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How long can you guys bang a girl for?

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Rookie Scribe
these folks recommending tantra are right on the money with their info. There is one person in the world were time was irrelavent and literally hours would go by. I must quantify this by saying banging would not describe it at all, more like constant, comfortable connection punctuated by ebbs and flows in energy levels and attraction level, but we never left each others contact. it just so happened we fit perfectly, and her sex drive is comparable to mine and there were no sandpaper issues. pornstar fucking, no, fucking each other comfortably, loving the other so much we couldnt bear to be apart once connected you bet. most amazing experience ive had with another person.
Active Ink Slinger
It's not "how long", it's "how well", in my opinion. After awhile, you want to change up. Steady solid hour- long "banging" is about as boring as a monster truck marathon. Slip in some sensual play, some oral, some "touching" and then go back to your "banging" (I really hate that word and concept). If it's really taking you hours and hours to reach a first orgasm, something is wrong.
Active Ink Slinger
Like others it depends on some factors.....if it has been awhile since I came 5 to 10 minutes is good.

Also it depends on if it is the first fuck of the night or the 2nd or...... first time I am usually good for 15 to 30 minutes depending on how hot it is. After that I can usually go longer after a good refractory period.
I have to also agree that stamina is fine and well, but it is more important for both parties to get what they wanted/needed. Some times you need a sprint, and other times a marathon. But in either case, what is being done, the mindset of both parties, and other factors are truly the important things.... not simply "stamina".

I also have found that in the beginning of a relationship, the super extended sessions are fine, but the longer you are together you TRULY seek out quality over duration. Sure, duration from time to time, but I would prefer more "normal" length sexual sessions more frequently (and even a bunch of "quickies"), and mix it up, over trying to run a marathon every day.
As long as I need to, but longer is definitely not always better. My current partner and I have never had one single discussion regarding length of our sexy time, and it could not be more fantastic. So in my opinion, the duration of time is really not an issue as long as you are in sync with your partner.
Can keep going for as long as I want, but banging a girl long and hard has a numbing effect and eventually it may become difficult to actually get off myself. So I don't like marathons anymore. Long enough to make her cum once or twice is perfectly fine, at which point my gf will want to get my cum inside her anyway, and I can't deny her that when she asks for it.
Advanced Wordsmith
Well if I am really tuned on then I don't last all that long sadly. If I am not as turned on or if I get my mind in the right place then I can last for over 30 min. Straight pumping. If you are just talking sex with lots of stoppages for oral then I last a hell of a lot longer.
I have a bit of a hair trigger, so the first time I usually don't last long. If I can get it up again, the second round can last longer. Lube and a condom can help stretch that first time out a bit.
Watch the movie 'Great Expectations' four times and there's your answer
Active Ink Slinger
If you include pussy licking I am good for an easy hour, but just banging maybe 5 min.
Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
Making love = 3-3.5 hrs. Not really into "banging" for long periods. Interested in more of a connection than banging - generally. However, sometimes banging is what it's all about ;).
Its usally the best 3 minutes of her life
Princess Blondie
The whole thing I like to last about an hour, maybe an hour and a half. The "banging" I like to be about 15 to 30 minutes, I don't want to get bored. I like having sex but it doesn't need to be an all day event.
†Jinxy Approved†

the longest I went is 4 hours. Not all banging. Lots of foreplay and pussy licking.
30 mins to 1 hr it depends on what we are doing. lol
Active Ink Slinger
Probably 30mins or so.

If she kept coming, at regular intervals, I'd say longer as it would spur me on.

I usually adopt the atititude of keep going until she's had enough, then think about me.
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with the earlier posts - quality not quantity. Anywhere from 10-30 minutes (per session) typically gets it done for both of us.
Active Ink Slinger
If ive had some cider easily an hour and may not cum at all...
Otherwise 20 mins is normal
Im not a banger but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night
This thread cracked me up.
Raised on Blackroot
0.68 seconds, my dear.

For a sex god, that is nearly an eternity.
Her Royal Spriteness
just to make it clear: i want my monies worth. when i pay a guy for 3 straight hours of non stop banging, i expect 3 straight hours of non-stop banging. anything less is breach of contract.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Chat Moderator
Quote by sprite
just to make it clear: i want my monies worth. when i pay a guy for 3 straight hours of non stop banging, i expect 3 straight hours of non-stop banging. anything less is breach of contract.

Spritely... Seems you misread the contract... You were paying for "man hours"... In general labor terms, that equates to about 1 minute of work for every hour... So that 3 minutes of all out glory banging you got? Thats what ya paid for...
characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent

Intensely devoted, eager, or enthusiastic; zealous

vehement; fierce burning, fiery, or hot
Active Ink Slinger
if it takes 4 hours to get it done, i feel bad for that guy. and woman, haha.
Raised on Blackroot
Quote by sprite
just to make it clear: i want my monies worth. when i pay a guy for 3 straight hours of non stop banging, i expect 3 straight hours of non-stop banging. anything less is breach of contract.

I remember signing one of those. You had me banging nails into wood for that new deck you've always wanted for 6 hours straight.

I should sue.
Advanced Wordsmith
I say it also depends on how attracted u r to the other person so if it is someone hot and very sexy with a sweet pussy then is much faster thats y i like to eat some first with that one but if u r not attracted to them and is just to satisfy one another takes me a long time as long as 45 mins i have gone just to cum being she was so not tight but i would never stop and make her feel bad in any way or for her not to cum she always cums as i won't stop until i satisfy her at least with one good cum is just me though smile
Active Ink Slinger
5 to 10 minutes the first time, longer if there is a second time. That's why I always go down on her first and make she is taken care of no matter how fast or slow I end uo going.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by MadMartigan

I remember signing one of those. You had me banging nails into wood for that new deck you've always wanted for 6 hours straight.

I should sue.

reminds me. i was hoping to put a fence up too. free this weekend?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
quality not quantity, but have gone for 5.5 hours without a break
Active Ink Slinger
The longest I can go is around 2 hours 3 is kinda pushing it.. that's non stop right after the first time I cum.. But something I'm proud to say is after I cum I have no down time on getting it back up :P hehe stays hard till the job is done