acting realistic. Why is dating any different than anything else humans do? Why would a 300 pound guy waste his time hitting on all the girls with perfect bodies and faces? He is never going to get those girls so he becomes a chubby chaser. No shame in that, everyone needs some lovin'. But dating is like eveything else. We shop for cars we can afford, clothes that will fit us well and are in our budget, take vacations that we can fit into our schedule and aren't gonna break the bank.... Ugh such an obvious point, I find it bizarre you didn't get it. I mean really... Attractive people are usually partnered with other attractive people.

And yes, you have proven time and time again that all sarcasm is lost on you. Although I wasn't really being sarcastic in that comment, I assure you that sarcasm will creep into my future posts so I suggest you save yourself the mental anguish and avoid what I say.

On a side note, I like the new angel motif your avatars have adapted. I liked the one from yesterday with the angel wings and halo. I finally thought you had come up with one I liked. I don't know why I thought it was cool, maybe I just have a thing for angels. The one from yesterday I liked more because it was just an all white angel with wings, pretty. But you incorporated yourself in this one more, with the two-face design. So I guess that is cool too, you made the angel aesthetic "your own".
Size, shape all factor in to what you may find attractive but the main quality men are looking for is...
Does she dig you?
Really? Your attraction to a woman is contingent on whether or not she likes you?
Quote by Magical_felix

I did say that. What you may call acting superficial, I call acting realistic. Why is dating any different than anything else humans do? Why would a 300 pound guy waste his time hitting on all the girls with perfect bodies and faces? He is never going to get those girls so he becomes a chubby chaser. No shame in that, everyone needs some lovin'. But dating is like eveything else. We shop for cars we can afford, clothes that will fit us well and are in our budget, take vacations that we can fit into our schedule and aren't gonna break the bank.... Ugh such an obvious point, I find it bizarre you didn't get it. I mean really... Attractive people are usually partnered with other attractive people.

And yes, you have proven time and time again that all sarcasm is lost on you. Although I wasn't really being sarcastic in that comment, I assure you that sarcasm will creep into my future posts so I suggest you save yourself the mental anguish and avoid what I say.

On a side note, I like the new angel motif your avatars have adapted. I liked the one from yesterday with the angel wings and halo. I finally thought you had come up with one I liked. I don't know why I thought it was cool, maybe I just have a thing for angels. The one from yesterday I liked more because it was just an all white angel with wings, pretty. But you incorporated yourself in this one more, with the two-face design. So I guess that is cool too, you made the angel aesthetic "your own".

Could we please keep this as an adult site and stop with the childish insults.

There is really no need to tell someone that the only reason why their boyfriend is going out with them is because they must have a butterface or have a personality of a jar of pickle juice and basically settled for less.

Please also refrain from personal insults. I said I found your comment as bizzare and supperficial and you come back with I am two faced??? My avatar (which is naughty and nice - not two faced) has nothing to do with this topic or that I find often that your so said sarcasm is really hostility and disrespectful insults. This topic is asking what men find attractive about bigger women - not body sizes, or about fitness, or that you like fit girls etc, it is about bigger women and why men find them attractive.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and even if you wish to question that opinion, please do so, but there is no need to insult them. Please show respect towards all members and you will be surprised how often it is returned.
Quote by Fugs

Could we please keep this as an adult site and stop with the childish insults.

There is really no need to tell someone that the only reason why their boyfriend is going out with them is because they must have a butterface or have a personality of a jar of pickle juice and basically settled for less.

Please also refrain from personal insults. I said I found your comment as bizzare and supperficial and you come back with I am two faced??? My avatar (which is naughty and nice - not two faced) has nothing to do with this topic or that I find often that your so said sarcasm is really hostility and disrespectful insults. This topic is asking what men find attractive about bigger women - not body sizes, or about fitness, or that you like fit girls etc, it is about bigger women and why men find them attractive.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and even if you wish to question that opinion, please do so, but there is no need to insult them. Please show respect towards all members and you will be surprised how often it is returned.

Can we please keep it as an adult site and stop being such babies...

If you read the girl with the the boring boyfriend's original reply it wasn't exactly a reply begging for that serious of an answer... And seriously, calling a fit girl skinny is just as insulting as calling an overweight girl fat. So its okay to call people skinny but not fat? Must be because we all know that being fat isn't what people want to be but we must all pretend it's okay so we make up words like horizontally challenged to avoid saying the "F" word so no one's feelings are hurt but then the plump ones turn around and start in with the skinny this and that skinny women can eat whatever... Bullshit man. It takes effort to be in shape.

