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How do men feel about red headed women?

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I love readheads
Personally, I covet red hair and think that redheads are beautiful, sexy, etc. Natural is best, but I hope to find THE right shade of red that I can pull off with my cocoa skin.

I also think freckles are beautiful.
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I find them attractive, but the only one I dated turned out to be bipolar. And one personality of hers was frightening. So I am scared now.
love them -- as a rule, but there are mean and ugly ones just like for any other hair color.
Give me a Ginger, I will nail her right here right now on my couch. They are better in bed than blondes. They got your back in a bar fight. They have a lot of energy, and are usually open to try anything.
Quote by benscrane
I find them attractive, but the only one I dated turned out to be bipolar. And one personality of hers was frightening. So I am scared now.[/quote

Growing up, having red hair, white skin and freckles made me very unpopular with the boys, I was tomented as a child, once I developed all that changed. I was probably in my late teens or early twenties before I realized that some men can't resist a redhead, don't worry your time will come, men who love redheads, really love redheads. We aren't everyones cup of tea.
red heads are sexy but usually very dramatic.
redheads are very sexy, i always give them a second glance.
If Rocco were here .... he'd growl a definite .... oh yah baby!!
Red headed ladies.

So many words to describe them .... delicious, adorable, wonderful, delectable, gorgeous .... I could go on, I worship them.
Redheads are by far the sexiest women alive.
Redheads are very, very sexy. There is a reason Nicole Kidman is where she is.
Ain't nothing as pretty as a ginger kitty....

(I have a SERIOUS penchant for copper-y gals......)

xx SF
Often RED HEADED WOMEN are blessed with beautiful fair skin , great variables such as full lips , beautiful bone structure - cheeks & chin , when a Redhead is goodlooking she is REALLY GOODLOOKING !!!
As a red head I am very pleased with most of the responses to this question. In past centuries people believed red headed women were witches. I have no idea why.

Quote by CoopsRuthie
As a red head I am very pleased with most of the responses to this question. In past centuries people believed red headed women were witches. I have no idea why.

I have been known to be a little witchy from time to time.
Not fussed about the colour of's about the person for me.
it is not the hair as much as the passion and personality that makes me hott!
I simply adore red headed ladies, they are wonderful! The most beautiful women in the world. No more can be said.
Red heads are so hot. Have dated 2 so far and not only are they sexy but have great personalities.
It definitely gave me a smile for the day seeing so many men in favor of redheads. As a redhead with very fair skin, growing up I didn't always feel very attractive, as a dark tan was favored at that time. But, there's lots of fun to be had out of the sun. There obviously are plenty of men who will find your red hair delectable.
As a natural redhead I am pleased with all the love! Thanks smile

My mom told me something when I was a young adult. She was also a redhead. She said, "Remember: The redder the head, the better in bed." No idea why she told this to her daughter, but it's been fun proving it's true!
I love natural redheads. Something about them always seems so hot.
How do I feel about redheads? The same as any other woman...with my fingers, lips, tongue biggrin

As with many have already said, its not the color of the hair, it's what's inside. There are some truly beautiful redheads out there.
Gingers are super sexy
Red heads are the greatest women I have come to love for i love my red head
Red heads are great ...and although I haven't had too many, every one I've been with was an inspiration in the sack.

Think about it - blondes are really just red heads that have had the fire fucked out of them!

I suppose I should be sneaking out the side entrance about now ....right? -
I've always LOVED redheads! Still do. :-)