I told you I wasn't being sarcastic there. I was merely stating my opinion which I am entitled to do, like you said. If you look back on this thread my first post wasn't directed at anyone. In fact, my first post was just about why I like the type of women I like and I stated my reasons. Someone else decided to quote me and discuss and this thread evolved into something with more substance.

You say I am being superficial but if you read my original reply you will see that I am stating my opinion and also give my reasons as to why I like fit women and they are not just because physically they are more beautiful to me. Its about their personality too. A lot of the replys to this thread have been like this, "more to love" ... "more to grab ahold of" <--- that is superficial. Maybe I should have just said "I like the big girls cause they have bigger tits and asses, more cushion for the pushin" Would that have been a better reply?

Disclaimer: The below is not about fat girls and the men who love them

Regarding my comment about your avatar. In my defense I did say it was a side note... So anyone living in fear of reading a thread and accidentally reading something that doesn't have to do with the original topic could skip over that part and their whole day wouldn't be ruined. Your statement about what I said being the most bizarre superficial remark you have ever read here could be taken as an insult, just saying. Which I think only reinforces my opinion of why I thought it was good you incorporated the two faced design into you avatar. Not to mention other slanderous bullshit you have blogged about me that I have ignored. that is all.................
In the real world the topic that can't get talked about without arguments breaking out is, in the bizarre world of Lush, it's female body weight and whether or not black cocks are liked and appreciated.

Quote by Magical_felix

Can we please keep it as an adult site and stop being such babies...

If you read the girl with the the boring boyfriend's original reply it wasn't exactly a reply begging for that serious of an answer... And seriously, calling a fit girl skinny is just as insulting as calling an overweight girl fat. So its okay to call people skinny but not fat? Must be because we all know that being fat isn't what people want to be but we must all pretend it's okay so we make up words like horizontally challenged to avoid saying the "F" word so no one's feelings are hurt but then the plump ones turn around and start in with the skinny this and that skinny women can eat whatever... Bullshit man. It takes effort to be in shape.

I told you I wasn't being sarcastic there. I was merely stating my opinion which I am entitled to do, like you said. If you look back on this thread my first post wasn't directed at anyone. In fact, my first post was just about why I like the type of women I like and I stated my reasons. Someone else decided to quote me and discuss and this thread evolved into something with more substance.

You say I am being superficial but if you read my original reply you will see that I am stating my opinion and also give my reasons as to why I like fit women and they are not just because physically they are more beautiful to me. Its about their personality too. A lot of the replys to this thread have been like this, "more to love" ... "more to grab ahold of" <--- that is superficial. Maybe I should have just said "I like the big girls cause they have bigger tits and asses, more cushion for the pushin" Would that have been a better reply?

Disclaimer: The below is not about fat girls and the men who love them

Regarding my comment about your avatar. In my defense I did say it was a side note... So anyone living in fear of reading a thread and accidentally reading something that doesn't have to do with the original topic could skip over that part and their whole day wouldn't be ruined. Your statement about what I said being the most bizarre superficial remark you have ever read here could be taken as an insult, just saying. Which I think only reinforces my opinion of why I thought it was good you incorporated the two faced design into you avatar. Not to mention other slanderous bullshit you have blogged about me that I have ignored. that is all.................

See, this is what I mean felix. You obviously insulted the new member - and others - (maybe not a member after she sees how rude fellow members can be) who felt it was serious enough to reply, then you insult her again by saying that her boyfriend must be a butterface etc. and then further insult her by insulting her boyfriend again, by now saying he is boring.

Members are humans and do have feelings - we are not all that cold. Sorry to repeat myself, but please be respectful

As for the rest - I am not going to play these childish, gang up mentality games any further and bother replying - I have too much respect for myself and for this site to do so.
Quote by Fugs

See, this is what I mean felix. You obviously insulted the new member - and others - (maybe not a member after she sees how rude fellow members can be) who felt it was serious enough to reply, then you insult her again by saying that her boyfriend must be a butterface etc. and then further insult her by insulting her boyfriend again, by now saying he is boring.

If you read back I wasn't insulting her boyfriend. I was asking her if he had the personality of a jar of pickle juice. She could have said "no Felix, he is funny and fit and well off. He just likes my ample curves". But she didn't. She probably realized it's just forum BS and let it go. She's still here by the way so your point about her leaving is just whatever.

Quote by Fugs

Members are humans and do have feelings - we are not all that cold. Sorry to repeat myself, but please be respectful

I respect plenty of members on here and I'm sure they know it. What I don't respect is people acting like martyrs like you do all the time. You go and say insulting things too and when they are said back to you, you go and say your deleting your account cause people are mean. Have a sense of humor about things, if you don't you're gonna be miserable.

Quote by Fugs

As for the rest - I am not going to play these childish, gang up mentality games any further and bother replying - I have too much respect for myself and for this site to do so.


But who's ganging up on you? It's just me replying to you when you replied to me first and decided to make this into a "felix hurt my feelings" thread.

But seriously I am glad to hear you won't bother replying anymore, thank Jesus. I hope that extends to your personal status blog where you accuse everyone of doing the same shit you do. Annoying.
Okay, let's get this thing BACK ON TOPIC. Evolving threads shouldn't (d)evolve into a squabble between two people.
Just trying to lighten the mood here a bit

♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Girl look at that body.
wow i didn't know what i was starting when i created this post
This is a touchy topic and the only answer that I have is that I don't mind a womans body. I love women no mater what they look like. This thing being any of these is not the point ---> anorexic... skinny... fit... curvy... thick... full-figured... fat/obese ---->
Women should be treated with respect as well as men should be respected. I have been in a few relationships and the sizes of these women have varied. I font mind a curvy or as you put it "fat/obese" and I don't mind a "skinny" woman neither.
Women (not all) prefer the big husky macho man instead of a short, slightly plump man. True?
Well everyone (both men and women) have our own opinions as to what we are looking for in a relationship or a casual hook up.
Hope that helps...
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I think you all need to look at this as a continuum:

---> anorexic... skinny... fit... curvy... thick... full-figured... fat/obese ---->

It's not just "skinny" vs "curvy".... what a guy thinks when he says "curvy" is a body type like J.Lo or Salma Hayek whereas many plus-sized women consider "curvy" as the correct descriptive for themselves. These are words - they are interpreted in a number of different ways.

As an aside - the word "skinny" is just as unattractive as the word "fat".

You also need to remember that the "butterface" syndrome can often throw these out of whack. A guy will often prefer a thick girl with a pretty face than a fit girl with a butterface.

That is an interesting continuum and quite accurate imo..

As a tall fit borderline curvy/thick girl, I see eyes bulge when I wear a two piece. I guess some frown upon the tightness of my abs, ass, and thighs because they want a skinny girl but...I wouldn't change me right now.

Point is, men are going to want what they want and no one is forced to be with someone they don't want. Most men have attitudes that are/were encouraged by a society with a fascination with skinny almost too thin girls and we can't blame them because as women, sometimes we buy into that mentality as well.
I don't know where this chart came from... but I'm in disagreement with a few of them! Or perhaps I'm just overly kind to myself... I consider myself to be 'curvy', no more, no less... but that 'curvy' girl there looks pretty slender to me.. thin legs, thin arms, flat stomach... it looks like she's been lumped in this category just because she has a pair of knockers on her!

I like to think that there's someone out there for everyone...on this chart I'm somewhere between 'curvy' and 'flabby', I have a bit of a stomach, I have some hence old thighs (I horse ride, what can I say) but I still turn a fair few heads - more than I'd like to actually, I think!

Excuse me wandering off on a 'me, me, me' tangent, but my point is that, on the attractiveness stakes at least (obviously weight vs health issues are a different matter), there isn't really much to worry about... there's tons of guys out there that'd eye up and me more than interested in every single one of us girls - and not just because they're desperate either...most of the time.

Luckily for you lot I must leave my babbling there in favour of soup (as a side not what is more adorable and generally sweet than a little brother who heats you up some soup and brings it up to you when you're ill???!).

Bigger? as in fat? as in muscular? as in curvy?

Bigger can have all sorts of meanings -- usually people tend to mean Bigger = fat and Not-Bigger = skinny.

I like my women curvy, muscular, athletic, etc. If that is what is meant by "bigger" then, yes, I like big girls. But, to me, bigger doesn't mean curvy, muscular, or athletic. Curvy, muscular, or athletic means curvy, muscular, or athletic. So, I usually say I like "curvy" girls (but that doesn't imply that they are fat).

I also like the skinny ones, too. So I guess it just depends on the lady smile